Hi again, Hatrack. I tend to pop back in a couple times a year. I just made my 775th post and saw that I registered in 1999 and my member # is 524. It surprised me. Are there any other early members still around? I think I know about twenty or so of you from having good conversations on here over the last 10+ years. Thanks.
Posted by Bokonon (Member # 480) on :
I don't remember if I am or not...
Posted by Bokonon (Member # 480) on :
I guess so! Same month as you too!
Enjoy the visit!
Posted by Xavier (Member # 405) on :
405 reporting for duty
Posted by Xavier (Member # 405) on :
Some others (from skimming a few threads on the front page):
TomDavidson: 124 Jake: 206 Scott R: 567 The Rabbit: 671 Destineer: 821 katharina: 827
Posted by Jake (Member # 206) on :
:: waves :: Most of my posts here are under the username "Noemon", which has a member number in the low thousands, I think, but lately I've returned (mostly) to my roots.
Posted by Geraine (Member # 9913) on :
I think I originally had something in the 900's, but I lost the log in information and I don't even remember what username I used back then. Oh well
I never posted on it anyways, I was just a lurker.
Posted by krynn (Member # 524) on :
Yeah, I never posted much either. I did enjoy lurking and reading all the great threads here, however. I think it's neat that this forum is still going strong after all these years.
Posted by Threads (Member # 10863) on :
Any 2-digit member numbers?
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
I think Mike floats around here, now and then.
Posted by advice for robots (Member # 2544) on :
I was hanging around Hatrack when I could have had a 3-digit number, but never registered in the forums. My original account is in the low 1300s. Alas.
Posted by The Rabbit (Member # 671) on :
I think I have an seldom used name a few months older than this one.
Posted by Jake (Member # 206) on :
I haven't seen aka around lately under any of her various usernames, but her original account on this iteration of the forum is two digits, isn't it?
Posted by bonniet (Member # 240) on :
Yup, it still works.
Posted by Rawrain (Member # 12414) on :
Orson Scott Card is #209 You'd think he'd be #1 :o
Posted by bonniet (Member # 240) on :
quote:Originally posted by Jake: I haven't seen aka around lately under any of her various usernames, but her original account on this iteration of the forum is two digits, isn't it?
She posted a couple of weeks ago in the Kristin Lavransdatter thread, so she does still post from time to time.
Posted by Jim-Me (Member # 6426) on :
Formerly T. Analog Kid, #381. Don't post very much anymore, but still check for geek-related news from time to time.
Posted by JonHecht (Member # 9712) on :
You guys are old.
Posted by Carrie (Member # 394) on :
I'm still here - I definitely lurk and read things daily, but posting has fallen by the wayside.
Good to see all the familiar faces, though! Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
lol...welcome back!
Posted by Destineer (Member # 821) on :
old skool
Posted by krynn (Member # 524) on :
Any of you old school hatrackers ever meet up? I think we did a couple times in Kennesaw, GA. Ketchup Queen (i think that was her name at least) and a nice couple that lived in Kennesaw, and a couple others met up. It was fun.
Posted by Jake (Member # 206) on :
There have been a number of big meetups over the years, though I don't really know how well represented the oldest of the old school jatrequeros have been at them. Among the biggest gatherings have been Endercon, Kamacon, and dkw and Bob Scopatz' wedding. There have also been innumerable smaller, more intimate gatherings. I generally prefer those, myself.
Posted by ak (Member # 90) on :
What about posters with 2 digit member numbers?
Posted by ak (Member # 90) on :
Waves at Jake and BonnieT Posted by kwsni (Member # 1831) on :
Krynn, remind me of your name?
Both wenchcons were in Kennesaw. I'm not sure any of the super old school Hatrackers were there, but a bunch were at KamaCon.
Posted by twinky (Member # 693) on :
Yep, still here.
Posted by Carrie (Member # 394) on :
We had a couple gatherings when I was still in Madison, and I'd be willing to bet I've seen fellow Jatraqueros at signings here in NC, but I've not officially met up with anyone in ages.
Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
quote:Originally posted by ak: Waves at Jake and BonnieT
Posted by T:man (Member # 11614) on :
Yea! High-Five, Five-Digit members!
Posted by Yozhik (Member # 89) on :
I lurk a lot. I miss all the people that used to post.
Posted by krynn (Member # 524) on :
quote:Originally posted by kwsni: Krynn, remind me of your name?
Both wenchcons were in Kennesaw. I'm not sure any of the super old school Hatrackers were there, but a bunch were at KamaCon.
I'm Keith. I'm so bad with names! There was a couple that was on here that was active on the forums, but it was ironic because the husband didn't actually like OSC books.
Carrie, I'm in Asheville, NC all the time visiting my brother's family and some friends. It is awesome up there. What a great city to chill and hang out with good company. I hope everywhere else in NC is the same.
Posted by The Rabbit (Member # 671) on :
quote:Originally posted by Noemon:
quote:Originally posted by ak: Waves at Jake and BonnieT
Posted by ElJay (Member # 6358) on :
krynn, I think you're thinking of Ben and Ophelia.
Posted by FoolishTook (Member # 5358) on :
So many veterans! Posted by DDDaysh (Member # 9499) on :
No kidding, they make me feel like such a Newbie!
Posted by happymann (Member # 9559) on :
quote:Originally posted by DDDaysh: No kidding, they make me feel like such a Newbie!
I hear you.
Posted by krynn (Member # 524) on :
quote:Originally posted by ElJay: krynn, I think you're thinking of Ben and Ophelia.
Yeah, that's them.
Posted by Bokonon (Member # 480) on :
I still miss some people that never made it over from the BML/mailing list days.
And there are probably a handful of folks who miss some AOL folks.
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
I miss people from the Prodigy days!
Posted by Aaron (Member # 1) on :
No, Orson isn't member #1.
Posted by Xavier (Member # 405) on :
Wow, there is a committed lurker.
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Or someone with another SN that they use instead.
Posted by advice for robots (Member # 2544) on :
Still, that's pretty cool to be #1.
Aaron's got 2 posts left as a new member. Wonder how he'll use them.
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
But if he uses them, he won't have that shiny New Member smell anymore!
Posted by advice for robots (Member # 2544) on :
Exactly. And there goes the legend of Member #1.
It's like having a mint condition 66 Corvette with 3 miles on it.
Posted by pwiscombe (Member # 181) on :
The original Hatrack River Town Meeting members from AOL were transitioned to this new board, and the user accounts were set up pretty much in alphabetical order.
But Scott and Kristine Card came in at 200 and 209 for some reason... Don't know all the rules that went behind it..
Posted by Tammy (Member # 4119) on :
...to the oldies. Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
quote:Originally posted by pwiscombe: The original Hatrack River Town Meeting members from AOL were transitioned to this new board, and the user accounts were set up pretty much in alphabetical order.
Didn't they go from that to Big Mouth Lion to this?
Posted by ak (Member # 90) on :
Yes, I started on the forum in the Big Mouth Lion days. We got asked to try out the new forum, and a number of us registered, then later on the old one went away and we made the transition completely. The order at some early transition of the new forum was alphabetical with capitals first, then lowercase, so that if I had capitalized my AK, I would have had member number 2 or something like that.
The registered date didn't start showing up until later, at which time those of us who had registered much earlier got that "A Long Time Ago" note in our registered date.
Posted by ak (Member # 90) on :
My guess is that the original Aaron is gone, and much later when we were discussing member numbers, some mod on the board unlocked the Aaron account and used it to make post number 2. That same mod, or a different one, maybe, posted above. That's my guess. =)
Posted by krynn (Member # 524) on :
quote:Originally posted by ak: My guess is that the original Aaron is gone, and much later when we were discussing member numbers, some mod on the board unlocked the Aaron account and used it to make post number 2. That same mod, or a different one, maybe, posted above. That's my guess. =)
Well that post from whoever using Aaron's account was pretty funny. I had a good laugh. It's comforting to know the "regulars" from when i used to frequent Hatrack are still around and keep posting.
Posted by Jake (Member # 206) on :
quote:Originally posted by ak: My guess is that the original Aaron is gone, and much later when we were discussing member numbers, some mod on the board unlocked the Aaron account and used it to make post number 2. That same mod, or a different one, maybe, posted above. That's my guess. =)
Note, though, that they referred to OSC as "Orson". That suggests that they don't actually "know" him (scare quotes used because none of us really know him on here, even if we know enough about him to know that he goes by Scott. I don't imagine that a mod would make that mistake.
When I first joined the Big Mouth Lion forums were locked, but were still browsable. After I read through everything on the live site I went over there and read the entire BML forum. I was so thoroughly hooked on this place it wasn't even funny.
Posted by krynn (Member # 524) on :
Jake, you're so wise.
Posted by Tammy (Member # 4119) on :
I was thinking that you all had to have been around five years old or something when all this historical "forum in the making" stuff was going on, right?
Posted by krynn (Member # 524) on :
i was in middle school when i first read Ender's Game, and found the forums my freshmen year in high school. Yep, 1999 was a good year.
Posted by Jenny Gardener (Member # 903) on :
I'm on the edge of 3 digits. It's been a while since I've been a regular poster. Water under the bridge...but I do stop in sometimes to see what's happening, look for old friends, and stir the water with my toe. Stirring now...what fish might come up to nibble? I miss Hatrack's unique community. I don't see as many of the intensely beautiful debates and absolutely passionate respect and affection between the debaters that I used to. I don't know whether that's a function of a larger population or time or something else. Perhaps I should hang out a bit, and see what's here again?
Posted by Wendybird (Member # 84) on :
I am part of the long time ago crowd. I still lurk from time to time.
Posted by Jim-Me (Member # 6426) on :
in case you see it here first, Wendybird, have you been posting on Dan Haseltine's blog?
Posted by Magson (Member # 2300) on :
I think I'm 3 digits, but I don't really recall, so once I hit "post" we shall see, won't we? Of course, I don't come 'round here much anymore either, so y'all could be forgiven for think I don't exist anymore.
Edit: 2300? Wow. I know I'm in the 3 digits at Ornery. Or maybe Nauvoo. Thought I was here too. Ah well.
Posted by Hobbes (Member # 433) on :
Hmm, I feel like this a club and we should all get some sort of special, membership-only privileges. I just can't think of any really witty privileges right now.
Hobbes Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
You mean you haven't been getting the yearly goody bag?
Posted by Stone_Wolf_ (Member # 8299) on :
I first read EG in 1994, and started on this board sometime around then, I used to be Quick_Silver, but I have no idea what my number was...This incarnation says I opened it in 2005. *shrug*
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
quote:Originally posted by TomDavidson: You mean you haven't been getting the yearly goody bag?
No, he hasn't.
Posted by Hobbes (Member # 433) on :
Hobbes Posted by theamazeeaz (Member # 6970) on :
quote:Originally posted by advice for robots: Still, that's pretty cool to be #1.
Aaron's got 2 posts left as a new member. Wonder how he'll use them.
Bragging about his low member number, of course. And winning the biggest lurker thread. Amazing he jumped right on this though.
Posted by Bokonon (Member # 480) on :
You know, the whole transition from BML to UBB is a haze. I know I posted on some incarnation of BML, back when you didn't need to register, I think. I always wondered how the "long time ago!" came into being. So the final cut-over to UBB was what, late 1998? BML was around only for a couple years before that (95/96)?
Posted by Hobbes (Member # 433) on :
I never posted on the old boards, but I did lurk there for a bit. I almost got an account but decided not to (it was right when I first started using the internet and was wary of signing up with anything). I left for a few months and when I came back registered on the new site. I was always disappointed I didn't register earlier and get in on that "long time ago" transition action. I assume that's why I haven't been getting the gift basket.
Hobbes Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
quote:Originally posted by Hobbes: I assume that's why I haven't been getting the gift basket.
No. That's because someone has been, ah, diverting it. *whistles*
Posted by Hobbes (Member # 433) on :
That cheeky bastard! I will find him and string him up! Any ideas as to where this villain is sequestered my dear Rivka?
Hobbes Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
*whistles some more*
Posted by Jenny Gardener (Member # 903) on :
*walks up to rivka's back, then unobtrusively away, engulfed in her usual cloak*
Nothing to see here, move along now.
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Posted by Hobbes (Member # 433) on :
I vaguely remember being the youngest one here. It was kind of fun but looking back I wonder how many people were sick of that kid pipping up in adult discussion. Not that people aren't sick of me now but at least it's for being me, instead of being a young, immature me.
Hobbes Posted by docmagik (Member # 1131) on :
I posted on the Fresco pictures website all the time back in the BML days, but the Hatrack forum was too much for my late 90s bandwith and patience to handle. It took long for me to read it to ever try registering for it.
Posted by Uncle Moose (Member # 125) on :
I do have this three-digit member number, but I re-registered under a new name in honor of Mooselet's arrival.
Posted by Strider (Member # 1807) on :
I like my member number. It has a nice sound to it.
Nice to see a few old names!
Posted by Wendybird (Member # 84) on :
Jim - nope not me!
and I want to know who has been ripping off my gift basket? Huh huh? Fess up!
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
I am NOT taking the fall for this one!
Posted by Hobbes (Member # 433) on :
Heh. Not to toot my own horn but I really don't think I'm any longer the most immature person on Hatrack.