Welcome to Night Vale is a bi-weekly podcast comprised almost entirely of a lone narrator named Cecil, who runs a pubic access type radio show for the strangest town ever. Give it a listen, I'm sure there are some willing servants of the Glow Cloud here.
Huge fan of this podcast. Cannot recommend it enough.
I was introduced to the show this summer right around its one-year anniversary when its popularity practically exploded overnight. Its been interesting watching the show become recognized by news and media outlets. The Wired wrote a good article recently
The show also has a wonderfully bizarre and thoughtful twitter account: Night Vale Radio
As a podcast, its difficult to describe. Its not your typical fiction narrative. There are reoccurring characters and even a few reoccurring plot points, but for the most part each episode introduces new elements of this strange town where every fear and conspiracy is not only true, but part of everyday life. WTNV fully embraced the mundane and chaotic aspects of life in a small town, you know, except with PTA meetings that are plagued not only by dry scones but occasionally by inter-dimensional dinosaurs as well.
And its all delivered by Cecil's calm and reassuring voice.
Fun segments include this ad for Target. Or this wonderful horoscope reading.
Posted by AchillesHeel (Member # 11736) on :
I've began playing the show from the beginning at work. Within three episodes there were officers from the sheriff's office getting "coffee" and asking questions about what I was listening to. Asking if I believed what the narrator was saying.
They left laughing about a five headed dragon named Hyrum McDaniels.
Posted by Rakeesh (Member # 2001) on :
Hehe, it's pretty frigging great and also difficult to describe:)
Posted by Rakeesh (Member # 2001) on :
"Guns don't kill people. It's impossible to be killed by a gun. We are invincible to bullets, and it is a miracle." -Welcome to Night Vale bumper sticker I just saw on someone's car. Wish I coulda talked with 'em!
Posted by Lysistrata (Member # 13084) on :
I want to listen to it, but it's fairly daunting starting from the beginning. I get bored halfway through with most things save for the very tip-top best and most engaging podcasts and comics (The Proopcast and Paranatural come to mind respectively).
Is this one really worth going through?
Posted by AchillesHeel (Member # 11736) on :
The faceless old woman who secretly lives in your home thinks you should listen to the show.
And did you know that the faceless old woman who secretly lives in your home is actually Mara Wilson? Who played Matilda back when she was just a little girl. But now she is most definitely a faceless old woman, she is right next to you at this very moment, about to caress your cheek.