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Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
If you wanted to destroy your wealth in a way that would benefit no one at all, how would you go about it?

I considered the idea of just withdrawing all the money and burning it... In a way that's the best and easiest way, but it lacks flair...

Then there's buying houses, demolishing them and then sowing the land with salt. That has a little more style, but benefits the person you'd buy the house from AND the person who sells the salt. Not to mention, to be safe you'd probably hire a professional demolition company...

Any other ideas?
Posted by MrSquicky (Member # 1802) on :
You could donate it to the Ron Paul campaign.
Posted by natural_mystic (Member # 11760) on :
A good portion of Atlas Shrugged is devoted to this.
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
NM: Well, yeah, the "burn it" method was used in Atlas Shrugged... the "Abandon it" method was used... Francisco did the "Squander it" method...

But both abandon and squander benefit people.

Even Burn It helps people if your pile o money is big enough, as it reduces the amount of money in circulation, raising the value of the money that's still out there. (the opposite of just printing money)

Squick: that helps Ron Paul. Humour noted, though.
Posted by Stray (Member # 4056) on :
I think "giant bonfire of all my money and everything I own" is pretty much it. Except one of the things I own is a car, which can't really be burned up completely; I suppose someone would still benefit from salvaging the metal in the frame or something. Burn everything but the car and push that off a cliff into the ocean maybe? Then the only creatures benefiting would be the fish or coral or whatever that use it for a habitat; no humans.
Posted by MightyCow (Member # 9253) on :
I can't imagine a situation where a sane person would want to do that.
Posted by solo (Member # 3148) on :
Make it into confetti or shred with a paper shredder.
Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
Why would I want to do that?
I want MORE money.
Money = happiness in a non materialistic it's nice to have a home and warm bed way.
Posted by Blayne Bradley (Member # 8565) on :
give it all to me.
Posted by King of Men (Member # 6684) on :
Spend it on dynamite, then use that to blow up the shops you bought it from and the factories that made it, thus making up for the benefit you gave to its manufacturers. Although this likely benefits the people who will rebuild the shops and factories. Really, it's pretty hard to do anything that helps absolutely nobody.
Posted by ClaudiaTherese (Member # 923) on :
The Pixiest, I'm concerned that you may be asking about this as a veiled way of making reference to something else. I know you have mentioned feeling out of sorts with the world lately. It may be an unfounded concern, and I hope I do not offend, but is this question of how to get rid of things purely hypothetical for you, or is it something you are considering doing yourself?

And if the latter, are you in the midst of divesting yourself for the reason of making plans not to be around? If so, as your friends we need to be talking about something else than logistics.

(((The Pixiest)))
Posted by Xann. (Member # 11482) on :
Spend lots of money learning how to make money combust based on a timer, then buy lots of things from small family owned business. After buying the money combust thus losing making people who cannot afford it lose lots of money. I can't think of anyone who would benefit.
Posted by Launchywiggin (Member # 9116) on :
I'm seeing more and more that letting go of your material possessions is the path to true happiness.

In that regard, even burning your wealth will benefit YOU in the long run.
Posted by Tara (Member # 10030) on :
Black hole at the center of the galaxy.
Posted by Hobbes (Member # 433) on :
You could donate it to the Ron Paul campaign.

Hobbes [Smile]
Posted by Samprimary (Member # 8561) on :
Originally posted by MrSquicky:
You could donate it to the Ron Paul campaign.

Posted by The Rabbit (Member # 671) on :
Originally posted by The Pixiest:
Even Burn It helps people if your pile o money is big enough, as it reduces the amount of money in circulation, raising the value of the money that's still out there. (the opposite of just printing money)

Squick: that helps Ron Paul. Humour noted, though.

Such a small fraction of the money used is ever circulated in the form of cash these days. The idea that burning some of it would reduce the money in circulation is really rather laughable. Samething with printing money. It just doesn't work that way in a modern economy.

People who talk about how the government "prints money" thus devaluing, are revealing their own total ignorance of the way the economy actually works.
Posted by The Rabbit (Member # 671) on :
Hack into the bank where the money is kept and delete all record of it ever having existed. Alternatively, create some sort of fake bank and wire all your money to it. If your money is in stocks, do something to cause the value of the stock to drop to zero.
Posted by Lisa (Member # 8384) on :
Give it to the government.
Posted by MrSquicky (Member # 1802) on :
I'd go the pirate route. Get it in gold doubloons, put it in a chest, and bury it. But trap the chest so that any attempts to open it would destroy what is inside.
Posted by The Rabbit (Member # 671) on :
Originally posted by Lisa:
Give it to the government.

Exactly, we'd be better on with no government at all just like this libertarian paradise on earth.
Posted by The Rabbit (Member # 671) on :
Originally posted by MrSquicky:
I'd go the pirate route. Get it in gold doubloons, put it in a chest, and bury it. But trap the chest so that any attempts to open it would destroy what is inside.

Better yet, dissolve the gold in Aqua Regia and then dump it in the ocean.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
Rabbit: I don't know why cholera is funny, but it is. [Smile]
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
CT: That's not what this is about. Thank you for your concern though. ((CT)) This is about contingencies in my will if everyone I care about has pre-deceased me. It DOES have to do with feeling disconnected from the rest of the world, but not in a suicidal way. If I killed myself, the resolution is easy. My hubby gets all my stuff.

Originally posted by Lisa:
Give it to the government.

That's exactly what I want to avoid.

Rabbit: While that video is hysterical, it's yet another conflation of libertarianism and anarchy. Libertarianism = Government protects us from force and fraud. Anarchy = No Government. Somalia = Anarchy.

I DO like the Aqua Regia idea though.

(edit: added explanation)
Posted by MrSquicky (Member # 1802) on :
Anarchy in many of its forms isn't no government. It's no leaders.

I'm an anarchist, in that I believe it is a goal to strive towards.
Posted by The Rabbit (Member # 671) on :
Pixiest, I find it very unfortunate that you feel so disconnected from the world that you rather see the fruits of your labors destroyed than benefit anyone outside a small circle of friends and family. Isn't there any cause you care about? Would it be so bad to will you money to children suffering from AIDS or create a research fund to promote libertarian studies or donate it help LBGT youths or something? Isn't there someone of something that you don't detest so much it wouldn't bother you to have it or them benefit from your labor?
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
Why not donate it to a cause that's meaningful to you? There must be one.
Posted by Lisa (Member # 8384) on :
Originally posted by The Rabbit:
Originally posted by Lisa:
Give it to the government.

Exactly, we'd be better on with no government at all just like this libertarian paradise on earth.
Interesting strawman, but if you've any reading comprehension at all, you know that I'm just as much against no government as I am the smothering Big Daddy government that we have here in the US. And that's the government that I was talking about.
Posted by Lisa (Member # 8384) on :
Originally posted by The Pixiest:
Originally posted by Lisa:
Give it to the government.

That's exactly what I want to avoid.
Or something else that would waste it completely. Or, you know, give it to me. <grin>
Posted by scifibum (Member # 7625) on :
The ACLU could use some money.
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
Rabbit: I used to think people were Good deep down inside... Often mislead, but basically Good. Now I know that's not the case. People are Monsters. There's no sense in fighting to make the world a better place for such monsters. ('course, it doesn't stop me most of the time... )

Tom: When I went looking for a charity to give my old car to, every charity I vetted had something awful going on in the background. Seeking to pass laws for this or that, or whatever. I eventually gave up and gave it to the Salivation Army just to get it out of my garage. Not long after that, they fired one of their "captains" for who he married. (It wasn't even a gay marriage, just someone outside the organization.) So no, there's no charity I would give it to.
Posted by advice for robots (Member # 2544) on :
Use it to buy a nuclear warhead and a missile, fire it at a country with nuclear capabilities, and start WWIII.
Posted by Samprimary (Member # 8561) on :
Originally posted by The Pixiest:
I used to think people were Good deep down inside... Often mislead, but basically Good. Now I know that's not the case. People are Monsters. There's no sense in fighting to make the world a better place for such monsters.

Of course the easiest way to make the world a better place for these "Monsters" is to give up the notion that it's worth fighting for those things in the world that are good.

Of course I personally could not disagree more profoundly with the notion that people are "Monsters," so ..
Posted by Lisa (Member # 8384) on :
Originally posted by The Pixiest:
Rabbit: I used to think people were Good deep down inside... Often mislead, but basically Good. Now I know that's not the case. People are Monsters. There's no sense in fighting to make the world a better place for such monsters. ('course, it doesn't stop me most of the time... )

So find a way to thwart them.
Posted by The Rabbit (Member # 671) on :
I find this really sad. I'm sorry if this offends anyone, I don't intend it too. But I do find this whole thing really sad.
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
Rabbit: it *IS* really sad.

Lisa: I'd prefer to neither help nor harm. The human need to control others is the problem. If I engaged in that behavior too, I would become a monster as well.

Samp: It took a lot to finally disillusion me. And I don't like it one bit. But I can't lie to myself in order to convince myself that it's all ok and that people are good.
Posted by Lisa (Member # 8384) on :
Originally posted by The Pixiest:
Lisa: I'd prefer to neither help nor harm. The human need to control others is the problem. If I engaged in that behavior too, I would become a monster as well.

Help doesn't have to be control. Just because 95%+ of the people on this board and 100% of the government thinks that control is both necessary and desirable doesn't mean that they're right.

Seriously, you're going to give in to them? Let them define reality? Forget Francisco, you're sounding a little bit like Eddie Willers. Or worse, Cheryl Brooks Taggart.

In Judaism, we have a saying that's attributed to a rabbi named Tarfon. "You aren't responsible for finishing the work, but neither are you exempt from taking part in it." (Rough ideomatic translation.) You can't say, "There's no way for things to be fixed in the next year or two (or even in my lifetime), so there's no point in trying." There's always a point in trying.

In one of the Heinlein juveniles, I think it's Space Cadet, they're stranded on some planetoid, and there's no way they can get off themselves. One of the castaways decides to keep trying to work towards getting off the planetoid, because he doesn't want rescuers to find him twiddling his fingers when they finally show up.

Or, you know, "Rail, rail, against the dying of the light." Just because people suck doesn't mean you accept that as the way things are and have to be. When you finally go, you should leave teeth and claw marks in those responsible for the darkness.
Posted by ClaudiaTherese (Member # 923) on :
Originally posted by The Pixiest:
CT: That's not what this is about.

Good. I'm most relieved.

Carry on, then. [Smile]
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
It took a lot to finally disillusion me. And I don't like it one bit.
So make some friends, and give your money to your friends. If your husband manages to meet your standards, surely there's someone else on Earth who will, too.
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
Lisa: For whom would I be fighting? The dismal conclusion I've reached isn't that people are mislead. If it was simply fighting a battle of memes, then sure, fight for their hearts and minds. But people are Monsters. It's in their nature to seek to control those who do them no harm.

I have no children to fight for. I am old and even if victory was achievable I would have very little time with which to enjoy it. Humanity itself longs for tyranny so who am I trying to save?

I'm not religious. I believe it's perfectly acceptable to take your ball and go home. Minding one's own business is one of the highest of virtues.

And I know it's hard for people on this board to believe, but I'm really not a fighter. My conflict resolution in real life is to just leave the room. If someone makes me mad enough, I just cut off all contact till I calm down (IF I calm down.)

Of course, don't expect me to completely stop arguing on this board... Old habits are hard to break and I gotta remain unpopular, ya know.

CT: If I off myself, it will be without warning. Being interrupted and "saved" to live a life where I'm severely physically damaged or involuntarily confined "for my own good" would be worse than death.
Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
I don't know. I have trouble thinking all people are monsters.

But I am naive and believe in hope all the time...
Plus there are moths, butterflies and wild raspberries and Dir en grey to consider.
Posted by Lisa (Member # 8384) on :
Originally posted by The Pixiest:
Lisa: For whom would I be fighting? The dismal conclusion I've reached isn't that people are mislead. If it was simply fighting a battle of memes, then sure, fight for their hearts and minds. But people are Monsters. It's in their nature to seek to control those who do them no harm.

For yourself. For everyone who shares your view of the world. For those who don't suck.

It's not in people's nature to control others. It's in people's nature to control their environment. The problem isn't people's nature; it's the insane idea that others are part of nature and thereby to be controlled. It's a derived problem; not a primary one.

The solution is to teach people that people aren't objects -- not pawns in some great game that do-gooders can play.

Originally posted by The Pixiest:
I have no children to fight for. I am old and even if victory was achievable I would have very little time with which to enjoy it.

So? Are you saying that nothing is worthwhile unless it produces the desired result right now? That's the immediate gratification concept that's behind people who think others are pawns in a game. That's the philosophy behind people who resort to coercion over persuasion, because persuasion just takes too long.

Originally posted by The Pixiest:
Humanity itself longs for tyranny so who am I trying to save?

Eh. So you aren't human? Fine. Neither am I. Act on behalf of all the non-humans who don't long for tyranny.

Originally posted by The Pixiest:
I'm not religious. I believe it's perfectly acceptable to take your ball and go home. Minding one's own business is one of the highest of virtues.

Giving up, though, isn't minding ones own business. It's putting an "Out of Business" sign on the door and abandoning ones own business. It's handing a gun to people like Barack Obama.
Posted by Traceria (Member # 11820) on :
Make paper cranes and send them out to sea. Waste money AND time.
Posted by Darth_Mauve (Member # 4709) on :
Put a note in your will that your car is your pride and joy. It is the one thing that you love. Insist that you be buried in it. Admittedly some of the money will go to the people actually digging your grave, but those are the last people in the world you may want to tip.

If this is against religious obligations, insist that it be buried when you are.

Or just buy a bunch of Chrysler Stock.
Posted by MightyCow (Member # 9253) on :
I'm not disillusioned yet. I still think most people are basically good and have redeeming qualities worthy of nurturing.

So if you give all your money to me, it will go to a good cause, perhaps the ONLY Good Cause left in the world (as everyone apart from you and your family, and now me, are Monsters).

Think of me the extended family that you don't actually know personally, but who is wicked good and totally non-monstrous.
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
Tom: "friends", or rather, one former friend in particular, is a chunk of what finally made me realize people weren't worth fighting for.

MightyCow: No, you can't have my money. I don't plan to kick off for two or three more decades anyway.

Mauve: Everyone I care about knows I think cars are for basic transportation. I plan to be cremated anyway. You think flushing my ashes down the toilet would be Performance Art or do you think it would just cause an overflow?

Traceria: I could make them out of plastic bags and really annoy people. (makes a note for next Earth Day)

Lisa: If people think others are objects.. I dunno.. I think that's worse than a simple need-to-control... That doesn't mean you're wrong though... and it doesn't mean it's not fixable. But it also doesn't give me any hope. An increasing tyranny is all we have to look forward to.


So? Are you saying that nothing is worthwhile unless it produces the desired result right now? That's the immediate gratification concept that's behind people who think others are pawns in a game. That's the philosophy behind people who resort to coercion over persuasion, because persuasion just takes too long.

No, it's the philosophy of someone who is old, tired and has given up hope.


Eh. So you aren't human? Fine. Neither am I. Act on behalf of all the non-humans who don't long for tyranny.

Sometimes I wonder, given how little I have in common with other people, if I'm a space alien*.


Giving up, though, isn't minding ones own business. It's putting an "Out of Business" sign on the door and abandoning ones own business. It's handing a gun to people like Barack Obama.

But what is the goal of the fight? Is the fight of value in and of itself or only in the results? What results do I seek that are possible to achieve? At some point, you have to decide if the result is worth the effort and if there is a possibility of success. Or if it's better to just quit, sit back and entertain myself for the next 30 years till heart disease or Alzheimer's put an end to it.

(*) I do not really think I'm a space alien.
Posted by scifibum (Member # 7625) on :
Do you really think you're that different? Is there a possibility that you could adapt in some way that would make you less misanthropic? Wouldn't that be worth it?
Posted by MightyCow (Member # 9253) on :
Eh, in two or three decades you'll be over this depressive stage and back to thinking someone besides you is worth saving.
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
Originally posted by scifibum:
Do you really think you're that different? Is there a possibility that you could adapt in some way that would make you less misanthropic? Wouldn't that be worth it?

Mmm... Yes and No...

Yes I am that different and no I couldn't adapt.

Mostly, I just want to be left alone by people. Most of my non-work time is spent in my house, alone with my husband. I like that. Being around other people in real life is stressful because I am a reclusive introvert. I also have no charisma so people tend not to like me. Unfortunately, my preference for seclusion does not completely protect me from feeling lonely. Thus, Hatrack, Fark and MMOs.
Posted by kmbboots (Member # 8576) on :
Originally posted by The Pixiest:
Tom: "friends", or rather, one former friend in particular, is a chunk of what finally made me realize people weren't worth fighting for.

You want I should go slap her for you?
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
Boots: As touching as that offer is (and it *is* touching) it wouldn't fix anything.

Thank you, though. ((Boots))
Posted by scifibum (Member # 7625) on :
Mostly, I just want to be left alone by people. Most of my non-work time is spent in my house, alone with my husband. I like that. Being around other people in real life is stressful because I am a reclusive introvert. I also have no charisma so people tend not to like me. Unfortunately, my preference for seclusion does not completely protect me from feeling lonely. Thus, Hatrack, Fark and MMOs.
I could have written that too. (reverse the spouse gender and substitute FPS for MMO). So we're alike. I'm not angling for your cash, I'm just pointing out that you have something in common with me. I'm sure there's a lot more that you have in common with me and other people.
Posted by MightyCow (Member # 9253) on :
I'm sorry that you're having a bad time, as much as any monster can really care about the plight of another human being who he actually wishes to own, destroy, control, and abuse, but you're really being melodramatic.

((The Pixiest)) Now buck up camper, and keep on keeping on.
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
Cow: Next time I'll just say "Uh, it's for a story" and see if I can avoid the exposition and whineyness.
Posted by MightyCow (Member # 9253) on :
Well, you can't expect much from monsters. What happens when a monster looks too long into the abyss?
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
Cow: My last post was serious. I realize I'm being whiney. I should shut up.
Posted by Rakeesh (Member # 2001) on :
Well, you are being rather whiney.

However, I don't recall you being a whiney person which leads me to think that whatever happened with this former friend, it must've been pretty awful, to say the least-and that the former friend must've been quite close to you as well.

Who wouldn't be whiney - at best - under such circumstances? No one I know. In fact most people I know would be much more whiney, and worse. Myself included.

So there's no shame in venting and complaining, indirectly, and you shouldn't feel embarrassed (though I suspect you do anyway-also natural, in my experience). Anyway, I'm rambling, and it's not like I'm laying on some special insight here. So I'll leave it at: I'm sorry this person wronged you, however they did. I hope the sting of that fades as quickly and thoroughly as possible:)

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