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Posted by Tammy (Member # 4119) on :
Hello Everyone!

I'm wondering if any of you live or have lived in Huntsville?

We may be relocated there soon.

Any information would be greatly appreciated.

Posted by breyerchic04 (Member # 6423) on :
Belle and Tatiana (aka) are both from Alabama but I'm not sure where.
Posted by Tammy (Member # 4119) on :
Oh, that's right. I'd forgotten that Belle lives there.

Belle and Tatiana, are you near Huntsville?
Posted by vonk (Member # 9027) on :
My family used to take vacations on Lookout Mountain*, which is nearby Huntsville. You'll have no choice but to See Rock City once you're in the area. We usually stayed in Mentone though, which was very nice and quiet and Ozark/hippie. The reason we vacationed there was because my sisters went to Camp DeSoto, which is a pretty kick-a girls camp out there. I always wished they had one for boys too. If you've got young girls, you should check it out. Camp DeSoto See Rock City

ETA: and I think my great aunt still has a really great cabin in the woods out there. I'm gonna have to check it out. Absolutely beautiful country.

*and I'm at the Lookout Mountain scene in American Gods right now! I giggled like a schoolgirl when they first mentioned the See Rock City signs.

[edited for atrocious spelling and to remove extraneous words]

[ September 19, 2007, 04:25 PM: Message edited by: vonk ]
Posted by breyerchic04 (Member # 6423) on :
Oh Wow. I didn't realize that Huntsville was that close to Lookout Mountain. I've been to Chattanooga and lookout mountain, I'm not sure we went on the Alabama side though, I know we went into georgia.

Also it's very possible I'll be going in a uhaul to Birmingham for a weekend this fall to drop a motorcycle off a at the barber museum. But none of that helps Tammy.
Posted by Tammy (Member # 4119) on :
Sure it does. We drove through Chattanooga on our way to Huntsville. Very pretty town from what I could see.

I saw signs along the way advertising Rock City. It sounds like somewhere I'd love to take the family. The Walls of Jericho (or something like that) looked very interesting as well.
Posted by grammargoddess (Member # 10828) on :
I'm in NC, but welcome to the South [Smile]
Hope you like it hot! [Big Grin]
Posted by Tammy (Member # 4119) on :
I'm currently in Davidson County, near Winston-Salem. I was born in Tucson. I'm used to it being hot. I don't know if I like dry heat or sloppy, sticky wet heat.

Where in NC are you?
Posted by Belle (Member # 2314) on :
I live about 30 minutes north of Birmingham. I've been to Huntsville many times, and will be back there again this fall, my daughter has a gymnastics meet there. Most of what I know about Huntsville is related to the city proper, I've rarely been to say suburban areas surrounding Huntsville, so if you're likely to live in a suburban community, I'm going to be less help for you.

It's a nice city, I've been told housing is expensive for the area (though housing in Alabama is low compared to many other places) and that they are desperately seeking professionals in computer and engineering fields. Lots of jobs available in Huntsville right now, I hear.

I have been in downtown Huntsville several times and found it an easy city to navigate and get around in and I've never felt unsafe, even at night. Lots of restaurants and cultural events (I believe they have a symphony, and I've been to a couple of exhibits there, one showing illuminated Biblical manuscript pages, which was beautiful!) It's not nearly as big or busy as the Birmingham metro area, though, but Birmingham is not that far away, relatively speaking.

I think it's a very pretty area of the state, with the river and the hills. I've been to Monte Sano State park near Huntsville - breathtaking! I don't know much about the schools, though I could find out specifics if you have questions, I know people who live there.

Here's a good website
Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
I lived there and hated it deeply, but I do not count. I was a child at the time.
I think it's one of those places where you SHOULD have a car.
Perhaps I would have enjoyed it more if there was public transporation and if I had been allowed to use it.
Posted by Belle (Member # 2314) on :
Oh the car is a given. If there's public transportation I doubt it's very extensive - it would be in the downtown area only. I cannot recall seeing public transportation on my trips, though I would not have been looking for it since every time I've visited Huntsville I've driven.
Posted by brojack17 (Member # 9189) on :
I have been to Huntsville a few times for work. It seems like a nice place. It reminds me a lot of Tulsa. A car is definately necessary.
Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
They have walnut trees there.
They look like big green round brains.

Also I wonder if that burger place that used to be called Hookers but got changed to some other name is still there.
They had these drive through burger places when I lived there that had the best burgers ever. And such awesome spicy fries.
That was one thing that was good about Huntsville. Another thing was a big three floor library I got to go to one time. [Frown]
Posted by Architraz Warden (Member # 4285) on :
I visit Huntsville about once a year, on account of my father's side of the family residing there.

As far as the south goes, it's fairly enjoyable scenery and weather (just a little less humid and little bit cooler than Birmingham and points father south). The forested mountains / hills (depending on where you're from) make for a nice backdrop for the city, and have some nice parks you can go hiking in.

The comparison to Tulsa is fairly apt in terms of size and general attitude of the city (quite laid back).
Posted by rollainm (Member # 8318) on :
I was born in Huntsville, but I was only there a few months. And then it was off to Germany for four years.
Posted by hansenj (Member # 4034) on :
I've been there! When we lived in Georgia we took a day trip there to see the Space Center where they have Space Camp (I was in the "I wanna be an astronaut" phase). [Big Grin]
Posted by stihl1 (Member # 1562) on :
EWTN is based in Alabama.
Posted by Tammy (Member # 4119) on :
I’ve enjoyed your comments. I realize that living in an area as a child gives you an entirely different perspective. I have strange memories of some areas that I’ve lived in myself.

Belle, I found downtown Huntsville to be easy to navigate as well. I didn’t really get any bad vibes from any of the areas that I found myself in. Of course, when I went around with a Real Estate Agent, I was only shown the best of the best. That’s why I chose to drive around on my own for a few hours first.

I found the school I want the kids to attend. Huntsville High School! It sounds amazing and the kids think so as well. It was highly recommended by those I spoke to when I was there. If you have 10 minutes to spare, check out the Huntsville High Video. My kids are really exicted.

I’m planning a trip to the Space Camp. My kids are welcome to come, if they wish. They’re not as excited about it as I am. I’ve never grown out of wanting to be an astronaut, or maybe just floating around in space in general.

I’m totally excited about all the beautiful, natural areas that seem to surround Huntsville. What absolutely beautiful places to take the family for a day trip.

I’ve scoured the net looking for information on Huntsville. I’ve found things that I bet the locals don’t really even care to know. I found one site that said there was quite a bit of office hanky panky in Huntsville, which led to its high divorce rate. [Roll Eyes] There were also a lot of queries for locals on the local reception to interracial marriages. It’s interesting the information that you can find out there. I realize a lot of it is circumstantial and possible heavily biased.

Huntsville is obviously a more diverse city than most southern cities around. It has to be with its heavy flow of scientist and military from all over the world. I’m thrilled about that.

What I’m really enjoying about your comments are your personal experiences. I’ve met a lot of people recently in Winston Salem that have ties to Huntsville and I enjoy hearing their thoughts on the area. I thought that the folks here would provide some insightful information as well. Thanks!
Posted by brojack17 (Member # 9189) on :
I heard a stat once that said Huntsville has more PhD's per capita than any other US city.
Posted by Tammy (Member # 4119) on :
rollainm, were your parents in the military or aerospace?
Posted by Tammy (Member # 4119) on :
brojack17, I've read that over and over in my search for information.

My husband seems to think that there will be less traffic due to that fact. I've been trying to figure out his reasoning there.

I've heard horrible things about the traffic in Huntsville. Apparently the city is growing faster than it's planning department can handle.

After traveling for years between Winston-Salem and Charlotte on I-85, I think I can handle any traffic thrown at me. I can handle it, but will hate it.
Posted by Belle (Member # 2314) on :
I've heard horrible things about the traffic in Huntsville. Apparently the city is growing faster than it's planning department can handle.

I totally believe that. It's part of the growing pains I guess.

It's true the city is very diverse, and people of many nationalities live there. I know on my visits to gymnastics meets held at Huntsville Gymnastics we heard several different accents, including the head coach who is British. We have some acquaintances that live there and attend a Protestant church that they say is very diverse, everyone worships together without regard to nationality o skin color. So cool - I have to believe that makes God smile, I know it makes me smile. [Smile]

When will you know for certain if you're moving? I'll have to arrange to meet you sometime. Forgive me but I didn't remember the ages of your kids - so you have high schoolers?
Posted by Tammy (Member # 4119) on :
Belle, we'll probably know in a couple of weeks. I'd love to meet you sometime. My children are now 9, 13, 16 and 19. My nine year old lives with his mother and step-dad. We'll be working out some kind of custody arrangement. That's the hard part.

My oldest lives in Arizona. The only two moving with me will be my 13 and 16 year olds. They're both in high school. I wish I had some younger ones running around. They grow up so darn fast.

I'll keep you informed. If we do move...I'd even go check out Birmingham to meet ya. [Smile]
Posted by rollainm (Member # 8318) on :
Originally posted by Tammy:
rollainm, were your parents in the military or aerospace?

My dad was in the army.
Posted by Tatiana (Member # 6776) on :
I know very little about it, aside from the space center that I've visited several times. Alabama is great if you like the outdoors. Come down to Birmingham to visit some time! [Smile]
Posted by Tammy (Member # 4119) on :
Well, it's official. We're moving!
Posted by Tatiana (Member # 6776) on :
Awesome! Welcome to Alabama! [Smile]
Posted by Tammy (Member # 4119) on :
[Smile] Thank you!

My husband will relocate first. We'll be coming after the school year.

Whew...lots to do.
Posted by Tatiana (Member # 6776) on :
Yeah, moving is a lot of work! I don't envy you.
Posted by brojack17 (Member # 9189) on :
I usually wind up out there for work about once a year. I'll have to look you up the next time I am there.

Posted by Tammy (Member # 4119) on :
I'll be going up for my "official" house-hunting trip this Sunday. I'll be there for a week. My husband is already there. He comes home every other weekend. Yuck!

We'll be moving sometime in June. After we settle in and the kids start school...I'm looking ya'll up. You'd better be around. [Smile]

I'm from the West Coast, I just like the way ya'll rolls off my finger tips. It's so fun to say.
Posted by Tatiana (Member # 6776) on :
Yes, I like the word y'all as well. It functions perfectly regularly as a second person plural pronoun. Be sure not to make the mistake of using it in place of singular you. That will mark you as a yankee for sure. (In the southeast, a yankee is anyone not from the southeast.) My boss from Canada who had lived here for 15 years never realized that "y'all" is only plural and not singular until I told him, then he still didn't believe me. <laughs>

Good luck finding just the house you want. I'll look forward to meeting you when you get down this way.
Posted by Artemisia Tridentata (Member # 8746) on :
I used to tour Alabama with an Air Force band and Huntsville was always my favorite city. It had Southern charm, without the mold. And the public schools were clean and well appointed. I was back in Alabama last year. There has been an improvement in many of the "old" cities. I would expect that Huntsville has just gotten better. My boss is there this week for a conference. I wish he had asked me to go too. (its cold here this AM) I am looking forward to your take on the city as you get to know it. And, yes, y'all is a welcome addition to the English language. When you have developed a facility in its use, you will never go back. Actually, come to think about it, there is nothing to go back to.
Posted by Tammy (Member # 4119) on :
Yes, y'all is only plural and hopefully I've only used it that way. I definitely could have used it wrong while joking in the past.

As soon as I'm settled, we'll have a Hatrack Southern Tea Party. [Smile]

Artemisia, I did notice the charm the city holds during my short visit. Joe, my husband, is in love with the area. He's been driving around after work trying to figure the place out. I can't wait to see it again.
Posted by Tammy (Member # 4119) on :
I can't wait to see it again, but I'll have to.

I had a ticket to fly down this evening.

My daughter came home with a 102.6 temperature yesterday. I was trying to get her comfortable and settled when the phone rings; my son had hurt his ankle playing Basketball.

I met him at the E.R. He has a fracture, with some pretty ugly swelling going on. They put a temporary cast on him and handed him a set of weapons, or crutches as they're sometimes referred to. I didn't realize how ackward it was to walk with them. He's slipping and tripping all over the place.

The drastic measures they go to, just to keep their mom home.

*deep sigh*

Posted by Tatiana (Member # 6776) on :
[Smile] I hope they get better soon.
Posted by Dan_raven (Member # 3383) on :
Boy, the lengths some people go to stay out of Alabama.
Posted by ClaudiaTherese (Member # 923) on :
I have many fond memories of the state, but the red dirt down by Birmingham! Tarnation, was that ever hard to get out of white socks.

I remember one late summer day when the sunlight was liquid gold. Oh heavens, it was a Maxfield Parrish painting. Impossible to forget.
Posted by Elizabeth (Member # 5218) on :
All I know is that Donna the Buffalo is doing their New Year's show there, and I am going to miss it.
Posted by Tammy (Member # 4119) on :
Yay! Our house has footers and they've framed it.


CT, the mountains behind our home look a little bit like those in your picture. I'm excited. One thing about Huntsville that I love are all the big boulders that are around a lot of the homes and roads.

We've got a white heron that seems to like hanging out behind our house. He also has friends that hang out there, a couple of geese and some ducks. I'm excited about the heron and the ducks; I could do without the problem poopers. Goose poop is not something I look forward to avoiding.

Did anyone notice how windy it is there? My husband says it's windy all the time. I've also heard that allergies are a big issue there. Oh well, no place is perfect, right?
Posted by ketchupqueen (Member # 6877) on :
FTR: in TX, "y'all" is occasionally plural but often singular, and the plural of "y'all" is "all of y'all" or "all y'all."

At least that's what I was told when I lived there.

But then, they're another country. [Wink]
Posted by ketchupqueen (Member # 6877) on :
but the red dirt down by Birmingham! Tarnation, was that ever hard to get out of white socks.

Reminds me of a song. [Smile]
Posted by Tammy (Member # 4119) on :
We have that red dirt or clay rather down here in the Carolinas. Nasty, nasty stuff!

Cute song kq.
Posted by Tammy (Member # 4119) on :
Well people, we're getting down to our last few weeks in NC.

Last night my friends from work threw us a party at a vineyard owned by one of the employees family members. It was heaven on earth, a hot heaven on earth. What fun!

Half the folks I work with play the guitar and sing. We had wine, song, laughter and tears. I've left so many good people behind before, swearing to keep in touch and then losing touch completely.

I've mentioned before that I worked at a plant nursery that also sells home and garden decor. It takes a special, crazy, wonderful kind of person to work in that environment. When it's hot outside the greenhouse in the summertime it's hell inside. These are some tough, creative folks and I'm going to miss almost each and every one of them.

My going away gift was very special. They gave me a Pandora bracelet with very personalized charms on it. My first charm was a silver cat, given the name Maple to represent our insanely grouchy nursery cat. He wants you to pet him, but on his terms only. He's tripped me many times trying to beat me to his food bowl. He left a permanent scar on my chest the time he tried to get away from me when I was stuffing a pill down his mean little throat and almost gave me a major infection from his nasty little claws when he swatted me right across the face when I was petting him and made the mistake of looking into his eyes when he was inches from my face. Mr. Wild Thing Maple will be severely missed by me.

I also got a gold/silver "bouquet of flowers" charm to represent the millions of Pansies and Geraniums that I've dead headed and watered. The owner stuck a heart on there with my initials on one side and her initials on the other. They put a suitcase on there with "miss u" on the bottom.

They wrote instructions on how my husband and children were to follow up with charms to fill the rest of the bracelet.

What wonderful people!

This move is, as most moves are, bittersweet!

The movers are coming on the 28th.
Posted by The Rabbit (Member # 671) on :
Good Luck Tammy, We just finished out move to Trinidad so I don't envy your next few weeks.
Posted by Tammy (Member # 4119) on :
I'm not to worried about it. My stress level is pretty low, considering.

We listed our home in April and we got an offer on it today. We're currently negotiating it. Thank goodness for that!
Posted by dkw (Member # 3264) on :
We also listed in April, but have had no offers yet. So I'm excited to hear that you got one. [Smile]

Good luck with the move.
Posted by Tammy (Member # 4119) on :
We sold the house!

Unbelievable! We sold the house in 48 days. They were pre-approved, so I'm pretty sure it's a done deal. I'm a little stunned. I didn't think we'd sell it before we had to turn it over to the company relocation department.

The folks that bought it are being transferred from Vegas.

Good Luck in selling your home dkw. The market may be slow right now, but there are always people out there who need a home. [Smile]
Posted by Belle (Member # 2314) on :
That's awesome! Congrats!

Do let me know when you're settled. We travel up to Huntsville several times a year for various things (usually related to one of the kids' activities) so I'd love to meet for coffee, or lunch, or something. [Smile]
Posted by Tammy (Member # 4119) on :
I'll shall certainly let you know. I'd love to meet! Maybe we can have our own little bama meet.
Posted by Tammy (Member # 4119) on :
I'm in Huntsville.

It's taken me forever to get online. Comcast is slower than molasses in the winter time. I really, truly, do not like them as a company. I do, however, love the computer techs that work for them.

I have to say that Linksys has some awesome techs as well.

It's hot here.

That is all.
Posted by vonk (Member # 9027) on :
How're the mountains and the trees doing? I remember them fondly.
Posted by Tammy (Member # 4119) on :
The trees and mountains are doing quite well, thank you.

We live "over the mountain" from Huntsville. It's a beautiful drive if you're heading out for a lazy Sunday drive. It's a nightmare if you're taking your kids to school.

One thing I've noticed about this area is that we get some seriously crazy storms. I'd say that sometimes they remind me of the monsoons I enjoyed so much in Arizona.

I'm also loving the ducks, geese and egrets in the water behind my house. They call it a lake, however, it's really just a very long, kinda wide pond.

Again, It's hot!
Posted by Tatiana (Member # 6776) on :
Hope you're enjoying the remains of hurricane Fay up there. We're getting a long soaking rain which we really needed, so I'm happy. Welcome to Alabama!

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