Arrrr!!!! Tomorrow be International Talk Like e' Pirate Day! So get yer rum an' yer gold and yer pirate hats and git yerself some piratical conversations goin'!
Posted by Epictetus (Member # 6235) on :
Posted by AchillesHeel (Member # 11736) on :
Simply because this is the internet, ninjas are on thier way to hatrack to spam this thread.
And its all your fault.
Posted by Glenn Arnold (Member # 3192) on :
Avast, ye be talkin' like a pirate a day early!
Oh, wait...
Posted by The Rabbit (Member # 671) on :
Aye me Mateys!!
Posted by Nighthawk (Member # 4176) on :
quote:Originally posted by AchillesHeel: Simply because this is the internet, ninjas are on thier way to hatrack to spam this thread.
Several dozen ninjas have posted in this thread already. Can't you tell?
Posted by sndrake (Member # 4941) on :
I done shared this with me mates at Facebook. This here be the DesidAARRata Arrr, words o' sappy inspiration for today:
Aye, go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace thar may be in silence.
As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons. Speak yer truth quietly and clearly; and listen t' others,e'en t' the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story. A'oid loud and aggressi'e persons; they be 'exatious t' the spirit.
Arrr, if you compare yerself with others, you may become 'ain or bitter, for always thar will be greater and lesser persons than yerself. Enjoy your achie'ements as well as your plans. Keep intarsted in your own career, howe'er humble; it is a real possession in the changin' fortunes o' time.
Arrr, exercise caution in yerr business affairs, fer the world is full o' trickery. But let this not blind you t' what 'irtue thar is; many persons stri'e fer high ideals, and e'erywhar life is full o' heroism. Be yerself. Especially do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about lo'e, for in the face o' all aridity and disenchantment, it is as parnnial as the grass.
Arrr, take kindly the counsel o' the years, gracefully surrenderin' the thin's o' youth. Nurture strength o' spirit t' shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yerself with dark imaginin's. Many fears be born o' fatigue and loneliness. Aye.
Ahoy, beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yerself. You be a child o' the uni'erse no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right t' be har. And whether or not it is clear t' you, no doubt the uni'erse is unfoldin' as it should.
Ahoy, tharfore be at peace with God, whate'er you concei'e Him t' be. And whate'er yer labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion o' life, keep peace in yer soul.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it still be a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Stri'e t' be happy. Aye, me parrot concurs.
Posted by AchillesHeel (Member # 11736) on :
That would explain the smoke-bomb... that or I need to wipe the dust off my screen.
Posted by Marek (Member # 5404) on :
I forgot about it, can i talk like a pirate today?
Posted by The White Whale (Member # 6594) on :
Posted by Marek (Member # 5404) on :
Posted by Glenn Arnold (Member # 3192) on :
But you can do this quiz Posted by xtownaga (Member # 7187) on :
Posted by Bella Bee (Member # 7027) on :
Arrr, lock up yer parrots me hearties, tha'll be sem carousin' tonight!
Posted by Raymond Arnold (Member # 11712) on :