There were people sharing their Live IDs intermittently in the other Halo thread, but I didn't want to paw through it all to find a list of people, and I imagine no one else does either.
Post your Live ID and about how good you feel you are (on a scale from 1-10, 1 being "I've never played before," 10 being "I consistently take first in FFA matches"). I'll try to keep the main post updated with a list.
So here I am.
NOTE ABOUT SKILL: The skill numbers below reflect my 1-10 rating scale above, not the skill score you get in game for playing ranked matches. I apologize for any confusion.
MattP - mattztt - Skill 3 - I've played all the Halo games but I've never been big into multi player. I'm working on that though and I'm definitely improving.
MEC - TherionMEC - Skill ?
Puppy - Rangutang - Skill 6
Samprimary - Dypthropos - Skill 10
Starsnuffer - Tak Galaman - Skill 8
Tarrsk - Tarrsk - Skill 7 - I've been playing Halo since the first one came out, but I was never hardcore enough to actually, y'know, practice or anything.
[ November 01, 2007, 12:55 PM: Message edited by: erosomniac ]
Posted by MEC (Member # 2968) on :
I've been thinking and decided to make a google group where we could keep a record of any tags codes and such for multi-player, as well as anything else game related. Anyone interested?
Posted by Tarrsk (Member # 332) on :
My gamertag is Tarrsk, same as my nick here. I'm probably a skill level 7 or so... I've been playing Halo since the first one came out, but I was never hardcore enough to actually, y'know, practice or anything.
Posted by MattP (Member # 10495) on :
mattztt - Skill 3 - I've played all the Halo games but I've never been big into multi player. I'm working on that though and I'm definitely improving.
Posted by Elmer's Glue (Member # 9313) on :
Elmer's Glue - Last Hegemon - Skill 8
Posted by twinky (Member # 693) on :
twinky - Chemander Keen - skill 4
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
mackillian- a very mad owl - skill 3
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
My profile is a bit dated but, BlackBlade - BlackBladed - Skill: 8
Posted by Lime (Member # 1707) on :
Lime - Lakhesis Moirae - Skill: 7 or so. I haven't done much multiplayer on Halo 3 yet as I've been sinking my time into beating Legendary. But I've beaten the first game on Legendary and played a fair amount of Halo 2 multiplayer. My biggest problem is most likely that I don't know the maps very well yet.
[ October 15, 2007, 11:02 AM: Message edited by: Lime ]
Posted by Samprimary (Member # 8561) on :
Dypthropos, and if 10 is 'consistently' taking first in lone wolves, then 10
Posted by Damien.m (Member # 8462) on :
My gamertag is ContradictinBoy -skill 3
Halo 3 is my first multiplayer experiance. Im getting better but Im still not that great=)
Posted by Lupus (Member # 6516) on :
How good is halo 3 at matching people with your skill level? I tried live with Gears of War, but always got slaughtered.
I have never been as good at multiplayer on the console...I guess I need a mouse and keyboard.
Posted by MattP (Member # 10495) on :
quote:How good is halo 3 at matching people with your skill level?
It has the best matchmaking facility I've seen. It keeps track of your "skill" level based on your performance in previous games and matches you up with people of similar skill. As you consistently beat people at or near your current skill level, your skill increases and you'll be matched up with more skilled opponents.
Posted by Samprimary (Member # 8561) on :
Apparently, demonstrocities is now the communal friend of everyone playing on my live account!
Posted by erosomniac (Member # 6834) on :
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
I'm sending friend invites to all you folks as we speak.
Posted by Juxtapose (Member # 8837) on :
Juxtapose - Hapuman - skill 7.5
Posted by Samprimary (Member # 8561) on :
So now it's crazy fun like my skill level is fluctuating between 10 and -5. We have the Lag!
Posted by erosomniac (Member # 6834) on :
I just played a game with 14 of my girlfriend's coworkers and friends.
That was really depressing. I'd never even seen someone with a rank that high before.
Posted by Lime (Member # 1707) on :
I also sent out a slew of friend requests. I'll send another here in a bit.
Posted by ? (Member # 2319) on :
Wow, its been awhile since I have posted.
Posted by LargeTuna (Member # 10512) on :
MY gamertag is ronaldinho10ajc
Posted by JumboWumbo (Member # 10047) on :
Gt= Jumbowumbo, and if samp is a ten, I must be a 12.
To get an idea, I've logged almost 300 games thus far, and am a level 41.
[ October 18, 2007, 09:19 PM: Message edited by: JumboWumbo ]
Posted by Puppy (Member # 6721) on :
Rangutang. Skill 8 at Call of Duty 4 (the game that owns my soul), but only 6 or so at Halo 3, I suspect. (Haven't played enough multiplayer to be sure.)
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
quote:Originally posted by Puppy: Rangutang. Skill 8 at Call of Duty 4 (the game that owns my soul), but only 6 or so at Halo 3, I suspect. (Haven't played enough multiplayer to be sure.)
Um...Geoff isn't call of Duty being released in Nov of 2007? Or is there some sort of demo out?
Posted by Puppy (Member # 6721) on :
There was a beta. It was a-fracking-mazing. Buy it when it comes out Posted by Hamson (Member # 7808) on :
Hamson - Salmoncannons - Skill 9? I'd be interested in playing with the Hatrack folk here. I'm usually on between 9-11 weeknights if I'm free, or >midnight on weekendnights.
Posted by krynn (Member # 524) on :
any of you Halo guys planning on getting Team Fortress 2? My roommate has Halo3, but no Xbox Live =(
Posted by Lime (Member # 1707) on :
I found the option to create groups after poking around my profile for a bit. I know we've got a Google Group, but I thought I'd offer this as an option and see what people thought. Not trying to step on anyone's feet.
It's got some nice features, but you'll need to create a account and attach it to your Gamertag to use it.
[ October 17, 2007, 11:13 AM: Message edited by: Lime ]
Posted by twinky (Member # 693) on :
I bought the Orange Box, but I bought it on the 360.
Posted by krynn (Member # 524) on :
i just got TF2 off steam.
Posted by erosomniac (Member # 6834) on :
quote:Originally posted by krynn: any of you Halo guys planning on getting Team Fortress 2? My roommate has Halo3, but no Xbox Live =(
If you have broadband and can wire your 360 into your router, you should be able to get 1 month free of XBox Live Gold with a new account.
Halo also comes with a 2 day trial, although I don't know why they bother if they're going to just offer everyone a month free anyway!
Re: groups, is there something in particular that these groups offer that is worth signing up for?
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
Can I just say eros that your girlfriend left quite an impression when we played? In fact she blew me away with her spartan laser skills. Posted by Squish (Member # 9191) on :
Sorry about the whole blowing you up thing, BlackBlade. I didn't think I even fired the thing. But who knows with me. The fact that I'm not sure if I fired the gun should tell you something. Hehehe. It was fun though. ^_^
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
Nathan just asked me to post his—
T_Smith - her toaster - skill 9
Posted by krynn (Member # 524) on :
ok well if anyone ever gets TF2, email me or something so we can play together. I"ll ask the roommates if they are planning on getting xbox live for Halo3. we have GoW and NCAA football 2007. all of those are online capable right?
Posted by erosomniac (Member # 6834) on :
quote:I wrote: If you have broadband and can wire your 360 into your router, you should be able to get 1 month free of XBox Live Gold with a new account.
Halo also comes with a 2 day trial, although I don't know why they bother if they're going to just offer everyone a month free anyway!
Posted by Starsnuffer (Member # 8116) on :
Starsnuffer- Gamertag: Tak Galaman Skill: 8 If I'm on, I'll be playing with Hamson (SalmonCannons).
Posted by Samprimary (Member # 8561) on :
Playing on someone else's account I figured out a more useful indicator of skill: My rank in lone wolves caps out at 41-43.
I'm also worse at team play. Does not play well with others!
Posted by twinky (Member # 693) on :
Heh. I'm best at Team Objective. It's all that Gears of War experience.
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
Holy crap. JumboWumbo is insanely good.
Posted by Lime (Member # 1707) on :
quote:Originally posted by mackillian: Holy crap. JumboWumbo is insanely good.
Posted by Samprimary (Member # 8561) on :
Yeahhh! Live is fun when you lag.
No, I'm serious -- I get gunwhacked and fly ridiculous distances.
Posted by Lime (Member # 1707) on :
I wondered why I was becoming so airborne.
Posted by Samprimary (Member # 8561) on :
The way the networking works keeps your lag from ever being an advantage or lagging other people out too bad (thank god) -- you're just a few seconds behind and it 'patches' your hits in and bringing in your avatar's commands late.
... paradoxically this means that you can shoot someone by aiming at where they aren't, but where your machine shows them to be.
But then when your machine finds out that you got whacked by them, it calculates their trajectory based on where they aren't and then assumes that you got hit by an enemy traveling nine million miles per hour and WHAM off goes your ragdoll wheeeee!
Posted by ricree101 (Member # 7749) on :
quote:Originally posted by krynn: any of you Halo guys planning on getting Team Fortress 2? My roommate has Halo3, but no Xbox Live =(
I've been playing a ton of TF2 recently. I would definitely suggest that everyone here get it.
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
nathan doesn't know yet, but I'm considering picking it up today. I watched the trailers on their site for just TF2 and it looked fantastic. And funny.
Also need to get another microphone so I can have one, too, instead of stealing nathan's.
I must say, it's so much fun playing with hatrack people (and SK people).
Man. When our friend asks for his 360 back, there'll be a lot of tears on our part. Lets just hope he really, really likes his Wii. Posted by krynn (Member # 524) on :
ricree101, im loving TF2. i prefer the classic 2fort map. i wish they made more of those. my in game name is krynny, but my official steam name is keithfender. add me sometime to your F-List and lets team up some time soon.
EDIT: i used to play a TF mod for Quake2 called 'Weapons Factory.' I usually played a marine, but in TF2 i've mainly been the engineer and medic.
Posted by calaban (Member # 2516) on :
H3 -- Ronin555 skill 5-6ish? (I prefer a mouse and keyboard.)
TF2: I never cottoned to old school team fortress so I havent given 2 a go yet, I'm spending too much time playing the portal challenges these days. I cant wait for a Portal: SDK.
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
I have to share, because this grenade stick still makes me giggle madly. I'm the bloody one in blue armor on the left. The unfortunate enemy in red has a grenade sticking on his head. Bwahahahaha!
Nicely done!
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
Yes good job, you will definitely kill him that way.
Hey folks, I've played with a few of you on xbox live and I've gotta say its awesome. But it's pretty difficult to just send out invites while you are all in the middle of a game, as after the game you will likely forget the invite exists in the midst of all that carnage.
Would any of you hatrackers be interested in setting up maybe a once a week, or twice a week evening where we'd all log on at the same time, create a massive party and have a crazy good ol' time? I think there are enough of us where if we all partied up we could have games with JUST hatrackers on each side.
Any day of the week works for me as long as I have advanced notice. Would something like a thursday evening be better for you folks, or would the weekends work better?
Posted by twinky (Member # 693) on :
I often group with some people from another forum, and what we generally do is wait 5 or 10 minutes after sending out a wave of invites so that the people we've invited can finish what they're doing if they want to come. [Added: The other day, I got your invite, but by the time I got Halo 3 fired up the game had started and I couldn't join.] You can usually tell if someone's going to join in by checking their status -- if they change from some other game to the Dashboard they're probably swapping in the Halo 3 disc.
Once we start, other people who want to join just message people who are in the game with something along the lines of "Invite?"
It generally works quite well. Added: Also, people generally leave the game open to friends.
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
I'm up for it and I'm fairly certain nathan would be as well.
Posted by Lime (Member # 1707) on :
That sounds like a plan to me. Monday nights around 7:30 CST are good for me, as well as Friday nights. Let me know ahead of time and I'll do my best to be on.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
twinky: Those are not bad ideas. Typically I do send out invites and wait a few minutes but on occasion I just get very apprehensive about firing bullets and throwing grenades that I don't wait long enough.
I'd still like to setup a hatracker night if possible as that way we could mix both teams up with good and novice players.
Keep sending in those preference so we can setup a night this week. Posted by MattP (Member # 10495) on :
I haven't played with any of you yet (especially BlackBlade - sorry ) but if I am going to play at a scheduled time, Monday night isn't good. That's usually "family night".
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
Monday night isn't good for us either, as we're at fencing usually until 10pm. Same goes for Wednesdays and Thursdays. MattP, next time we're on and you're on, I'll see if we can hook up with you. I think I've seen you on a few times but every time we've been on a full team of four for ranked team matches. >_<
Posted by erosomniac (Member # 6834) on :
I'd definitely be interested in joining a regular Hatrack game, although it will have to wait until my work load decreases a bit.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
A bunch of us formed a group and conquered many foes last night, twas alot of fun believe you me.
So far Friday evenings seems like the only undisputed time slot. Is anybody opposed to Friday?
Posted by twinky (Member # 693) on :
Nobody's disputed Tuesday, either. Tuesday would be somewhat better for me than Friday since I'm often away from home on the weekends, but Friday would also be okay.
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
Tuesday is a better day for us than Friday, but either could work.
Posted by MattP (Member # 10495) on :
Mid-week probably works better for me too. Friday is kind of a wildcard day - there might be plans, there might not be.
Posted by erosomniac (Member # 6834) on :
Tuesday night could work for me, but Squish and I will likely miss a few because her weekend is Tuesday/Wednesday. Friday will work for me as well, but any day preceding a weekend will potentially find me away from home.
Posted by Elmer's Glue (Member # 9313) on :
We need to make sure we schedule around all our favorite TV shows.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
Tuesday would work fine for me as well. Would we like to shoot for Tuesday?
[ October 25, 2007, 08:32 AM: Message edited by: BlackBlade ]
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
Yes. Even though House is on Tuesday, we record it on the DVR anyway. We heart the DVR.
Posted by twinky (Member # 693) on :
Oops. The only TV show I watch -- The Tudors -- is on Tuesday nights at 9 PM Eastern. There are six more episodes. I don't have a DVR.
(This would be why I stopped playing early the other night.)
Added: Having said that, Tuesday night is still probably the best one.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
After this next Tuesday, Halo 3 shall become thy idol.
Posted by Puppy (Member # 6721) on :
I had my friend Sam and his two kids over to show off Halo 3, and I didn't realize I had left our game open for friends to join. So suddenly, we hear a Voice Chat voice over the TV speakers, and the 9-year-old says, "Hey! There are too many players in here!"
Turns out, it was T_Smith, BlackBlade, and mack, plus a friend They completely kicked all of our arses, naturally, but it was great fun. And BlackBlade and mack each ended up with a preteen nemesis ...
Posted by Lupus (Member # 6516) on :
AthalusUF around a 3
Posted by Lime (Member # 1707) on :
Tuesday works for me.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
quote:Originally posted by Puppy: I had my friend Sam and his two kids over to show off Halo 3, and I didn't realize I had left our game open for friends to join. So suddenly, we hear a Voice Chat voice over the TV speakers, and the 9-year-old says, "Hey! There are too many players in here!"
Turns out, it was T_Smith, BlackBlade, and mack, plus a friend They completely kicked all of our arses, naturally, but it was great fun. And BlackBlade and mack each ended up with a preteen nemesis ...
Oh I wouldn't say we kicked all your arses.
Also I am convinced that there were in fact 4 adults at your house, two of which had very convincing prepubescent voices. No 9 year old is THAT handy with a rocket launcher and a grav hammer.
I felt alittle bad joining spontaneously like I did, I actually debated visiting for about 8 minutes and ultimately concluded that if you didn't want visitors you would have closed the game off. I forgot I had already invited T_Smith and the gang to play in another game so when I joined the followed about a minute later. Sorry we crashed your party! Still it was lots of fun, I tremble with fear at the prospect of how efficiently those kids will play Halo 15.
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
I do have to agree, that was a lot of fun. And if you recall, I ended up being on the team that *ahem* lost, so to speak. I think nathan and our friend eric (mini swq) were totally cheating off my screen. (Okay, probably not really but they took a great deal of glee in killing me!)
quote:And BlackBlade and mack each ended up with a preteen nemesis ...
Was my nemesis the one who asked if I was invincible? Or was that someone else? The invincible one is nathan (her toaster). I am not invincible at all. Rather, entirely the opposite when playing with all the boys.
And yes, sorry for the party crashing. However, it was awesome. Posted by JumboWumbo (Member # 10047) on :
I really, really need to get myself a new mic. That whole morse code thing just doesn't cut it when I need to communicate to you guys they just shoved two rockets down my throat. I'll probably have one by the end of the week.
Posted by erosomniac (Member # 6834) on :
It makes me sad that I started this thread and have yet to have enough time to play even ONE Hatrack game. Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
I just feel bad for playing doubles with Jumbo and being completely unable to pull my own weight. Must learn to use the stupid battle rifle.
Eros: I keep an eye out for you whenever I am on, the planets will align eventually.
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
Jumbo got a new mic! No more morse code! Huzzah! Hey, is there any particular time tonight for the Hatrack fun and glory?
Posted by MattP (Member # 10495) on :
So tonight is the night. What time are people planning to show up? I can probably play a couple hours in the early evening and then maybe come back on again later.
Posted by Puppy (Member # 6721) on :
mack, your nemesis was the kid you accidentally teamkilled, who teamkilled you two or three more times thereafter Posted by Lime (Member # 1707) on :
Will anyone be up for this? I'll be getting home late that night (around 9:30CST), but will definitely be on for some brains.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
I believe tonight is indeed the night. I know an hour should have been set well in advance but at least we have a night.
How do you folks feel about 9:00 EST? We don't have to wait until then, you can obviously form little groups and do whatever you want before then, but at 9:00 we all assemble into one large group and then decide how we want to play it out?
I'd really like it if we could get as many folks as possible, I really enjoy our hatrack groups.
edit: I would LOVE to get together and try the Infection playlist tomorrow. I'm with you Lime.
Posted by MEC (Member # 2968) on :
Ok, thats it. You guys have made me so envious that I want to get an xbox360 now. Iwas waiting for a solution to the red ring of death, but I suspect that it may not be coming anytime soon. Does anyone have any suggestions for what version I should get? I really like the black color of the elite, but is there a justifiable reason to get 100 extra Gigs of space? I don't mind the halo edition's choice of color too much, but I don't want to pay that much extra, even if it may have the falcon chipset.
Posted by erosomniac (Member # 6834) on :
The space and the HDMI are the two compelling reasons to get the elite.
And they did sort of solve the red ring of death: you get a new 360 if it happens in the first 3 years of ownership.
Posted by MattP (Member # 10495) on :
I'd get the Elite, though I think you are slightly more likely to get the cooler 65nm processor if you buy the Halo Edition.
Posted by MEC (Member # 2968) on :
I thought that all versions had HDMI now. Although I don't have an HD TV right now so I don't know if it'll help me at all. What kind of stuff can go on the hard drive?
Are there any games that let you port your own music files for use in game? I've always thought it'd be awesome to put your own music into a game instead of whatever songs they choose.
Posted by MattP (Member # 10495) on :
You can play your own music with most XBox 360 games.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
Hey I had fun with you folks on Tuesday! In the future lets have a firm hour set in place. Does anyone object to keeping it strictly hatrackers and good friends of hatrackers? We had plenty of players but we got off to an iffy start when all those random people hijacked the game.
Also I really liked some of the custom games you folks are putting together! I'd really enjoy it if any of you have forge maps/concepts you want to test out from week to week, that we set aside maybe one or two games to try them out. Of course that's assuming everyone in the group agrees. They is still plenty of fun to be had in good old fashion Slayer, Team Slayer, CTF, etc.
You folks up for next week Tuesday again? ------
MattP: It was a blast finally playing with you man, thanks for finding time in your busy schedule!
Posted by Lime (Member # 1707) on :
Man, am I sorry I missed it. I will aim for bein' online next Tuesday.
Oh, MEC: the red ring of death does have a solution. Microsoft has been equipping 360s that red ring (and the newly produced models) with heftier cooling solutions. From what I've heard, this seems to be taking care of the problem.
Posted by MEC (Member # 2968) on :
Well, I think I'll go pick up an elite today, along with Halo 3. Are there any accessories that are recommended?
Posted by MattP (Member # 10495) on :
It was a lot of fun. I had to keep my mic off most of the time because my wife was sewing Halloween costumes and my kids were running around and being noisy, but I did have a good time.
I think between 9 and 11 EST time works pretty well for me. I may not always be able to play for two full hours, but I can probably do at least an hour of that.
Next time someone says "wanna see my map?": The answer is "no."
Posted by Lime (Member # 1707) on :
Final word, re: red ring of death... Microsoft has extended their warranty on all 360s to 3 years from the manufacture date. So if you do have problems, you won't be out in the cold. Once you get past 3 years of solid use, you shouldn't have anything to worry about.
As far as accessories go, there's really only one: an Xbox Live membership. It costs $50 for a year, but that lets you online anytime you like. I have a strong dislike for charging for something that other companies give for free, but Live is above and beyond what Sony and Nintendo are offering. Worth the money.
There isn't much else. A memory card is nice for carting your profile and save games to a friend's house, and a MS Point Card would let you get some of the nice Live Arcade games that are available, but they aren't necessary.
Posted by MEC (Member # 2968) on :
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
quote:Next time someone says "wanna see my map?": The answer is "no."
There are so many jokes for that, I don't know where to start.
And Lime, you disappeared last night! There was almost crying involved, you know. We're rocking the faces off the other teams and Lime. But the teamwork was awesome, we've all totally got to do that again.
Also, nathan and I need to get our friend Eric to post here.
Posted by Lime (Member # 1707) on :
Oh crap! My mike must have been off! I tried sayin' goodbye several times, but you guys kept chatting on about stats and such; I would have kept trying (and eventually discovered the problem), but Jules is sick and needed to get to bed, so I just bailed.
Sorry about that! Shan't happen again!
And YES. The teamwork thing was fantastic last night. We've got The Pit nailed. We should work on the other maps a bit, too, maybe even do some custom games amongst ourselves so we can find recon and control points. I know I need more time with High Ground, especially.
Also: kick Nathan until he joins Jatraqueros. That goes for the rest of you, too.
Oh, hey: a friend of mine is looking for some people to play Halo with. Poor guy just migrated from PC shooters and needs a comfy environment in which to learn how to shoot and kill things with a gamepad. I'm going to try and train him up a bit, but here's his gamertag:
Add him if you wouldn't mind; he is good people. Hopefully we can get him acclimated quickly!
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
added! (and MEC as well)
And you're forgiven, we figured something came up. I hope Jules is feeling better.
After you logged, we played on Narrows and may have that one nailed as well. Though we only got to play one team, so the 50-26 win might've been a fluke.
And yes, we should work on some custom games to figure out recon, control, and choke points, too. Great idea.
Posted by Lime (Member # 1707) on :
I posted a thread at Jatraqueros for discussion of map specific tactics and favorite tricks. Thought it would be best served there, so we don't clutter this thread.
Posted by MEC (Member # 2968) on :
I was wondering. Is the wireless adapter advertised for the 360 the only one that will work, or can I buy one that's less than $100?
Posted by MattP (Member # 10495) on :
I'm pretty sure only the official wireless adapter will work, but another option is to use a wireless access point which can act as a bridge with the wired network port.
I cannot, for the life of me, figure out how to join that bungie group. There's no "join this group" link or anything.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
quote:Originally posted by MEC: I was wondering. Is the wireless adapter advertised for the 360 the only one that will work, or can I buy one that's less than $100?
As far as I can tell its the ONLY one that works with Xbox 360. So find a way to get a cord to your Xbox or else shell out another $100 on an item that by all rights should cost $40-$60 at the most.
eros: Make sure you are logged in. I saw a button right there on the linked page after logging in. It's pretty big too. It's about mid left of the page, right below the, "motto"
Posted by Lime (Member # 1707) on :
If you're signed into, the button to join the group is in the box that's titled "Welcome to Jatraqueros".
It's a link at the bottom of the box, which is -- of course -- blue on slightly darker blue.
Posted by erosomniac (Member # 6834) on :
Got it - thanks!
Finally got the first post updated - our list of gamers is getting LONG.
Posted by Lime (Member # 1707) on :
Oh, and Dreamer715's name is Dave, and his skill level is ~ 2 or 3. Just starting out.
[ November 01, 2007, 01:55 PM: Message edited by: Lime ]
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
Yeah, I think for the people who don't mind, either here or on the Bungie group, first names might be good. Posted by akhockey (Member # 8394) on :
Ernie Mcracken is the name. Also, I used a generic linksys bridge and it worked just fine.
Posted by erosomniac (Member # 6834) on :
quote:Originally posted by mackillian: Yeah, I think for the people who don't mind, either here or on the Bungie group, first names might be good.
Why, would you feel weird joining a game by "demonstrocities" and saying "uhm, is this, uhm...eros...uh, ersomaniac?"
Posted by Starsnuffer (Member # 8116) on :
Haha... when we're playing online my friends and I interchangably use our gamertags or real names when communicating. I was starsnuffer for a long time and people still say " hey star..."
Hamson (Salmoncannons on xbox) and myself (Tak Galaman) are probably going to be online for way too long on saturday night. I hope we can find some of you guys to play with.
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
quote:Why, would you feel weird joining a game by "demonstrocities" and saying "uhm, is this, uhm...eros...uh, ersomaniac?"
Why, yes, I would. I've already had to introduce Lime as Lime instead of his first name because I had a brain fart on his actual name. "Um, and this is my friend, um... Lime."
Or my friend Eric, whose tag is "mini swq" I just gave up and used his first name.
Nathan and I will probably be on a bit tonight with our friend Ethan (XIIIthArchAngel). And we'll probably be on some tomorrow night too (depending on how late we get back from the fencing tournament in Maine).
Posted by MEC (Member # 2968) on :
I'll probably be on Saturday night. If we're going to go by real names you can call me Mark or Marcus, whichever you feel more comfortable saying.
Oh, and I'm writing this on a wireless usb keyboard on a nintendo wii. I don't remember where but someone asked in some other thread if anyone had tried using a usb keyboard on a nintendo wii yet and they never got answered. I thought this might be the most likely place to say this and have them notice.
Posted by Lime (Member # 1707) on :
I will do my best to be on tonight. However, I am going to be on this afternoon with a friend of mine, trying to hand out some training in a custom game. Others are welcome to join. I expect to be running around, doing little shooting and dying a lot.
Posted by LargeTuna (Member # 10512) on :
Ill tell yall my middle name for security reasons Its: Danger
Posted by MEC (Member # 2968) on :
Thanks for letting me play with you guys, it's been pretty fun so far ( I've played with mack and T_Smith and I think Vasslia Cora so far). Is there going to be another get together tomorrow? I was also wondering if there'd be anyone who'd like to try to get through the campaign on legendary. I got through normal on my own, with a little difficulty, I think I'd like to do co-op for anything higher though. I'd really like help finding skulls, I've only found the one with the seven glowing rings combination thing.
Posted by MattP (Member # 10495) on :
It would be fun to schedule a coop night for legendary. If we could get four people we should be able to blow throw it pretty quickly.
Posted by Lupus (Member # 6516) on :
I'll be on tonight at 10PM EST...maybe a little before to work on a legendary campaign with a couple of people. I'll likely play for several hours.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
If we only field 4 people tomorrow, I'd be happy to blow through campaign.
My kitten chewed up my headset so now I can't talk to you folks. That's probably an incentive for folks to play with me, I do tend to get too chatty.
Posted by Starsnuffer (Member # 8116) on :
Aww i'm picturing a little kitten guiltily looking at you with a chewed up headset cord in its mouth right now.
Something like this Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
The only reason I am sure it was the kitten is that not only was the cord severed completely, it was segmented into three pieces.
Posted by Damien.m (Member # 8462) on :
I wasn't able to log on to Live last night. I did the Test Connection thing and everything was okay except for the fact that I couldn't connect. It told me to check that my details are up to date but I don't know what details I should be checking. Anyone have any ideas as to what the problem is?
If I get it fixed tonight Ill be online. But 9.00 EST is 2am here so I don't think ill be able to join in anyway! But if you're still playing together come the Christmas holidays Ill be sure to make an appearance!
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
quote:Originally posted by Damien.m: I wasn't able to log on to Live last night. I did the Test Connection thing and everything was okay except for the fact that I couldn't connect. It told me to check that my details are up to date but I don't know what details I should be checking. Anyone have any ideas as to what the problem is?
If I get it fixed tonight Ill be online. But 9.00 EST is 2am here so I don't think ill be able to join in anyway! But if you're still playing together come the Christmas holidays Ill be sure to make an appearance!
We can modify the time, you know? 9:00 EST thus far has been the only undisputed time slot of the week.
Could you folks sound off if you are coming tonight? I'll be on tonight.
Posted by twinky (Member # 693) on :
I'll be watching The Tudors at 9 PM EST tonight, so I definitely won't be there.
Posted by Lime (Member # 1707) on :
I'm probably not going to be on tonight. I'm fighting off a zombie cold and I've been letting my reading pile up a bit. I will be on later in the week, however.
Posted by MEC (Member # 2968) on :
I'll be on, probably before 9 PM and after (during too).
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
We'll probably be on.
Posted by LargeTuna (Member # 10512) on :
How do i make my gamertag show up on my Account i just made?
Posted by Lupus (Member # 6516) on :
I linked my gamertag to my windows ID, and then logged into using that ID
btw, I plan on being on at about 9:30 or 10:00 EST
Posted by LargeTuna (Member # 10512) on :
cant play till weekend , cant get xbox live to work at my moms house, thanks for the tip Posted by LargeTuna (Member # 10512) on :
My brother created an ID and forgot what email he used and the password, cant redo it Posted by Lupus (Member # 6516) on :
then you will likely have to contact tech support to see if you can link your gamertag to a new microsoft ID, or reset the password. I would imagine they would do it as long as you still had the credit card that paid for xbox love
Posted by vonk (Member # 9027) on :
I'm KiIgore, with the capital i instead of lowercase l. I'm on quite a bit and would love to slaughter some mo-fos with y'all. If anyone is adverse to cursing, you might want to let me know before hand. I'm ranked at 15 right now, so I guess I'm about a 4 or 5 in this thread's ranking.
Posted by erosomniac (Member # 6834) on :
I finally got to play a game with Hatrackers! Blackblade sounds nothing like I'd imagined, although I can no longer pinpoint what I thought he sounded like previously. I'm easily the worst player of the crowd we were with, so I guess my rating system was pretty accurate!
I had a lot of fun, and I'm sorry I had to run early - Squish was tired and that was my cue to get back to work.
Posted by Elmer's Glue (Member # 9313) on :
Dang it! I missed another one...
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
Thanks for coming out folks! Erosomniac also does not sound very Asian.
All in all I had lots of fun. During one match the score was 46/49 and we were losing, I somehow got a hold of the grav hammer and as I encountered the other team T_Smith was drawing all their fire. 8 seconds, and a few swings later I got an overkill and we won the game.
We had about 7 peeps during the evening. I'm planning again for 9:00 EST next Tuesday.
Would anybody be up for creating a killer custom map for us to try out next week? You'd have a week to create it. More importantly are any of you interested in trying out hatracker custom maps? We played that one zombie map two weeks ago where you had to jump into warthogs and try and keep ahead of the speedy gonzales zombies, that was way fun IMO.
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
ersomniac, squish needs to get a mic so I can actually hear another GIRL voice when I play!
Nathan will vouch that when I found out there was another chick, my comment was, "YEAY!"(I get tired of being the only girl sometimes.)
BB, maybe we need a theme challenge or somthing for said custom map.
Posted by MEC (Member # 2968) on :
I was going to make a SWAT map, would that fit your thoughts?
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
a SWAT map? do tell, I'm curious.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
Feel free to elaborate on said SWAT map.
Posted by erosomniac (Member # 6834) on :
quote:Originally posted by BlackBlade: Thanks for coming out folks! Erosomniac also does not sound very Asian.
Well, being 4 1/2th generation, I damn well better sound more American than anything else!
quote:Originally posted by mackillian: ersomniac, squish needs to get a mic so I can actually hear another GIRL voice when I play!
I'm looking into it - in the meantime, we'll trade off. She's definitely sexier sounding than I am.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
quote:Well, being 4 1/2th generation, I damn well better sound more American than anything else!
Criminey, your family came here in the late 1800s if not early 1900's? That's very interesting! Care to elaborate?
Posted by erosomniac (Member # 6834) on :
quote:Originally posted by BlackBlade:
quote:Well, being 4 1/2th generation, I damn well better sound more American than anything else!
Criminey, your family came here in the late 1800s if not early 1900's? That's very interesting! Care to elaborate?
I actually don't know much of the family's history that far back. Technically speaking, since I'm from Hawaii, we weren't really "American" until the 1900's, but we were as close as you could get; one of my grandfathers was born in about 1904-1905 (I can't remember exactly), and he spoke no Japanese beyond what was incorporated into Hawaii's local dialect. I have no idea how his parents got to Hawaii, or how my great-great-grandparents on the other side got there.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
quote:Originally posted by erosomniac:
quote:Originally posted by BlackBlade:
quote:Well, being 4 1/2th generation, I damn well better sound more American than anything else!
Criminey, your family came here in the late 1800s if not early 1900's? That's very interesting! Care to elaborate?
I actually don't know much of the family's history that far back. Technically speaking, since I'm from Hawaii, we weren't really "American" until the 1900's, but we were as close as you could get; one of my grandfathers was born in about 1904-1905 (I can't remember exactly), and he spoke no Japanese beyond what was incorporated into Hawaii's local dialect. I have no idea how his parents got to Hawaii, or how my great-great-grandparents on the other side got there.
But on both sides of your family you are of Japanese decent?
Posted by erosomniac (Member # 6834) on :
Posted by MEC (Member # 2968) on :
SWAT is a custom game that started in Halo 2 and Bungie eventually made it ranked on Live out of popularity. Everyone plays with Battle Rifle as Primary weapon, Magnum secondary. No shields, no radar, no weapon spawns, no power-ups, no grenades(sometimes), and no vehicles(also sometimes) allowed. It also can be merged with other gametypes like CTF or assault.
How many can be on live from one xbox? and if you can have more than one person, can there be more than one headset? And does each person need to pay for a live account?
quote:Originally posted by BlackBlade:
quote:Well, being 4 1/2th generation, I damn well better sound more American than anything else!
Criminey, your family came here in the late 1800s if not early 1900's? That's very interesting! Care to elaborate?
Is something of this sort not very common?
[ November 07, 2007, 04:49 PM: Message edited by: MEC ]
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
quote:How many can be on live from one xbox? and if you can have more than one person, can there be more than one headset? And does each person need to pay for a live account?
Yes, the headsets connect to the controllers.
Um, no. They can play as a guest on your account, but they can't do ranked matches, just social. If they have a live account, they can play from that, but they'd have to bring their info on a memory card.
Posted by Lupus (Member # 6516) on :
I have the infection game saved on my xbox from halloween, and that is a lot of fun. There are humans and zonbies, but when a human is killed by a zombie, they become a zombie when they respawn.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
quote:Is something of this sort not very common?
I personally am quite interested in most things Asian. Immigration is also pretty fascinating for me, the earlier the people moved here the more interesting IMO. I've always wanted to understand why there a big immigration of Chinese folks to California, as well why there was a sizable group of Japanese migrants who ended up in Hawaii.
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
Maybe Asia sucks?
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
quote:Originally posted by TomDavidson: Maybe Asia sucks?
Heh maybe, but the Indonesians, Malaysians, Vietnamese, Laoisians, Thais, Mongolians, Indians, didn't make similar migrations.
edit: Forgot to give a shout out to the Burmese in that list.
[ November 08, 2007, 02:01 PM: Message edited by: BlackBlade ]
Posted by Squish (Member # 9191) on :
quote:Originally posted by mackillian: ersomniac, squish needs to get a mic so I can actually hear another GIRL voice when I play!
I really should get a mic. Hearing half the conversation gets difficult sometimes. Adds to the fact that most times I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing. >.<
quote:Originally posted by erosomniac: I'm looking into it - in the meantime, we'll trade off. She's definitely sexier sounding than I am. [/QB]
I don't know about sexier... I've been told I sound like a 12-year old and also a phone sex operator. From the same person. A 12-year old phone sex operator can't be sexy.
Posted by MEC (Member # 2968) on :
That'd probably be subjective.
Posted by LargeTuna (Member # 10512) on :
quote:Originally posted by TomDavidson: Maybe Asia sucks?
I couldnt stop laughing when i read this, thanks so very much Posted by LargeTuna (Member # 10512) on :
Rock on TommyD
Posted by vonk (Member # 9027) on :
Anybody around these days that wants to play some team slayer?
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
quote:Originally posted by vonk: Anybody around these days that wants to play some team slayer?
I'm on quite alot, I didn't find much time this weekend, and Mario Galaxy comes out today so the day is pretty much shot.
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
Nathan and I hop on sometimes, but Call of Duty 4 keeps grabbing our attention. Yesterday we were on, but two friends of ours were over at our house at the same time, so it was the four of us in a party doing ranked team slayer. So whenever we got the message of "so and so wants to play" we felt guilty not inviting them. >_<
Posted by Lime (Member # 1707) on :
I'm taking a break to finish off the campaign achievements and wish I had money to buy Super Mario Galaxy.
I'll still be around, though.
Posted by MEC (Member # 2968) on :
Is something wrong with Live tonight? I can't seem to get on.
Who's planning on playing tomorrow?
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
I'll be there same time, (9:00pm EST) tomorrow. Hope to see you folks there!
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
Shameless bump so the halo nuts on hatrack clearly see tonight is the designated night of Halo madness.
Posted by Pumphouse (Member # 11191) on :
Le Pumphouse I'm probably a 7
Posted by Pumphouse (Member # 11191) on :
Le Pumphouse I'm probably a 7
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
Thanks for coming out again folks. See you next week and occasionally during the week.
*mumbles about Call of Duty 4 putting a dent in our fun* Posted by Damien.m (Member # 8462) on :
No real news or anything but its the last paragraph that has me interested.
quote:We’ve got a whole week off to starve ourselves before gorging on turkey and whatever else folks decide to mow down over the week break (I'm going to be dining on a smorgasbord of awesome games) so there won’t be a Weekly Update, Humpday or a Podcast next week. But, on Monday (November 19) folks are definitely going to want to check back in here at and keep faces pressed to their monitors like children breathing on school bus windows in November, because there will be news. Oh yes, there will be news.
Posted by MEC (Member # 2968) on :
Would anyone be up for playing through the campaign on legendary sometime? It's the only achievement left for me to get before I get the katana armor.
Posted by Lime (Member # 1707) on :
Looks good to me. I'm gonna need to get myself some Microsoft Points, though.
Posted by MEC (Member # 2968) on :
Do Microsoft points ever expire?
Posted by Lime (Member # 1707) on :
I don't believe they do. I've had 50 or so sitting around in my account since I got a 360.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
Don't forget folks that tomorrow (Tuesday 9:00 EST) is the Hatrack Halo Brouhaha! Bring your weapons and ammo. Posted by LargeTuna (Member # 10512) on :
I FINALLY GOT H3 YAY!!! i only have time to play on weekends so u guys should all friend quest me and whatnot Im: ronaldinho10ajc Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
YEAY! We were always wondering why you were on H2! Now we know.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
Hatrack Halo is tonight, don't forget folks!
9:00PM EST, all hatrackers and close friends of hatrackers welcome!
Posted by akhockey (Member # 8394) on :
has anybody gotten any sweet forge maps? has a lot of amazing maps and gametypes, it'd be cool to designate a night to playing forged out custom games...
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
New map pack out today! Three new maps! Yeay!
Are people going to be playing tonight? Blackbladed's been MIA for a couple weeks. Posted by Lime (Member # 1707) on :
Oo the new maps! I forgot those come out today!
I don't know if I will be on tonight. But I hope to be on later this week.
Posted by erosomniac (Member # 6834) on :
'Tis the season to not have time for anything, but I'll try and get online.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
quote:Originally posted by erosomniac: 'Tis the season to not have time for anything, but I'll try and get online.
As will I, I've just had no time for any video games the last 2 weeks or so.
Posted by Lupus (Member # 6516) on :
I am downloading the new maps now...I'll try to get on tomorrow night to play...I haven't had time to play in ages...the fun of final exams and papers and such.
Posted by Lupus (Member # 6516) on :
Had fun with the new maps last night...after a great game on team slayer early in the night, my team decided to stick together for the next several hours. I ended up playing much longer than planned...but it was fun.
I also played some today, and got my rank up to Lieutenant. Though the matchmaking has been annoying me lately. The same couple of maps keep getting repeated. I am really getting sick of playing battle rifles on last resort. Also, I have yet to see any of the new maps on ranked matches...only on the social playlist.
I wish there was a way to list your fav and least fav maps...and that could alter the likelihood of getting the maps. I also wish people could veto twice. If you veto one map, it doesn't give the group the opportunity to veto the next map as are stuck with it.
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
As MEC has said, when you veto, it's really "hit X for crappier map."
Posted by MEC (Member # 2968) on :
I don't think I was the first to say that, but I'll take credit for it anyway.
The thing with multiple vetos is that there is the possibility that people will just keep vetoing and never get a map. Also Bungie may want us to play maps that the majority don't like, just so that we will play them. And it probably saves bandwidth from some guys who would just set up an auto veto system and see how many hours Bungie will waste making a new game for them.
Posted by Lupus (Member # 6516) on :
but for that to happen the majority of people would have to be in on it...besides it can't take that much bandwith to choose a map...the real work comes in once the game has started.
If that was really an issue, they could always limit the vetoes to 2 or 3. If you are not happy by then, you are likely not going to be happy. I also think that they should see which maps get vetoed the most and limit their entry in the map rotation.
Posted by Lime (Member # 1707) on :
Well, I just replaced my dying router so I should actually get much better ping times once I manage to get myself online again.
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
Hopefully soon, because the past few nights someone has always said, "Wow, I wish Lime was on."
Posted by Lime (Member # 1707) on :
Did you guys get the new maps? I haven't as of yet.
I might be able to get on tonight, actually. I will see if I can arrange it.
Posted by MEC (Member # 2968) on :
Yeah, I've made a few in the forge, and I'm still working on a few more.
Posted by Lime (Member # 1707) on :
I picked up the MS points on the way home from work, so I'll be up to date.
And I will be on tonight after we decorate the tree!
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
No one here plays anymore except MEC. Except we haven't even seen him for a few days.
Posted by MEC (Member # 2968) on :
I've been busy with school work, sorry. I'll be on tonight, I promise.
Posted by pooka (Member # 5003) on :
Oh, gosh, thanks for reminding me! I need to call the post office insurance claim office.
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
(and pooka, why? O_O)
Posted by MEC (Member # 2968) on :
I think pooka accidentally posted in the wrong thread.
Posted by Lime (Member # 1707) on :
Sorry for the absenteeism... I've been rather busy the last month or so, between work and playing Rock Band with Jules.
I was on a bit last week! I'll try to be on a bit this weekend, too.
Posted by Wowbagger the Infinitely Prolonged (Member # 7476) on :
Can I join the fun? I'm retrodragonx on there....
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
Wowbagger, I'll send you a friend request. And Lime, it figures the one time you could hope onto Halo, we had fencing. Posted by MEC (Member # 2968) on :
...I'm sorry.
Posted by Wowbagger the Infinitely Prolonged (Member # 7476) on :
I don't play so well when I'm sleepy would help if I had a mic lol...we'll do it again...
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
Yessir, it's way more fun when you have a mic. Well, at least when you're playing with folks you know. Communication with your team is the key to good gameplay, and making fun of your friends is just plain fun. And to boot, a regular mic is just twenty bucks (cheap compared to the wireless mics, for sure).
As for sleepy, I got sleepy some time after you did and had a horrible game before I called it quits. (my k/d ratio was -14. I haven't seen it that low in a while).
We also had crappy luck with connections in social tonight, too. Two of those games lagged so horribly it was like someone else was playing for us. That, and the other teams seemed like a-holes with their trash talking and such. Ruins the experience
Anyway, look for me whenever you're on if you want to do some MM or even co-op campaign. Posted by MEC (Member # 2968) on :
I think I ended up playing against you more than with you, but it was fun.
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
I did notice that.
Fencing was cancelled tonight due to weather, so we'll be around. If we aren't on, I'll be able to see you're on through Bungie and we'll try to catch up with you (you being any hatrackers that want to play).
It'd be fun if we could at some point get a group of 8 to play a ranked big team battle game (instead of dealing with random people).
Posted by LargeTuna (Member # 10512) on :
hey everyone who is awesome! ive changed my xbox live gamer tag from
ronaldinho10ajc to Chromeo Arsenal
i like Halo3 and Fifa 09. if ur not allready friends with me please request me. my nbox was dead for a while, but now im back! Posted by pooka (Member # 5003) on :
I am tempted to get on live only by the netflix distribution deal. If I do decide to do that, I will be sure to hook up with you guys.
Posted by T:man (Member # 11614) on :
I almost have my live back me and the little pwnzer are pretty good...
Posted by T:man (Member # 11614) on :
Is anyone still playing?
Posted by MEC (Member # 2968) on :
I still play halo 3 occasionally, although not as much. What I'm really into right now is Left for Dead.
Posted by T:man (Member # 11614) on :
I can't afford Left 4 dead!
(I'll probably borrow from one of my numerous rich friends...)