Of all the different patterns of male pattern baldness, I have been gifted with the least patterned. I have nice (if oily when unwashed daily) hair on the sides of my head, but a forehead that has been expanding for over 20 years. Unfortunately nobody told this to a few clumps and wisps of hairs making a valiant, if undignified, stand by remaining upon the top of my head.
A geeky viewer may see the Mach 5's emblem growing upon my scalp.
A more Evangelical viewer may be reminded of devilish horns emerging from the surface.
Oh, and I am cheap and when it comes to grooming, a bit lazy. Haircuts are never a top priority of my free time. While I avoid the bald-mullet syndrome, I really am not sure what to do with my head.
A couple of folks at work go completely topless--they have shaved it all off. My wife has not cringed from this idea, but has not supported it enthusiastically either. She doesn't want to influence something that should be important to me. I think, since she looks at my hair more than I do, her decision is more important.
On the radio this week they were discussing the bald experience, but I wanted to check with the folks who may know.
What are the up-sides of going chrome-domed? 1) No costly hair cuts or products needed except a good razor, shaving cream, and lots of suntan lotion. 2) Not a lot of time spent on upkeep.
What are the down-sides? 1) I am not the world's best shaver. This will be more to shave. 2) I am sensitive to the sun. This will require sun-block often.
I am not worried about male pride/youth/virility, etc. I have never tried to cover up my lack of hair. No come-overs. No medicines. No toupees. I am what I am.
What I don't know is what are the esthetics.
My face is roundish.
I tan well.
Would I look good bald?
Do women find it pleasing?
Do the men who are bald have any issues I should be aware of?
How difficult is it to maintain?
What tips do you suggest?
Posted by Samprimary (Member # 8561) on :
I really could not advise further without pictures.
Posted by Szymon (Member # 7103) on :
Hatrack.com Forums The Hatrack River Forum Books, Films, Food, Culture and Haircut Problems
Posted by Stone_Wolf_ (Member # 8299) on :
My father has the exact same pattern. He just went with it for years and years (and a full beard). About ten years ago he switched to a goatee and the chrome dome. It works for him. I will likely have to face this same choice in about five to ten years (currently lots of thinning).
My uncle (mother's brother) has similar, no stubborn tuft in the middle though and just buzzes down the sides to a short length, with a same length beard.
If you do choose to chop the top, here is a "HeadBlade Razor" specifically designed for clearing the cabeza.
I too have problems with the sun cooking my noodle, so I wear a hat when out in the sun. People say it looks like an Indiana Jones hat, but it's a Australian Oilcloth hat, much similar to Dr. Grant's in Jurassic Park in brown, and much worn and loved (had it for over 15 years, not bad for a $30 investment). Does great in the rain, which is why I originally got it.
I once bought a bottle of Rogain, but threw it out when my wife and I started trying to get pregnant, as it is dangerous to the unborn. Made my hair greasy, and smelled funny anyway. If I could throw a magic switch (and not have flat feet and loose 25 lbs, not need glasses, have whiter teeth, etc) and get my hair back I would, but since I'm fresh out of magic switches I'll just accept.
Hair loss is big stuff. No, no jokes. It is the stuff of image and life crisis. My solution to male pattern baldness, were it to have cropped up, would have probably been surgery or suicide.
Posted by Szymon (Member # 7103) on :
Really, all the way bald. Manly, unlike. I mean, manly.
Posted by mr_porteiro_head (Member # 4644) on :
I'd much rather buzz my hair very short than have to deal with shaving it.
Posted by Dan_Frank (Member # 8488) on :
quote:Originally posted by mr_porteiro_head: I'd much rather buzz my hair very short than have to deal with shaving it.
Yeah, this seems like the lazy man's version of shaving your head. Darth, since you said you're not crazy about constant upkeep or shaving you should consider this as a happy medium.
Posted by AchillesHeel (Member # 11736) on :
This is the solution and it took me a while to find it, that webcomic doesn't use a tag system.
Posted by Darth_Mauve (Member # 4709) on :
Photos--This forum is not set to accept them, and unless I have a good reason, don't need to bore everyone with an emailed version.
Crisis--Hey, I started growing my scalp since my 20's. Mid-life crisis for me will be 21st Century--a new, hot-rod, overly priced electronics.
Surgery/Suicide for Hair loss? Hey, its only the accumulation of dead cells. Not real.
Posted by Xavier (Member # 405) on :
I'm not sure which I would do, the complete shave or the buzz-cut. I do think for something like 95% of people, it just looks better than thinning hair or bald spots. Some evidence:
For some guys it actually looks better than having a full head of hair.
Posted by AchillesHeel (Member # 11736) on :
Or if you have a huge lumpy German head like me, pray and buy an impressive hat collection.
I am so happy my seventy-something grandpa still has a full head of hair and a perm.
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
You really have to have a certain head shape and physique to pull off the shaved head convincingly. It's not for everyone.
My hair has been in a slow and steady retreat for a couple years now. I've been using a special shampoo/conditioner combination that has largely slowed the advance of bald, but it's still coming. I figure by the time I'm 30 it'll be in a pretty tenuous state of existence. I'm still at a point where I can style it without it looking like a gross combover, there's quite a bit left, but it's thinning.
I think when the time comes, I'll probably buzz it down really short. I just don't have the patience to shave it, and I'm not convinced it'd look good anyway.
Posted by SteveRogers (Member # 7130) on :
I've thought about shaving my head just to do something different, but I personally have a bunch of bumps I can feel under my hair which would likely look disgusting. So, there would definitely be a necessity to have an idea what's going on underneath the hair that is there before you go for it.
Posted by Tammy (Member # 4119) on :
I'm a firm believer in a man shaving his head if he starts to develop any type of significant hair loss.
At first you'll definitely stand out, but once you safely get some sun on that head...nothing but sexy.
The HeadBlade Razor is an amazing piece of equipment!
Posted by Jeff C. (Member # 12496) on :
Shave it and see how it looks. If you don't like it, your hair can always grow back.
Oh wait.
OK, I'm just kidding. But you should at least see how you like it. I say go for it.
Posted by El JT de Spang (Member # 7742) on :
I've been rocking the buzz cut for a year or more now. I highly recommend it. Barbers can't screw it up, and you can do it yourself pretty easily. Of course, I have a shit ton of hair. It does appear to be minutely receding, although my ex claimed she couldn't tell and I was just being paranoid (which may be true).
Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
Shave it all off. Pretend to be Jean Luc Picard. WIN!
Posted by T:man (Member # 11614) on :
Hats! Hats for all occasions!
Hopefully I'll never have to solve this problem, my dad has a full head of thick hair at 50 and my grandfathers, 70 and 65 ( when he died) had the same.
Posted by aspectre (Member # 2222) on :
Those who lose head hair often have lots of body hair. So transplant all of your body hair to your head, without anaesthetics. That way you can one-up anyone who complains about the pain of being bikini-waxed.
Posted by stihl1 (Member # 1562) on :
Shave it. I've been doing it for almost 20 years. Much easier than haircuts and combs and brushes. Cheaper too.
Posted by Tuukka (Member # 12124) on :
Buy a trimmer. Much easier and faster than shaving. No cuts. Looks a little better, too. Women dig it. Trimmer allows you to go all the way down to a 1mm hair, which is essentially bald. A lot of young men with good hair use a trimmer, because it just makes maintaining your hair so much easier, and it looks "manly".
...And I can't help it, but everytime I see this thread title, I think of pubic hair.
Posted by ak (Member # 90) on :