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Posted by Blayne Bradley (Member # 8565) on :
I just gave Red Orchestra: Ostfront 1943-1945 a whirl and woah just woah.

The infantry aspect is a tad clunky but I geuss it adds to the realism but the addition of the complicated aspect to being an infantry manual cocking the rifle, manual reloading, etc adds to the experience.

Vehicals looks nice the graphics LOOK REALLY GOOD I think I found a game that blends the best aspects of Battlefield and Call of Duty.

The game is fast past has the aim-down-ironsights feature in game supported VOIP there's no real health system most of the time 1 bullet will kill you but I generally like that in the game and THERES REAL RUSSIANS PLAYING which REALLY adds to the immersion of the experience.

I haven't fiddled with vehicals yet but it seems to go for the better towards the Project Realism route of requiring your kit be vehicle operator and for you to need for the most part it seems additional crew members for be effective. Spawn points bring you automatically it seems to the front lines and it doesn't seem to be alot of "ninjas" in the game.

Ah and there's alot and I mean ALOT of friendly fire, oddly enough it didn't bother me as all and all it added realism.

And about the immersion aspect charging blindly albeit suicidally in a massive wave of infantry towards German entrenchments normally wouldn't be fun in most games but here it was REALLY FUN unbelievably so if it wasnt for the fact its 3 AM for me I wouldn't yelled "FOR THE MOTHERLAND" as i was charging and consequently mowed down by machine gun fire, I think we went through 5-10 waves just to traverse 100 meters while my aim is horrendos and indeed accuracy seems to be important not being accurate and using suppression fire works really good in this game I am surprised! The game has a lot of tracers and good sound effects so I guess it adds to ones hackles to NOT jump in front of the bullets like a pillock.

The game has all the staples of a good first person shooter and in addition does a really good job at being a WWII shooter the guns all feel good and as such the Unreal engine further impresses me, I've been around the block a few times and in theory this is supposed to be a really old game BUT I LOVE IT! It looks good, feels a bit clunky but realistically so much better then how Joint Ops Typhoon Rising felt. The graphics look good the sound is awesome it has some really interesting visual effects at times and seems to do for the most part everything right the only way I can really mark it down is the lack of a single player campaign or a co op single player campaign either and there's no tutorial and blithingly assumes you use the default setup and doesn't prompt you to what the current bound key is for a given prompt action like picking up ammo or hoping into a vehicle.

Crossfire for the matter doesn't like RO or vice versa thus delayed for several days the moment when I tried out this awesome games thus earning additional sad smilies [Frown] [Frown] [Frown] for trying to keep me away. I put the game to maxed out highest settings but while the game to its credit looks really good but i feel it could feel and look much better if they tried a little harder.

The game also lacks any kind of ingame rank or squad system thus making it harder to bring some kind of order to the chaos.

So all in all 7.5/10 stars. Also the game came with 2 10 day free trial thingymajigies, not sure what to do with them.

[ June 05, 2008, 06:41 AM: Message edited by: Blayne Bradley ]
Posted by 0Megabyte (Member # 8624) on :
... wow.

This is such a Blayne thread. *sigh* I was completely fooled by the thread title.
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
I figured Commies or gaming when I saw the thread title.

When I saw "Red Orchestra" I thought "Oh, maybe, that's some sort of Soviet orchestra or something like the Red Army Choir," and I prepared myself for a thread about music.

Then I got to the next paragraph. Bit of a let down.
Posted by Dr Strangelove (Member # 8331) on :
Good review though. Comparitively nominal typos aside, I really enjoyed learning more about this game. Thanks Blayne. You said it's supposed to be an older game ... Is that to say it would be harder to find? Not that I have time to play it, but if I ever break both my legs and need something to kill time ...
Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
Originally posted by 0Megabyte:
... wow.

This is such a Blayne thread. *sigh* I was completely fooled by the thread title.

Before I clicked on the thread I thought "there's an 85% chance that this is a thread about a computer game."
Posted by Tammy (Member # 4119) on :
Congratulations! I wish you the best of luck and tons of happiness!

Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
Originally posted by Dr Strangelove:
Good review though. Comparitively nominal typos aside, I really enjoyed learning more about this game. Thanks Blayne. You said it's supposed to be an older game ... Is that to say it would be harder to find? Not that I have time to play it, but if I ever break both my legs and need something to kill time ...

You can get it off of Steam, I believe it was initially released exclusively through that.
Posted by Launchywiggin (Member # 9116) on :
I'm still unable to read 90% of Blayne's posts. It just hurts my brain. Aren't run-on sentences one of the first no-nos you learn in like 3rd grade?
Posted by Tante Shvester (Member # 8202) on :
Yeah, and treating other people with respect is one of the first things you learn in kindergarten.

What's your point?
Posted by MrSquicky (Member # 1802) on :
I think he's suggesting that Blayne's posting style makes it difficult to read his posts.

I'm not sure I see how this is disrespectful. It's certainly not more disrespectful than Blayne's behavior.
Posted by Tammy (Member # 4119) on :
I don't see Blayne being disrespectful in this thread. He's talking about something he loves. If you can't post something positive or negative about the subject why take the time to post something negative about the poster?

Don't be a hater because you got snagged and peaked at a misleading topic title. Be happy Blayne has something to love.
Posted by MrSquicky (Member # 1802) on :
A poster who constantly posts with egregious spelling, grammar, and sentence construction issues is, in my opinion, being disrespectful to the people who would be reading these posts. Blayne clearly does this, among a variety of other things that demostrate a clear lack of respect for other people on the forum.

I don't think that it is disrespectful to point this out.
Posted by Tammy (Member # 4119) on :
No, maybe not disrespectful, just not really necessary and not very nice.

It's so tiring to stop by Hatrack just to see the same old horse getting beat, over and over.
Posted by MrSquicky (Member # 1802) on :
I basically agree, but I don't see acceptence or tolerance to be a better choice. I especially don't think attacking people who point out that someone is doing something wrong is the right way to go.

I get that Tante has made supporting Blayne one of her projects. I think she's going about it in a wrong and ultimately counterproductive way.
Posted by Tammy (Member # 4119) on :

Have a good day!

edited to remove my smiley face and the "you're right".

[ June 05, 2008, 01:56 PM: Message edited by: Tammy ]
Posted by TL (Member # 8124) on :
Issues of posting styles aside, Blayne really deserves some kudos for trying to contribute to Hatrack even though he continuously gets harassed by the same imaginationless posters.

I'd rather read a post with run-on sentences that's -about- something than a well-written post which serves no other purpose than to run down another hatracker.
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
Originally posted by Launchywiggin:
I'm still unable to read 90% of Blayne's posts. It just hurts my brain. Aren't run-on sentences one of the first no-nos you learn in like 3rd grade?

It's not unreadable. If anything, my lack of familiarity with gaming (or at least, more recent gaming) makes it more unreadable than his punctuation.

I think a question of rudeness or disrespect with his posting really comes down to one question: Is he unable or unwilling to post in a manner that the board demands? In other words, is he literally unable to post grammatically near correct posts, or is he able but just doesn't? If he just doesn't know any better, then I think we should give him a handicap of sorts. At least content wise he is trying. If he's just being lazy, then I guess he's bringing it on himself.
Posted by MrSquicky (Member # 1802) on :
To me, the answer to that is evident in the rampant mispellings. Blayne has had this problem pointed out to him multiple times along with an easy solution - using one of the spellchecker add-ons. That he doesn't do so indicates at least this is a matter of unwillingness, not inability.
Posted by mr_porteiro_head (Member # 4644) on :
He is able to but doesn't. There was a period of time where he brought his number of typos down to a normal level. I don't know why he stopped.
Posted by Tante Shvester (Member # 8202) on :
Project. Huh.

Honestly, I didn't think I was undertaking a project. I was just trying to be decent and to do the right thing.

And, yeah, I think the "pick-on-Blayne's-spelling" thing got old a while ago. It is what it is, and I don't think the dogpiling is going to make a difference.

You could always, you know, just ignore it.
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
Squick -

Good point. In the OP in this thread though, there were only one or two mispellings, and they were still perfectly readable, phonetically. Punctuation is a totally different story.

Compared to some of his posts that I've seen, that really have been garbled groupings of incoherent letters, this particular one doesn't really seem to deserve the firestorm that was set off here.

Blayne -

My advice? Either start your own, or resurrect a gaming thread that already exists. Call it "Blayne's Gaming Review Thread" and every time you post a new review for a game, change the thread title to fit the new review. That way, people who want to read your reviews know exactly where to go, and you'll save yourself a lot of grief every time you post a new thread for a game.
Posted by MrSquicky (Member # 1802) on :
I don't think any of this really needed to be said. I got involved because of your, as I saw it, unjust attack on Launchy. That wasn't decent or the right thing, as far as I could tell.


I am actually trying to help Blayne. I'm not convinced that you are. You seem more concerned with being nice to him. There's definitely a place for the nice person, especially in contrast to my decidedly not nice demeanor, but, let's just say I disagree with the way you're doing it.
Posted by Orincoro (Member # 8854) on :
I agree with Lyr completely, and have suggested this to Blayne in the past myself, as many have. I have a similar thread on my own music, and it has a small audience and can be ignored by anyone who has read it already, or doesn't care to read it.
Posted by Threads (Member # 10863) on :
If you legitimately have trouble reading his post then you don't have much experience with the internet. That might not be a bad thing.
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Originally posted by MrSquicky:
unjust attack on Launchy. That wasn't decent or the right thing, as far as I could tell.

Suggesting that someone be respectful to other posters is an attack? O_O

Is the sky blue in your world, Squick?
Posted by Flaming Toad on a Stick (Member # 9302) on :
Squick, in all my time at Hatrack, I've never seen you "help" anybody in that manner.
Posted by Nick (Member # 4311) on :
Do you guys ever wonder if this is intentional? Maybe Blayne might find your irritation of his spelling errors/bad grammar amusing? Isn't bringing that into the open "feeding the troll?" Not that Blayne is a troll, but that's usually the norm in dealing with them.

I might find some of the things he says irritating, but I won't pick on his spelling for crying out loud, that's a ridiculous waste of everybody's time.
Posted by Blayne Bradley (Member # 8565) on :
and server bandwidth.
Posted by Launchywiggin (Member # 9116) on :
I didn't mean to start another pile on Blayne. He definitely gets enough of that. So I apologize--normally I keep my mouth shut and look the other way. I think Blayne is a cool kid with a great sense of humor and we'd probably get along well in real life.

One of the main reasons I enjoy this forum is that there is a standard of "clarity" that is generally upheld by most long term members. I don't mind a few errors here or there, as long as posts are clear. As long as I'm here, I'm going to try to uphold that standard, and try to get others to as well. It's partly selfish (so I don't have to waste MY time stumbling through post after post), but I think it benefits the community as a whole as well. Raises the "quality of life" of the forum.
Posted by TL (Member # 8124) on :
Launchy, I think that was an excellent post. By the way, nothing raises the "quality of life" of the forum more than us trying to treat each other decently. Here's to it. [Hat] [Hat]
Posted by MrSquicky (Member # 1802) on :
Suggesting that someone be respectful to other posters is an attack? O_O

Is the sky blue in your world, Squick?

Yeah, it's blue. Saying that someone is being disrespectful when they are not is an attack to me. Do you disagree?


edit: For the record, I think Blayne has a lot of potential that is not getting used and is not going to be used unless he deals with some of his problems, among them that he is very lazy and self-centered. I think he'd have a much easier life if he cultivated more of a respect for others and self-discipline, such as would go into writing posts here that more conformed to the standards.

This is important to me. I'd hate to see him become what he seems to me to be on the path to becoming when he has it within him to be much more.

Maybe people don't see the problems that I do. Maybe they think it isn't my place to try to do anything about this. Maybe they don't think Blayne has the potential to be more than he demonstrates here. I don't know. I obviously disagree with all three and this is where I'm coming from.

[ June 06, 2008, 09:52 AM: Message edited by: MrSquicky ]
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Originally posted by MrSquicky:
Saying that someone is being disrespectful when they are not is an attack to me. Do you disagree?

Actually, unless it is deliberate, yes I definitely disagree. And given that the poster in question apologized (extremely graciously [Smile] ), I'm thinking he might as well.

I think people are disagreeing with your methods, rather than your motives. Publicly censuring of someone who has already responded poorly to similar in the past is rarely useful. And the sort of posts that Esther was objecting too are rarely useful in any case. Putting someone down is not generally a good tool if you want them to listen to what you are saying.
Posted by MrSquicky (Member # 1802) on :
I think people are disagreeing with your methods, rather than your motives. Publicly censuring of someone who has already responded poorly to similar in the past is rarely useful. And the sort of posts that Esther was objecting too are rarely useful in any case. Putting someone down is not generally a good tool if you want them to listen to what you are saying.
I wasn't primarily putting Blayne down. I was responding to, as I saw it, Tante attacking someone for saying that Blayne's run-on sentences make it hard to understand what he is writing.

I rarely start the criticisms of Blayne. We've gotten to a point where I agree that they are largely pointless and ultimately they are giving him a form of the attention that he wants.

It'd be better, I think, if people just didn't respond to him. That's not going to happen, but whatever.

The thing I think he really doesn't need is people saying that either he doesn't have any problems or unjustly sticking up for him, both of which I've seen Tante doing.

I think he can do much better and that the main thing keeping him from doing so is that he chooses not to. I think some people who seem to me to be primarily concerned with being nice to him are reinforcing this behavior.
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
I am quite certain Esther has never said that Blayne has no problems. Among other things, she tends to be more circuitous than that. [Wink]

And while I agree that it would be nice if Blayne used a spellcheck, I think he has made some effort to reduce the number of topics he posts, to use full sentences (some of the time) and punctuation.

Originally posted by MrSquicky:
I rarely start the criticisms of Blayne.

How noble of you.

Originally posted by MrSquicky:
It'd be better, I think, if people just didn't respond to him.

I agree with that.

Originally posted by MrSquicky:
That's not going to happen

And that.

Originally posted by MrSquicky:
I think he can do much better and that the main thing keeping him from doing so is that he chooses not to. I think some people who seem to me to be primarily concerned with being nice to him are reinforcing this behavior.

That's where we disagree. I do think he can do better. But what reinforces him doing worse is THAT is what gets him attention. When he does better, he gets one or two posts commenting on it. When he flaunts convention, he gets 2 pages of people yelling at him. For someone who has been as socialized as much he has to accept negative attention as better than no attention, what do you expect?

And regardless of whether he likes the negative attention, it does not reflect well on those generating it. Noemon's story about the kid who got attention for behaving like a puppy comes to mind.
Posted by MrSquicky (Member # 1802) on :
So, rivka, who do you think generated the attention here?
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Actually, I thought this post was a relatively decent one, and wish the only responses it had gotten had been like the ones from Dr. Strangelove and Tammy.
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
I agree with rivka. I'm quite happy to see Blayne burbling with glee about games.
Posted by Orincoro (Member # 8854) on :
My problem is that I actually trust Blayne's taste in games somewhat, and I have a hard time following the commentary from line to line. I'd like to know what some of the jargon means, and some of the acronyms could be explained. Since he's such an avid gamer, I think the community might actually genuinely benefit from a "Blayne's Elite Gamer Thread."

Of course, that solution means that he gets zero negative feedback because it's his own stomping grounds.
Posted by theamazeeaz (Member # 6970) on :
Honestly, Blayne makes a lot more sense and has better grammar than he has has since starting here. It isn't all perfect and certainly hasn't in this post, but that's okay. A recent new poster got me thinking "hey we have another Blayne".

Yes Blayne starts lots of threads, and doesn't spellcheck, but he's an OSC fan, and that's what REALLY counts on this board. I've found that writing and reading often makes me more articulate, and the fact of the matter is that my current work does not have me doing those things often enough.

I was secretly hoping you got a girlfriend, though Blayne. Since an acquaintance of mine got shot, I hate any media having to do with war, etc and was sad to see a vg review. Great that it makes you happy. ::goes back to her wii fit::
Posted by Blayne Bradley (Member # 8565) on :
Are you Pearce Holland?
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Originally posted by Orincoro:
My problem is that I actually trust Blayne's taste in games somewhat, and I have a hard time following the commentary from line to line. I'd like to know what some of the jargon means, and some of the acronyms could be explained.

And when phrased like that, it's a perfectly reasonable request.
Posted by Blayne Bradley (Member # 8565) on :
Orincoro which jargon or acronym did I use in particular that I should explain?
Posted by Nick (Member # 4311) on :
I think Orincoro was speaking generally, not referring specifically to this post.
Posted by Telperion the Silver (Member # 6074) on :
I'm in love too.
Oh Blayne...
Bring on the orchestra!
Posted by Blayne Bradley (Member # 8565) on :
Originally posted by Telperion the Silver:
I'm in love too.
Oh Blayne...
Bring on the orchestra!

I don't want your wood.
Posted by Orincoro (Member # 8854) on :
"Crossfire for the matter doesn't like RO or vice versa thus delayed for several days the moment when I tried out this awesome games thus earning additional sad smilies [Frown] [Frown] [Frown] for trying to keep me away."

"blithingly assumes you use the default setup and doesn't prompt you to what the current bound key is for a given prompt action like picking up ammo or hoping into a vehicle."

- posted June 04, 2008 12:57 AM Profile for Blayne Bradley Email Blayne Bradley Edit/Delete Post Reply With Quote I just gave Red Orchestra: Ostfront 1943-1945 a whirl and woah just woah.

The infantry aspect is a tad clunky but I geuss it adds to the realism but the addition of the complicated aspect to being an infantry manual cocking the rifle, manual reloading, etc adds to the experience.

Vehicals looks nice the graphics LOOK REALLY GOOD I think I found a game that blends the best aspects of Battlefield and Call of Duty.

The game is fast past has the aim-down-ironsights feature in game supported VOIP"

Trying to digest these morsels amidst the run on, and on, and on, sentences is hard.
Posted by Blayne Bradley (Member # 8565) on :
Paragraph A: Crossfire is when you have 2 hi end video cards (In my case ATI HD3870's) working together to improve system performance. However not all games like using crossfire and give this weird checkered pattern of bad textures.

Paragraph 2: In Call of Duty when your say in range to pick up a gun it will say "Press F to pick up a gun" RO (red orchestra) doesn't have this, all it says "you can pick up said gun" thus to my mind assuming you are using the default set up.

Paragraph 3: Giving a whirl means playing it for a few hours.

Paragraph D: Must FPS's have Auto reload, as in once the clip is empty it will automatically reload. In Red orchestra once the clip is empty you have to manually tell it to reload, and for bolt action rifles manually tell it to cock the bolt.

Paragraph E: I am not sure how to explain this.

Paragraph 6: VOIP means Voice Over IP, in game voice chat.
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
I don't want your wood.
You're holding out for his sheep? [Wink]


Here are edited versions of those paragraphs, Blayne:

"It turns out Crossfire doesn't like RO (or vice versa), so delayed for several days was the moment when I tried out this awesome game; it earns additional sad smilies for trying to keep me away."

"...blithely assumes you use the default setup and doesn't remind you of the currently-bound key for a given action (like picking up ammo or hopping into a vehicle.)"

"Their attempt at realistic infantry is a tad complicated and clunky, I guess, but having to manually cock your rifle when reloading, aim down ironsights, and avoid enemy fire at all costs (since a single bullet will generally kill you) winds up adding to the immersive experience. The number of real Russians playing online over VOIP helps a bit, too."

"Vehicles look nice. In fact, the graphics in general look really good. I think I found a game that blends the best aspects of Battlefield and Call of Duty."
Posted by Nighthawk (Member # 4176) on :
I don't think it's been mentioned, but the Red Orchestra team started as a mod group for Unreal Tournament 2003, but then they won the grand prize in the "Make Something Unreal" contest run by nVidia and Digital Extremes.

The prize: an Unreal Engine developer's license, valued at around $250K-300K.

The rest, as they say, is history.

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