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Posted by Belle (Member # 2314) on :
Argh! Consider that a prolonged scream of frutration.

Anybody else out there fighting this battle? It's so difficult to find work right now and I honestly have been fighting depression over it. I feel like a fool for ever saying I wanted a job in a different school - I would give a lot to have my old job back! I didn't leave by choice - my position was cut when the school lost federal Title I funding, but I did want to go to a new school. I never appreciated that job when I had it as much as I do now that I'm unemployed!

I've applied at over 30 positions, including some as far away as 75 miles. I've had exactly one interview and I lost that position to a 23 year old who was perky and cute. I can do a lot of things, but compete with perky, young, and cute I cannot. [Frown]

So, anybody else out there fighting the job market blues? What do you do to keep the depression at bay? I've been trying to play outside with my kids at least once a day and eat well but I've been pretty despondent lately. [Frown]
Posted by Godric (Member # 4587) on :
Perky, young and cute is a school position prerequisite?

I'm employed, but feeling very burned out - I'm looking for a change, but the job market is... nil. Glad I have a job, but I really feel forced into keeping it without any other options.
Posted by scholarette (Member # 11540) on :
I am pretty sure that the place I tutor at is closing, which sucks. Looking into other jobs it is like there is nothing out there. Plus third trimester pregnant is not a good time to be looking in general. So, I haven't done much to replace the job I am losing. On the plus side, it looks like NASA is not in as bad shape as initially, so hubby might keep job. Right now, he is applying for some transfers within the company but not NASA dependent- hoping that the decent news with NASA will keep him employed long enough to transfer.
Posted by Belle (Member # 2314) on :
Godric, with some principals. [Wink] Thankfully not with the principal that hired me last year. Hopefully not with any principal that may interview me between now and the start of the year.
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Originally posted by Godric:
I'm employed, but feeling very burned out - I'm looking for a change, but the job market is... nil. Glad I have a job, but I really feel forced into keeping it without any other options.

This right here.

Belle, job hunting is soul-sucking horror. I wish you the best of luck, and a principal who sees how lucky they are to have you!
Posted by Cookie Crisp (Member # 12312) on :
Job hunting is not very fun these days. I'm graduating at the end of the summer with an Engineering degree with a Statistics option and haven't heard a thing from all of the Quality Control/Continuous Improvement jobs that I have applied for.
It's really quite discouraging. I wish you the best of luck Belle!
Posted by Samprimary (Member # 8561) on :
Job hunting is utter hell these days. I absolutely sympathize with anyone having to go through with it.
Posted by AvidReader (Member # 6007) on :
Originally posted by rivka:
Originally posted by Godric:
I'm employed, but feeling very burned out - I'm looking for a change, but the job market is... nil. Glad I have a job, but I really feel forced into keeping it without any other options.

This right here.
Me three. It's been a pretty rough year and a half. My depression's been acting up off and on. Now we're getting to the point in the restructure where they need us to do more with less. I'm already at the breaking point doing more with the same. I can't take it.

I'm also not sure how I can pay the bills if I don't. I'm ready to go fold towels full time or something, but there's not much out there, and Tallahassee has a lower than average unemployment. I think we're only at 8 or 9.

Personally, I'm trying St John's Wort tea. Some studies say it works for mild depression, some say serious. At this point I'm willing to try about anything.

Good luck to all of us. [Smile]
Posted by Ecthalion (Member # 8825) on :
Originally posted by AvidReader:
Originally posted by rivka:
Originally posted by Godric:
I'm employed, but feeling very burned out - I'm looking for a change, but the job market is... nil. Glad I have a job, but I really feel forced into keeping it without any other options.

This right here.
Me three. It's been a pretty rough year and a half. My depression's been acting up off and on. Now we're getting to the point in the restructure where they need us to do more with less. I'm already at the breaking point doing more with the same. I can't take it.

I'm also not sure how I can pay the bills if I don't. I'm ready to go fold towels full time or something, but there's not much out there, and Tallahassee has a lower than average unemployment. I think we're only at 8 or 9.

Personally, I'm trying St John's Wort tea. Some studies say it works for mild depression, some say serious. At this point I'm willing to try about anything.

Good luck to all of us. [Smile]

Do you have a degree? If so the Testing Center at FSU is hiring. Its not a great job with great pay but it is a job and they need to fill 4 positions or so come late august. I know its not what you dream about but it can hold you over.
Posted by Jhai (Member # 5633) on :
I'm on the market, since we're moving to the Bay Area... which has 10% unemployment right now. The husband has a great new job lined up, with a good pay jump, but I have nothing right now, and leads are slim in my area (data analyst).
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
I am still working for an agency, and have been getting a decent amount of work from them. But it is inconsistent. One week I needed Friday and Sunday off for family reasons, and I ended up with a total of 8 hours that week. I can't live on ANY job that EVER gives me 8 hours.

Also, my wife is still sitting at the same desk doing the same job, at the same phone....but her pharmacy received an injunction against making vet meds, so they leased their business to another pharm company, so she now works for them.


In order to avoid paying AK state taxes, she is contracted through Kelly Employment Services. They were told nothing will change, but we received a notice last month saying we had already lost all medical insurance, because Kelly doesn't offer it. COBRA is outrageous, so we can't afford that on what she makes, so now, despite promises to the contrary, we have no insurance.

I was hired as an LPN at 2 places full time, but the first took almost a full 8 weeks and never scheduled me, or finished my training, The second couldn't verify my past employment because all 3 placed I have worked at now use a employment verification service, and they are not willing to pay to verify my work history. I payed to verify one, and there were mistakes on their records, costing me 2 years of previous work history, and making it look like I lied on my application......losing me that job as well.

It's been a crappy experience so far, despite graduating in a fairly high demand field with honors.
Posted by Godric (Member # 4587) on :
Originally posted by AvidReader:
Originally posted by rivka:
Originally posted by Godric:
I'm employed, but feeling very burned out - I'm looking for a change, but the job market is... nil. Glad I have a job, but I really feel forced into keeping it without any other options.

This right here.
Me three. It's been a pretty rough year and a half. My depression's been acting up off and on. Now we're getting to the point in the restructure where they need us to do more with less. I'm already at the breaking point doing more with the same. I can't take it.

I'm also not sure how I can pay the bills if I don't. I'm ready to go fold towels full time or something, but there's not much out there, and Tallahassee has a lower than average unemployment. I think we're only at 8 or 9.

Yep, you've pretty much described my situation to a T. I'm scared I'm going to completely burn out here if I can't make a change soon. But unemployment is over 14% here in Las Vegas.
Posted by Belle (Member # 2314) on :
Aug 5th is the day teacher's report. I need a full time job on that day in order to continue from last year. I really, really need two year sof uninterrupted teaching experience so I can certify in another area. I'm taking a certification test on Saturday to add the technology education field to my resume, but it requires a passing score on the test PLUS two years of uninterrupted teaching experience (not necessarily with the same district, just two full years).

*sigh* I'm really getting worried. There are no jobs posted in the last week except one and I've pulled out all the stops on it - had references call the principal on my behalf, emailed him, faxed my resume...but no reply yet.
Posted by Tstorm (Member # 1871) on :
Kwea, I once had a job through Kelly Employment Services. It was late summer-early fall of 2000. The temp position I was in got eliminated for financial reasons, the week before I would have been hired by the company they contracted with. Thus, my experience with being part of a layoff came early in my career...the start of my sophomore year of college.

I still hold a small grudge against telecom companies.
Posted by Belle (Member # 2314) on :
Okay, so THE job was posted today - if it can be trusted. They want an ESL teacher (I am working on my master's in ESL - English as a Second Language) BUT the requirements are for an English certificate, which I have. I happen to know that this school is one that is piloting sheltered content for ESL - where ESL students are placed in sheltered classes so they can receive specialized instruction. I want to teach sheltered content - it's why I went into my ESL training.

If they are indeed looking for a teacher to do sheltered English, they need an English certified person with ESL training - and that's me. [Smile] My only hesitation is that perhaps the posting is a mistake - perhaps they meant to say they wanted a highly qualified ESL teacher rather than a highly qualified English/Language Arts teacher. If so, then I am not qualified because I don't have the ESL certification yet.

Still, I sent off the resume and we'll cross fingers and hope.
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Good luck!
Posted by AvidReader (Member # 6007) on :
Going through the job listings yesterday, I did see one that intrigued me. The Navy's looking for intelligence analysts. It looked like they're hoping for folks to enlist, but I figured I'd call them and ask if they've got anything like that for civilian contractors.
Posted by Belle (Member # 2314) on :
So I heard more about THE job - it is my job. I want it very, very badly. I am qualified - they are looking for an English teacher.

I got recommended for it by my professor and got an email back that they would be interviewing soon. I am hoping that means I get an interview.
Posted by AvidReader (Member # 6007) on :
Good luck, Belle!
Posted by Shan (Member # 4550) on :
Go for it, Belle. Good luck. [Smile]
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Originally posted by Belle:
So I heard more about THE job - it is my job. I want it very, very badly. I am qualified - they are looking for an English teacher.

I got recommended for it by my professor and got an email back that they would be interviewing soon. I am hoping that means I get an interview.

Belle, this sounds VERY promising. Good luck!
Posted by Sala (Member # 8980) on :
Hoping and praying for you Belle!
Posted by Dr Strangelove (Member # 8331) on :
Hey AvidReader, I live in Tallahassee too! What's your dream job? I can keep an eye and ear open if you want.
Posted by Belle (Member # 2314) on :
No word yet, but I'm still holding on and trying to be positive and convince myself they'll call me on Monday.

My professor did send a recommendation to the person in charge of ESL education for the system, so that makes me feel better. The job would be teaching English, but to ESL students. It's a classroom teaching job, with a special population. Exactly what I I am nervously awaiting next week to get here where I will find out if I'm making it to the interview round or not.

In other news, there is only one other job on the board and my curriculum supervisor from last year recommended me for it. So, that is still a possibility too. Other than those two...well, let's just say I hope those two come through.
Posted by AvidReader (Member # 6007) on :
Originally posted by Dr Strangelove:
What's your dream job?

Hee hee. Writing in the morning, taking a nice lunch break, and making jewelry for my online shop in the afternoons.

More practically, I'd like a desk job where my boss and coworkers won't be mean to me with just a bit less stress than I have now. Preferably paying $12 to $15 an hour, depending on bennies.
Posted by Teshi (Member # 5024) on :
I'm job hunting in the UK from Canada for teaching work. Looks at the moment that I'm going to be doing supply work in a medium-sized town, which is going to be interesting travel-wise without a car. The idea is to get some long stretches of supply work when I'm there, or to complete someone's year.

It's insane what's happening in the job market at the moment. There's simply not enough work to go around.
Posted by Dr Strangelove (Member # 8331) on :
Originally posted by AvidReader:
Originally posted by Dr Strangelove:
What's your dream job?

Hee hee. Writing in the morning, taking a nice lunch break, and making jewelry for my online shop in the afternoons.

More practically, I'd like a desk job where my boss and coworkers won't be mean to me with just a bit less stress than I have now. Preferably paying $12 to $15 an hour, depending on bennies.

Cool. I'll keep my eyes and ears open. :-)
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Teshi, what's "supply work"?
Posted by fugu13 (Member # 2859) on :
Substitute teaching.
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Danke. That was my guess, but I wasn't sure. [Smile]

It's certainly a good way to break into teaching here, and I imagine it is there as well. But no car would make it more difficult, I imagine!
Posted by Belle (Member # 2314) on :
Yeah, subbing is the way to break in for sure. Around here, you cannot even sub right now without a teaching certificate. I know of three systems that are not accepting any more applications because their sub list is full, and I know of at least six more that will only take you if you're a certified teacher.

The job that I am keeping my fingers crossed for called my professor for recommendations - saying that they had wanted to hire a couple of teachers that subbed for them, but those teachers had already taken other jobs. In other words, they look to hire the subs FIRST so if you're a teacher like me who taught full time last year, you actually have less chance to get hired that someone who was a sub.

It's really frustrating. I guess I will have to sub if I don't find anything but it is making me very sad to think that I will have to be content with scratching up work on a day by day basis for less than a third of what I made last year. [Frown]

Still, it would be better than nothing.
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Frustrating as it is, it does make sense that they'd prefer to hire people they already are familiar with. Regardless, if you are the best-fit available teacher, it won't matter WHO they originally preferred. Good luck!
Posted by Belle (Member # 2314) on :
Delivered stuff in person today. Went to the location of the job I really want and now I want it even more! What a beautiful school - the facilities were so much nicer than what I worked with last year.

The principal was in a meeting so I couldn't talk to her but the secretary I did speak with assured me she would make sure she got the resume I left.

Also went to a board of ed and dropped off an application for a long term sub position - it would be for the entire 1st semester, so that's a good bit of work. Not as much as I made last year of course, but better than a "regular" sub job, and steady and guaranteed work for a semester.
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Good luck!
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
Best of luck, I hope they at least meet wiht you. I know from my hiring days that even if you don't get the job first time around, if you make a good impression with the first interview it can stick with a person.

I know a teacher who didn't get a position he wanted the first time around. He was a finalist, but got beat out. Half way though the year the teacher who DID get the job had to quit due to medical issues....and he was the first teacher they called to see if he still wanted it.
Posted by Belle (Member # 2314) on :
So I have an interview tomorrow morning for a long-term sub position. It is a good position - in that it is for the entire first semester, so very steady work.

I really, really wish some of the other places for permanent jobs will call me before I get offered a long-term sub however. I can't afford to turn it down (obviously) but it would be very difficult to take a temporary job.

Still, it may turn into a permanent job, one never knows. And of course, I haven't been offered it yet, LOL. I may not even get it.
Posted by Uprooted (Member # 8353) on :
Best wishes, Belle. I hope you get THE job but if that doesn't work out, hope you find something that you can live with.

I didn't realize you were working on an ESL degree. It was something I looked in to as an undergrad but then never pursued it. I am looking around for different career paths right now and might have to do some research on it. Is there much application for it outside of a K-12 setting? I never got my teaching certificate.
Posted by Belle (Member # 2314) on :
Uprooted, there are a lot of folks pursuing the adult ESL option, but in my experience and from talking with them, jobs are few and most are part-time. Some few people can luck up and get a full time job teaching at a junior college, but not many. Most ESL jobs are K-12. But, you can get a teaching certificate in ESL without having a certificate already in another area. A good friend of mine is doing that, it's an alternative master's program.

If you're willing to overseas, there are tons of opportunities. My friend came back from a year teaching ESL in Seoul, Korea and loved the experience. Money wasn't bad either - she earned an equivalent to about $2000 a month, and the school she worked for provided her apartment so she had few expenses.
Posted by Uprooted (Member # 8353) on :
When I was younger, overseas was the appeal, that's what I wanted to do. Would still love it, but I'm nervous about leaving my elderly mom to fend for herself. Anyway, thanks for giving me something to think about.
Posted by Belle (Member # 2314) on :
Getting ready for my interview. Nothing from the permanent jobs today so far, and teachers report a week from today. I am resigned that the long term sub may be my best shot for any type of position.
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
*crosses fingers*
Posted by Sala (Member # 8980) on :
Ditto rivka.
Posted by Belle (Member # 2314) on :
It went well. He said I had a lot to offer, but he has two more people to interview. He'll let me know early next week.

The money is terrible. As long as the teacher I'm replacing has sick leave available, I will make what a normal sub makes. After that, I will make a daily rate according to my teaching certificate level.

The teacher I'll be replacing was there, and she was talking to other where I could easily overhear that she has sick leave up through the end of October, and she wants to talk the doctors into letting her come back early. So, I probably would not be able to work the whole semester and for most of it I would be making lousy pay.

I'm tempted to not take it and take my chances a full time gig will open up after school starts...but I'm scared that I won't get anything.
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Here's hoping that by the time he gets back to you, you can say, "Thanks, but I already got hired somewhere else."
Posted by Belle (Member # 2314) on :
I don't think I will take it anyway. I called the board and found out what the daily rate for a sub is and it's almost $20 a day less than I expected. By the time I drove out there (it's more than 40 miles away) I wouldn't make hardly anything.

I think I would be better off trying to find sub jobs closer to home and leaving myself available to take any full-time jobs that open after school starts.
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Ouch. [Frown]

But yeah, that makes sense.
Posted by fseoer2010 (Member # 12369) on :
Job hunting is not very fun these days. I'm graduating at the end of the summer with an Engineering degree with a Statistics option and haven't heard a thing from all of the Quality Control/Continuous Improvement jobs that I have applied for.
Posted by Belle (Member # 2314) on :
I'm sorry fseoer2010 (that is really hard to type!). Welcome to Hatrack!

I applied for a job today that is at a local university, as a web content editor. I would be responsible for editing all content, updating the style manual and making sure the online presence of the university is appropriate.

It requires an English degree, and basic HTML knowledge which of course, I have. I'm no designer or developer, but I have basic knowledge. And there are developers on staff...I would only be concerned with the typed content.

It would be a good job, pay is about the same as what I am making now, though the hours would not be teaching hours. It would most likely be a lot less stressful though.
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Belle, I hope the job that works best for you and your family works out soon!
Posted by Belle (Member # 2314) on :
Thanks rivka!

I did a lot of thinking and working it through in my mind and discussing it with my husband, and if I am offered the long-term sub I will take it. It keeps me in the profession, gains me some much-needed experience teaching high school, and even if the money is lousy, it's still better than nothing.

What's hilarious is that it is only 10 dollars a week more than I would get collecting unemployment, and so I will actually be losing money when you consider the gas it will take to get me there! But, who knows? I may get a permanent job out of it and if I do a good job I might at least leave with a good recommendation that I don't have now.

I'm just going to focus on the experience I'm gaining and doing a really good job at this high school, and try not to think too much about the money aspect. And, since it is a temporary position, if a better one comes along I can always leave and take it.

That is of course, contingent upon them actually offering me the job. I feel confident they will, but you never know who showed up to interview after me. I'm supposed to know Monday.
Posted by scholarette (Member # 11540) on :
fseor- not sure what kind of job looking for (quality huge area), but Huntsville has a lot of missile jobs, including some on quality (no one wants their missile to blow up before it is supposed to or to now blow up after all that effort of shooting it off). Raytheon is building a new facility out there, I think Redstone has a new contract or something. Also, United Space has some quality jobs opening up there- listed as engineer 2, but will fill as starting. Not sure if other companies do that, but might want to start searching engineer 2 positions 2. can't hurt to try.
Posted by Uprooted (Member # 8353) on :
Belle, I got a little confused w/ all the different posts. Is the long term sub job in the same school district as the ESL/sheltered English job? Is the latter definitely off the table?

I like your thinking about taking the job (if offered) to stay in the field and gain valuable experience. Good luck.
Posted by Belle (Member # 2314) on :
Sorry...let me recap:

The one I really wanted, the sheltered English is off the table, they hired someone else - I didn't even get an interview. Yeah, that really stings, too because I was very qualified for it.

Every other full time job I've applied for has apparently been filled - all of them have been removed from the job board.

The only thing I've interviewed for and have any shot at is the long-term sub. Which is right at minimum wage, and only about $10 a week more than I would get with unemployment. But, as I said, it's better than sitting at home being depressed and angry about not having a job, and better than earning nothing at all. Plus it gives me experience, so I am going to take it, if offered. He was interviewing two more people after me, and said he'd let me know Monday.

I did apply for a job as a web content editor, but they haven't gotten back with me. It's a university, and they are always notoriously slow about moving along with the hiring process so I'm not expecting much.
Posted by Belle (Member # 2314) on :
So it's Monday, and I haven't heard anything yet so I am now assuming that I did not even get the long term sub.

To top it off, the web content editor job has been removed from the university's job board, and I didn't get an interview for that. I didn't really want it anyway, I'd rather teach, but doggone it I am getting sick and tired of being passed over without even an interview.

So I'm down to...nothing. No jobs anywhere that I can even apply for at this point. I suppose I will be part of the "new unemployment filing" statistic. [Frown]

I am also facing withdrawing from school so I won't be able to continue my master's program. And, given that I have a daughter going to college next fall and my husband needs to add a degree to keep his part time job teaching at a junior college, I will most likely never get back to school. That hurts, because it means that I will have wasted these five classes. [Frown] And I LIKE school. [Frown]

So pardon me, Hatrack, while I wallow in some self-pity for a while. Hopefully I'll be over it soon....I have to move into the "acceptance stage" but right now I'm mired in the dejected, hurt stage.
Posted by scholarette (Member # 11540) on :
Belle- I am really sorry. I know it doesn't help, but when my husband was job hunting, he turned in probably 50 applications and got 3 interviews total, one job offer. One of the most annoying ones was for the job he got, he initially didn't get it and they called back 2 months later and hired him. But when he was told no the first time, they were like, you are the perfect applicant for this other job in our company- like your resume fits everything so perfectly, you couldn't lie to make it better. So, he applied for that job and never got a call back.
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Belle, I'm sorry. That's all kinds of suck. [Frown]

Posted by Aglaea (Member # 12378) on :
I'm so sorry, Belle. It hurts when you see your dreams disappear due to uncontrollable events.

Hope you'll find your heart again soon.
Posted by Uprooted (Member # 8353) on :
Wallow away for now. I hope life gives you reason to rejoice instead, soon.
Posted by Godric (Member # 4587) on :
Belle, I'm sorry. Keep your head up and your eyes and ears open.

As for me, I was offered a new job today - one I'm going to take. It's an opportunity to get in on the ground level of an established advertising agency. They've put in a solid client base and are hiring for the first time.

In this economy, it's a gamble, but one I'm willing to take. Hoping for the best.
Posted by Earendil18 (Member # 3180) on :
Good luck Belle. I've been trying to find an art teaching or art services position here in Seattle, but they all want people with a BA in Fine Arts for teaching.

I've sent my artwork to a bunch of possibilities, but no word back.

I'll be putting up flyers for private lessons, but I broke up with my BF and I'll be losing Microsoft insurance coverage, along with a lot of luxuries. I'm seriously considering the cruise ship industry, or yeah, teaching English in Japan. I know there are some that don't require you to have a BA, just an AA will do, and it'd be a great experience it seems.

Argh indeed! [Big Grin]
Posted by AvidReader (Member # 6007) on :
What a lousy day at work. As part of our restructure, a handful of folks from my department got moved to another department - which is apparently the department that all the other departments steal lunch money from. I was at work until 7 pm. I put in 10 hours yesterday.

I'm trying really hard to look at the bright side cause that does mean overtime. But I don't want overtime. I want to go home at 5:30. I want my job done perfectly so I can put in exactly 40 hours and never think about it on my off time. And I sure as you-know-where don't want to miss my evenings with my husband who goes to work at 3 am. Evenings are family time.

I am not cut out to deal with the one department in the entire credit union that's time sensative. Anywhere else I could wait until tomorrow. Thank god the outside vendors aren't acting up at the moment or I'd run screaming, back up job or no.

And there's still almost nothing out there. Debt collection seems to be the thing at the moment. How you gonna collect debt from people with no money? How can that even be an in demand job?
Posted by Belle (Member # 2314) on :
I'm sorry, AvidReader and Earendil.

Godric, congratulations!

I'm climbing back in the saddle, another long term sub has been posted. It's the same lousy money, but it's closer to home so that's encouraging. Less gas money.

I'm going out there today to try and catch the principal and leave a resume.

Like a slap in the face, a friend I know from school called me to brag that she just got a job. I'm happy for her, but I'm frustrated - she hasn't finished school yet and does not have a teaching certificate. I'm certified, highly qualified, and experienced and I can't get interviews and they are hiring people who don't have a teaching certificate. [Wall Bash]
Posted by Flying Fish (Member # 12032) on :
Earendil, I looked at the link of your albums. They're fabulous.
Posted by Belle (Member # 2314) on :
Oh so that went well (/sarcasm).

I was confused when I went in, saw someone standing in the hall, asked where the office was and they pointed to a door. I opened it....and the door took me right into the principal's private office where he was engaged in a meeting!


I stammered out an apology for interrupting, gave him my resume, and left. I fumbled that one badly, I'm not expecting a call from him. He gave me the generic "I'll be in touch" which they always say but they never are.
Posted by scholarette (Member # 11540) on :
Hope things get better on the hunt soon.
Posted by Tstorm (Member # 1871) on :
Oof. Well, your run of bad luck is that much closer to ending, at least.
Posted by Belle (Member # 2314) on :
The hits just keep on coming. The mayor of the city where my husband works petitioned the city council for the authority to change firefighter pay. They gave it to him, so it looks now like my husband's pay will be cut 30%.

If I don't have a job, we cannot absorb that big of a hit. I don't know what to do. I have never felt so helpless...I've tried everything I can do to find a job....I've applied for almost 40 in the last two months, I've looked outside education, but I can't find anything. Even unemployment is not going to be enough...I have to work. When the girl without a teacher's certificate got a job today...I really felt like just giving up.
Posted by Tstorm (Member # 1871) on :
30% ? [Frown]

I wonder how many firefighters they'll have left...I can't imagine many full-time employees can easily absorb that big of a financial hit. Disposable income hasn't exactly been on the rise in the last decade.

I just found the news article from your area, where it says 10%, but the union is claiming up to 30% due to errors in how the pay is calculated? That's rather vague.
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Wow, Belle, 30%!? That's horrific. I'll keep praying you find something soon!
Posted by AvidReader (Member # 6007) on :
I'm so sorry, Belle.
Posted by Sala (Member # 8980) on :
Belle, I'm so sad for you. I don't get this whole thing of hiring the inexperienced kids either. I have a friend who graduated with his teaching certificate a year ago. He's done short and long term subbing all year in the county schools. People know him. He's good. I specifically requested that my principal hire him for the fifth grade position because I knew we would work well together. She went and hired a newby, fresh out of college. At another school, where he did the long term sub, the principal indicated that he was almost assured to get the job. The job went to another newby. I don't get it. Here he is, known and experienced, and the newbys are getting the jobs. There were only six teaching jobs available in our county (there were 150 people hired the year I was hired, seven years ago), and nearly all went to May graduates, while there's a whole class of graduates from a year ago who have been subbing, and none of them got hired. I just don't get it.
Posted by Belle (Member # 2314) on :
It's 30% because of the hours they work....The mayor is claiming that they should make the same annual salary as police, instead of the same hourly rate. Firefighters work 52 hours a week on average to the police 40. Right now they make the same hourly pay - let's say it's 20 bucks an hour. But the firefighter makes more in the long run, because he gets 52 hours a week at 20 where the police officer gets 40. It's more complicated than that due to firefighter off day schedules, but that's the gist.

The news is notoriously unreliable on this issue because they don't understand the facts - firefighters are exempt from the normal wage and hour law and are covered under a completely different set of federal regulations due to their work schedule. It's called the FLSA K exemption:

"Public-sector (government) fire departments may establish special "7(k) work periods" for sworn firefighters, which can increase the FLSA overtime "thresholds" beyond the normal 40 hour week. Firefighters covered by these special work periods are entitled to FLSA overtime only for hours worked in excess of a threshold set by the Department of Labor on a chart. For example, in a 28 day work period, fire fighters would be entitled to FLSA overtime only for hours actually worked over 212 during that 28 day period (in essence, a 53 hour work week). "7(k)" refers to the section of the FLSA in which these special rules are contained, 29 USC §207(k). Most fire fighters who work "platoon schedules" will be classified by their employers as "7(k) eligible" and compensated accordingly.
So, firefighters don't make "overtime" if they work 52 hours a week as long as they don't go over 212 hours in a 28 day period. The mayor is saying that police and fire should receive the same annual salary, not hourly rate, so he is reducing the hourly rate to make the annual salaries match.

I'm sure that is much more than anyone here wanted to know about firefighter salary issues. But, it may help explain where the union is getting that 30% figure.
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
So are the hours going to be the same as police? Will the work week be lessened to only 40 hours? That's the only way it could be considered even close to fair.
Posted by Belle (Member # 2314) on :
No kat, their hours will remain the same. They will work 52 hours a week and make the same annual salary as someone who works 40, when both are supposed to be equal, because the mayor is interpreting the "equal pay" as an annual salary, not an hourly one.

Thats's why the union is up in arms and wanting to fight it. I hope they are successful. But, all signs are pointing to them successfully reducing the salary.
Posted by Tstorm (Member # 1871) on :
Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. Thanks for the explanation, Belle. It's good to get information directly from the horse's mouth, so to speak. [Smile]
Posted by Sala (Member # 8980) on :
Oh, Belle, that is so NOT right. <grrrrr> <aaarrrggghhh> I can't think of anything else to say.
Posted by Belle (Member # 2314) on :
Another day, another application sent out for a job outside teaching. I'm focusing on the universities in town...I'd rather stay in some form of education if I can and most of the local universities have tuition benefits which may help out in paying for college for my kids.
Posted by scholarette (Member # 11540) on :
I just found out my part time job is gone. The owners thought they were selling the franchise, but corporate said no, so was told today no work next week (or ever with them). Only part time, money was used for a perk that we will find a way to pay for somehow else (bin's gymnastic lessons), but still really bummed.
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Ouch. And short notice, too.
Posted by Belle (Member # 2314) on :
Oh scholarette, I'm sorry. yeah, that short notice really sucks. Hope you find something to replace it soon.

I applied for another job at the university where I attend (bonus - if I get a job there I can finish my master's for free!)

A friend called to say her principal told her they would be posting an ESL position I may have the opportunity to jump at that chance. I'm going to email the principal and try to be one of the first people to submit. It's not posted yet, so there shouldn't be too many others sending in resumes for it.
Posted by scholarette (Member # 11540) on :
Right now, it is hard to even think about finding another job. I am 30 weeks pregnant and my husband is trying to transfer to another state so, it is like ok, who is going to hire someone so very pregnant and do I really want to find another job if we are moving anyway? The transfer hasn't happened yet, so we may not move, but husband really wants to transfer. Working in space industry in Houston is not the most stable work right now and he is thinking getting out before forced out would be good.
Posted by Earendil18 (Member # 3180) on :
I really hope this "green jobs" thing takes off already, this country needs it.
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Belle, good luck with both those leads!

scholarette, hope you figure something out that works for your family.
Posted by scholarette (Member # 11540) on :
Right now, we are thinking this is just early maternity leave and I'll start job hunting in like Dec/January.
Posted by Belle (Member # 2314) on :
My contact at the board came through and is managing to get me on the sub list at the county where I worked. That's actually a big accomplishment because most school systems are refusing to accept new subs.

In other words I've applied for about five more jobs that are non-teaching. The last minute ESL teacher opening is still open, but the principal has not called for an interview and since school starts Wednesday I suspect he already has someone else in mind. That's how it usually goes.

One other bright spot, though - my professor asked me to email her later today she is trying to work some magic and get my classes paid for so I can stay in school. That would be awesome.

So, I suppose I'm looking at unemployment, maybe subbing if I can get work, and maybe staying in school, or maybe not depending on whether I can get any money to stay in school. I could apply for loans I guess but I know it's way too late for this term.

An article in the paper quotes a local superintendent as saying that we haven't seen anything yet - next year all the stimulus money will be gone and there will be teacher unemployment unlike anything we have seen in our lifetimes. That's encouraging.
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Originally posted by Belle:
That's encouraging.


I thought that for the most part, the stimulus money is ALREADY gone -- or will be January, and is already spoken for.
Posted by Belle (Member # 2314) on :
Yeah, rivka but they were able to preserve some jobs for this school year with it. Not so next year. Class sizes will be astronomical.

The school where I worked last year let 9 teachers go and didn't replace any of them - and the number of kids didn't change. So, imagine how much bigger class sizes have to be to make up for that.

I don't know. I loved teaching last year for the most part, even though I taught in an incredibly challenging situation. But, I'm thinking that I am in the wrong profession and need to find something else to do.
Posted by scholarette (Member # 11540) on :
But what job is not hurting right now?
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
That's a good question. What professions are doing fine? This calls for research.
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Originally posted by scholarette:
But what job is not hurting right now?

Too true.

Belle, I taught for 10 years. There are some really awesome things about being a teacher. And some really sucky ones.
Posted by Belle (Member # 2314) on :
I'm just sick of the injustice of it. And I'm not even talking about myself - I mean, I only have one year of experience so it makes sense that I am struggling to find a job. But, I have a good friend who has taught for years, is a highly qualified special ed teacher, also certified in math, and incredibly gifted with helping students achieve. She moved out of state with her husband's job and had to give up tenure, but now that she's back home she is unable to find a job. Husband decided to leave too, so she is a single mom.

She needs a job, really badly and no one will hire her. And yet I know of so many incompetent special ed teachers that I worked with who went into it because it's easier (and it IS if you don't care about doing a good job). I am so angry and frustrated with the system - the students deserve better.

I've been passed over for jobs so they could hire people who were related to someone or who graduated from that school. Not because they were more qualified. Hell, at most schools I can't even get an interview because I don't know the principal.

I've seen really great teachers pushed out of jobs to make room for someone who is a terrible teacher but can coach. I've seen so many downsides to teaching it's making me long for the days when I worked in corporate and I kept my job as long as I did it well, and they offered me more money because they wanted to keep me and not have me leave for another job that could pay me better. God bless the free market.

I don't know. I'm just down...depressed, despondent, and feeling like giving up. I guess I'm assuming the grass has GOT to be greener elsewhere. But it probably isn't.
Posted by Samprimary (Member # 8561) on :
And yet I know of so many incompetent special ed teachers that I worked with who went into it because it's easier (and it IS if you don't care about doing a good job).
It's, in fact, why special ed is such a travesty in so many parts of the nation. Schools who can't fire incompetent teachers with tenure and can't pawn them off on another school use special ed as a dumping ground for the lemons, to keep them out of the way of 'normal' operations as much as possible. So, even though they're taking care of students who arguably need MORE qualified, specialized teachers to attend to them, the special ed department is turned into glorified babysitting by teachers who are a step above rubber roomers.
Posted by scholarette (Member # 11540) on :
Belle, when my sister was in corporate America, she was temping with the contract supposedly including full time hire provided they liked her work. She did a great job, but when her contract expired, they gave the full time job to someone's friend's son. They did keep her on, floating between depts until finally one of the other people offered her a job. Apparently, he had a stack of resumes and he was looking at it and said, geez, I so don't want to go through all these and do the interviews. Hey, temp, you want the job? She said yes and then got to send out rejections to all the other applicants, whose resumes the boss never even read.

In teaching, the worst story I head was over getting out of a contract. She signed a contract, but said she was still looking for another job (with salary freeze, this made a huge difference in pay since she wasn't getting the bonus for having a master's but if a new hire she would get it). They said that was fine- just sign now and they would release her without problems when she had another job. So, she did that and found a great job (8k raise, one prep instead of 4 and all classes she was certified to actually teach- her old school had her teaching things she wasn't certified for). When she asked to be released, they refused. The principal claimed no qualified applicants applied for the job so they couldn't release her until they found someone to take her place. In this environment, she could not believe no one good had applied. After a bunch of run around, she finally called the HR person, who said they had interviewed several qualified candidates and had even hired someone contingent on her quitting. My friend was furious and again went and asked for her release and she did get it this time. One of her friends at the same school was in a similar situation, but the new school that hired him didn't want to wait for him to be released once it became obvious the other school was making trouble, so he lost out on his other job.
Posted by Belle (Member # 2314) on :
Good news finally - found the money to stay in school. So I will keep working on my master's degree. In the meantime I'll keep looking for a full time job (any full time job!) and I was able to make it on at least one substitute list. If I can string enough sub jobs together I might make it until next semester...when there is a long-term sub position available that I have been recommended for. Maybe I can survive that way.
Posted by Tstorm (Member # 1871) on :
Where there's a will, there's an "OR". [Smile]

I'm glad to hear you found an option in the middle of the current mess.
Posted by Jhai (Member # 5633) on :
I'm glad to hear something has finally gone your way, Belle. :-) I've flirted with the idea of becoming a high school math and/or economics teacher, but stories like yours - where clearly qualified teachers are passed over because of our crazy public school system and its hiring practices - always make me hesitant.

In my good news of the day, my boss has agreed to allow me to work remotely from the company's San Francisco office. It's not ideal, by any means... I'm not a huge fan of my job to begin with, and working remotely will accentuate some of the things I dislike about it. I'll likely have an hour + commute each way, since we want to live somewhere in the Mountain View to north San Jose area. I'll have to keep East Coast office hours, which means getting up no later than 5:30 every morning...

But it's a job, and moreover a job which comes with benefits and more than decent pay. So I'm counting my lucky stars that we're crazy-busy & my boss hates hiring and training new people (plus it does take a long time to get up to speed with our work).
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Originally posted by Belle:
Good news finally - found the money to stay in school.


Originally posted by Jhai:
But it's a job, and moreover a job which comes with benefits and more than decent pay.

Right now especially, that's big. And hopefully you'll find something that makes you happier not too long after you move.
Posted by Belle (Member # 2314) on :
Got my first sub job! Not until Aug 31...but it's a day and the more I sub the more I'll be called because the best way to get jobs is being visible where other teachers can meet you.

I also called a friend who teaches at a local high school and told her I was hoping to sub and she reminded me that her mother works in the office at the school...and is in charge of scheduling subs! So I will hopefully be able to get more jobs that way.

If I can string together an average of 3 days a week as a sub we can (barely) pay our monthly bills. We'll have to make some adjustments in our lifestyles and give up some wants but our needs will be taken care of...and that's the same thing a lot of families are having to do right now.
Posted by Uprooted (Member # 8353) on :
Belle, that's great. Glad you can keep going to school and hope you will be able to get as much subbing in as you want between now and the long-term sub job.
Posted by Belle (Member # 2314) on :
Just got interviewed over the phone by one of the universities I applied to. It's a financial aid position and consdierably less money than a teaching job. But, considerably more than subbing.

I don't know...everyone tells me subbing is the way to get a job...and I was feeling really good about that. If I take this position I can't do that, and I don't increase my chances of getting a job as a teacher.

Then again, it's a lot more than I'm making now. The woman had several other phone interviews to go and then said she'd get back with me so chances are the decision may not even need to be made - they could offer it to someone else. With my luck, they will. I don't seem to get much further than interviews these days.
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
If you go that route and want some training tips, let me know. [Smile]

Good luck making the decision.
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
Originally posted by katharina:
That's a good question. What professions are doing fine? This calls for research.

Nursing is up, but so is the number of graduates.
Posted by Godric (Member # 4587) on :
Good luck Belle!
Posted by Belle (Member # 2314) on :
I don't see evidence of nursing being up around here. I can easily name 10 people I know with RNs who are not full time employed right now but want to be. Many of them ARE employed...they work for hospitals, but they are not getting enough shifts.

One has been a pediatric ICU nurse for 15 years at the same hospital and now is only averaging 8 shifts a month. Saw her lamenting it on Facebook just last night.
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
As I said....demand is up, but so is supply (graduates).

[Big Grin]

And I am one of those nurses (LPN though)....working, but not consistently. Although there are jobs around here, just none I have landed recently. [Smile]
Posted by Belle (Member # 2314) on :
I am so excited! I got an email from a principal from a middle school less than 20 minutes from home. He wants to interview me for a long-term sub.

No guarantees but this is one of my top schools - I really, really want to work here and this will be a good chance for me to get in and get to know the principal in case he has openings next year.
Posted by Belle (Member # 2314) on :
Interview is set for 5:00 tomorrow. [Big Grin]
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Good luck!
Posted by Belle (Member # 2314) on :
Thanks rivka! You are so encouraging. [Smile]

Interview went well...I guess. I've given up trying to make predictions. It would be for about 7-8 weeks and teaching eighth grade.

The school is awesome - it's so beautiful and I clocked it - 12 minutes from my house! It would be a great place to fill in for a while...but of course I still want a permanent job.
Posted by Uprooted (Member # 8353) on :
Thinking good thoughts!
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Originally posted by Belle:
Thanks rivka! You are so encouraging. [Smile]


Did they give you any idea when you might expect to hear back? That's the worst part. The waiting to hear. [Razz]
Posted by Belle (Member # 2314) on :
Next week. The job is not even posted yet, she only called me first because I came so highly recommended by someone at the board of ed.

At least, that's what she told me. I'm kinda happy and bummed about that - it's good I came so highly recommended that she called me right away, but I'd rather be the last person she interviews rather than the first.
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Originally posted by Belle:
I'd rather be the last person she interviews rather than the first.

Nah. You are the standard against whom all the rest will be measured! [Big Grin]
Posted by Sala (Member # 8980) on :
Good thoughts winging your way, and the principal's way, too!
Posted by Belle (Member # 2314) on :
I have a job!!! And it's not even long-term sub but a full-time contract for the year.

Just out of the blue I got a phone call from the board of ed, where I worked last year. A teacher resigned and walked out, and they need a new teacher right away. I drove to the board, the principal met me there, and hired me on the spot. I start tomorrow.

It's a high school position, teaching 10th grade. I am so, so excited. [Big Grin]
Posted by Jhai (Member # 5633) on :
Oh, gosh, congratulations Belle!!!

That's really awesome!
Posted by scholarette (Member # 11540) on :
Yeah!! I am so glad things worked out.
Posted by Tstorm (Member # 1871) on :
I had a good feeling this would end on a happy note. Congratulations. [Smile]
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Originally posted by Belle:
I have a job!!! And it's not even long-term sub but a full-time contract for the year.

Just out of the blue I got a phone call from the board of ed, where I worked last year. A teacher resigned and walked out, and they need a new teacher right away. I drove to the board, the principal met me there, and hired me on the spot. I start tomorrow.

It's a high school position, teaching 10th grade. I am so, so excited. [Big Grin]


This is a different school but the same district as where you taught last year?
Posted by AvidReader (Member # 6007) on :
Congrats, Belle!
Posted by advice for robots (Member # 2544) on :
That's awesome, Belle! Good luck with the new position!
Posted by Uprooted (Member # 8353) on :
Woo-hoo! What grade(s) did you teach last year? Same curriculum? Tomorrow -- wow! Guess you are busy now!
Posted by Belle (Member # 2314) on :
Same district, different school. Last year I was in middle school, now I'm in high school.

It is really challenging in a different way but I love it! I teach on block schedule, so I have only four classes a day and they alternate - I see all of them on Monday in an abbreviated schedule, then I see half my students every Tues. and Thurs. and the other half on Weds. and Fri. That's going to take an adjustment on my part, but I will get there.

I'm going from middle school curriculum to high school.
Posted by CT (Member # 8342) on :
Posted by Sala (Member # 8980) on :
Wahoo! Hip, hip, horray!!! I'm so very happy for you. It's been terrifying having to live through the summer like this, but perhaps the position will be better than last year's, and maybe it won't go away at the end of the year this time!
Posted by scholarette (Member # 11540) on :
In good news for me, the place I tutor at part time ended up being purchased a few weeks later and since part of their sales pitch is consistency, they rehired everyone who was willing to come back. I just got back from my first shift under new management, which was basically all the same peeople and set up as before. The people above me might notice a difference, but I doubt I will. So, back to employed in my nice, low demand job.
Posted by Belle (Member # 2314) on :
Wonderful scholarette! That is fantastic news!
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
How cool!
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
Yay!! That's wonderful for both of you!!
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
very cool! I am glad that worked out for you, Belle!

You too, scholarette!

I am still looking for full time work as an LPN, but the staffing place has me working steady. On a better note, Francks won their appeal of the injunction against compounding vet meds, and they are heading back into that business. They are rehiring all of the people they farmed out, including my wife, and they get all of their seniority and benefits carried over as if they never left. Because they never left the building, they just switched company names. [Big Grin]
Posted by scholarette (Member # 11540) on :
Yeah Kwea! Sounds like things are upswing. [Smile]
Posted by Belle (Member # 2314) on :
Kwea that's great about your wife getting her job back and the seniority and benefits is a bonus!
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
yeah, they said that they will have a lot more details in a week or two, including trying to work the insurance details out with Blue Cross/Blue Shield again.

Our insurance sucked, but there is a chance we might get to keep the money we already paid towards our deductible.
Posted by AvidReader (Member # 6007) on :
This late in the year, that could be a huge benefit. Good luck, Kwea!

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