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Posted by Puffy Treat (Member # 7210) on :
Mystery Science Theater 3000 celebrates its 20th year in a couple of months.

(So does Space Mutiny, but let's not talk about that.)

What are your favorite MST3K quotes?

(These can be either riffs from Joel, Mike and the 'Bots or quips from the movies that they obsessed on.)

"Watch out for snakes!"

"We like it very much."


"iT'lL bE dArK sOoN..."

"We put our faith in Blast Hardcheese."

"You guys watch Joe Don Baker movies?"

"Oh, I sing whenever I sing whenever I sing whenever I sing whenever I-"


"Flag on the did it get there?"

"Oh, sure, we weren't doing anything...for the next TEN YEARS!"

*thumbs up* "It STINKS."
Posted by Enigmatic (Member # 7785) on :
Can I pick the entire Orville Reddenbocker(sp?) skit as a favorite line?

Actually, I think I'll go with: "Actual Dialogue Startles Everyone!"

Posted by Javert (Member # 3076) on :
"Why do I have a picture of the burger on the wall?"

"I'm not an alien...I'm not an alien!...Then I'll stick my ovipositor down your throat and lay my eggs in your chest, but I'm not an alien!"

Both from the movie.
Posted by theCrowsWife (Member # 8302) on :
"Puma Man, he flies like a moron..."
Posted by RackhamsRazor (Member # 5254) on :
This potato has floppy ears

Posted by sarcasticmuppet (Member # 5035) on :
"This is where the fish lives"
"This is where my *tongue* lives"
"Goodnight Fish" "goodnight kids!"
Posted by Trent Destian (Member # 11653) on :
from Rifftrax (batman and Robin):

(The credits read: "Based on DC Comics")
Mike Nelson: Hey don't go blaming DC Comics for this! This is your screw-up!
(Batman and Robin watch the Batmobile rise from its platform)
Kevin Murphy: (as Batman) Sorry we didn't get there in time to prevent the murder of thousands, Commissioner Gordon - we were waiting for the car to spiral slowly out of the floor!
(Batman first appears in close-up)
Bill Corbett: (as George Clooney) I'm George Clooney and I'm...sorry.
Posted by Puffy Treat (Member # 7210) on :
Gypsy: "I guess my problem is, I just don't get you."

Tom Servo: "Nobody does. I'm like the wind, baby!"

"Trumpy, you can do magic things!"

"Sinbad, you look so gloomy. Here, have some Prozac."

"And he didn't steal no bike, neither!"

"Where does Coily fit in God's plan?"

"Well, according to this, your foot doesn't exist!"

"They tried to kill him with a forklift-OLE'!"

"We love you, Cornjob!"

"Alright! Here's the scene where Claudius peels off his face and reveals he's really a reptilian alien!"

"Hey Chicken-Head. Hey Chicken-Head."

"Well, if it isn't little Miss I Won't Tell a Soul!"

"Where's KTLA? I don't want to speak to anybody but KTLA!"

"It's a strange alternate world where dweebs make fun of the cool guys."

"The Dog's meat...have you seen it?"

"You'll never guess who's in the parlor: Robert Reed!"

"Rock N' Roll Martian!"

"NO, Lupita!"

"Cue the horses! *sigh* Ah, Corman."

"Tom Stewart killed me! Tom Stewart killed me!"

"This dance symbolizes that there are no baked po-tatoes served until after 4."

"Godzilla, you were crying earlier. What was that all about?"

"Stand over there and look Russo-Finnish, okay?"
Posted by Reshpeckobiggle (Member # 8947) on :
As Miles O'Keefe comes running up in a loincloth...

Joel: "Hey, it's the Speedy Delivery guy, and has he got a package!"
Posted by Sterling (Member # 8096) on :
"For the last time, do you have any fruit to declare?!"

"Roger... This is God... Pick up the pace..."

"It's really good of the captain, giving that dead girl another chance."

"It's Van Damme- and Van Damme- in: Van Damme you all to hell!"

"Oh man, I thought we were beyond Thunderdome..."

"Uh, Camera Three, get off the tracks- Camera Three! Camera Three!"

"For those of you just tuning in, this is... Manos... The, ah, Hands of Fate..."

"Zero tolerance is so funny!"

"Wha- why, thank you, movie! Thank you very much!"

"Pizza-pizza THIS!"

"Hurculeee... Hurculo...... Hercula.... Hercu-la-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha..."

"Wow, Mr. B, you're hot!"
Posted by Rodger Brown (Member # 11476) on :
I know its not a MST3K reference but the X-men riff is great.

I find myself walking around the house

Magneto --- Cerebro
Posted by TheGrimace (Member # 9178) on :
"ooh! baby potatoes"

Posted by Puffy Treat (Member # 7210) on :
Jack Palance (playing some kinda' freakin' wizard: "I did because you can no longer be trusted. Because you're raving and ranting like a ***** in heat!"

Tom Servo (agape): "WHOA! Jack, you are way off script!"

"Knew you father I did."

"Dear space diary: He talked to me again! More later."
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
But what does it DO?

It doesn't DO anything...that's the beauty of it!

Posted by Puffy Treat (Member # 7210) on :
*scans Kwea's brain*

"Hey, you were scanning me! How -dare- you, you freaked out maniac!"
Posted by mr_porteiro_head (Member # 4644) on :
"Look, look, look at my crotch!"
Posted by Puffy Treat (Member # 7210) on :
"Mmmm. The sugar and fat help dull my emotions!"

"Oh, take me, you savage Mouseketeer!"

"No! This is Goose-io, the beloved folk hero and TV star of Malta! Goose-io was send up here as a good will ambassador! He teaches children lessons about *love* and *sharing* and *hygiene* and... (croaks) and you *killed* him!"

"I just really miss Toblerone."

"Hey Mom, Hey Dad! Big Stupid is teaching me how to live on the wrong side of the tracks!"

"So, I told Gary that I was *going* on this vacation. So he goes, "Well, then, I'm going hunting with Jeff next weekend." Well, that's when we were at knives. And Gary sang 'Fernando,' and then Gary--oh, he sang so good--Oh, you should meet Jeff some time. Do you like Barry Manilow songs? I know the farmers need rain, but when it's damp like this, my hair just explodes--just ex-*plo*-des! Ooo, ooo...feeling kinda gassy--McNuggets, you know, they make me so gassy--all that grease and all. It really helps if you drink eight to ten glasses of water a day. Did you know that? Sometimes I drink five, sometimes I drink nine just to make up for the other three I didn't drink. Coffee and diet drinks don't count either. You know, this is pretty country, isn't it? You know, it's really kind of a blessing in disguise that I didn't get accepted to college. You know, I'm going to have to revise my 20-year plan, but--oh, did I tell you about my 20-year plan? Okay, well, okay, listen here--in year one, this is the year when I'm going to take off those extra seven pounds--you know, that's equal to seven pounds of butter, so it's like I'm *wearing* seven pounds of butter! Uh...oh, where was I? Oh, oh, yeah. So my aunt and uncle here, they celebrated their 20th anniversary, and my uncle wanted to sing 'Sunrise, Sunset'--he wanted *me* to sing that, and I haven't sung that since Cindy's wedding, and, well, she never thanked me for that, well, I'm still--she's probably really busy and all..."

"Shaving your dad? Kinda -weird-, isn't it?"

"Eh, there's a man who never ate a vegetable in his life."

"I'll see you later. My face needs a rest."

"Peter Graves. The underrated, underpaid incredibly handsome host of "Biography," tonight on "Biography."

"Butt-Woman, everyone!"

"Your Coatimundi look will inspire fear in the superstitious criminal mind."

"Rock climbing, Joel. ROCK CLIMBING..."

"Mike, why don't you just admit that you're uncomfortable with thinking of Crow as a sexual being?"
Posted by Enigmatic (Member # 7785) on :

"Oh god, the movie lapped itself! NoooOOOOOOOooo!"

Posted by C3PO the Dragon Slayer (Member # 10416) on :
"Open the pod bay doors, HAL."

Oh, wait, that's 2K1ASO...
Posted by Puffy Treat (Member # 7210) on :
"Hello, Shining Your Love!"

"Fact: Roman the Ro-Man destroyed almost all of Earth's population save for six refugees. Yet, they all lived within a short walk of his cave."

"You dare to mock me? See if you can mock me in the Room of Questions."

"The Pee-Throwing scene, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you."

"Why don't they look?"

"Mr. Servo! I'm warning you! No William F. Buckley impersonations under threat of a point reduction!"

(Kid approaches Mitchell's car on a skateboard)

Joel: "Adam Rich!"

Crow: "Oh..." (groaning sound in his voice)

Kid: "Hi."

Mitchell: "Hi."

Kid: "Are you the man from the insurance?"

Mitchell: "Nope."

Kid: "He came last night."

Mitchell: "Yeah?"

Kid: "My mother doesn't like you."

Mitchell: "I don't like your mother."

Kid: "Why not?"

Mitchell: "Why not?"

Kid: "No, why not?"

Mitchell: "No, why not?"

Kid: "Why are you repeating what I'm saying?"

Tom: "Tonight on Crossfire..."

Mitchell: "Why are you repeating what I'm saying?"

Kid: "I'm not."

Mitchell: "Well, I'm not."

Kid: "You are." (Joel sighs and leans forward as if to lay down on his arms.)

Mitchell: "Buzz off."

Kid: "What?"

Mitchell: "What?"

Kid: "What did you say?"

Mitchell: "What you say?"

Kid: "Did you say something?"

Tom (screaming in exasperation): "Aaaaahhhh!!!"

Mitchell: "You say something?"

Kid: "You said buzz off."

Mitchell: "You're lying through your teeth."

Kid: "You're lying through your teeth."

Mitchell: "Buzz off, huh?"

Kid: "Buzz off!"

Mitchell: "BUZZ OFF, KID!"

Crow (as kid gets on his skateboard and "buzzes off"): "The inspiration for Cop and a Half!"

"We demand that you set up a delicious buffet!"

"My father had a tragic accident...I stuck his head into the fryer!"

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