Originally posted by MightyCow:
Less KoM just means that the rest of us atheists need to step up our game.
Before the calendar page turns to Thursday, it's worth meditating on the whys and wherefores of the contest, which was inspired by a jihadist death threat against the creators of South Park and was originally suggested by Seattle artist Molly Norris. Soon after asking everyone to draw the Prophet in solidarity with the arguably millions of people repressed by threats of theologically justified violence, Norris herself went into ideological hiding, suggesting instead that everyone draw another target of South Park satire: former Vice President Al Gore.
Who can blame her? People have been killed for representing Mohammed in ways that displeased Islamic terrorists. People have been punched and kicked and forced into hiding. No wonder, then, that Norris, like Galileo in front of a Catholic tribunal, apologized to "everyone of the Muslim faith who has or will be offended" by her drawing (visible at the right). This conditionally unconditional language is the language of the forced penitent, of the prisoner in a totalitarian world, of the sad sack on the Catherine Wheel who will say anything, will confess anything to get off the rack. We all understand exactly why such language is being used: The threat of violence.
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quote:No, in fact some of the original images in the Denmark case were fabricated by Imams to provoke violence.
Originally posted by Lyrhawn:
... are all Muslims offended at the sight of Muhammad images?
quote:Create so many targets for retribution so that it confuses them. Much like a school of fish will move in numbers and formation to confuse predators, actually reducing the number of casualties. Christians used to do retribution for things like sacrilege (some still do). But largely, they're better now, and not because people just avoided the issue.
If a large number of people say that this thing really insults them, then what exactly are we trying to accomplish here? I guess this is where my question as to the size of the offended group comes into play.
quote:Let them. We know who will win. I do not value their lives. If they want a real war, they can have one. We've got nukes. They've got camels.
Originally posted by Kwea:
Not really, it just adds to the feeling that it is US against THEM, and encourage them to lash out even more.
Good job.
quote:We obviously have no shortage of idiots, either. Than you for volunteering to be cannon fodder, a truck will be by shortly to pick you and your family up.
Originally posted by steven:
quote:Let them. We know who will win. I do not value their lives. If they want a real war, they can have one. We've got nukes. They've got camels.
Originally posted by Kwea:
Not really, it just adds to the feeling that it is US against THEM, and encourage them to lash out even more.
Good job.
quote:By that logic, satirists should be coming up against blasphemy laws and threats of jail more than ever, instead AFAIK only Ireland and Poland fit in those two categories respectively.
Originally posted by Kwea:
Not really, it just adds to the feeling that it is US against THEM, and encourage them to lash out even more.
quote:They also have your country by the balls, *cough oil cough*
Originally posted by steven:
quote:Let them. We know who will win. I do not value their lives. If they want a real war, they can have one. We've got nukes. They've got camels.
Originally posted by Kwea:
Not really, it just adds to the feeling that it is US against THEM, and encourage them to lash out even more.
Good job.
quote:I think you mean "camel fodder".
Originally posted by Kwea:
We obviously have no shortage of idiots, either. Than you for volunteering to be cannon fodder, a truck will be by shortly to pick you and your family up.
quote:Give it a few more years. Alternative energy technology will get better, and Americans will finally realize that the best way to deal with Muslim extremists is to go alternative stop buying oil. Americans are ignorant, not stupid, and ignorance is fixable.
Originally posted by Blayne Bradley:
They also have your country by the balls, *cough oil cough*
quote:You are correct. It is a myth. However, the whole problem would go away in about a week if the world just stopped buying Middle Eastern oil.
Originally posted by fugu13:
That the oil producing nations somehow control the US economy is one of those bizarre, long-standing myths that certain sorts of people like to tell themselves.
quote:yes, because nuking them would at all help our circumstantial position.
Originally posted by steven:
Let them. We know who will win. I do not value their lives. If they want a real war, they can have one. We've got nukes. They've got camels.
quote:I wasn't actually suggesting the use of nukes. What I mean is, the more it becomes an all-out war, on all fronts...the more it becomes true the people with the best weapons are the winners. History shows that. The Muslims are safe as long as the Europeans tolerate them. If that ever stops, then Muslims are up a creek, I think.
Originally posted by Samprimary:
quote:yes, because nuking them would at all help our circumstantial position.
Originally posted by steven:
Let them. We know who will win. I do not value their lives. If they want a real war, they can have one. We've got nukes. They've got camels.
you're so charmingly silly when you get righteous.
quote:I have no doubt that that will happen too.
Originally posted by Tresopax:
... Intentionally offending the Islamic faith mainly just gives Muslims a reason to believe the government needs to enforce religious standards of decency.
quote:No, even if you could arrange this unlikely situation, it wouldn't affect this particular problem.
Originally posted by steven:
... However, the whole problem would go away in about a week if the world just stopped buying Middle Eastern oil.
quote:If you can't eat, you don't have time or energy to axe people. And yes, you CAN impoverish Muslims to that extent. Without oil, the countries that produce the most terrorists are all but penniless.
Originally posted by Mucus:
quote:No, even if you could arrange this unlikely situation, it wouldn't affect this particular problem.
Originally posted by steven:
... However, the whole problem would go away in about a week if the world just stopped buying Middle Eastern oil.
It doesn't take a lot of income to send terrorists abroad (and thats assuming they don't switch to the local variety). The guy attacking the Denmark cartoonist had an axe. There's no way you can realistically impoverish Muslims to the extent that they cannot afford an axe.
quote:As far as owning stakes in Citibank, stock would be sold at fire-sale prices if oil stopped being bought.
Originally posted by Mucus:
Do they not have bank accounts that hold money for more than your one week timetable?
Do they not send home remittances?
Do they not own stakes in your banks bought when they were in trouble and that could be sold to raise money?
code:Check out that sweet Mohammed art.O
quote:Fire-sale prices in the US during a time of extraordinary economic growth due to a new and revolutionary new energy source?
Originally posted by steven:
... As far as owning stakes in Citibank, stock would be sold at fire-sale prices if oil stopped being bought.
quote:I question the validity of this statement. Can anyone verifty it? I did a search but all I could find was a reference to 139 people killed in protests over the Danish Mohammed cartoons. Those people did not draw the cartoons, they were protesting the cartoons. They weren't killed by Terrorists they were shot by riot control police.
People have been killed for representing Mohammed in ways that displeased Islamic terrorists.
quote:My feeling is that the proper response is ridicule and disregard for the taboo, but only because of the threats of violence. I will respect a peaceful request to avoid depicting Mohammed to a far greater extent than I will a threat. I think (collectively) flouting the latter teaches them that they'd be better off using peaceful persuasion, and (better yet) that they realistically have no choice but to live and let live.
Originally posted by Lyrhawn:
I'm conflicted on the Muhammad picture controversy in general. Maybe someone can answer this for me, because I'm not really sure myself: are all Muslims offended at the sight of Muhammad images? I know it's only a small extremist faction that is responding to violence, but are the grand majority of Muslims offended but simply restrain themselves from a greater response? Or are the only people who even take issue with this a tiny fringe group themselves?
I'm not necessarily sure the answer will make a big difference, but I'm curious. Anyway, the free speech arguments being made are curious ones. Do I think anyone has a right to draw a picture of Muhammad? Sure, I guess. Do I think that that right protects them from ALL harm? Probably not. You can taunt someone with racial slurs and expect to get your ass kicked, or insert insult to insert group that takes offense to that insult, etc. If a large number of people say that this thing really insults them, then what exactly are we trying to accomplish here? I guess this is where my question as to the size of the offended group comes into play.
Also, I think Parker and Stone fall flat as often as they're dead-on. I don't really blame Comedy Central for censoring them. The people who censored it aren't worried about lawsuits (well, maybe) or boycotts, they're worried about a bomb being mailed to the Comedy Central office that kills some poor office worker who had nothing to do with it. I actually think, much as they might have had the best intentions, it was pretty careless to intentionally provoke a group known to have hostile intent and means, especially when Stone and Parker weren't confining the response to themselves.
quote:The Pakistanis have nukes too.
Let them. We know who will win. I do not value their lives. If they want a real war, they can have one. We've got nukes. They've got camels
Originally posted by The Rabbit:
quote:I question the validity of this statement. Can anyone verifty it?
People have been killed for representing Mohammed in ways that displeased Islamic terrorists.
In June 2008, a suicide car bombing outside the Danish embassy in Islamabad killed eight people. Al-Qaeda claimed responsibility for the attack, saying it was to avenge the cartoons.
Originally posted by scifibum:
... and (better yet) that they realistically have no choice but to live and let live.
quote:Said it better than I could.
Could you do it legally? Of course. Should you?
quote:Excellent link JTK.
Originally posted by James Tiberius Kirk:
quote:Said it better than I could.
Could you do it legally? Of course. Should you?
Muslim students’ reaction? Add boxing gloves and re-label the drawings “Muhammad Ali." As an atheist (or better yet, call me a Humanist: one who emphasizes doing good without God) who longs for fellow Humanists to gain respectability in this religious nation, I begrudgingly admit the Muslims’ approach in this incident is superior in humor and civility.
In Muslim culture, there is a longstanding tradition that to put something on the ground, where people step on it, is “the ultimate diss," indicating “I hate you, you disgust me,” as I was told by Ingrid Mattson, president of the Islamic Society of North America
To this add the fact that after 9/11 hate crimes against Arabs, Muslims and “those perceived to be Muslim” increased 1,700 percent in the United States, according to a report by Human Rights Watch. Large numbers of innocent Muslims in the U.S. have been harmed or intimidated simply because they share a religious tradition with extremists. Can we reasonably suggest they not be reminded of this upon seeing their prophet, the most revered and admired person in their cultural tradition, underfoot?
quote:I think its worth noting that the 8 people killed by terrorist in response to the Mohammed cartoons, had nothing to do with the drawings.
In June 2008, a suicide car bombing outside the Danish embassy in Islamabad killed eight people. Al-Qaeda claimed responsibility for the attack, saying it was to avenge the cartoons.
quote:See, while I agree with this, I think "Draw Muhammad Day" itself is counterproductive -- it comes across as an "anti-Muslim" statement more than an "anti-violence" statement.
And more to the point, I do think it's important to send the message that using violence to try to impose your beliefs on others is not only wrong, but counter-productive.
quote:If it were clearly anti-violence, no one would be asking the question. It's clearly a response to violence but iot seems more like taunting bullies than a statement taking a stand against violence.
Originally posted by jebus202:
It is clearly anti-violence as it wouldn't exist if violence had not been threatened.
quote:Depending on the circumstances, I might around them.
Originally posted by Launchywiggin:
If there were a group of people who worshipped chairs and they were mortally offended that we all sit in them, I sure as heck wouldn't stop sitting in my chair.
quote:Can we expect you to publish comical images of Muhammed on the Internet attached to your name soon, then?
Maybe you're ok with that, but I'm not.
quote:Not openly. You obviously are OK with doing it anonymously.
I would never show or advertise a picture of Muhammed to a Muslim person.
quote:See the thing is for every person out there who draws a harmless picture like yours there's going to be somebody that draws Muhammad strapped to a bomb. It's a terrible idea, and it's only adding fuel to the fire if you ask me. More than anything I'm worried about the extremist response to this, because this time a lot more people will feel like their actions are justified.
Originally posted by Elmer's Glue:
To me, that is the spirit of Everybody Draw Muhammad Day; to make something that no one could rationally say is offensive, yet makes groups rally with signs that say I should be killed for it.
quote:Just so we're clear, there's eventually a line where you stop appeasing someone's bonkers beliefs, right?
You considering them to be "bonkers" doesn't really change the circumstances for me.
quote:There is definitely some truth in that, but by the same token there is a standard of behavior that should be accepted. If you are TRYING to provoke someone you don't really have the right to be offended if they get upset.
Originally posted by MightyCow:
Drawing Mohammed is like flag burning. It is intentionally provocative to prove a point.
The point being proven is that drwaing a cartoon isn't actually hurting anyone, but sometimes the response is, and we need to focus on people who are being actually hurt (and killed) over people who are having their feelings hurt.
Freedom isn't really freedom if it only applies when you talk about things that extremists aren't willing to kill you over. Letting that pass just tells people that you can shut people up about whatever you don't want talked about by threatening violence.
quote:There wasn't really a point. We just though it was a ridiculous day. We weren't trying to make a statement on free speech or anything.
Originally posted by mr_porteiro_head:
What point is there in drawing those pictures if you don't want any Muslims to see it?
Also, you said that you and your friends drew about 40 of those pictures. What would you say the odds are that a Muslim saw one of them and was offended? Are you OK with that, or do you feel bad about it?