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Posted by Blayne Bradley (Member # 8565) on :
Now I haven't beaten the game yet so I won't be talking about the plot, however I think I have experienced enough of the game to talk about the gameplay. Now lets begin.


For the MOST part you could copy and paste everything yahtzee says about S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Clear Sky and put it here.

I don't understand it about recent FPS's these days it seems all game developers have decided that despite the difficulty setting gamers have it too easy and have endeavored to make all new releases as hard as possible even when on normal difficulty. I'll show you what I mean, this being Far Cry 2 made by the people who made the Cry engine, makers of Far Cry and Crysis. The games are generally (in Yahtzee's words) earmarked by "war torn tropical islands, ****y vehicle sections and racism" while we're in 20 square miles of fictional african landscape instead, the vehicles are still bad, and instead of Koreans we have black people with the occasional foreigner to shoot. This is background, now onto the spanking.

Like in far Cry and apparently Crysis the enemies can all spot you from far away, and once one sees you all in the vicinity sees you, and can shoot you with deadly accuracy up to 9000 yards, which funnily enough evaporates once you get within 5 feet of one or if they have a mounted machine gun, oh and bullets have the odd habbit of clipping so if an enemy is below you on a cliff he can still shoot you oh and yeah, they have perfect accuracy at night, and can spot you and shoot you perfectly well through foliage.

Not only that while THANKFULLY guns aren't as inaccurate as they were in S.T.A.L.K.E.R Clear Sky they still aren't as accurate as they are in Call of Duty 4 and you'll miss the easiest possible shots, I am thankful they gave me a sniper rifle as its arguably next to the AK47 the best gun in the game.

The vehicles are bad as they can barely take a few bullets before breaking down which in the middle of a high speed chase which btw the enemies can fire at you with perfect accuracy again from a mile away on their moving vehicles so you'll almost never get away. All the vehicles move at the inherently same speed so there's very little difference between good quality vehicles and trash with the exception of a dune buggy that breaks down under half the damage.

The hype of the game, weather environments, day/night cycle affecting the behavior of the AI IS FULL OF BLOODY ****!!!!! [Mad] they lied to me, they lied to you, and they're sitting at home with my 40$ laughing with glee at my frustrated ego. I have found literally no difference in behavior between a guard post at night, and a guard post at day in terms of alertness, number of troops deployed, etc day/night I see the same number of .50 cal machine gun mounted full squad jeeps patrolling the roads and there's almost literally no way to drive or sneak around the majority of guard posts. So sneaking around like a SpecOps Commando almost NEVER works.

Also, the game has this alarming tendency to shank you at every opportunity, the very fabric of reality seems to change when you reload the game, more then I save, exit and comeback later only for a jeep with a turret to be nudging right behind me giving me a bucket of bullets for my trouble. I can barely hear footsteps so enemy npcs and jeeps will almost always sneak up behind me and fire only at the last minute, and this happens nearly every single time.

Now what is this beginning thing with choosing your character, is there ANY point at all of which character you pick besides changing which buddy you may or may not get? I have yet to ever see myself or a single cutscene what was the point?

Also why do we have a machete and not a knife? if I had a knife at least I could more easily shank people, why didn't they program in some kind of stealth system so i could sneak around if I wanted to?

Next the game is pretty repetitive I can't drive more then 500 feet away from a outpost come back and have it already fully stocked with guards who will kill me on sight. So basically since every mission is some arbitrary distance away I end up having to clear 2-5 guards posts one way and then the very same guard posts on the way back its annoying and frustrating and my car can only really go past 2 posts before breaking down. Supposedly the bus system lets me get around this so I'll try that out next and see how it goes.

However the good bits, the game world is genuinely pretty and submersive, the combat when paced out enough is entertaining enough and the ability to use a sniper rifle properly is refreshing compared to most FPS's where its use is nearly always counter productive. There is some kind of plot that is interesting and I like the ability to plan out missions ahead of time with my "Buddy" to complete them in more and more effective ways.

Sometimes sneaking DOES work and next chance I get I am getting a silenced pistol to explore it.

Fire, lots of fire, I like fire, BURN THEM ALL muahhahahahaha!

I wish they had co-op. Oh and yeah WHY do the guards automatically shoot you every time you approach? Why can't I just talk to them or bribe them with diamonds? A few additional RP aspects wouldn't have hurt.
Posted by Boris (Member # 6935) on :
I'm not much of a fan, to be honest. And the group that made this game was *not* responsible for the Cry engine or Crysis. Crytek was purchased by EA and the Far Cry name was left with Ubisoft. This is a completely different team and a completely different game.

Frankly, I think Crysis is a better follow-up to Far Cry than Far Cry 2. The focus on realism in this game is lost entirely in the fact that you can't lean around corners (like you could in Far Cry and can in Crysis), prone position is gone, and sniping is basically point and click (Though, admittedly, I'm playing it on easy just cause I'm bored and don't feel like dealing with death after death, so I don't know if sniping is more difficult on higher difficulty levels).

Basically, this game would have been a wonderful PC game, but it got destroyed by the fact that it was designed for consoles. Something that I really hope isn't the case for Fallout 3.
Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :
My first impressions were decidedly negative. Of course that was because my bf was playing it at 7am on Saturday morning, and the base from the explosions and machine gun fire woke me up in the other room. I was not a happy camper.
Posted by MightyCow (Member # 9253) on :
I am having a great time so far. Beautiful scenery, fun missions, open world, lots of blowing stuff up. It's just what I wanted out of a FPS.

Clearly Blayne, you need to LTP. [Razz]
Posted by Sterling (Member # 8096) on :
What I've read suggests this game is not going to have a lot of "gray area" in its players. People are going to love it (lush visuals, open world, diversity of tactics and experiences) or hate it ("realistic" difficulty, lack of feedback with regards to deaths, possible narrowing of controls for console accessability, etc.)

'Course, I'm spending my free time playing Painkiller (shurikens and lightning!), and I'm probably not going to even consider FC2 until I've gotten a chance to play Crysis, and, well, I'm not going to worry about either up to the point where they fall to about $20, at which point I won't feel too bad if I fall into the second camp of players. [Big Grin]
Posted by T:man (Member # 11614) on :
Originally posted by Sterling:
What I've read suggests this game is not going to have a lot of "gray area" in its players. People are going to love it (lush visuals, open world, diversity of tactics and experiences) or hate it ("realistic" difficulty, lack of feedback with regards to deaths, possible narrowing of controls for console accessability, etc.)

'Course, I'm spending my free time playing Painkiller (shurikens and lightning!), and I'm probably not going to even consider FC2 until I've gotten a chance to play Crysis, and, well, I'm not going to worry about either up to the point where they fall to about $20, at which point I won't feel too bad if I fall into the second camp of players. [Big Grin]

It's possible to play Crysis?
Posted by Blayne Bradley (Member # 8565) on :
Any 500-1000$ tower from 2006 onwards can play it.
Posted by Lanfear (Member # 7776) on :
I tried Far Cry 2. Wasn't my thing. But neither was Crysis. or Call of Duty 4.

I don't know what it is. I absolutely love the source engine, so that might be a part of it. In the above mentioned games I just don't feel like I'm in control and I can aim perfectly.
Posted by Blayne Bradley (Member # 8565) on :
Odd, I felt Call of Duty 4 had incredible accuracy on their guns.
Posted by Sterling (Member # 8096) on :
Originally posted by T:man:
Originally posted by Sterling:
What I've read suggests this game is not going to have a lot of "gray area" in its players. People are going to love it (lush visuals, open world, diversity of tactics and experiences) or hate it ("realistic" difficulty, lack of feedback with regards to deaths, possible narrowing of controls for console accessability, etc.)

'Course, I'm spending my free time playing Painkiller (shurikens and lightning!), and I'm probably not going to even consider FC2 until I've gotten a chance to play Crysis, and, well, I'm not going to worry about either up to the point where they fall to about $20, at which point I won't feel too bad if I fall into the second camp of players. [Big Grin]

It's possible to play Crysis?
(glance) On low, probably, but I'm rather hoping to have a new computer by the time I'd be considering it.
Posted by Blayne Bradley (Member # 8565) on :
I just realized the most fun and exciting part of far Cry that makes nearly any other previous FPS pale in comparison to the fun.

Go to the cease fire zone in Pala and start randomly and indescriminally executing people, you can slaughter like.... 90 people before they take you down, usually as a result of me running out of ammo, they spawn a seemingly infinit amount of people and because of the close ranges and lacking of foliage or thin metal walls for them to shoot through you can easily force them though choke points, making it easier to kill them one at a time, sadly I ran out of ammo and had to resort to using anything they drop which tended to jam after 4 rounds.
Posted by MightyCow (Member # 9253) on :
I love the fire and explosion physics. I just unlocked the flame thrower, and I'm causing grass fires, blowing up trucks, and trying to bbq zebra.

I've also had several awesome Darwin Award moments:

My "throw grenade" is bound to Q, and "interact" is W - so with a slip of the fingers, I tossed a grenade into the jeep just before climbing in.

I also shot a propane tank, which shot across the ground into my face like a rocket, and then caught the grass on fire at my feet before exploding and throwing me into a building.

Good times! [Big Grin]
Posted by Blayne Bradley (Member # 8565) on :
I surprisingly never had a Darwin award, however I've been killed often enough by being run over by the overeager ai's.

Now is there some way of sniping that DOESN'T automatically bring in the WHOLE dang enemy army on you? The Springfield at the beginning is loud and everyone immediatily locks onto my position, the silence pistol works great but it HAS to be a headshot, the teaser video with the sniper (with I think the SVD) injuring one guy and waiting for his buddy to come along before sniping them both I have yet to see as being a possibility.

is the SVD quiet?
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
Here's how sniping works, Blayne: you shoot somebody. Then you run away, either completely away or to a very different position. If you snipe from the same spot, and it's not a particularly defensive spot, you will get overrun.
Posted by Boris (Member # 6935) on :
No. The SVD is pretty loud...luckily you get 10 shots before you have to take your eyes out of the scope, so you can just snipe to your heart's content, even while the bad guys are over-running you.
Posted by Blayne Bradley (Member # 8565) on :
the problem Tom is that once you snipe someone, EVERYONE in the base knows EXACTLY where you are, and has near PERFECT accuracy from over a mile away, even if your behind several bushes, a wall, anda couple of trucks for good measure, they'll know exactly where you are and start firing on you immediatetly, the advertisement in their trailer I've never yet been able to pull off.

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