This is topic ***shathias!*** Hello and welcome! in forum Books, Films, Food and Culture at Hatrack River Forum.

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Posted by ClaudiaTherese (Member # 923) on :
Now [we invite you ***] to tell us about yourself. [Smile]

Whatever you want us to know -- it doesn't have to be a personal identifier or anything. How'd you get here, when you first read, OSC, etc.

Welcome to Hatrack. Hope you stick around and have lots of fun. [Smile]


*** I didn't want to seem pushy, but it would be delightful to get to know you.

[ January 01, 2008, 06:30 AM: Message edited by: ClaudiaTherese ]
Posted by Morbo (Member # 5309) on :
Welcome, shathias to hatrack! [Wave]

You're lucky, usually it takes awhile for CT to break out the edited-in footnotes**. [Wink]

**although editing in footnotes instead of completely revising your remarks is a good thing, especially when it's purpose is to make people more comfortable. [Big Grin]

[ January 03, 2008, 08:46 PM: Message edited by: Morbo ]
Posted by ClaudiaTherese (Member # 923) on :
[Embarrassed] [Wink]
Posted by shathias (Member # 11434) on :
Okay. Thanks for the welcome!

I read Lost Boys first during ROTC camp right after I graduated HS. I loved it, although it was quite sad. Then I went to college, graduated and started teaching. I was in the bookstore here in town and just happened to see Ender's Game. I liked the title, so I bought it and later discovered that the same guy wrote Lost Boys. I have since read almost everything by OSC, including Characters and Viewpoint and the Sci-fi/Fantasy writing book (I forget the name of it).

I found this site a few years ago and wandered in and out, just lurking occasionally. So I just decided to take the plunge and register.

There seem to be a lot of interesting people here that I want to meet. So again, HI!!

(Sorry to write so much, but you asked. [Smile] )
Posted by ketchupqueen (Member # 6877) on :
Posted by brojack17 (Member # 9189) on :
Welcome. We are a can of mixed nuts here. [Smile]

Happy New Year.
Posted by Shawshank (Member # 8453) on :
I would say a can of worms. Or a Pringles can. Once you open us up- you can't get rid of us.
Posted by Corwin (Member # 5705) on :
Originally posted by shathias:
Okay. Thanks for the welcome!

You're, uh, welcome. [Smile]

(Sorry to write so much, but you asked. [Smile] )
You think that's much? You don't know us very well, do you? Of course, now you have all the time to do it. [Big Grin]
Posted by Belle (Member # 2314) on :
We are a can of mixed nuts her
I am the cashews.

Welcome to the 'rack.
Posted by Morbo (Member # 5309) on :
I thought we were a clan of mixed nuts? [Dont Know]
Posted by Tara (Member # 10030) on :
So now we test everyone new to make sure they're not spam bots?
Posted by Tatiana (Member # 6776) on :
shathias, how did you get a screenname when registration is turned off? Did you contact a donor?

Edit: and welcome! I often forget the main point.

Oh and just to be sure you're not a bot:

1) Which direction is the enemy's gate?

2) What is a ROUS?

3) What is Jayne's chain of command?

Posted by Tatiana (Member # 6776) on :
Hah! I totally overlooked your post in that other thread. Welcome to hatcrack!
Posted by shathias (Member # 11434) on :
1. Down
2. Rodents of unusual size
3. Not sure, I've seen all the episodes and the movie, but only once a while ago. I guess some kind of weapon.

Is that enough for a pass?
Posted by Tatiana (Member # 6776) on :
You're in! [Smile]
(btw, you can google the answer to #3)

Next hurdle: becoming real. [Big Grin]
Posted by Tante Shvester (Member # 8202) on :
I keep reading your screen name as "shatnetz", which, of course, it isn't.

But what does it mean? And how do I pronounce it?

Answer me yours and I'll tell you mine.
Posted by ClaudiaTherese (Member # 923) on :
Originally posted by Tara:
So now we test everyone new to make sure they're not spam bots?

In case it was not clear, shathias had already posted an individualized, clearly-not-automated-spam post in the thread I linked.*** That initial post of his or hers had gotten lost in the discussion -- there were some 20 posts afterward without a welcome or direct response of any sort at all, just (I think) because people were involved in the other ongoing discussion and missed it.

This thread was an attempt to rectify that post getting passed over, as it seemed to me that shathias ought to be welcomed.

It certainly wasn't a test, and although I myself would be happy to continue the ongoing sonata of spammy/not-spammy/how-do-we-treat-newcomers, perhaps it would be more polite to our latest Hatracker to take that discussion out of his or her welcome thread and into a new one?


Edited to add: ***The link is the first line in the starting post of this thread. I tried to link directly to shathias' introductory post, but for some reason the software wouldn't let me this time. You can find it pretty easily, though, at about halfway down the page. The difference between this and a spam post is like night and day to my eyes, but I understand this may not be obvious to some people.

If it would be helpful, I could explain in more detail how I distinguish between the two, but I was afraid that might come across as condescending. And, of course, I'd prefer to do it in a separate thread, as I mentioned above. I'll leave it to you (or another) to start the thread if that would be of use and interest to anyone.

[ January 02, 2008, 05:25 AM: Message edited by: ClaudiaTherese ]
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
Originally posted by Tante Shvester:
I keep reading your screen name as "shatnetz", which, of course, it isn't.

But what does it mean? And how do I pronounce it?

Answer me yours and I'll tell you mine.

I was reading it as "shu-thai-us."

I'm curious as to meaning as well.
Posted by Farmgirl (Member # 5567) on :
Originally posted by shathias:
I read Lost Boys first during ROTC camp right after I graduated HS. I loved it, although it was quite sad. Then I went to college, graduated and started teaching. I was in the bookstore here in town and just happened to see Ender's Game. I liked the title, so I bought it and later discovered that the same guy wrote Lost Boys. I have since read almost everything by OSC, including Characters and Viewpoint and the Sci-fi/Fantasy writing book (I forget the name of it)

Wow! You started out with Lost Boys? I'm impressed. It took me years to get the courage to read that one (after hearing about it here) and I don't know if I would have kept reading OSC if that had been the first one I read! [Frown]
Posted by shathias (Member # 11434) on :
I always pronounce it Shay-thee-us. It's the name of the first D&D character I ever created. I used it for online gaming too, when I use to play WoW. I don't play anymore because of the huge amount of time needed to accomplish anything. Since I have two kids, my time is needed elsewhere. I have a few other hobbies, none of which take up my children's time, and all of which I can stop and start as needed without leaving other people in a bind.

Farmgirl, I loved the family in Lost Boys, even though the ending tore me up. And that was before I had kids. I can't re-read that book now. The reason I kept reading OSC after that book and Ender's Game is his ability to make me care about his characters. And he is just a great storyteller.
Posted by Farmgirl (Member # 5567) on :
*still trying to determine for sure if shathias is male or female* [Smile]
Posted by JennaDean (Member # 8816) on :
FG: Surely shathias is male or female, no?

Shathias, that sounded exactly like MY first reaction to Lost Boys. That family stuck with me for weeks. Now that I have sons I can't read it again either.
Posted by Tante Shvester (Member # 8202) on :
OK, you told me yours, so now I'll tell you mine, as promised.

Tante is pronounced to rhyme with "want a". It means "aunt".

Shvester is pronounced to rhyme with "Esther", which is my name. It means "sister". It also means "nurse".

I am an aunt and a sister and a nurse. And I play all those roles here at Hatrack.

"Tante" does NOT rhyme with "Dante". Don't say it that way; it just makes you look ignorant. [Wink]
Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
:: still says it that way in his head, even though he knows better ::
Posted by Corwin (Member # 5705) on :
You know, if you pronounce Dante correctly, then Tante and Dante are really pronounced the same, except for initial T & D of course. [Razz]
Posted by Tatiana (Member # 6776) on :
Oh, just in case anyone misunderstood, I was teasing about the testing thing. Obviously shathias does not even faintly resemble a spambot. I thought that would be clear, and it probably was, but just in case it wasn't, I thought I'd better say.

And I'm glad CT noticed and made a welcoming thread, because I had totally overlooked his/her introductory post in the other thread.

Tatiana is pronounced "ta-CHA-na" with the accent on the CHA, only it's more of a "TYA" than a "CHA", but not quite enough to make it four syllables. If you pronounce it as though it's in Spanish, that works very well.
Posted by shathias (Member # 11434) on :
Expanding on the info:
Her. I am female, married, have 2 kids, use to have a cat, and teach band/music grades 5-12 (although I am considering a career change).

I understood the spambot test was in jest. I just played along. Tatiana, I was so pronouncing your screen name differently.
Posted by Farmgirl (Member # 5567) on :
Originally posted by shathias:
and teach band/music grades 5-12

You have my undying admiration! [Big Grin]
Posted by Tammy (Member # 4119) on :
I've waited, and watched, and now I feel extremely safe and happy to welcome you to Hatrack.

Posted by ketchupqueen (Member # 6877) on :
Originally posted by Farmgirl:
Originally posted by shathias:
and teach band/music grades 5-12

You have my undying admiration! [Big Grin]
And my sympathy. [Wink] [Razz]
Posted by steven (Member # 8099) on :
"...teach band/music grades 5-12..."

What's your main instrument? Where did you get your undergrad? Did you go to grad school?
Posted by Shawshank (Member # 8453) on :
Don't you love real people? They're so... interactive.
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
That's a very anti-fake people statement.
Posted by Shawshank (Member # 8453) on :
I will be the first one to admit it.

I am anti fake people.

I support real people. We need to in the strongest rhetoric stop those who would have us confuse fake people with real people.
Posted by The Shadow (Member # 5663) on :
Originally posted by Shawshank:
I will be the first one to admit it.

I am anti fake people.

I support real people. We need to in the strongest rhetoric stop those who would have us confuse fake people with real people.

Hear, Hear! I heartily agree.
Posted by the Voice of Reason. (Member # 5787) on :
Well, I don't agree. It's fake people bigotry, is what it is.
If you cut me, do I not bleed?!
Umm, I don't, but... *loses track of arguement*
Posted by Shawshank (Member # 8453) on :
No one likes reason.

Those who try and put fake people in the midst of real people are a danger to our society and must be stopped! Do fake people deserve the same treatment as real people, I say not.
Posted by the Voice of Reason. (Member # 5787) on :
That's always how it starts, with the fake people.

"When they came for the fake people,
I remained silent;
I was no phony.

When they came for the communists,
I remained silent;
I was not a communist.

When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out."

See? There was no left to speak out because the Voice of Reason had been silenced. QED
Posted by Shawshank (Member # 8453) on :
I see you've been indoctrinated by the press run by the pro fake-people special interests groups.

We're a weird bunch shathias. Hope you enjoy.
Posted by ClaudiaTherese (Member # 923) on :
I'm so glad you've stuck around, shathias. [Smile]
Posted by Tammy (Member # 4119) on :
Posted by shathias (Member # 11434) on :
Hey, everyone. I've been real sick the last couple of days, so I haven't been up to posting. Thanks again to everyone for making me feel welcome.

Steven, my main instrument is the horn, but I also play trumpet on a regular basis. I finished my master's degree a little over a year ago.

ClaudiaTherese, thanks, so am I. [Smile]

A strange little fact about my family. My brother and I were the first in our extended family to even go to college. No one in my family has ever been a teacher. Now we are both teachers, married to teachers. I don't know how that happened. [Smile] Although, I am now trying to decide whether or not to apply for law school. Anyone been through the process recently? Taken the LSAT?
Posted by Tatiana (Member # 6776) on :
Now, now. Lots of hatrackers aren't real yet. It's not something we hassle them about. Of course, it's much BETTER to be real but some of my best friends aren't real yet so please let's not hear any discriminatory talk.
Posted by Shawshank (Member # 8453) on :
I'm not officially real yet.

I guess I discriminate against myself.
Posted by Dark as night (Member # 9577) on :
Welcome, shathias! [Wave]

My hat's off to you and your brother for being the first people in your family to go to college. My dad was the first person in his family to do so, which is something I've always admired him for. As for law school, I'm pretty sure there are some attorneys or law students in our "can of mixed nuts" over here. [Smile] Perhaps starting a separate thread with a "Law School Advice" type of a title might catch their attention quicker.

Tatiana, I always assumed that you or at least your name had Slavic origins. Am I right?
Posted by Tatiana (Member # 6776) on :
The name does, yes. As for me, I'm as mixed genetically as any other human on the planet. I count myself a citizen of the galaxy. So I guess that means there's a little of everything mixed up in there somewhere but my Slavic roots are not particularly recent or anything. I do love 19th c. Russian novels, though.
Posted by Tante Shvester (Member # 8202) on :
Originally posted by Tatiana:
I count myself a citizen of the galaxy.

I applied for citizenship, but they "lost" my paperwork. Stupid galactic bureaucracy! I live in fear of being deported.
Posted by Tatiana (Member # 6776) on :
I hear the smaller Magellenic cloud is beautiful! [Smile]
Posted by Morbo (Member # 5309) on :
Wow, yesterday I thought of the Lesser Magellenic Cloud to respond to Tante too!

Probably because I just reread Have Space Suit, Will Travel.
Posted by Dark as night (Member # 9577) on :
Originally posted by Tatiana:
I count myself a citizen of the galaxy.

Yeah, me too. [Big Grin]
Posted by Dark as night (Member # 9577) on :
Originally posted by Tante Shvester:
I applied for citizenship, but they "lost" my paperwork. Stupid galactic bureaucracy! I live in fear of being deported. [/QB]

Oh, lost paperwork is such a pain! It happened to me once, for real. And I WAS afraid of being deported. In the end, bureaucracy was conquered and I gained dual citizenship. [Smile]

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