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Posted by Philosofickle (Member # 10993) on :
Well, the hard drive on my venerable ibook G4 has bitten the dust. Taking with it all of my files, music, homework, stories, and everything else. According to a diagnostic, the memory is intact. I've already decided to replace the hard drive with this:

But I'd like to know if there's anything that I can do to recover all of my files, without costing a fortune.

I've also heard it's a nightmare to open up a G4, so any tips would be welcome.
Posted by fugu13 (Member # 2859) on :
You'll probably find it getting a bit hotter than before.

What were the failure symptoms? First, I'd try putting the hard drive as a secondary hard drive in a desktop (linux) machine, then using some disk recovery tools on it (assuming it could be mounted at all).

Failing that, take the hard drive and put it in a moisture-proof static bag (squeezing out excess air), and put that in the freezer for an hour or two. Take it out and immediately put in a computer and see if it can be mounted and read.

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