So, I did a search for this guy on Hatrack, and only found one mention of him from 2005, when he was working his creative muscles by writing a new song every week. He's a really interesting song writer. Most of his songs are quite unique and cover topics from the Lovesick mad scientist, to zombies writing memos asking for people to come out so they can eat their brains. Here's his music page . There is a full preview of all of his songs, and some are free for download (the ones with smiley faces by them). I highly recommend, "Re:Your Brains", "Skullcrusher Island", "Code Monkey", and "I Feel Fantastic." So yeah. Check him out Posted by Earendil18 (Member # 3180) on :
I saw him live at the PAX Penny Arcade Expo last weekend. He was something else! And yeah, we got to sing along with him to the zombie song.
"Alllll we wanna do is EAT YOUR BRAINS *strum strum strum*
I'll check him out definitely.
What is TMBG?
Posted by dantesparadigm (Member # 8756) on :
They Might be Giants, I assume Jonathan Coulton has a similar theme to them, I'd call it 'nerd rock', I don't know if anyone else does. In related news I get to see TMBG live at the Music Hall (local refurbished theatre) in January.
Posted by Tatiana (Member # 6776) on :
I love TMBG. There's a whole tradition of nerd rock called filksinging that sprang up at science fiction conventions and stuff starting in the 50s. There are some nerd songs with hilarious words in that tradition. I like " Little Teeny Eyes", for instance.
"Some well-known SF authors like C.J. Cherryh, Joe Haldeman and Robert Asprin are filkers. Gordon R. Dickson and Poul Anderson were known as filkers in years past. Issac Asimov wrote a few filks. Fantasy writer Mercedes Lackey and SF writer Julia Ecklar were both well-known as filkers before they sold their first stories."
I don't know much about it but it seems like a great tradition of nerd music. Sounds like Jonathan Coulton would fit right in.