Let's stick to the truly bone-crushingly horrible or this list will be too long.
Hamson says Basket Case and 10000 BC
I say Epic Movie(and its ilk, excluding some of the "Scary movie"s which are really pretty entertaining)and Monster's Ball (because it was so horribly depressing I couldn't watch it and I was feeling depressed and almost crying after half an hour. It may be Good for all that, but i can't handle it)
Posted by Elmer's Glue (Member # 9313) on :
The Master of Disguise and The Day After Tomorrow.
Posted by Threads (Member # 10863) on :
Posted by Starsnuffer (Member # 8116) on :
Master of Disguise sure looked horrible. I have thankfully never seen it.
Posted by Sm34rZ (Member # 8609) on :
"Turtle! Turtle!" hahaha
It's actually quite funny, especially late at night and with a group of friends.
I hated Monty Python the first time I saw it, but now I love it for those very reasons.
Posted by Nighthawk (Member # 4176) on :
Spy Hard
If it wasn't for Weird Al's opening credits, I would have walked out of the theater less than five minutes in. But I stayed... and good lord was it painful.
Posted by Puffy Treat (Member # 7210) on :
Shrek the Third. Not only is the writing terrible. Not only is the animation a herky-jerky technicolor eyesore. Not only did the entire cast phone in their parts...but...Katzenberg is planning TWO MORE INSTALLMENTS because this crapfest was an inexplicable world-wide mega-hit.
Posted by ketchupqueen (Member # 6877) on :
Zoom: Academy for Superheroes.
I attempted it on Netflix Watch Now because it had Tim Allen and, while he's done some bad stuff, he's also made really good things out of movies that looked pretty bad otherwise.
It was BAAAAAD. It's the first thing I've ever given one star to, I think. If there had been an option for no stars while still rating it I would have done it.
Posted by Sterling (Member # 8096) on :
Howard The Duck.
The Muse, a movie with a couple of good lines but which quickly becomes funny only to people who get Hollywood in-jokes, and quickly forgets some of the terms of its premise, to boot. Also the movie that cemented in my mind the rule:
If the writers "come in" on people laughing, rather than bothering to write actual dialogue to establish camraderie, you are watching a bad movie. Posted by Foust (Member # 3043) on :
10 000 BC featured man-eating ostriches. For that, alone, it is worth a watch.
Posted by Paul Goldner (Member # 1910) on :
The Beach.
Posted by The Rabbit (Member # 671) on :
Posted by Trent Destian (Member # 11653) on :
Druids A Wrinkle in time Elf Nacho Libre Blood Brothers (japanese) Zohan Tale of despereaux Catwoman
Posted by Corwin (Member # 5705) on :
quote:Originally posted by Elmer's Glue: The Day After Tomorrow.
Weird science not-withstanding I though TDAT was ok.
Thankfully I haven't seen any of the others, although I just might watch Shrek III once...
Posted by Tammy (Member # 4119) on :
quote:Originally posted by Sm34rZ: "Turtle! Turtle!" hahaha
It's actually quite funny, especially late at night and with a group of friends.
If you have boys that mimic movie lines over and over, it's a great movie for silly one-liners. I've forgotten most of the movie, thankfully, but I'll remember certain lines forever, courtesy of my children.
Posted by Traceria (Member # 11820) on :
Supernova. It came out while I was in college, and a bunch of us went to see it. It was so...boring?...that my one friend fell asleep as well as a guy in the row behind us, who was also snoring. I can hardly remember what it was about except for the very basics.
Posted by brojack17 (Member # 9189) on :
Disaster Movie. At least the name fit.
Posted by Puffy Treat (Member # 7210) on :
quote:Originally posted by ketchupqueen: Zoom: Academy for Superheroes.
I attempted it on Netflix Watch Now because it had Tim Allen and, while he's done some bad stuff, he's also made really good things out of movies that looked pretty bad otherwise.
It was BAAAAAD. It's the first thing I've ever given one star to, I think. If there had been an option for no stars while still rating it I would have done it.
Ah, yes. That's the movie where they defeat the bad guy by running around him so fast, they suck the evil right out of him.
Posted by Artemisia Tridentata (Member # 8746) on :
10000BC was not so bad if you compare it with One Million years BC. Remember Raquel Welch and her Furry Bikini. I saw it first run in the biggest theater in Mexico. It was a truly forgettable film experience
Posted by Corwin (Member # 5705) on :
Hmm, I might have seen that one. I remember seeing a weird movie with some humans and some dinosaurs in it (and no, it wasn't "Jurassic Park" ), but I was too young to care about Welch's "costume"...
Posted by FlyingCow (Member # 2150) on :
Stephen King's Sleepwalkers Dungeons and Dragons Underworld Matrix Reloaded Idiocracy The Frighteners Independence Day
All of those movies made my head hurt.
Posted by ambyr (Member # 7616) on :
Mission to Mars Blair Witch Project
Posted by Corwin (Member # 5705) on :
quote:Originally posted by FlyingCow: Matrix Reloaded Independence Day
Not even once? Interesting, I could watch both more than one time; I think I actually have with both.
Posted by The Rabbit (Member # 671) on :
Highlander II
Posted by Artemisia Tridentata (Member # 8746) on :
quote:Originally posted by Corwin: Hmm, I might have seen that one. I remember seeing a weird movie with some humans and some dinosaurs in it (and no, it wasn't "Jurassic Park" ), but I was too young to care about Welch's "costume"...
You might remember that they hadn't invented language yet. That is established in the first two minutes. Then you realize; that means there will be no dialogue in the whole movie.
Posted by Corwin (Member # 5705) on :
I'll have an opinion about Highlander V in a few days.
Posted by FlyingCow (Member # 2150) on :
I try to ignore the fact that the Matrix had sequels. After watching Reloaded, I swore not to lose a portion of my life watching the third. Reloaded in no way fulfilled any part of the promise made in the first movie, in fact just vomiting mass-market drivel in an attempt to make a fast buck.
Independence Day was a hodge-podge of SF tropes stolen from other movies shuffled together with little to no thought, and coated with a thin layer of Will Smith to make the pill go down easier.
So, yeah. Not a fan of either.
Unfortunately, I had to watch ID4 more than once (at least parts of it) because I was working in a movie theater when it came out. :shudder:
Posted by Jhai (Member # 5633) on :
I've got to disagree with Elmer's Glue on The Day After Tomorrow, and with FlyingCow on Underworld, Matrix Reloaded, and Independence Day.
The Day After Tomorrow, while stupid, was good fun in a "wow, this is implausible, but I'm interested in seeing how it turns out." Underworld gets a pass just for Kate Beckinsale in a skin-tight suit. Matrix Reloaded, had good enough special effects to let the poor plot pass on the first viewing. And Independence Day, while stupid through and through, had some funny one-liners, and some good characters - I loved the Secretary of Defense for being so deliciously smarmy, for instance.
There's a difference between a bad movie, and a movie with absolutely no redeeming features - or where the badness is so overwhelming that the entire experience is unpleasant and without value.
Posted by FlyingCow (Member # 2150) on :
Speaking of when I worked in the movie theater...
A Very Brady Sequel (never saw the first) Escape from LA
At least I didn't have to spend any money on them.
Posted by Corwin (Member # 5705) on :
quote:Originally posted by Artemisia Tridentata: You might remember that they hadn't invented language yet. That is established in the first two minutes. Then you realize; that means there will be no dialogue in the whole movie.
Ah, so it was that movie indeed. I think I saw it in Germany while visiting my aunt; too bad it didn't have dialogue, I'd have quit watching it earlier as it almost certainly would have been dubbed.
Posted by Corwin (Member # 5705) on :
Out of some 15 people we were two to watch it until the end. One guy because he had to return the videocassette afterwards, and me because I wanted to be able to say I sat through all 2 hours of that crap and came out alive. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger and all that. Apparently it's some kind of masterpiece but I'm at a loss as to what exactly is it's strong point. Maybe the body count? (78)
Posted by FlyingCow (Member # 2150) on :
Jhai - Kate Beckinsale cannot redeem a movie, or even make it watchable. Special effects for no point whatsoever does not make a movie watchable either. And the only non-awful thing about ID4 is that Will Smith was given a couple of funny things to say - again, a few snappy lines do not make a movie watchable.
I mean, Mars Attacks was a lampoon of ID4, and it was a far better movie (though it's admittedly not a high bar).
Posted by Nighthawk (Member # 4176) on :
quote:Underworld gets a pass just for Kate Beckinsale in a skin-tight suit.
QFT there, but the sequel was unwatchable. In the first ten minutes I couldn't help but ask myself numerous times "what the hell is going on?" I couldn't get past minute 20.
She looked *much* better in the first one anyway.
quote:I'll have an opinion about Highlander V in a few days.
I already know what it's going to say.
Posted by Jhai (Member # 5633) on :
quote:Originally posted by Nighthawk:
quote:Underworld gets a pass just for Kate Beckinsale in a skin-tight suit.
QFT there, but the sequel was unwatchable. In the first ten minutes I couldn't help but ask myself numerous times "what the hell is going on?" I couldn't get past minute 20.
She looked *much* better in the first one anyway.
Well, once you've seen it once, there's not much point in watching a sequel for the exact same only redeeming feature.
FlyingCow, I guess we disagree on what makes a movie "not even good for one viewing". For instance, Independence Day was on tv last week, and my husband, who has never seen it, watched it while working on his laptop. I remarked that it wasn't a particularly good movie, but I wouldn't have thought to say "you shouldn't watch that - it'll be an absolute waste of your time & isn't at all watchable." In order for a movie to be posted to this thread, I guess I'd say that it'd have to be one I'd actively warn others about.
Posted by FlyingCow (Member # 2150) on :
I regularly warn others about ID4. You lose IQ points even if it's on in the background. It's not much higher in my mind than Battlefield Earth.
As for the Matrix sequels, I have actively tried to scrub their existence from my brain and wish that I'd never watched the first of them. Same for Underworld (the sequels of which I will never see).
Posted by Corwin (Member # 5705) on :
quote:Originally posted by FlyingCow: I regularly warn others about ID4. You lose IQ points even if it's on in the background.
As long as you start high enough it's ok.
Posted by theCrowsWife (Member # 8302) on :
quote:Originally posted by Artemisia Tridentata:
quote:Originally posted by Corwin: Hmm, I might have seen that one. I remember seeing a weird movie with some humans and some dinosaurs in it (and no, it wasn't "Jurassic Park" ), but I was too young to care about Welch's "costume"...
You might remember that they hadn't invented language yet. That is established in the first two minutes. Then you realize; that means there will be no dialogue in the whole movie.
That sounds an awfully lot like Caveman, although they do have a very rudimentary language in that one (except for the Japanese guy, who spoke English). There were dinosaurs, too. That movie was a childhood favorite at my house, but I suspect that it might fall into this thread.
Posted by Sean Monahan (Member # 9334) on :
The Omega Code.
Posted by Samprimary (Member # 8561) on :
OP asks for bone-crushingly horrible and you guys are coming up with eraserhead, day after tomorrow, and escape from LA?
Superbabies: Baby Geniuses 2 MK: Annihlation Meet the Spartans Saw V The Singing Forest Dirty Love The Avengers Blair Witch 2 Dumb and Dumberer League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Battlefield Earth Ecks vs. Sever The Hottie and the Nottie National Lampoon's Gold Diggers Freddie Got Fingered Yu-Gi-Oh Dungeons and Dragons
Hackery award: Ben Stein for Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed
Lifetime Achievement Award: Uwe Boll for Blood Rayne I and II, House of the Dead, Alone in the Dark I and II, Postal, In The Name of the King, and Backwoods
Posted by Nighthawk (Member # 4176) on :
quote:The Avengers
I'm willing to give that one a pass because we got to see Uma Thurman in skintight leather.
Sadly, she wasn't wearing leather in Batman and Robin. Not that it, or anything for that matter, would have helped that movie...
Posted by Vadon (Member # 4561) on :
I may be one of the only people in the world who liked 'The Avengers'.
I thought the jokes and style were hilarious, and come on... Sean Connery in a Teddy-Bear outfit. I can't help but love a movie with that in it.
Posted by Trent Destian (Member # 11653) on :
The Avengers is currently at the top of my Blockbuster queue. I'm with you.
Posted by Magson (Member # 2300) on :
I walked out of this one. . .and it was a rented DVD. My ex and her brothers watched it all the way through, though. :-/
Posted by Jhai (Member # 5633) on :
I think you should only be allowed to nominate movies that you've seen - or at least seen part of before walking out.
I'll put in Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003). Good grief, it was a waste of a horror movie. I wasn't even frightened (and I scare easily with horror movies), just nauseated.
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
FlyingCow: Idiocracy is a documentary and should be required viewing. Especially the first 5 minutes. It's also one of those movies that gets better the 2nd time because you catch more of the background jokes.
"would you like a BIG *** FRIES? Now with more MOLECULES!" Classic.
Jhai: I agree with Underworld. She coulda been reading the phonebook so long as she was dressed like that. I also agree with you about ID4 and Day After Tomorrow.
We should hang out. Wanna go to the movies?
Posted by Bella Bee (Member # 7027) on :
Lost in Space. The English Patient. Wyatt Earp. X-Men 3. Volcano. From Hell. Troy.
I would gladly trade my memory of those movies to get the time I spent on them back again.
Posted by Pegasus (Member # 10464) on :
I would add to Samprimary's list of Lifetime Achievement Awards: The Tuxedo
Also, agreed on Shrek 3. Even Shrek 2 was decent.
I can take bad special effect, poor acting/over acting and weird directing styles, but poor "phoned-in" writing kills a movie faster than anything. (I guess that could be called "faxed-in" )
Posted by scifibum (Member # 7625) on :
Ravenous. Some idiotic 'evil spirit of man eating' thing. (No offense to those who might include idiotic spirits of man eating in their pantheon.)
Troll 2 was good for exactly one viewing.
Rocky V.
PS I Love You. (PPS: I wish they all had died)
Posted by Sean Monahan (Member # 9334) on :
quote:Originally posted by scifibum: Rocky V.
I think I'd rank Rocky IV as worse. It was the robot that did it for me.
A robot? Really? A robot??
Posted by Puppy (Member # 6721) on :
The Day After Tomorrow is worth watching for the wolves
Posted by Pegasus (Member # 10464) on :
Oh yeah, Wanted was pretty bad too.
Posted by Godric 2.0 (Member # 11443) on :
I nominate:
Vampire's Kiss - I loved the premise, but if you can actually stand Nicholas Cage's performance here, you have a much higher pain threshold than I...
The Ice Pirates - I actually wanted to like this. Sadly, no dice.
Posted by Jhai (Member # 5633) on :
quote:Originally posted by The Pixiest: We should hang out. Wanna go to the movies?
Sounds good to me. Next time I'm in, uh, is it the Bay Area?
Posted by Elmer's Glue (Member # 9313) on :
Maybe I don't remember Day After Tomorrow well enough (gladly), but come on. Dick Cheney shows up at the end to tell everyone its our fault?
Posted by The Rabbit (Member # 671) on :
The Day After Tomorrow can actually quite enjoyable if you think of it as a comedy and watch it with a bunch of scientist in a place where its acceptable to make biting satiric comments and shout at the movie whenever appropriate.
There is another whole class of movies that are so so very bad that they rap around to be good again or at least funny enough to watch repeatedly, at least with the right company.
One of my favorites is "Night of the Lepus", a horror movie about a genetic engineering experiment gone bad that results in herds of giant killer bunnies on the rampage.
Posted by C3PO the Dragon Slayer (Member # 10416) on :
quote:Originally posted by The Rabbit: The Day After Tomorrow can actually quite enjoyable if you think of it as a comedy and watch it with a bunch of scientist in a place where its acceptable to make biting satiric comments and shout at the movie whenever appropriate.
Ah, so THAT'S the secret! I was watching it with a bunch of creationist relatives!
Edited for spelling.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
Kate Beckinsale was even hotter in Click IMHO. I couldn't believe how gorgeous she was when I first saw that. But she was indeed tasty in Underworld.
Evil Dead 2
The first one was just terrifying and for that I give it props, although I am not a fan of the horror genre.
The third one was so bad it was awesome, and so many cool lines come out of it.
But two was just not scary, not funny, not awesome, not worth watching.
Posted by Jon Boy (Member # 4284) on :
quote:Originally posted by Puppy: The Day After Tomorrow is worth watching for the wolves
That was the only part of the movie when I was entertained, and it probably wasn't for the reason that the director had in mind.
Posted by Jon Boy (Member # 4284) on :
quote:Originally posted by BlackBlade: Kate Beckinsale was even hotter in Click IMHO. I couldn't believe how gorgeous she was when I first saw that.
I recently saw (most of) Click on TV, and the whole time I was thinking to myself that she was way too beautiful to be Adam Sandler's wife.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
quote:Originally posted by Jon Boy:
quote:Originally posted by BlackBlade: Kate Beckinsale was even hotter in Click IMHO. I couldn't believe how gorgeous she was when I first saw that.
I recently saw (most of) Click on TV, and the whole time I thought to myself that she was way too beautiful to be Adam Sandler's wife.
I completely agree, but I think even the movie hints at this a bit.
Then again, I know many wonderful girls who are married to schlubs.
Posted by Corwin (Member # 5705) on :
quote:Originally posted by Pegasus: Oh yeah, Wanted was pretty bad too.
As far as I'm concerned Wanted had two scenes: the one with Angelina's naked backside, and the one when she kissed the main guy in front of his ex-girlfriend. There wasn't a sound in the whole theatre at the last one; men or women, they were all quiet. I found that extremely hilarious.
Posted by Traceria (Member # 11820) on :
quote:Originally posted by Vadon: I may be one of the only people in the world who liked 'The Avengers'.
Yeah, I liked it, too.
Thought of another: The Neverending Story II. No matter how much I liked seeing Jonathan Brandis in Sea Quest, it's like pulling teeth to watch even five minutes of that movie.
Posted by ricree101 (Member # 7749) on :
quote:Originally posted by C3PO the Dragon Slayer:
quote:Originally posted by The Rabbit: The Day After Tomorrow can actually quite enjoyable if you think of it as a comedy and watch it with a bunch of scientist in a place where its acceptable to make biting satiric comments and shout at the movie whenever appropriate.
Ah, so THAT'S the secret! I was watching it with a bunch of creationist relatives!
Edited for spelling.
Yeah, I can only see it working as a comedy. Even when you throw out the bad science, I still thought it was an absolutely awful movie.
I am tempted to get the rifftrax for it, though.
Edit: And apparently the preview scene covers one of the most memorable parts of the movie for me.
quote: Character 1 tosses a pile of books into the fireplace. Character 2: What are you doing? Character 1: What did you think we were going to burn? Commentary: The furniture?
And we're really supposed to care whether or not these people die more so than the hundreds of others we've already seen get killed? I was never really convinced.
rifftrax Posted by PSI Teleport (Member # 5545) on :
Jawbreaker. I'm still humiliated that I stuck with it until the end. I don't know how I live with myself.
quote: Thought of another: The Neverending Story II. No matter how much I liked seeing Jonathan Brandis in Sea Quest, it's like pulling teeth to watch even five minutes of that movie.
QFT. But this makes me want to rent "Ladybugs" again. I sure miss old Jon.
Posted by Dan_Frank (Member # 8488) on :
Why Wanted, Pegasus? I mean, I wouldn't nominate it for any Academy Awards, but I enjoyed it fine. It was exactly what I expected it to be, and that was what I wanted.
Posted by Jeorge (Member # 11524) on :
I had a great idea. I thought, "I'll go look at imdb's bottom 100 list, to remind me of the horrid movies I've seen."
It didn't work. Of the 100 on that list, I've only seen ONE of them.
Posted by rollainm (Member # 8318) on :
quote:Originally posted by Paul Goldner: The Beach.
Hah! Seconded.
Posted by Corwin (Member # 5705) on :
quote:Originally posted by Jeorge: I had a great idea. I thought, "I'll go look at imdb's bottom 100 list, to remind me of the horrid movies I've seen."
It didn't work. Of the 100 on that list, I've only seen ONE of them.
I tried watching the trailers for those with a friend of mine. Wow......
Posted by Trent Destian (Member # 11653) on :
quote:Originally posted by Bella Bee: Lost in Space. The English Patient. Wyatt Earp. X-Men 3. Volcano. From Hell. Troy.
I would gladly trade my memory of those movies to get the time I spent on them back again.
Why do so many people dislike Wyatt Earp? I know it's long and not as action packed as Tombstone, but I still think it's a great film.
And come on, you telling me Troy wasn't just a bit entertaining?
Concerning IMDb's bottom 100, I'm ashamed to say I've seen three of them.
Posted by Corwin (Member # 5705) on :
Yeah, I thought both Wyatt Earp and Troy were ok.
Posted by Puffy Treat (Member # 7210) on :
quote:Originally posted by Trent Destian: Why do so many people dislike Wyatt Earp?
Possibly their expectations were raised sky-high by Silverado. They wanted Kasdan to do another tongue-in-cheek old school Western, with all the trimmings.
Posted by romanylass (Member # 6306) on :
Swamp Diamonds The Girl with Gold Boots Transformers 300 30 Days of Night