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Posted by RivalOfTheRose (Member # 11535) on :
I live near the infamous Jersey Shore. What should I know?
Posted by Rakeesh (Member # 2001) on :
Cast out (or sacrifice, really) the cast, crew, producers, backers...local fans...of the infamous show of the infamous shore and hope for divine reprieve?
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
Wait and see.

It looks like it could be anything from you getting directly drilled by a Cat 3 to only getting hit with the outer rainbands. Depends on where it tracks after it gets out of the Caribbean.
Posted by Carrie (Member # 394) on :
Go to Target or the grocery store or wherever and get bottles of water now. If you do, Irene will totally whiff and miss the East Coast entirely. If you don't, expect horrible flooding. [Smile]
Posted by The Rabbit (Member # 671) on :
I'm scheduled to fly through Miami on Friday. I'm a bit relieved to see Irene is no longer forecast to hit Florida that day.
Posted by Nighthawk (Member # 4176) on :
Originally posted by Carrie:
Go to Target or the grocery store or wherever and get bottles of water now. If you do, Irene will totally whiff and miss the East Coast entirely. If you don't, expect horrible flooding. [Smile]

Yeah, 'cause that worked so well for me and Hurricane Andrew... [Razz]
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
Looks like this thing could end up being an historic hurricane.

The East Coast seems to mostly be fine battening down the hatches and evacuating, but it if drills New York City like NOAA officials fears, the damage could be extreme. Here's hoping it misses.
Posted by Dr Strangelove (Member # 8331) on :
I was at the beach (Daytona Beach to be precise) and it was pretty neat. The waves were nice and big (well, not really nice per se... quite violent actually) and the current was dragging me straight south. And I mean dragging: I was digging my heels into the dirt and still getting pulled. I assume that's the result of the storm being a bit off the coast and turning counterclockwise and whatnot. While part of me has been in the mood for a good hurricane, I guess I can't say I'm sad she mostly missed us down here.

Best wishes to anyone who is in the path.
Posted by Chris Bridges (Member # 1138) on :
Welcome to Daytona Beach! [Smile]

We're mostly just glad all we got (this time) was a rougher surf for a few days. We've had enough damage and power outages to last us awhile, thanks.
Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
My boyfriend has been in New York for two weeks and was supposed to fly back tomorrow. They just cancelled his flight. [Frown]
Posted by odouls268 (Member # 2145) on :
Originally posted by Rakeesh:
Cast out (or sacrifice, really) the cast, crew, producers, backers...local fans...of the infamous show of the infamous shore and hope for divine reprieve?

"You must spread some reputation around before repping Rakeesh again."

[The Wave]
Posted by odouls268 (Member # 2145) on :
Originally posted by Annie:
My boyfriend has been in New York for two weeks and was supposed to fly back tomorrow. They just cancelled his flight. [Frown]

I'm sincerely sorry. [Frown]

Hopefully something miraculous and unforeseen changes/happens that brings him home to you on time.
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
Looks like the storm is REALLY losing steam as it pounds North Carolina. I think the New York doom scenario fears aren't going to play out.
Posted by RivalOfTheRose (Member # 11535) on :
I feel terrible for people in NC, but I hope what you are saying comes true.
Posted by Armoth (Member # 4752) on :
the hurricane is poised to his my home town.

We evacuated when it was voluntary. it's now mandatory. Tons of neighbors and friends aren't taking this seriously and stayed behind. We hid our silver before we left to prevent looting.

Our fire dept. issued a statement - "All who have stayed behind: you're on your own"
Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
Originally posted by Armoth:
We hid our silver before we left to prevent looting.

Are you talking about hiding a few rings or something, or do you have an ingot collection you haven't mentioned before?

I hope that the storm isn't too damaging, and that your neighbors and friends are okay.
Posted by Armoth (Member # 4752) on :
Orthodox Jews have a TON of silver religious items. Candle sticks, menorahs, holders for citrus fruit on a certain holiday, holders for scrolls, cups for washing....

I hope so too, and they haven't left and we just learned that they closed all major roads out of there.
Posted by Mucus (Member # 9735) on :
Announce that you left and hid a ton of silver on a public forum [Wink]
Posted by Armoth (Member # 4752) on :
Wanna go get it in the middle of a hurricane? Be my guest [Razz]
Posted by Nighthawk (Member # 4176) on :
I don't know if this will be a National Guard situation, but just in case it is...

After Hurricane Andrew, we had a National Guard stationed no more than twenty feet from our back yard, at the interesection of the entrance to my neighborhood and one of the busiest streets in the area.

We couldn't help but notice that the guy would be out there for hours on end and never go to the bathroom or anything. So I went out there and told them that, if they ever did need to use the bathroom, they can walk in to my house at any time through the back (screen door was shattered during the hurricane) and use it whenever they had to.

I never felt safer from that point on. It's like I had my own heavily armed personal security service. I felt I could leave every door and window in the house open at that point; nobody was going to mess with me now!

And those poor guards used the bathroom a lot.
Posted by Samprimary (Member # 8561) on :
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Originally posted by Armoth:
Orthodox Jews have a TON of silver religious items.

Ahem. (Some) WEALTHY (or at least fairly well-off) Orthodox Jews have lots of silver items. (The truly wealthy may have some gold items as well.)

The rest of us have silver-plate, porcelain, or wood. [Razz]

I hope your home town (and the rest of NY, for that matter) is unscathed.
Posted by Samprimary (Member # 8561) on :
jews all carry bags of jew gold and have gold all over their houses, this funny smelling guy at work tells me about it all the time, it is very educational
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
And by "educational", you mean pathetic but somewhat entertaining?
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
Originally posted by Samprimary:

Is there any validity to that?
Posted by Blayne Bradley (Member # 8565) on :
Originally posted by rivka:
And by "educational", you mean pathetic but somewhat entertaining?

That was a South Park reference, a hilarious one as Kyle really did have a bag of gold around his neck that Cartman extorted from him.
Posted by Samprimary (Member # 8561) on :
I wish it was (more directly) a south park reference. Or, for that matter, that he still worked around here. He was special. Like 'oh pull up a chair and get your popcorn peter is talking about the economy again' special.

I'm also glad Irene appears to have spared NYC the worst.
Posted by Blayne Bradley (Member # 8565) on :
0.o Well I stand corrected.
Posted by ScottF (Member # 9356) on :
Irene is appearing to be not quite as dramatic as the media was predicting (sadly,hoping).Not surprising in the least.

On a related note, why is it that TV news feels compelled to place reporters literally on the street,beach, dock, etc. clutching their hat/jacket. It is so we *really understand how windy it is? Sorry, I've been watching "updates" all afternoon while working and it's kinda embarrassing.
Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
My boyfriend texted me a photo of the destruction in Irene's aftermath this morning. There was a really huge puddle in their parking lot.

So it's funny, just like the tipped over lawnchair after the D.C. quake was funny, but I don't begrudge the media any of it. Natural events like this really are unpredictable and isn't it always better to err on the side of caution?

I lived in Taiwan last year, and lived through a typhoon, or rather the hype of a typhoon and then a rainy Sunday indoors. But just the year before a typhoon had hit the island and caused huge mudslides (the rubble of which still hadn't been cleaned up in some of the mountain towns I visited a year later) and killed more people than it should have. All of this because the government hadn't warned and evacuated people i these vulnerable places in time. I wasn't sorry a bit about the over-hype I lived through the year after that.

So I bite my thumb at the stupid Fox News article. It's all nice and fun to be a Libertarian until people start suffering and dying when you could have done something to prevent it.
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
I'm not sure if it was really overhype. If Irene's track had kept it out to sea a bit longer, it wouldn't have lost so much strength, and still could have drilled NYC as a Cat 1 or 2.

This is one of those cases where worst=case scenarios probably are better than soft selling it. There's no exact science with guessing where a hurricane will go. They had some good guesses, and one of them was right, one of them ended up being less so. Could have gone either way.
Posted by SenojRetep (Member # 8614) on :
We weathered it okay here in Boston, although we lost one of our big oak trees. Fortunately it fell across our neighbors' yard and didn't do any real damage to either of our houses (although it did take out part of their fence). Unfortunately it snapped our power, phone and internet lines on its way down. When the kids learned there was no power they whined for five minutes about the loss of computer games, television, etc. Then they put on a shadow puppet show using flashlights, followed by lots of imaginary games with stuffed animals.
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Originally posted by SenojRetep:
Then they put on a shadow puppet show using flashlights, followed by lots of imaginary games with stuffed animals.

[Big Grin]
Posted by Samprimary (Member # 8561) on :
Children, you should eat all your food. There's starving children in africa, forced to eat bark just to survive! And play your minecraft, there's children in boston forced to do without power or wi-fi
Posted by kmbboots (Member # 8576) on :
It may not have been as dramatic in Manhattan, but I don't think that we should trivialize a storm that killed people and did billions of dollars of damage.
Posted by Glenn Arnold (Member # 3192) on :
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Posted by Glenn Arnold (Member # 3192) on :
I almost posted a picture of the branch that fell in my yard as "aftermath of Irene" yesterday, after the storm was over in the afternoon. Then at 9:30 PM, way after the weather was dry, the power went out. At first I powered my sump pumps on a generator, then the generator died (carburetor leaking gas past the float needle valve), so we pulled all our appliances (freezer, washer, dryer, dehumidifier) and dozens of plastic bins out of the basement. Eventually we had over a foot of water in the basement.

Now the aftermath of Irene is the entire contents of my basement sitting in my front and back yard drying in the sun.
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Too bad the shark is photoshopped.

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