Originally posted by deerpark27:
If you carefully watch them,
things turn into themselves
in the twilight.
The air stills,
you might hear a call, to come home,
to come back, then
the sun's descent
tightens the sky
to chromatic membrane,
sheer indigo punctured
by pitchblack statues
of things not themselves:
trees, trunk and twig lattice
bled beyond blue-grey
recall only their absence:
exquisite incisions
cut from the dusk;
here, the black wellsprings
of nowhere
quote:OK, my mistake then. Sorry.
Originally posted by deerpark27:
You say you remember, but you don't.
You can't get it right. I know. I was there too.
I remember stopping and marvelling at the stain, my little skid mark
quote:Is it too late to say "Um...what?"
Originally posted by deerpark27:
Der Fall
and the eyes of the two of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked
Were their eyes closed before?
No, opened wide10:61. Staring outward.8:23 Like those of the kouros5:57 or stele2:66 at the gates5:11 of the dead.
they knew that they were naked
They knew that (ki). And there the fall, in the ki. It doesn't matter what, just that.
they knew that they
they knew that they
Not the they they were, but that they, over there, as in a mirror.
Propositional knowledge: knowing "what is put before".
Knowing-that falls like a mirror between they and they—it is the and:
they (knew that) they
A mirror falls, between Man and himself. Now he is here, a subject to an object, no longer the impossible edenic vocative, called into be-ing, subject without object.
This is the first declension.
He is here, and there, over there, an object in the mirror, and in the mirror, in the world.
Case, sb. [--L. casus fall, chance, occasion...]...
a. One of the forms of a noun, adjective, or pronoun, which express its relations to some other word, e.g. as subject, object, etc.
b. loosely, The relation itself.
It is odd of course to inhabit the earth no more[...].
to see everything that was related fluttering
so loosely in the space.
The world is all that is the case [der Fall].
(Tractatus 1.1)
Der Fall:
1) "The case."
2) "The trap."
3) "The fall."
The mirror is the fall, the trap, and the case.
quote:No. He reads a lot more like Pynchon than OSC; I rather enjoy these posts but can't say I have much in the way of responses...
Originally posted by Jenga650:
I dare say... after wading through this intriguing assemblage of deerpark's ponderings... might we be in the presence of OSC himself?
quote:Does this signify the end of this thread?
Originally posted by deerpark27:
It's one long lesson in beautiful nonsense.
quote:Well... you did just turn to a new page.
Originally posted by deerpark27:
I wanted to start over
quote:Two down.
Originally posted by Lyrhawn:
quote:It's one of the five Signs of the Hatrack Rebirth.
Originally posted by Tatiana:
Are y'all really going to revive the dobie? Really?
Once we can collect a dobie, a landmark, a string of deepark poetic posts, 5 spam posts in a day and 5 new members in a month, we'll know the Hatrack Rebirth is no mere illusion.
One down.
code:The step is always downhill. SoI had fainted, unless I had believed
to see the goodness
code:Unearth.:the land
[code] the land of
code [the living]
code:The step is always downhill. SoI had fainted, unless I had believed
to see the goodness
code:Unearth.the land
[code] the land of
code [the living]
quote:The beeches had shed most of their yellow leaves, leaving a lattice of bare branches, and the wet trunks turned into pitch-black fissures in the grey sky. After a two-mile slog, we could see the base of the cliff, halfway up the mountain, rising from a pine grove to the summit.
It mainly served as a wrist rest for our mouse hand, though we handled it with a familiar reverence—a vestige of the old days, when we’d slip the ‘Classics’ in and out of eye-level spots on the bookshelf, hoping to absorb a reading while never reading a word. We found it in a used bookstore. It was a Collins King James Version . The hand-made frontispiece testified, in Gothic calligraphy, that it was gifted to a Mrs. Porch in 1960, for forty-two years of faithful service. The black leather-bound volume was the size of our left hand, laid on as if for an oath, and still smelled like church when we stuffed it in the knapsack and stepped out into a light drizzle.
There it was. Perfectly stupid and irrevocable.