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Posted by Chris Bridges (Member # 1138) on :
The Burger King commercial for The Simpsons Movie (and related Burger King tie-ins) that has been running nonstop for a month has accomplished something rather remarkable for 30 seconds of video: it accurately displays how The Simpsons lost its edge, and demonstrates how not to make a commercial, all without interesting me in the slightest in attending the movie or the restaurant. You have to admit, that's impressive.

The animated commercial depicts Homer in a studio. There is a Whopper on a small pedestal next to him, and a boom mike hanging over him. A tired DA claps the clapboard, saying "Homer eating a Whopper, take 75." Homer then reaches for the Whopper but gets the boom mike stuck in his eye. He screams, flails around a bit, and they cut to the movie logo.

Thus is The Simpsons' descent explained. Ten years ago the commercial would have been satirical, or ironic, or witty. It would have poked fun at commercials themselves or American merchandising or fast food restaurants. Instead, as with the show's own change in direction, we are expected to laugh at a clueless doofus who lodged something in his eye and then screamed.

Based solely on that, I would never have gone to see the movie (but, of course, my interest in The Simpsons is not based solely on that; I went hoping for a return to the glory days and, with some annoying exceptions, I was rewarded). But midway through The Simpsons run, more and more humor was based solely on "watch the doofus get hurt." From what I understand the last couple seasons have improved; I stopped watching regularly, preferring to just pick up the DVD sets as they come out so I can fast-forward past those scenes.

What's more annoying is that they could easily have made it a Simpsons commercial. When I first saw it I was expecting a series of them, Homer doing different things each time to screw up on purpose and thus get to eat more Whoppers, and then this would have worked. Or, for that mattter, anything besides what I saw.

Here's a suggestion, off the top of my head.

Homer picks up the Whopper and begins to eat it, but stops. "Let me get this straight. Watching me eat this Whopper makes millions of people out there want to eat one, too?"
OS: Sure does.
Homer: Based on my celebrity status alone?
OS: Yep.
Homer: Wow. I have complete control of the nation's buying power. (stares into camera, moves Whopper back and forth towards his open mouth) Come on, America! Eat a Whopper. Don't eat a Whopper. Eat a Whopper. Don't eat a Whopper. Eat a... oh, who am I kidding... (loses control and shoves the whole thing into his mouth with both hands) Oh, mmph, ohhh, munch munch, oh, it's so good! Mmph, smack...
OS: Cut!
Homer: I think what America really wants is two Whoppers. And maybe some fries.

CUT TO movie logo.

That's not even close to the great Simpsons' scenes, but it's better than watching some idiot cripple himself because some other idiot doesn't know how to hold a boom mike out of frame.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
Well said! Mad Magazine has gone through the same devolution as The Simpsons, I still wish both would get back on track.
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
I have to say though, that I love the commercial where Krusty punches the Burger King, and then the King punches him back.

Posted by dantesparadigm (Member # 8756) on :
Originally posted by Lyrhawn:
I have to say though, that I love the commercial where Krusty punches the Burger King, and then the King punches him back.


Really? I think it's very in character for Krusty, but I don't like them interjecting the king in Simpsons form and having him be the 'cool guy' when the whole world knows he's a creepy guy who sidles around jumping out at people with his musk of death and disturbing pedo-smile. I've never been more disappointed with the Simpsons than when these commercials came out, it's not that they haven't sold out before, butterfingers for example. (although there was an episode where a lampshade was hung on this.)

I completely agree that the show has left it's roots and become a lot dumber and made the characters less likable. Homer has always been a lovable boob who got himself violently hurt on occasion, but at least underneath that he was a real person who cared about his family.
Posted by Puffy Treat (Member # 7210) on :
"Homer is SO stupid, LOL!"

Remember when Homer was heartbroken because he realized Marge was having an affair? Or compared his family to the more warm, loving families he saw at the company picnic?

It's like his character started out complex in the earlier seasons, then devolved into just another big dumb sitcom dad.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
Originally posted by Puffy Treat:
"Homer is SO stupid, LOL!"

Remember when Homer was heartbroken because he realized Marge was having an affair? Or compared his family to the more warm, loving families he saw at the company picnic?

It's like his character started out complex in the earlier seasons, then devolved into just another big dumb sitcom dad.

Or when he had to step in because Marge had a gambling addiction? Or when he tells Bart not to jump Springfield gorge and is flustered when he realizes that Bart no matter what he says won't commit to not jumping?

I remember feeling physically ill when Lisa is so upset with Homer that she will not speak to him because of his unwillingness to accept her decision to become a vegetarian. When that steak accidentally falls on her face I remember gasping. But ended up laughing because the result was so comedic.

I don't think we will ever get that back.
Posted by ricree101 (Member # 7749) on :
Originally posted by Chris Bridges:

Thus is The Simpsons' descent explained. Ten years ago the commercial would have been satirical, or ironic, or witty. It would have poked fun at commercials themselves or American merchandising or fast food restaurants. Instead, as with the show's own change in direction, we are expected to laugh at a clueless doofus who lodged something in his eye and then screamed.

Thanks for saying exactly what I've been thinking but having trouble putting into words.
Posted by Qaz (Member # 10298) on :
Chris, your commercial would have me thinking about it for days (how cool it was), which would have to be a plus for the movie and the burger joint.
Posted by Nighthawk (Member # 4176) on :
For those that don't know, the commercial in question:
Posted by Chris Bridges (Member # 1138) on :
Poking through the Youtube links... Now, I like this one: , where live action folks are Simpsonized. Never saw that one.

And Krusty pleading for sales and punching out BK works for me, but the king punching back doesn't and I'm kind of surprised Burger King would want their mascot to be violent. Suggestion? Krusty bodychecks the king while snatching his tray. He grabs the Whopper, takes a thoughtful bite, then goes nuts. "This is meat! And real vegetables! Where's your profit margin, you hack?!?" Then he devours it while the BK comes back into view with the logo.
Posted by Qaz (Member # 10298) on :
You should be hired.
Posted by GaalDornick (Member # 8880) on :
Agreed. Your commercial ideas are perfect.
Posted by kmbboots (Member # 8576) on :
Originally posted by dantesparadigm:

...I don't like them interjecting the king in Simpsons form and having him be the 'cool guy' when the whole world knows he's a creepy guy who sidles around jumping out at people with his musk of death and disturbing pedo-smile.

The ever-creepy "musk of death". Ewww...
Posted by Juxtapose (Member # 8837) on :
I think it's very in character for Krusty, but I don't like them interjecting the king in Simpsons form and having him be the 'cool guy' when the whole world knows he's a creepy guy who sidles around jumping out at people with his musk of death and disturbing pedo-smile.
That sounds pretty cool to me. I long for that kind of cojones.
Posted by vonk (Member # 9027) on :
Hmm, I wonder who created that commercial? Probably the writers and creators of The Simpsons, huh? I doubt it. They were almost definitely marketing people for Burger King. Let's get mad 'cause they aren't funny! The commercials annoy me too, but more because they don't make sense. Why was the boom mic in the shot in the first place?

then devolved into just another big dumb sitcom dad
When was he not a big dumb sitcom dad? Yeah, he gets sentimental sometimes, but that's usually after being a doofus for the majority of the show. I don't recall Homer ever being some sophisticated deep character that used his wit and intelligence to solve the complicated problems at home*. He's an idiot that makes mistakes constantly, is very selfish, but once he hurts someone he loves enough, he feels sorry about it and does something sweet to make up for it. As far as I recall, that's how it's always been. And still is.

*except the episode when they find out the reason he's stupid is that he has a crayon shoved in his nose, and he gets it removed and enbiggens his smarts.
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
As far as I recall, that's how it's always been. And still is.
There's a certain amount of nuance possible within that characterization. Of course, if you don't detect that nuance, it's possible that you're the show's intended audience. [Smile]
Posted by vonk (Member # 9027) on :
Maybe if you don't accept that that "certain amount of nuance" defines the show and it's quality. Also if you recognize the nuance is still there, but possibly in different quantities, or presenting itself in different ways. [Smile]
Posted by Puffy Treat (Member # 7210) on :
Originally posted by vonk:
I don't recall Homer ever being some sophisticated deep character that used his wit and intelligence to solve the complicated problems at home*.

Good thing nobody in the thread said anything like that, eh?
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
Maybe if you don't accept that that "certain amount of nuance" defines the show and it's quality.
I think, for many people, that certain amount of nuance did define the show and its quality. If I wanted un-nuanced nastiness and stupidity, I'd watch Family Guy.
Posted by Icarus (Member # 3162) on :
The point isn't that Homer ever wasn't an idiot, but that in addition to being an idiot, he was a (more) complex character. Now he's just an idiot.
Posted by vonk (Member # 9027) on :
I can see where y'all are coming from, even if I don't agree completely, but I still don't think that that particular part of Homer's character is enough to make or break the show. There are enough other aspects of the show that have grown in quality over the years: the well developed town's people, the long running jokes, the self-depricating humor, the cultural/media/political satire.

Good thing nobody in the thread said anything like that, eh?
It has been implied that Homer was at one time not a stupid sitcom dad and that he used to be more sensative to his families feelings. I was responding to that, though I understand that it was not the entire point.

Also, if you let the Burger King or credit card commercials keep you from seeing the movie, you're doing yourself a disservice. They are not representative.
Posted by Nighthawk (Member # 4176) on :
Originally posted by Icarus:
The point isn't that Homer ever wasn't an idiot, but that in addition to being an idiot, he was a (more) complex character. Now he's just an idiot.

All fathers, over time, turn in to idiots.

Posted by the_Somalian (Member # 6688) on :
Originally posted by Puffy Treat:
"Homer is SO stupid, LOL!"

Remember when Homer was heartbroken because he realized Marge was having an affair? Or compared his family to the more warm, loving families he saw at the company picnic?

It's like his character started out complex in the earlier seasons, then devolved into just another big dumb sitcom dad.

I remember making a post that was as equally critical of The Simpsons as the above and a certain someone throwing a hissy fit and calling my post tired and derivative.

[ August 26, 2007, 01:02 AM: Message edited by: the_Somalian ]
Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
But these criticisms are true.
I think the Simpson's has lost a lot of its heart and like soooooo many shows has become a series of tired gags, montages and celebrity guest stars.
It's just not good anymore. Homer was always stupid, but at least in the older episodes he'd try. Now, since Marge will take him back no matter what, he doesn't really have to and it's depressing.
Posted by the_Somalian (Member # 6688) on :
Originally posted by Synesthesia:
But these criticisms are true.

I agree. I express my sentiments here:;f=2;t=049409;p=0&r=nfx#000000
Posted by Teshi (Member # 5024) on :
You should be hired.]
Someday, Chris Bridges will be writing for TV and all will be right with the world. [Smile]
Posted by The Reader (Member # 3636) on :
Originally posted by Teshi:
You should be hired.]
Someday, Chris Bridges will be writing for TV and all will be right with the world. [Smile]
Until he gets his own late night TV show. Then whatever show he wrote for will rely on lesser writers who can only do gags and cliche. [Razz]
Posted by Nighthawk (Member # 4176) on :
Originally posted by Teshi:
You should be hired.]
Someday, Chris Bridges will be writing for TV and all will be right with the world. [Smile]
Why would he bother? It would be cancelled after six shows... what's the point?
Posted by The Reader (Member # 3636) on :
Why would he bother? It would be cancelled after six shows... what's the point?
Because we would buy the DVDs (which would have the unaired episodes as well) and obsess for years. Then we would complain that it wasn't developed enough, and fantasize about what might have been.
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Originally posted by Teshi:
Someday, Chris Bridges will be writing for TV and all will be right with the world. [Smile]

You're forgetting about Hiatus, I guess.
Posted by Chris Bridges (Member # 1138) on :
(Aside: expires in three days. I am honestly torn on whether to renew it or not...)
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
[Eek!] But, but . . . where will all the spambots post appreciative comments if you don't?

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