I've been looking around for a thread, but haven't found one. Anyway, this movie has three parts. Part one is about how most religions are just re-hashed versions of sun-god worship/astrology. Part two is about how 9/11 was an inside job. And part three is about how international banking cartels are gaining control of the world by causing wars and financial crises. A bunch of conspiracy-theory stuff.
I'm sure that to a really educated person this is probably offensive drivel, but personally I'm wondering exactly how much of this they pulled out of their large-mouthed basses (you can use that one).
And whether you believe it or not, it's pretty entertaining.
Posted by Icarus (Member # 3162) on :
I'm at the 2:54 mark . . . will there eventually be something other than music?
Posted by Icarus (Member # 3162) on :
Once the monologue starts (4:55), it takes eighty seconds for the phrase "international banking cartels" to come up.
. . . and now that I'm done being lectured to, the music is back . . .
Part I begins at 9:37 . . .
The Wikipedia article on Horus is at odds with all of the claims made about him. Specifically, he is not born of a virgin. Rather, Isis has intercourse with dead Osiris to conceive him. No mention is made of Horus being crucified or being dead for specifically three days. Nor is any mention made of Horus teaching as a twelve-year-old or being visited by three kings.
Similarly, the Wikipedia article on Attis makes no mention of him being crucified. One account seems to be that he died after cutting off his genitals. Another indicates that he was killed by a boar. No mention is made of his being dead for precisely three days. No mention is made of Attis being born on December 25.
The Wikipedia article on Krishna flatly contradicts this movie. It states that Krishna was the eighth son of the princess Devaki, which leads me to conjecture that he is not believed to have been born of a virgin.
Wikipedia also doesn't much support the assertion that Dionysus was born of a virgin; it has him born of an affair between Zeus and a mortal woman. Alternately, Dionysus was the son of Zeus and Persephone. No mention is made of Persephone being virginal. The only support for the idea is suggesting that the mortal woman was a virgin in "social status," but not physically. No mention is made of Dionysus being born on December 25. I could find no mention of his death or resurrection.
Not a single one of the movie's claims about Mithra appears in the Wikipedia article. The movie claims that the sacred day of worship for Mithra was Sunday. Wikipedia claims it was the fifteenth of every month.
I didn't bother looking up the couple dozen names that were scrolled by, since the more elaborated claims appear to be bullshit. At no point did I find mention of twelve disciples for any of these gods.
At the 15 minute mark, this seems to be, at best, a movie that cherry-picks its evidence, taking things out of context and making much of irrelevancies. At worst, it seems to be an intellectually manipulative and dishonest piece of crap that attempts to bamboozle the viewer with spurious correlations, counting on the viewer to be too lazy to attempt to verify any of the movie's claims.
It also suffers from cheesy production values. Opening with five minutes of music and no words may work when people have been anticipating your movie--like if the words "James Bond" or "Star Wars" are in the title--but it falls flat when the movie needs to sell itself to me. I also found the images of every possible twentieth-century and twenty-first-century atrocity to be emotionally manipulative, and I find myself inclined to view any attempt to tie them all together into any master conspiracy with something a bit more than skepticism.
This is an ambitious You-Tube film, not a feature documentary.
At this point, I reckon I've given it about enough time.
[ October 11, 2007, 11:58 PM: Message edited by: Icarus ]
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
Oh wait sorry not only did I get the wrong album we aren't even talking about Smashing Pumpkins.
Posted by Heffaji (Member # 3669) on :
And when will they get around to playing Chicago?
Posted by Eaquae Legit (Member # 3063) on :
These guys have a pretty great breakdown of the so-called "similarities" in the movie. It's definitely a Christian site, but it's pretty good at the breakdown.
Posted by Icarus (Member # 3162) on :
Hehe . . . sounds remarkably similar to my post! Posted by stihl1 (Member # 1562) on :
Icarus thanks for that analysis. I was asked to watch this movie and defend christianity based on this movie. I got through the first few points you make before I gave up and told them the movie was crap. And that's exactly what it is, made up crap. I am suprised how many so-called 'educated' people can watch this and believe it. It's so cheesey I want to puke.