Who can't wait for them? Series 3 was incredible, easily the best so far. It just keeps getting better and better, so I suspect that series 4 will be even better.
PS: David Tennant is man-hot.
Posted by Human (Member # 2985) on :
I dunno, I still kinda prefer the Eccleston Doctor.
Posted by Blayne Bradley (Member # 8565) on :
Who wants to geuss that the Titanic was sunk due to hitting not an iceberg but the TARDIS?
Posted by Christine (Member # 8594) on :
I'm still on season 2, actually. Still getting used to the new doctor. I liked the one from the first season and was disappointed that he ended up only going 1 year.
Posted by JonHecht (Member # 9712) on :
I think when you see season 3 that you will begin to prefer Tennant.
Posted by kwsni (Member # 1831) on :
Tennant really improved between the 2nd and 3rd seasons. I don't know if it's because they're putting the doctor himself in more danger instead of being the savior all the time, but I think he's been more than up to the job.
I miss Eccleston sometimes, but not at often as I did at the beginning of season 2.
Posted by Narnia (Member # 1071) on :
My sister and I are finishing series 1 this weekend and we know what's coming. It's seriously depressing that we're going to lose Eccleston, whom we love so very very much...but we're willing to brave our way through series 2 and 3. Posted by Eaquae Legit (Member # 3063) on :
I really usually hate when characters get replaced, but I have turned out to love both David Tennant and Freema Agyeman. It's sad when Nine and Rose leave, but it didn't ruin the show like replacements usually do for me.
Posted by AvidReader (Member # 6007) on :
I was checking out the Dr. Who Wiki article a while back, and they have pictures of all the guys who've played the Doctor. As much as I loved Eccleston's take on him, I found myself humming the "One of these things doesn't belong" tune from Seasame Street. He really doesn't look like anyone else who's played the part. Tennet just seems to fit better.
Here's to next weekend when they play the end of the two parter! I missed the changeover from Rose to Martha, but I'm loving her in the last few I've caught. Martha just has a lot of spunk and a great sense of humor.
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
quote:Originally posted by JonHecht: I think when you see season 3 that you will begin to prefer Tennant.
He is good, but I have seen all of them so far, and I prefer Eccleston.
Posted by JonHecht (Member # 9712) on :
Oy! Some of you are people who didn't watch them online and are still in the middle of series 3. All I am gonna say is that the finale is incredible, fantastic, unbelievable, etc.
Posted by Bella Bee (Member # 7027) on :
The BBC have issued a press release on the future of the show (since the prodution team are swapping with newbies after season 4).
Basically, they're taking a year off - with only three episodes in 2009 - and then coming back with a proper season in 2010. Which is annoying.
But at least David Tennant is sticking around for another year.