Its hilarious, the funniest moment for me is the funny aneurysm moment where the white priest says to the african american kid "young man you speak so well!" Why is this funny? Because of Chris Rocks stand up comedy complaining about white people saying Colin Powell could run for president because he "speaks so well" its hard to explain but you have to watch the rant in full to get why I find it hilarious in context to the episode.
Anyone else ever seen it?
Oh and Ed Asner is in it!
Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
I love that show Is there going to be a 3rd season because it's just too funny. Especially that Itis episode
Posted by neo-dragon (Member # 7168) on :
Over on pweb, Huey is my avatar. My favourite episode is the one with the X-box killer. The R. Kelly trial was pretty funny too.
Posted by Blayne Bradley (Member # 8565) on :
I keep trying to figure out what sort of show had the most influence on it, its very animesque and in fact the animation studio is in Japan but its hard to place what shows may have influenced it due to the somewhat mature subject matter. Its very unique and definitely something to shove in the face of the more fanatical otaku's who dont think any form of animation is good unless it originates from Japan.
Posted by Blayne Bradley (Member # 8565) on :
Oh. my. god. Its Dr Cox (see Scrubs) as a shadowy trench coated government agent.
I can die happy.
Oh my god! omg omg omg! He actually has the same mannerisms!!!
Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
That Gangstalicious episode was so funny. The second one. He had them wearing skirts and sports bras!
Posted by Raymond Arnold (Member # 11712) on :
I actually don't normally find them funny (on purpose) I liked the Christmas one and the one where Riley meets the weird hippy art teacher.
Posted by Blayne Bradley (Member # 8565) on :
why dont you find them funny on purpose for?
Posted by Zhil (Member # 10504) on :
Yea, it's pretty funny. I like it better than the comic strip it comes from, at least.
According to wikipedia, the fight scenes were inspired by Samurai Champloo and Cowboy Bebop. Take that as you will.
Posted by Sterling (Member # 8096) on :
I've only seen a couple of episodes (no cable except when I'm travelling) but I've liked what I've seen.
Posted by Raymond Arnold (Member # 11712) on :
I liked the humor in the original comic strips better. What was later pointed out to me is that the humor in the strips is actually more tailored to nerdy white guys, and the humor in the show was more tailored to what a young black kid would be interested in. I'm not sure whether that's really true but it kinda makes sense to me. I sorta get the jokes behind Ganstalicious and Thug-nificient but I think I don't really "get" them because I'm not familiar enough with the stuff that's getting parodied.
Random tidbit I remember: I thought "A Pimp named Slickback" was funny in the first season but was not funny when he came back, where it felt like they hammered home the joke too heavily.
On a more generic and useful note, I think I felt that a lot of the humor was too... meanspirited? I'm not sure what I mean by that. I think it's something along the lines of a lot of "jokes" involved watching people get hurt or feeling awkward in a way I don't find that funny. I'm not sure why I didn't care for it in Boondocks because I know there's plenty other settings where I find it funny.
Posted by Blayne Bradley (Member # 8565) on :
Hehehe, they had Ann Coulter in the show and it was really funny. (hading her admit shes a fraud)
Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
That was pretty funny. In fact that whole episode was hilarious.
I almost want to get Cartoon network back for that show.