Bah! This is the wettest summer for years - my feet are webbing (and not just because my parents are cousins...).
Is the sun shining anywhere? Someone give me a ray of hope...
Posted by Dagonee (Member # 5818) on :
D.C. is 73F and sunny right now, with an expected high of 88F.
Posted by xnera (Member # 187) on :
It's sunny here in the southwest burbs of Chicago, at the moment.
Posted by Trent Destian (Member # 11653) on :
From what I've been led to believe, the sun is highly overrated. Or rated overhighly. In either case, clouds and rain abound.
Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
Dayton, Ohio is Sunny and 70F at the moment, with a projected high of 85F. It's probably going to rain tonight, though.
Posted by Corwin (Member # 5705) on :
Sunny here in France, about 86F. (and yes, I used the google calculator to give me that number )
Posted by ludosti (Member # 1772) on :
I'll trade you!! In Phoenix it's pretty much always bright and shining (making for around 110F for the foreseeable future). Living here for most of my life has made me absolutely loathe those beautiful clear blue skies most people love.
Posted by Corwin (Member # 5705) on :
Heh, we had maximums of 59F a couple of weeks ago with lots of rain, and 77F and sunny at the beginning of March... It's been a weird few months...
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
We've had sun. Intermittently. When the monsoon rains aren't acting up.
Posted by Megan (Member # 5290) on :
The sun was shining on the sea, shining with all its might.
Sunny here, too (southern Indiana). I wouldn't mind some rain or, y'know, fall, though.
quote:Originally posted by ludosti: I'll trade you!! In Phoenix it's pretty much always bright and shining (making for around 110F for the foreseeable future). Living here for most of my life has made me absolutely loathe those beautiful clear blue skies most people love.
My brother felt that way about L.A. when he lived there for a couple years, as well. He said it was funny, he never realized that constant sunshine could actually be depressing.
Posted by Puffy Treat (Member # 7210) on :
The sun's been shining non-stop with little or no rain for the past 60+ days. Which means the Great Dismal Swamp fire has been coating the area in smoke, smoke, and more smoke.
Posted by Corwin (Member # 5705) on :
I think people have the capability of being miserable about the weather regardless of the weather itself. It's simply amazing how well we adapt!
Posted by Artemisia Tridentata (Member # 8746) on :
You should have been here last year. We had less than 3 inches of precip. total. This year we are closer to our normal 4 inches and the year is only half over. Can't see the sun today though, California is on fire again and the smoke is blowing over the mountain into my eyes. You know, I wonder if webbed feet would give you an advantage in the sand too?
Posted by Derrell (Member # 6062) on :
What ludosti said. We hates the sun. It burnssss us.
Posted by Sterling (Member # 8096) on :
Been mostly sunny and in the upper eighties in south Washington/north Oregon. We did have to go through a singularly dreary May and most of June to get there, though.
Posted by Godric 2.0 (Member # 11443) on :
It's practically always sunny here in Vegas. Today is no exception. The temperature is supposed to hit 110.
Posted by kmbboots (Member # 8576) on :
Pretty nice here in the northern suburbs of Chicago. Enough rain, but plenty of nice days, too.
Posted by ketchupqueen (Member # 6877) on :
Too frickin' hot here. We're having to leave for the afternoon because the ac is full blast and not working well enough to keep us cool.
Posted by T:man (Member # 11614) on :
Not shinin' in skokieville
Posted by C3PO the Dragon Slayer (Member # 10416) on :
Argh Fahrenheit. Based on how cold some scientist could get his lab, even though all he needed to do to get colder was relocate to North Dakota and open the door.
Posted by Lisa (Member # 8384) on :
Is it ever?
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
We had sun yesterday.
I didn't realize monsoon season started in June though for Michigan. This has to be a record breaking season for rainfall.
We don't turn on the AC unless it goes above 80-85 or so, it's just too expensive. But thankfully the rain is at least cooling us off, even though it's eliminating a lot of outdoor time that I covet so much in the summmer.
Posted by anti_maven (Member # 9789) on :
Thansk to all you lovely people we have shamed that pesky old Sol into showing his face. I am seeing blue skies, well at least for now.
Bow to the power otf the Hatrack Collective!
Posted by Tante Shvester (Member # 8202) on :
I'm here in New Jersey, and it is definitely not sunny. That's because it is the middle of the night.
Posted by ketchupqueen (Member # 6877) on :
quote:We don't turn on the AC unless it goes above 80-85 or so, it's just too expensive.
We don't usually turn it on until 85 or 90. We haven't turned it off in at least a month and a half now. It's too frickin' hot here.