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Posted by Rawrain (Member # 12414) on :
Sort of a questionair really..for fun

If by some means you became supreme dictator;

How would you achieve it?
(Like military takeover, getting control of a majority of the population, ect)

What would your first decreements be?

And do you think of yourself in this position as being a good dictator or a bad one?
Posted by Orincoro (Member # 8854) on :
I have found that such thoughts are typically based on a misdirected need to feel accepted in society. Those who fantasize about absolute power often seem to do so because they inwardly believe that it is the only way that they can be and feel loved. That way everything you never understood, every nuance you ever missed, every party you were never invited to was all part of a world of chaos that was hurting you, and you are setting things right with your powers.

So yes, I'm ruining your topic by being first and by saying that my first decree would be the organization of free elections. Real power, real effective and long-lasting power is not absolute. Go ask Winston Churchill.
Posted by Rawrain (Member # 12414) on :
Psychology lesson XD?

My issue is naught to do with love, but impatience.
I'm not a big fan of the US corrupted government politicians playing musical chairs with positions of power...

The way I see it, the best way to get something done is to do it yourself. (or if you fail, at least you tried?)

If I ever got up in the big chairs, big buissiness will be screwed-----hard.

1. Improve school system, I want the most intelligent possible people over here.
2. Work on the whole medical insurance thing, might as well go free healthcare for all?
3. Amendments, will be removed, changed, and reinstated to be more to-the-point, with modern English, no fine-print, and no loopholes to be exploited.
4. More extreme laws on littering.... I HATE LITTERING.
5. ___ more to come, I think alot, but memory is sort of limited ._.
Posted by Herblay (Member # 11834) on :
Hmmph . . . big business and the free market are responsible for the high quality of life in the US. Take a look at China if you want to understand an equivalent economy with high government regulation.
Posted by Lisa (Member # 8384) on :
Originally posted by Rawrain:
What would your first decreements be?

My first would probably be making "decreement" a word. 'Cause it's kind of neat. And there's logic to it. You announce something, you make an announcement. You decree something, shouldn't it be a decreement?
Posted by Rawrain (Member # 12414) on :
Originally posted by Herblay:
Hmmph . . . big business and the free market are responsible for the high quality of life in the US. Take a look at China if you want to understand an equivalent economy with high government regulation.

People amaze me, they can believe in miracles, but not a better government...

Seems like everyone is giving up something just because it's beyond their reach, if you never try you never know.

As for understanding China, that is entirely different from what I have in mind, it's not a game of comparison amoungst the failures, that's an oversight, and I will not take that assumption into consideration..
As for the whole English less, I don't care.
Posted by shadowland (Member # 12366) on :
I noticed, Rawrain, that you didn't answer any of your own hypothetical questions. Your list of items that you would like to change is not really a list of decrees ("try to improve 'x' situation" is not really a very thought provoking decree) but rather a wishlist of issues that you would like to see changed in our country. Those types of changes don't require a dictatorship in order to be addressed.

Maybe if you provided your own answers to the questions, then that would make it a little more clear what the objective of this hypothetical scenario is.
Posted by Rawrain (Member # 12414) on :
The only one that is not mostly explained is #1
I am still thinking about things that would improve it, with as little downside as possible..

One. improvement I have in mind, is reducing the length of Summer break, to something like 2-3 weeks off of school instead of 3 months.

Two. Nationwide consistent curriculum?? I don't know any other way to put it, but all schools teach the same thing at the same time..... this would be very helpful for children who move to another location..

Three. Adjust the time for all schools to start an hour later, except schools already doing so.

Four. The latest and greatest books and equipment.

Five. Free college.

I am still thinking about other things aswell...
-it takes time for me to reply because I am at school XD
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
Interestingly, none of my top priorities would be school-related.
Posted by shadowland (Member # 12366) on :
I'm still a bit confused as to the objective of this thread. I think all of the things you listed in your most recent post are issues worthy of discussion on their own merits and do not require the hypothetical possibility of dictatorship. But your initial post asks questions dealing with the hypothetical aspect, such as how good a dictator people think they would be.

So, which discussion are you wanting to have here? Do you want to talk about specific political ideas, or do you want to talk about purely hypothetical things?
Posted by Rawrain (Member # 12414) on :
Not that kind of good.... like good .__. bad like evil XD....

The post is more like>
Assume you have absolute control over the government, what would you do to make 'anything' better... Under that the person also has to question their activities as a dictator to judge themselves to be a good or evil dictator.

Do you get it? I have a hard time trying to explain things..

Everything starts out hypothetical.
What part of anything I've said makes it not seem so?
Posted by Samprimary (Member # 8561) on :
I guess my first decreement would be to merge myself with the body of a sandworm and then start killing duncan idahos like it's my job.
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
Wouldn't it be your job?
Posted by Orson Scott Card (Member # 209) on :
The only way I could be supreme dictator is if I were the only human left alive. And even then, there'd be one jerk questioning and ridiculing every decision I made, no matter how often I told him to shut up - so in what sense would I really be supreme?
Posted by Sean Monahan (Member # 9334) on :
Originally posted by Rawrain:
How would you achieve it?

You don't really think I'm going to tell you, do you?

But, shouldn't this thread be called 'The What-If topic', instead of 'The-What If-topic'?

edit: Ok, now I feel dumb, making my stupid comment right after Hatrack's equivalent of the burning bush.

Hope you are feeling well, Mr. Card.
Posted by Orson Scott Card (Member # 209) on :
The nationwide curriculum is awful. There is no way ALL children can progress at the same rate; nor is there any reason all should be educated in the same way. The best teaching would be individual tutors for every child for half a day, and then recess with whole bunches of kids to develop social skills. Every kid learning at their own rate and following their own interests and needs. Too bad we can't afford it.
Posted by Strider (Member # 1807) on :
Originally posted by Orson Scott Card:
The nationwide curriculum is awful. There is no way ALL children can progress at the same rate; nor is there any reason all should be educated in the same way. The best teaching would be individual tutors for every child for half a day, and then recess with whole bunches of kids to develop social skills. Every kid learning at their own rate and following their own interests and needs. Too bad we can't afford it.

This reminded me of a fantastic talk by Ken Robinson on changing education paradigms.
Posted by Scott R (Member # 567) on :
I'm already supreme dictator. I can say it now because you are all powerless to dethrone me.
Posted by Scott R (Member # 567) on :
For some reason, I'm reminded of Tenacious D's song, City Hall.
Posted by shadowland (Member # 12366) on :
Originally posted by Rawrain:
Everything starts out hypothetical.
What part of anything I've said makes it not seem so?

I just wasn't sure if you were more interested in the hypothetical itself or discussing the specifics regarding improving our political system.

Regarding the hypothetical, I think that at a minimum, in order to be a good dictator he would need to have a very specific objective for the dictatorship and a plan for when and how he would eventually relinquish that authority. Personally, I could never hold that type of authority unless bestowed upon me by the majority.
Posted by Xavier (Member # 405) on :
The only way I'd ever get the position is if there was some sort of world lottery for the position and my number was drawn [Smile] .

I'd pour a whole bunch of funding into the sciences. I probably would take money away from the world's current military spending to pay for it.

Space exploration, medical research, robotics, cloning, genetic engineering, nanotechnology, whatever looks promising gets funding. I'd especially throw money at any research into figuring out biological "aging". I'm not looking forward to growing old.

I'd want to solve world hunger, but I'm not sure that's possible without also curbing population growth, which has its own inherent problems. I'd probably get the best advisers I could and set them on the various problems.

That's actually the most honest answer: Find someone smarter than me and ask him what I should do.
Posted by Rawrain (Member # 12414) on :
Originally posted by Orson Scott Card:
The nationwide curriculum is awful. There is no way ALL children can progress at the same rate; nor is there any reason all should be educated in the same way. The best teaching would be individual tutors for every child for half a day, and then recess with whole bunches of kids to develop social skills. Every kid learning at their own rate and following their own interests and needs. Too bad we can't afford it.

I would have changed my mind for this Card, the problem would be how to get that done. You would need a teacher for every student, I am all for apprenticeship.
Thanks Xavier for being on topic...

As to how I would theoretically come to power-
1. Run for Presidency. Use honesty, goals, and a clean criminal record to rake in as many votes as possible.
1.5. If successful go to step 2. If a failure repeat step 1 until successful (be sure to mix it up the second time around)
2. Be President, play by the rules for a while, and try to earn the peoples commitment towards yourself, moreso than the senate and congress.
3.Go rogue, call for a press confrence and begin intiating, commands, this is very unwise to do unless you have the people lotalties first.
3.5. You're successful go to 4. You failed, you become impeached and lose your position, you do not go to 4. unless MANY people disagree with your impeachment if so go to 4.
3.6. You need to be extra cautious now about assassins /:
4.You are now calling the shots, however, don't think you're extra special, if you screw up and upset any majority of people you will either find yourself dead or in prison.. /:

Well it need some work but that's the gist of it; the friendly way of taking over the US

[ January 06, 2011, 02:42 PM: Message edited by: Rawrain ]
Posted by Scott R (Member # 567) on :
the problem would be how to get that done.
Not to be hyperbolic or anything, but that's ALWAYS the problem.
Posted by Rawrain (Member # 12414) on :
Just not easily, if you want a better reward you have to work for it. I will think of a way I always do :D
Posted by jebus202 (Member # 2524) on :
Blayne, you've been dethroned.
Posted by Rawrain (Member # 12414) on :
Originally posted by Orson Scott Card:
The only way I could be supreme dictator is if I were the only human left alive. And even then, there'd be one jerk questioning and ridiculing every decision I made, no matter how often I told him to shut up - so in what sense would I really be supreme?

The only thing I mean by supreme, is that no one else commands you. Part of being a nice dictator is being reasonable, and proof that you know how to get whatever task you're doing done right.

This is why in my world take-over via. presidency plan, revolves around being a standard but reliable president at start.


You can be an evil dictator, and use the military power that you somehow obtained by your own means and force what you want on everyone..
I will continue my evil posting tomorrow, schools almost out, so I am going to sit and read the remaining time!

[ January 06, 2011, 03:16 PM: Message edited by: Rawrain ]
Posted by AchillesHeel (Member # 11736) on :
How to achieve it? it begins with invading Canada and includes South American guerilla's used as free agents of anarchy in Europe when countries hold out against my will.

What I would want to change.
One. Long term re-instatement of formal individual nation govt. on terms including democracy and active membership and concession to a global united nations. Whats the point of being king of the world if you have to control it forever?

Two. Abolish elected official tax funded income, limit allowable income while in office and three years after.

Three. Free health care and education.

Four. Restrict voting and other rights to full citizens. Full citizenship will be attainable after the age of twenty-one, via military service and or proof of ability to better society with thier citizen rights. Citizenship can be revoked in light of excessive criminal behavior and mandatorial after felony conviction.

Five. In no uncertain terms, prohibit religious views and justifications from effecting law, ie restricting the rights of others due to ones interpretation of unconfirmed text or personal opinion. Laws will be based on reality and must be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt to better society and not infringe the rights of lawful citizens.

Six. Restrict private ownership of firearms to full citizens and only after extensive training verifying the ability to handle and own the weapons safely.

Seven. Use California's three strike law globally, being a career criminal should not be an option.

Eight. Increase punishment for the following crimes. Rape, molestation, any crime against a minor, domestic violence, identity theft, and delinquancy in child support.

Nine. Force Bob Hoskins and John Leguizamo (possibly use Elizabeth Banks as Lily) to make Super Mario Bros 2, I dont care how long it takes to make it happen.
Posted by Xavier (Member # 405) on :
Full citizenship will be attainable after the age of twenty-one, via military service
If you are global dictator, who is left to fight?
Posted by James Tiberius Kirk (Member # 2832) on :
Originally posted by Sean Monahan:
But, shouldn't this thread be called 'The What-If topic', instead of 'The-What If-topic'?

Indeed. I thought this thread might be about the speculative history book with the same title.

Posted by AchillesHeel (Member # 11736) on :
Military responsibilities would widen past international conflict to cover prisons and possibly police level crime, also provide structure and aid in the full modernization of willing people on all continents instead of sending college students to villages alone and expect definative results.

In addition, I would want to keep individual governments languages and cultures and it would be more comfortable for people to serve thier country rather than... me. Not that they shouldnt want to serve me and all my intents, they just dont know it yet.
Posted by Amanecer (Member # 4068) on :
I think I'd probably make a terrible dictator as I don't really think any dictator could ever be truly great. If I somehow wound up as one, I'd take Xavier's lead and have a panel of educated advisors take charge of their area.

I think that some of my priorities would be the following:

-creating widespread renewable energy and transportation infrastructure that could run on it

-reducing corruption in governments

-promoting programs that encourage and nurture empathy among the population
-I think this would include many parenting programs as well as a shift of our prisons from a retribution program to a reform program as well as many more that people wiser than I have created.
Posted by Launchywiggin (Member # 9116) on :
How would you achieve it
I would fuse my consciousness with the most advanced supercomputer, then place that consciousness into an immortal android body (gets water from the atmosphere, energy from sunlight, etc.)

That kind of super-intelligence should make it fairly easy to manipulate whole swaths of the world population to do my bidding (people always equate super-intelligence with social ineptitude, but I would be loved by most).

The second question about my "first decree" is a little out of place because supreme dictatorship would take a very long time to achieve. I would essentially be in the public light for 50 years before being chosen "world leader", so most of my wishes would already be in place.

So, I would be a "good" dictator, in that people would want me to be their leader because I always make the best decisions.

As for what the world would be like...think Star Trek.
Posted by AchillesHeel (Member # 11736) on :
I thought about this topic the other day when I sat waiting for a chance to make a blind left turn in my car. We have laws against hand rails being too low or tall but building inspection allows for blind turn driveways in public places?
Posted by Teshi (Member # 5024) on :
The nationwide curriculum is awful. There is no way ALL children can progress at the same rate; nor is there any reason all should be educated in the same way. The best teaching would be individual tutors for every child for half a day, and then recess with whole bunches of kids to develop social skills. Every kid learning at their own rate and following their own interests and needs. Too bad we can't afford it.
I see what you're getting at but I disagree from only learning individually. Some individual tutoring certainly gets things done, but directed group learning is important at all ages.

In a group, kids bounce and borrow ideas off each other, they are buouyed along by other kids' successes and are more proud of their own public successes. They can see what other people are doing. Best of all, it's way more fun in a group to do just about anything.

But yes, important to have that one-on-one with adults or just completely alone as well.

I teach small classes of 15-17 in a Private school. I wish I had a 30-people-size classroom with the 17 kids, but otherwise the number is good. Enough kids to have a group, but not too many to do more interactive activities.

I would be a terrible dictator. I think a dictatorial leadership would never be good, even if the leader were splendid and knew exactly what to do. Perhaps unsurprisingly, I htink this for the same reason I think that children need to learn in groups.
Posted by T:man (Member # 11614) on :
Originally posted by Herblay:
Hmmph . . . big business and the free market are responsible for the high quality of life in the US. Take a look at China if you want to understand an equivalent economy with high government regulation.

Yes china, where the rich people are actually in the government. You know, not just telling the government what to do.

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