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Posted by Blayne Bradley (Member # 8565) on :

Map Enclosed: World Map as of 2001. (Purplish blob to top right is Romans, top left is Chinese Empire, Dark Green (covering almost half of map turks). light green arabs.

June, 9-2001, Report to His Imperial Majesty Cmte of Defence.

6 Years ago at the expressed urgings of the General Staff and upon acceptence by HIM (His Imperial Majesty) we of the Ministry of Intelligence in conjuction with the Second Artillery Corps and with our government sources in Roma we have succeded in going forward with what is now being called "Operation Meteor" or "Project M".

For your eyes only if you are unfamiliar with the Operation, you will now on pain of secret trial by Military Tribunal keep secret what is in this report.

To explain Operation Meteor we of the Strategic Planning & Imperial Logistics Division (SPILD) will briefly explain, the strategic situation as of 1996 is that it is increasingly obvious that the Chinese Empire under His Majesty Emperor Bla Li is falling behind our Rival Superpower Empire the Ottoman Empire under Sultan Daniel, the Turks have (In Millions) 14000 GND to our 3500, 3000 Mfg goods to our 2400, and 130,000,000 people to our 90,000,000. The tactical situation while favorable pales compared to the strategic delemna faced by the Imperial General Staff and HIM.

While we strived to (successfully) meet tactical parity in quantity, and quality of our armed forces, it is apparent that the productive and financial capabilities of the Turks far out match us in a possible war of attrition, and will soon have the means to even in peacetime in every military field of quantity and quality. Distances, terrain, temperment of our Allies etc only softens this realization so much, it is apparent that the longer we wait to fix this strategic economic imbalance the harder we will be hurt by say 2025.

As such we will now explain the Classified as Top Secret details of Project M.

Project M aka Operation Meteor:

Goals: To provoke a border skirmish between Legionary forces of the Roman Republic, and the Turkish forces near Ravenna.

The purpose of which is to draw the Romans and the Turks into a full scale clash, while in a purely conventional sense there is no doubt that the Turks could after some struggle defeat the Romans and possibly even annex them! However there is a reasoning for this plan.

Once the Romans are embroiled in such a war there is no doubt that Pro-Chinese elements in their foreign affairs offices, and the military will come to us secretely and request possible military and strategic aid, their pride will prevent them from openly asking for assistence or seeking the United Nations for a resolution to condemn the Turks.

Once the Romans realize that they are on the losing end of the conflict negotiations for secret military aid will accelerate and gain substance. To test the political meddle of the Turkish government to proceed with a tactical nuclear war, its implications and the endurance of their military structure we had made preparations for the handing over of several nuclear warheads to the Roman military which Intelligence reports is short on fissile material for their own nuclear armaments programme. The Romans have no political history of holding back on military matters and will undoubtably resort to using them at the first oppurtunity for terror, tactical, and strategic strikes using a combination of bomber, SLBM, and IRBM means of delivery.

It is believed that once the first nuclear weapons are used by the Romans the Turkish retaliation will be swift and brutal but will inspire and harden the Romans on to using more nuclear warheads in the name of "vengence" and "pride". It is estimated that total war casualties of both sides should not exceed that of 30,000,000 people with 75-95% of these casualties endured by the Romans.

As unfortunate as this assesment is, the SPILD is in agreement that to fufill our long term strategic goals and the survival of our nation as a Great Power steps must be made to ensure we are the ONLY Great Power of Superpower status with considerable strategic nuclear striking capabilities, drawing the Turks into a war that they will undoubtably resort to using the majority of their current and future stockpile will leave them vulnerable to phase II of Project M.

Phase II: The War will eventually end with the Turks too exshausted to finish the war and will peace for "trinkets" when compared to the cost of the war in human lives but it should according to our then previous calculations be successful. Phase II will be upon the first oppurtunity a complete and utter and overwhelming first strike using our SLBM capabilities on their heartland and every single major city with a million or more inhabitants regardless of military or strategical importance, to quote one of our officers driving this project forward, "they all must burn".

Operation Wu Pi has already been approved, our military forces are transitioning to a war footing and divirsifying their locations to reduce and limit damage from successful nuclear strikes on our cities and troop concentrations, our nuclear submarines are proceeding under radio silence and are awaiting the go ahead order. Marine deployments are moving our and military strik ops are nearly ready for a swift invasion of their hinterland upon the devastation of their military, economic, and political structures.

A overview of our Nuclear preparations in "Red Squares" is availiable here.

Phase I has been concluded, the SPILD rates it as a overall success even moreso then we imagined, Intelligence operatives report a total depletion fo the Turks nuclear arsenal, 4 of their major cities are radio active wastelands and a considerable portion although relatively snall when compared to their total forces have been annilihated.

Damage to the Roman Republic is within expected norms, roughly 35,000,000 casualties with some 12 major cities destroyed, the Turks have surprisingly lost some 13,000,000 much more then expected, this is a pleasant surprise.

The General Staff, with the Second Artillery and the Strategic Rocket Forces await authorization from the Cmte, and His Imperial Majesty before proceeding with Phase II of Operation Meteor.

OOC: As one can see me and a friend are having a fairly in deph game of Civilization IV, just the two of us and originally 11 AIs many of them are nolonger with us. We play with Domination, Diplomatic, and Annilihation Victory, space race is lame and is simply a matter of production, cultural victory is meh and hard to keep track of, and we hate time limits.

Were playing with the ability to choose nation + any personality, so I choose Korea's Wong Kon which is Financial/Protective, my units thus gain a benefit, and for every square that makes 2 gold it makes an addition 1 gold then, very good since money tends to be my major issue.

We in a change of pace choose ring world, huge, 10-13 players where it is all one contenent wheres humans and ais spawn on (1 player per "area" and each area has a tiny land bridge) and there is a explorable continent in the center where one can explore and colonize. Alot of ocean.

The game went as we wanted it roughly to go, AIs actually fought each other fairly often, surprisngly 2-3 ais got fairly more powerful then us early on but we managed to keep them friendly enough for them to not rape us when we were weak and poor. Later on the balance shifted I managed to annex the French and swallow a chunk from the Egyptions, and Native Americans (we are playing "Beyond the Sword" Civilization IV expansion so new civilizations) around the time I got riflemen, then my friend Daniel got massively ahead of me and only around the time I got factories and nuclear powerplants did I in a span of 50 turns catch up and build up a halfway decent army, navy and comparable population surpasing all of the AIs and soon recognized as the defacto 2nd superpower that ais could vote for in the UN instead of the Romans.

However as Daniel began conquering one AI after another I began to realize that I was starting to become outclassed, oh sure I was caught up techwise and had a modern and 2nd largest army and population size he however was making some 3000 gold a day and had a unbeliavable treasury of 120,000 at one point, he could instarush ANYTHING.

I was screwed unless i did something drastic.

Step one I built the manhatten project, Daniel seems to never build these for fear of I or the AIs crunching out nukes right then and there so I built it, daniel was in the middle of a war so he didnt do anything about it giving me enough time to crank out some ICBMs and tac nukes, from soem time earlier I had a large stockpile of 30 some odd submarines build and parked in my port cities so i gathered then and one at a time loaded them with 3 tac nukes each (by the time we called it quits for the night I had 80 tactical nukes stockpiled) and sent them to strategic locations around daniels territory with 2/3s of my cities dedicated to correcting the strategic imbalance.

Then as luck would have it the Romans dowed Daniel for no reason oh sure he blamed me but in truth I had nothing to do with it, and Daniel took some cities and proceeded to nuke everything single muther effer city the Romans had they could concievably build something, then I got a stroke of brilliance and after doing some experiments started givign them nuclear armed submarines and spare warheads in droves, some 10 ild geuss I passed on to Roman possession and a few of Daniels cities are now crators.

Soon it seems daniel had enough of it and peaced Romans out but not after taking some 3-5 cities and nuking the rest of them to oblivion, but thanks to my efforts the Romans... survived the right word? Well theyre independent and not a vassal or annexed by Daniel, maybe theyre not a great power anymore as AIs go but it beats the alternative.

And upon pooking around with spies his nuclear arsenal is indeed down to 5 ICBMs, and 4 tactical nuke. I had the "Star Wars" project (and so does he) so 50% of nukes wont get through, so 2 icbms might get thorugh, but his tactical nukes arent in position and conversly I have spent a long time preparing for this moment, 25 sums, 70 nukes, off his coast and ready to lauch this is going to be sweet. And I have some 20 ICBMs in various places ready to launch at anywhere around the globe and I have all my forces spread out so they wont get destoryed in one fell swoop.

Due to the sorta turn based nature of the game I have the advantage.

Victory will be sweet.

Score graph: scoreboard.
Posted by MightyCow (Member # 9253) on :
That's a pretty cool map.

Good luck with the nuking.

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