There was a short story I read maybe ten years ago. I don't remember the author or the title, but I think title was the name of the main character. The story is about a prisoner of war held in a small base that doesn't really see any combat and has only the one prisoner. The prisoner isn't very smart-- kind of a sweet, naive country boy. The guards don't really guard him, and he obviously considers himself to be friends with his captors, doing considerate things for them, washing, mending, helping out and such. Then the guards get a command that they are to put their prisoner to death. They try to get him to "escape," but he refuses to leave because they are all friends and his friends would never kill him. In the end, they do kill him, and they feel guilty about it and blame him for not running away, for trusting them. Does anyone know this story or where I can find it?
Posted by Darth_Mauve (Member # 4709) on :
The Crito by Plato. Its a bit older than 10 years but similar stuff happens.
Posted by anonymous (Member # 486) on :
Funny. But no.
Posted by Dobbie (Member # 3881) on :
Do you happen to know what war it was?
Posted by anonymous (Member # 486) on :
I really don't. Possibly World War Two? I think it took place in Italy?