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Posted by sndrake (Member # 4941) on :
I don't know how many folks are interested, but it looks like edited parts of an interview with me will be on today's (April 1, 2008) edition of FNC's "Special Report."

It's not about the presidential election - it's about a Congressional race in Michigan (9th District, specifically). I don't live in Michigan, but was sought out for comment anyway.

The reason - Jack Kevorkian has announced his intention to run as an independent for the House seat there. My comments have little do do with assisted suicide, really, but the things the press has missed in covering this and about his potential impact on the Congressional race.

I am always very nervous in situations like this. I spoke with the reporter in the studio for at least 20 minutes. No telling what totally inept 20-30 seconds will actually make it into the story.

For a bit of an idea of what my points are on this race and what the media is missing (except the AP, to an extent), you can check out the following blog entries:

"Dying" Kevorkian to Run for Congress - Will Media Treat Him Like a Candidate or as a Sideshow?

NDY Quoted in AP Coverage of Kevorkian While Others in the Media Drop the Ball

BTW, for folks who participated in the zombies/brain death thread might be interested in a recent post on the blog about a guy who was declared brain dead, started to react to people, and is now home and (according to him) doing "pretty well."

"Special Report" is on Fox News Channel, 6 pm ET, 5 pm CT, etc.

[ April 02, 2008, 04:23 PM: Message edited by: sndrake ]
Posted by Dagonee (Member # 5818) on :
This is one of the best political sound bites I've seen in years: [Big Grin]

Disability activists released a statement Monday criticizing Kevorkian, noting that his lawyer had filed appeals for Kevorkian's release in 2003, 2004 and 2005 claiming he had only a year to live.

"The voters deserve proof that Kevorkian will live long enough to serve out a congressional term," said Stephen Drake of Not Dead Yet, a disability rights group that opposes legalization of euthanasia and assisted suicide.

I don't normally watch TV news, but I'll make a special exception for you.
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
I'm in the 9th District, and lucky me I get to choose between Knollenberg, Kevorkian and Gary Peters (it's actually a pretty easy choice).

They should be interviewing me [Wink]

I have to say though, that though there may be some who might vote for Kevorkian, I think you underestimate the special feelings residents of SE Michigan have for Kevorkian: People around here HATE him. They really hate his lawyer, Geoffrey Fieger, but they hate him too. There's obviously no chance in a million years of him actually being elected to the 9th. I guess there's a little bit of a worry that he might take some votes away from Peters, but I think a Democrat in the 9th has a better chance winning this year than most any since I've been paying attention to politics.

I won't be home at 6pm, but if it's available could you link the story so I could see it later? Congrats on the exposure.
Posted by sndrake (Member # 4941) on :
have to say though, that though there may be some who might vote for Kevorkian, I think you underestimate the special feelings residents of SE Michigan have for Kevorkian: People around here HATE him. They really hate his lawyer, Geoffrey Fieger, but they hate him too. There's obviously no chance in a million years of him actually being elected to the 9th. I guess there's a little bit of a worry that he might take some votes away from Peters, but I think a Democrat in the 9th has a better chance winning this year than most any since I've been paying attention to politics.

Lyrhawn, I get that. But I think that one of the things the Dems are banking on is an increase in registration in the District. If a lot of them are young people with no history with the Democratic party - or even Ron Paul fans - a potentially large number of votes the Dems thought might be in play for them could swing to Kevorkian instead.

And yes, I'll post any relevant links here if/when they're available. [Smile]

I understand the hatred for Fieger, btw. My understanding is that his gubernatorial run dragged the whole Democratic ticket down in Michigan. I've even read some references in recent political discussions that Republicans voting in the Democratic primary had a hand in Fieger winning the Dems governor nomination. I wasn't that tuned in on the mechanics of Michigan politics back then, so I don't know how much to make of that.
Posted by sndrake (Member # 4941) on :
I don't normally watch TV news, but I'll make a special exception for you.
Thanks, Dag.

I keep waiting for you to show up on a news show one of these days.

But you're probably more the CSPAN type. [Smile]

(to prevent any confusion, that is meant as a compliment)
Posted by JonHecht (Member # 9712) on :
I take it that this is an April Fool's joke?
Posted by Dagonee (Member # 5818) on :
No, it's not. Kevorkian is really running for Congress - after serving ~7 years for second degree homicide.
Posted by Dagonee (Member # 5818) on :
I keep waiting for you to show up on a news show one of these days.
But you're probably more the CSPAN type.

Those boring Sunday morning shows. [Smile]
Posted by sndrake (Member # 4941) on :
This, OTOH, *was* an April Fools Joke:

Date: Tue, 1 Apr 1997 09:38:42 -0500
From: "Stephen N. Drake"
Reply-To: SJU Advocacy List
Subject: HMOs Name Jack Kevorkian to Oversee ADA Enforcement

April 1, 1997:

Detroit, Michigan:

HMO officials convened a press conference to announce the naming of Jack Kevorkian to oversee American with Disabilities Act (ADA) enforcement
for the health care organizations nationwide. In a rare joint effort, officials acknowledged that there has been legitimate criticism of the way
HMOs treat the disabled and elderly.

Explaining this sudden and bold initiative, HMO spokesperson D. Ed Weight said, "we have been impressed with Dr. Kevorkian's sensitivity to
the needs of persons in need of assistance in taking charge of their own health care. We believe he will be able to help ensure that we can remain the cost-effective organizations we try to be, while helping the disadvantaged free themselves from unwanted, expensive health care and community supports. These new efforts in facilitating empowerment are, we believe, in keeping with the letter and spirit of the ADA."

Kevorkian is reported to be looking forward to helping growing numbers of disabled and chronically ill HMO patients to move forward in a bold new arena of patients' rights. He feels it is only fitting that the same organizations that are tightening the reins on treatment options provide new options for disappointed patients.

Asked what he would do with the money earned in his new position Kevorkian expressed the intent of buying a school bus to replace his
battered van. He intends to decorate it with his artwork as a parting gift to the patients he assists.

Please note that April 1 is commonly known as APRIL FOOLS DAY

NOTE: This email caused me no end of trouble. Lots of people took it *seriously*, not bothering to read to the bottom.
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
Originally posted by sndrake:
have to say though, that though there may be some who might vote for Kevorkian, I think you underestimate the special feelings residents of SE Michigan have for Kevorkian: People around here HATE him. They really hate his lawyer, Geoffrey Fieger, but they hate him too. There's obviously no chance in a million years of him actually being elected to the 9th. I guess there's a little bit of a worry that he might take some votes away from Peters, but I think a Democrat in the 9th has a better chance winning this year than most any since I've been paying attention to politics.

Lyrhawn, I get that. But I think that one of the things the Dems are banking on is an increase in registration in the District. If a lot of them are young people with no history with the Democratic party - or even Ron Paul fans - a potentially large number of votes the Dems thought might be in play for them could swing to Kevorkian instead.

And yes, I'll post any relevant links here if/when they're available. [Smile]

I understand the hatred for Fieger, btw. My understanding is that his gubernatorial run dragged the whole Democratic ticket down in Michigan. I've even read some references in recent political discussions that Republicans voting in the Democratic primary had a hand in Fieger winning the Dems governor nomination. I wasn't that tuned in on the mechanics of Michigan politics back then, so I don't know how much to make of that.

I won't go into it, but yeah, that's one of the reasons why so many people hate him, but there are tons more, mostly people just think he's a lying snake. I see two problems with the youth vote in the area going for Kevorkian. Kevorkian's major campaign platform is assisted suicide. How many young people are really going to change their vote for a problem primarily associated with the elderly? I have a feeling that a quick campaign stop from the eventual Democratic candidate campaigning for Peters will probably quell any fear of jumping ship. The biggest reason I could see them going for him is that they are too young to remember why most people in the area don't like him. Lucky for me, I have parents that do remember and don't mind talking about it, and my grandfather has since moved to Texas, so a possible vote for Kevorkian is gone.

I haven't seen any campaign literature from him yet, but I really fail to see what he'll have to offer that'll be better than what Knollenberg and Peters will have. He has an amazing wealth of NEGATIVE name recognition. I just don't see a lot of young people voting for an old ex-con on a single issue crusade that has little or nothing to do with the young.
Posted by sndrake (Member # 4941) on :
Kevorkian's major campaign platform is assisted suicide.
Actually, that's a subtheme of his major (read: ONLY) platform - championing the 9th Amendment (in terms of what *he* thinks it should mean). Simplistic enough to appeal to folks who only hear him in 20-30 second soundbites.

Without surrounding context, Kevorkian can be a great source of short soundbites. He's pretty incapable of stringing together coherent thoughts over 20-30 minutes.

The main reason his speaking gigs have dried up is because he really stinks.
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
sndrake: Could you youtube it for us? Your part anyway?
Posted by Jake (Member # 206) on :
Seconded. I don't have cable or an antenna, so there's no way I'll be able to catch this on the air, but I'd love to see it.
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
btw, I think Dr Kavorkian could do a LOT of good in Congress.
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
Michigan, especially Southeast Michigan, where the 9th is smack dab in the middle, will never election Jack Kevorkian to anything, let alone the US House of Reps.
Posted by sndrake (Member # 4941) on :
Pix and Jake,

I am clueless when it comes to YouTube, but I'll see if I can get somebody who knows what they're doing to put it up. With any luck, there might be video up on Fox tomorrow.

I won't see this til I get home. I'm assuming the original plan is on, since the reporter hasn't called or emailed me to tell me anything different.

I just got news a few minutes ago - I was so caught up in this I forgot what day today was.

Today, a particularly nasty and depressing chapter in my life closes, although it will never end for the family involved:

McCarron Sentenced to 36 Years

PEKIN - Karen McCarron was sentenced to 36 years in prison today for suffocating her autistic daughter in 2006 and a request for a new trial was denied.

McCarron will have to serve 100 percent of the sentence and would be 75-years-old upon her release. She also was ordered to pay a $25,000 fine and was given 30 months of supervised release. She had faced between 20 years and 110 years in prison.

Just to fill in a bit of context - the father of the murdered child and her grandparents view this as justice - or the closest we come to it in this world.
Posted by Jake (Member # 206) on :
Hopefully someone will post it.

By the way, this is Noemon; it occurred to me that you might not be aware of that.
Posted by sndrake (Member # 4941) on :
By the way, this is Noemon; it occurred to me that you might not be aware of that.
I suspected, but wasn't sure. Thanks!

Hopefully there will be some news link or other that I can get to - and I'll see if somebody I know is Youtube savvy and willing to post it.
Posted by pooka (Member # 5003) on :
So how did this go?
Posted by sndrake (Member # 4941) on :
It went OK - I'll post when I get to the office. I have a better computer and connection there.

Interestingly, some of my stronger points showed up elsewhere in the piece. but I didn't get any credit for having brought them up.

Not surprised - and this is not an aspersion on Fox specifically, but the media in general.

But I was included, so I will be writing a very gracious thank you to the Fox reporter today. [Smile] [Grumble]
Posted by sndrake (Member # 4941) on :
Aggravating day on the video front. The good news is that I have a direct link to a copy on my blog (provided by an anonymous benefactor). The bad news is that the copy sucks.

But the link is there (sorry I don't actually have the direct link - I was sent the embed code for my blog):

Yesterday on Fox News...

Now, there *is* a way (today, anyway) to view the video on fox news, but you have to follow directions:

Go to Special Report w/ Brit Hume

Just a little down the page there is a section labeled "America's Election HQ". There is a link to the Kevorkian video - it's the top selection on the right hand side.

There's an article, too, that includes most of the content in the televised piece:

Amid Skepticism, Jack 'Dr. Death' Kevorkian Runs for Congress

S'all for now. Gotta catch up with some other stuff.
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
Dang, I wish I could vote for that guy! Someone who actually pays attention to the 9th amendment!
Posted by Dagonee (Member # 5818) on :
He read a lot more into the 9th amendment than is actually there.

His version: "As long as nobody gets hurt or threatened, or their property is not hurt or threatened, you have every right in the world."

What it actually says: "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."

It's a shame they only gave Stephen a short sound bite, but that's cable news I guess. I'm glad you're out there on this.
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
Originally posted by The Pixiest:
Dang, I wish I could vote for that guy! Someone who actually pays attention to the 9th amendment!

You could try and convince me to.

But I don't like your chances.
Posted by sndrake (Member # 4941) on :
Dag said:

He read a lot more into the 9th amendment than is actually there.

There's confirmation on Dag's opinion in an article by a former associate of Kevorkian:

(I really like this analogy)

Most experts don't agree with Kevorkian. Robert Sedler, a constitutional law professor at Wayne State University, once told me that the Ninth Amendment "is sort of like hamburger helper. You usually have to use it along with something else to try and make a case."


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