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Posted by Darth_Mauve (Member # 4709) on :
I was reading an old book called "God Game" by Andrew M. Greeley.

How old?

There is a lot of talk about his brand new super fast computer--the 286 with its 10 Meg hard drive and Windows operating system.

Yes, it was written in the 80's and is very dated.

In this book the author/hero plays a new computer game on his computer, where he uses his TV as his monitor, when his new Satellite Dish is struck by lightening opening up a rift into another dimension where the actions he types for his characters in the computer come true.

Since, by appearances on the book jacket, Mr. Greeley is a Priest, the theology debated within the story is very Catholic in view point.

Then at one point the Author Character (as compared to The Real Author who chimes in on a few pages) says the following:

"Now before Cardinal Josef Ratzinger and the bully boys from the Congregation for the Defense of the Faith--as the Inquisition is euphemistically called these days--come after me with their thumbscrews and their heresy charges..."

He implies that Cardinal Ratzinger is a brute and a villian. Not a major insult, but not something you should publish about the person who will by your boss in a couple of decades.

This book is so dated that I found it funnier than the author hoped, but I found this comment, buried in the middle of the book, to be...what is the opposite of prophetic?
Posted by kmbboots (Member # 8576) on :
My guess is that Fr. Greeley is not remotely bothered by having written unflattering things about the Pope - past or present. I believe that he would have been just as likely (if not more likely) to have written it had he been prescient regarding the Cardinal. Though he did, upon the election of Pope Benedict, encourage giving him a chance, Fr. Greeley would not have shied from criticism because the man was "his boss". He didn't regarding his previous "boss".

Nor is his assessment of then Cardinal Ratzinger unique among Catholics, neither is he alone in expressing it. Then or now.

[ June 20, 2010, 12:26 AM: Message edited by: kmbboots ]
Posted by Nighthawk (Member # 4176) on :
Originally posted by Darth_Mauve:
He implies that Cardinal Ratzinger is a brute and a villian.

Obligatory image

Carry on... [Razz]
Posted by Lisa (Member # 8384) on :
Great book, though. I still have my copy from when it first came out. But I've always been a sucker for books where the characters come alive.
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
I loved that book when I read it years ago. [Big Grin]
Posted by Teshi (Member # 5024) on :
It's okay to publically insult anyone, provided you are telling the truth or making no actual factual comments.
Posted by theamazeeaz (Member # 6970) on :
Huh. Windows DID exist that early, starting in 85. I was going to try to call you out on that, but I was wrong. Well, anyway, I used DOS on the family computer at least through 93.

Darth_Mauve, does the author character say anything in response to the insult to Ratzinger?
Posted by Darth_Mauve (Member # 4709) on :
I know Windows existed in 85. I was selling it. And for that, there is a spot in Purgatory waiting for me, but I digress.

The Author Character is the one that made this insult. He was pontificating on a point of theology and knew it came close to the line between official church position and heresy. He didn't want an over-eager authority to misconstrue his meaning.

The book is not so much a question of are fictional characters real, but a study of how God, who created us as we create characters in our stories, must ultimately love them.

The Author Character realizes that he is an imperfect and non-omnipotent God, so there are limits on what he can do. He does present himself as proof of an all-loving God though.
Posted by Jim-Me (Member # 6426) on :
Fr. Greeley is an example of how tolerant and non-dogmatic the Catholic faith can be. There is tremendous room for dissent and diversity of opinion in the Church.

So, while he is a priest, this statement
Since, by appearances on the book jacket, Mr. Greeley is a Priest, the theology debated within the story is very Catholic in view point.
is a little less clear and evident than it sounds. He is reflective of one of many Catholic viewpoints. As Kate says, he's been far from reticent about criticizing the Vatican throughout his whole career.
Posted by kmbboots (Member # 8576) on :
Bear in mind that Fr. Greeley became a priest during a very dynamic era in Catholic history and in a very dynamic place. Chicago has a tradition of fiesty Catholics and he was here in the years before and during the Second Vatican Council. The Vatican has been trying to suppress some of that dissent and diversity and Fr. Greeley response to that attempt has not been subtle.
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
Originally posted by Teshi:
It's okay to publically insult anyone, provided you are telling the truth or making no actual factual comments.

I disagree, mostly.

Also, for a priest to do it, well, not so much. [Big Grin]
Posted by Black Fox (Member # 1986) on :
The Pope is not nearly as all powerful as some people would have him be. That and in the end the priest would simply say that the Pope is not his boss, that his boss was God/Jesus.
Posted by kmbboots (Member # 8576) on :
Exactly. Now. A priest may or may not get "in trouble", depending on the circumstances but it is certainly "okay". I would even say it is a good thing.

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