[ September 12, 2007, 05:15 PM: Message edited by: breyerchic04 ]
Posted by erosomniac (Member # 6834) on :
Please tell me you're who I think you are.
Posted by James Tiberius Kirk (Member # 2832) on :
Posted by vonk (Member # 9027) on :
Hey, that's pretty cool. I don't have any, but I may Magic Marker myself up tonight, just so I can pretend I'm cool too.
Posted by Lisa (Member # 8384) on :
quote:Originally posted by erosomniac: Please tell me you're who I think you are.
<sigh> Please tell me you aren't.
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
Welcome Back Pel!
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
If it's the old Pel, Welcome back, if you are some new Pelagius, welcome back!
No I do not have an OSC tattoo, is this a good idea that I should be considering?
Posted by Sm34rZ (Member # 8609) on :
LOL. I wonder what OCS say would say about people getting "OSC" tattoos.
What do those say by the way?
Posted by Pelagius (Member # 10965) on :
I'm not.
At least I think I'm not.
I've not been here before, anyway.
As far as about myself, I live in North Carolina, go to community college, recently quit my job... not much to tell. Great boyfriend, love OSC, also a big Star Wars fan and Buffy The Vampire Slayer (no wonder I was alone for so long). Glad to be here, and the tats have healed great. I am kinda curious myself as to what he'd say... they're from SftD, when Ender is talking to Novinha earlier in the book. He tells her that she is fertile soil, and he will plant a garden there.
So there was another Pelagius? Dang. Thought I was all original and stuff.
Posted by erosomniac (Member # 6834) on :
There was Pelegius. Be glad that you are not he.
Also, welcome! Also, I like the ink.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
He was a perhaps a bit TOO original TBH.
You will perhaps redeem the name. Posted by breyerchic04 (Member # 6423) on :
I didn't think Pelegius would have tattoos.
Welcome and thank you for saying you weren't.
Posted by Leonide (Member # 4157) on :
What a neat idea. I'm not big on the idea of tattoes, myself, but if I ever were to get one, a quote from a much-loved book would be right up my alley
edit: tattoos. hah. must have been thinking about the picture!
Posted by Pelagius (Member # 10965) on :
Then I am glad I am not the original Pelagius.
Hehe... I have tat-toes...
Leonide-> it's definitely a rewarding experience, depending on your pain threshold.
Planning on going to get another one next week, and I've got a few ideas. I don't think this one will be OSC related, though.
Posted by The Flying Dracula Hair (Member # 10155) on :
Aw, I was hoping to see pictures of people who actually tattooed OSC on themselves.
Posted by pooka (Member # 5003) on :
Welcome to Hatrack. Is it okay if I call you Pela?
Posted by Pelagius (Member # 10965) on :
Dude. Maybe that's what my next tat should be, OSC's face... creepy? No!
And yes, pooka, you can call me Pela. Or Aimee. Because that's my name.
Posted by ReikoDemosthenes (Member # 6218) on :
I totally missed the orthographic difference between Pelegius and Pelagius. No wonder people were saying welcome! And now let me join them, welcome!