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Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
Feel good romantic comedies that are annoying. Not the good sort of Romantic Comedies I like like Wedding Singer, but just the irratating ones like The Family Stone.
Man, that movie annoys me.
Or movie versions of books I like that are like an orange skin emptied of the pulp and all the good stuff, filled with water, orange flavor and color and high fructose corn syrup which they swear up and down is an orange, but it is not.
Corny sequels with bad dialogue.
Movies in general with bad tongue in cheeck dialogue designed to go over children's head, but it just doesn't work.
Bad movies in general...
Also, no stereotypes. I hate stereotypes. No gay guys with limp wrists who are fashion designers or interior decorators to show how GAAAAAAAAY they are, no troubled middle aged white women, no Latina maids or Latino gardners, no "career" women, no lunky men who are jerks who treat women like crap, none of this stuff unless it is done well and has a point!
No angry bible thumping Christians who bring everyone down and make people unhappy and are repressed, no cool black people with dorky uncool white people teaching them rhythm. And could they have SOME Asian characters or something?
Of course, again there are exceptions, if it is done right! All the characters must be rich adn well developed! I hate underdevoloped characters, no unbelievable things that people have to believe because someone wrote the movie and you have to turn off your brain to accept it.

[ May 14, 2007, 10:40 AM: Message edited by: Synesthesia ]
Posted by BandoCommando (Member # 7746) on :
Originally posted by Synesthesia:
And could they have SOME Asian characters or something?

Only if they are experts at martial arts. [Taunt]
Posted by Snail (Member # 9958) on :
Those stupid, pointless, needlessly violent horror films in the vein of Hostel and Wolf Creek. And the remakes of better horror films from the 70's. And the new, pointless teen horror franchises made for money.

And the stupid American teen sex comedies in the vein of American Pie. Seriously, sex and toilet humour are two of the most subtle, difficult forms of comedy. They're extremely difficult to do well. The South Park guys can handle them, the Green Wing guys can handle them, but your average talentless Hollywood hacks can't.
Posted by Stephan (Member # 7549) on :
I liked The Family Stone.

I agree with Snail about the needless violence in these new horror movies coming out. I don't even call them horror, horror is supposed to be scary. These movies are just sickening.
Posted by Nathan2006 (Member # 9387) on :
The Land Before Time movies.

And Stupid violent Horror movies. I like suspence, being startled, and sitting at the edge of my chair, but I don't like being grossed out, or disgusted. Gore doesn't suit me.
Posted by Nick (Member # 4311) on :
YES! I loved Land before time as a kid, but all the sequels were awful...

I HATED/ABHORED/DETESTED Family Stone. Movies like that are painful to watch. The reason why is that the protagonist didn't defend herself. If somebody treated me that way, they would get what was coming to them.
Posted by Tarrsk (Member # 332) on :
The popular term for those type of horror films is "torture porn," which seems apropos to me. I don't get their appeal, either.

I'm probably the only one in the world who thinks this, but I'm really tired of superhero movies. And movies based on existing franchises in general. They're one step up from direct-to-video sequels, in my book.

The Wayans brothers need to just disappear. They've never been funny, and are continually becoming even less so. I was forced to watch half an hour of "White Chicks" by some friends, and I'm not sure I'll ever recover from the resultant brain cell destruction.
Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
Originally posted by Snail:
Those stupid, pointless, needlessly violent horror films in the vein of Hostel and Wolf Creek. And the remakes of better horror films from the 70's. And the new, pointless teen horror franchises made for money.

And the stupid American teen sex comedies in the vein of American Pie. Seriously, sex and toilet humour are two of the most subtle, difficult forms of comedy. They're extremely difficult to do well. The South Park guys can handle them, the Green Wing guys can handle them, but your average talentless Hollywood hacks can't.

I agree with this totally, Though 40 Year Old Virgin was actually pretty good. I thought I'd hate it, but i really liked it.

Family Stone just makes me crindge because that's one of my fears.
Having to meet a potential husband's family and having them hate me. [Angst]
It's enough to make me want to live in sin instead of getting married, especially since weddings are scary.

I hate violent, but i like Kill Bill and Sin City. I don't get myself.
Posted by pH (Member # 1350) on :
I couldn't watch parts of Wolf Creek. Flat-out couldn't watch. Also couldn't watch The Hills Have Eyes past the first twenty minutes.

The Saw movies, I liked. Hostel, Wolf Creek, all those? NO. NO NO NO NO. And why is there a sequel to Hostel? WHY?!

Posted by Snail (Member # 9958) on :
I'm probably the only one in the world who thinks this, but I'm really tired of superhero movies. And movies based on existing franchises in general. They're one step up from direct-to-video sequels, in my book.

The Wayans brothers need to just disappear. They've never been funny, and are continually becoming even less so. I was forced to watch half an hour of "White Chicks" by some friends, and I'm not sure I'll ever recover from the resultant brain cell destruction.

Agreed with both points. Though one of the Wayans was in Requiem for a Dream, and he wasn't bad in it. Maybe he should just stick to serious acting and leave everything else to others?

Family Stone was just dumb. Is it just me or has Diane Keaton been choosing horrible comedies to work in lately? Same with Jane Fonda... Are there truly no better roles in Hollywood for ladies of their age?

I hate violent, but i like Kill Bill and Sin City. I don't get myself.
I think the violence in those films was so over-the-top stylized it didn't register... And it had a sort of a point in that it was over the top. I don't know. I didn't have as much of a problem with those films as with Hostel either.
Posted by Sterling (Member # 8096) on :
It doesn't necessarily make me hate whole movies, but I wish they'd stop doing "main character has a friend who's an obnoxious jerk but does something we're supposed to find redeeming in the last fifteen minutes" (say, City Slickers 2, or Notting Hill.)

It doesn't make me go, "Oh, look, the obnoxious jerk actually has a good heart." It usually makes me go "Oh, look, the obnoxious jerk did something out of character because of a plot contrivance."

[ May 14, 2007, 04:06 PM: Message edited by: Sterling ]
Posted by Omega M. (Member # 7924) on :
Yeah, most romantic comedies I've seen are too slapsticky and not romantic enough.
Posted by Narnia (Member # 1071) on :
This thread doesn't bring out the really irritated in me because I really only see the movies I've been planning on seeing for a while. I rarely say 'Let's go see a movie!' and then just pick one that looks good. (Did that with Premonition and it wasn't bad. Luckily, someone else paid. [Smile] )

But, I can name some movies that make me roll my eyes when I see the trailers:

Die Hard. Again and again.

All the "Movie" movies. Date Movie. Scary Movie XII. Epic Movie. Popcorn Movie. Whatever.

I had to roll my eyes at "Rush Hour 3", but the trailer did look funny.

I agree about the Wayans Brothers. What about "Little Man" did they think would make people want to sit and watch it for 2 hours and $9?

The teen horror genre is also a bit nauseating, but mostly because they involve stupid people. "I think I'll go out in the shed alone to see what that noise was!" [Smile]

I wish they'd stop with Spiderman. And X-Men. It seems to be over for both of those franchises.
Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
I don't think I can watch a film like hostel because the violence would make me dizzy. I'm the sort who sees a movie like Terminator and hates all the random people getting killed even though they are not really getting killed.

It doesn't necessarily make me hate whole movies, but I wish they'd stop doing "main character has a friend who's an obnoxious jerk but does something we're supposed to find redeeming in the last fifteen minutes" (say, City Slickers 2[i], or [i]Notting Hill.)

It doesn't make me go, "Oh, look, the obnoxious jerk actually has a good heart." It usually makes me go "Oh, look, the obnoxious jerk did something out of character because of a plot contrivance."

They did that in Wedding Crashers, It's why i hate that movie.
Posted by erosomniac (Member # 6834) on :
See, I thought Wedding Crashers failed as a romance, but it was hilarious. Much, much better than I thought it would be, even.
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
Worst example of that: "Reality Bites"
Posted by mr_porteiro_head (Member # 4644) on :
I'll bet I could out-cranky the whole lot of you. I say it would be a win for everybody if Hollywood never made another movie.

But how much do I really care about it. Just barely enough to write this post, and no more. [Smile]
Posted by 0Megabyte (Member # 8624) on :
Hmm. Stupid teenagers in a horror movie.

How about a movie not about the group of teenagers, but about the Scooby-Doo esque group of heavily armed 20-somethings who are called in to save said stupid teenagers from monstrous threat? Wouldn't that be a fun movie?

"Those teenagers are really stupid. We have to save them before they start splitting up on their own to investigate strange noises."

"Why? What then?"

"Well... then they start dying off really quickly."

"Then why do they do that? Haven't they seen any horror movies?"

"No, apparently."
Posted by Chris Bridges (Member # 1138) on :
That's one reason I liked "Scream," although I don't like horror movies. It managed to mock all the horror cliches while still adhering to every single one of them. Very nicely done.
Posted by Xavier (Member # 405) on :
That's one reason I liked "Scream," although I don't like horror movies. It managed to mock all the horror cliches while still adhering to every single one of them. Very nicely done.
That movie was brilliant, and has only been dragged down by the countless sequels and copy-cats since then.
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
Originally posted by Nathan2006:
The Land Before Time movies.

Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
No Woody Allen.
I hate him.
He really really annoys me!

Except that movie with the Greek chorus was vaguely amusing...
Posted by Todoni (Member # 10460) on :
WHAT I REALLY hate is when they take a good book (like the Stand) and change it so much as to be almost unrecognizable.
If you can not bother to do it right, then please do not bother.
Fried Green Tomatoes did an ok job at the movies, so did Black Stallion. They changed the story a little eensy bit, but without interfering with the mood of the story.

It has been frustrating to read of the latest delay in the Enders Game movie.....but when I realize how badly it could be mangled....then I am relieved when it seems OSC is trying to get it done RIGHT! Never give up, never give in! [Wave]
Posted by theamazeeaz (Member # 6970) on :
Congratiulations on figuring out movies suck.

Now that we know that, the fact that they're overpriced doesn't matter anymore, does it?
Posted by Qaz (Member # 10298) on :
Any sequel that is so much like the original that all they could call it was "<Name of first movie> 2."

Even more so, any sequel named "<Name of first movie> 4"!
Posted by Snail (Member # 9958) on :
Originally posted by Synesthesia:
No Woody Allen.
I hate him.
He really really annoys me!

Except that movie with the Greek chorus was vaguely amusing...

Yes Woody Allen.
I don't hate him.
And he's only annoying when he's supposed to!

Seriously, Annie Hall, Manhattan, Hannah and Her Sisters and the Purple Rose of Cairo are some of the best films out there. Aphrodite (the film with the Greek chorus) is actually one of his worst ones... I admit that the chorus was a great idea, but the rest was mediocre at best.
Posted by Launchywiggin (Member # 9116) on :
For me: CGI movies not done by Pixar.
Posted by porcelain girl (Member # 1080) on :
Any recent Woody Allen flic, the man is now a total hack. Yes, I just called Woody Allen a hack.

There are several movies I wish there had just been a one-parter.

The Matrix - loved the first one, I felt it was complete and loathed two and three.

Pirates of the Caribbean - I couldn't watch the second one.

Star Wars Prequels - POOF! Disappear. My children will never know they existed.
Posted by Raventhief (Member # 9002) on :
Adam Sandler movies. All of them. OK, a case can be made for Punch Drunk Love. Not a good case, but a case.

Movies that cast completely inappropriate actors. Like Memoirs of a Geisha. It's set in Japan. The characters are Japanese. WHY ARE ALL THE ACTRESSES CHINESE?
That's the only recent one I can think of.
Posted by Speed (Member # 5162) on :
Originally posted by Raventhief:
Movies that cast completely inappropriate actors. Like Memoirs of a Geisha. It's set in Japan. The characters are Japanese. WHY ARE ALL THE ACTRESSES CHINESE?

All the actresses are Chinese? Michelle Yeoh is Malaysian. She was no more miscast in that movie than she was in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
Adam Snadlers best movie thus far is The Wedding Singer, its halarious and in a heart warming way.

Raven: Why did it bother you so much that they cast Chinese women in those roles? The movie was done mostly in English, you have to find talented Japanese actors who can speak English or at least imitate it to the point that we understand their lines.

Gong Li does not speak English, she had to phonetically imitate all her lines and she did a really good job. Zhang Zi Yi is learning more and more English but I am sure she had to say words she does not know how to say in normal conversation.

Were you pissed off that Christian Bale, a man from wales, with a thick accent, was cast as the American hero Batman?

How about Ewan McGregor in Big Fish or The Island?

What about Ben Kingsley in Gandhi? I think he was probably born to play that role.

House of Flying Daggers had a Japanese actor playing one of the lead Chinese roles and he did a phenominal job, even though the movie sucked as a whole.

Michelle Yeoh was bad for CTHD because her Chinese was deplorable. She was fine for MOAG because she was not required to speak an language but English.

I just hear so much complaining that they didn't use Japanese actresses, when they used several. The little girl was Japanese, so was the rival of matsumoto. The male characters were ALL Japanese so its not as if they ignored Japanese thesbians.

[ May 15, 2007, 04:18 PM: Message edited by: BlackBlade ]
Posted by Tarrsk (Member # 332) on :
Originally posted by Speed:
Originally posted by Raventhief:
Movies that cast completely inappropriate actors. Like Memoirs of a Geisha. It's set in Japan. The characters are Japanese. WHY ARE ALL THE ACTRESSES CHINESE?

All the actresses are Chinese? Michelle Yeoh is Malaysian. She was no more miscast in that movie than she was in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.
Actually, Yeoh was born in Malaysia, but she is ethnically Chinese. And as a native Mandarin speaker (well, sort of), I think she was fantastic in CTHD. [Razz]

Personally, I didn't care that Chinese actors were cast in "Geisha," since the movie was shot in English anyway. Chinese or Japanese, if your lead actors aren't fluent speakers of the language you're filming your freaking movie in, the dialogue is NOT going to work. Either shoot it in Japanese, with Japanese-speaking actors, or hire Asian-American (or Asian-British) actors. It's a sullies the good names of serious talent like Yeoh and Zhang Ziyi to be associated with poor performances just because the producers wanted to have their cake and eat it too.
Posted by Olivet (Member # 1104) on :
I heard that Yeoh had some serious issues with the Cantonese (or whichever dialect of Chinese CTHD was filmed in, which she said in interviews that she did not speak), but it's all Chinese to me. *giggle-snort* I really enjoyed it.

What is annoying is when an actor/actress can't do the accent they have been cast to do. Some American actors doing an Irish accent go all, "Where me lucky charms?" and I want to smack them.

Even Kenneth Branagh sounded a bit New Yorkish at times when playing a West Coast guy in one of his movies. He's a great actor.

On topic, I was beginning to wonder if Snail was really me, until Woody Alan came up.

If they never made another torture porn or teen sex comedy, I'd be... well, I was going to say "happy" but I probably wouldn't notice.
Posted by Speed (Member # 5162) on :
Originally posted by Tarrsk:
Actually, Yeoh was born in Malaysia, but she is ethnically Chinese. And as a native Mandarin speaker (well, sort of), I think she was fantastic in CTHD. [Razz]

Actually, she speaks Cantonese. From what I've heard (I think in the commentary track on the DVD), both she and Chow Yun Fat had to learn Mandarin to speak their lines in Crouching Tiger.

I've heard it said that the disparate accents in that film really bugged a lot of Chinese speakers. Kind of like when they made that movie version of The Man in the Iron Mask in the late '90s, and they cast as the four supposedly French main characters: Gerard Depardieu (French), Jeremy Irons (English), John Malkovich (American), and Gabriel Byrne (Irish). I'm sure it wasn't a big deal in the foreign translations, but I remember finding the whole scenario highly amusing.

[ May 15, 2007, 05:31 PM: Message edited by: Speed ]
Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
Diane Keaton ANNOYS ME. She went from not wanting to be a mother in Baby Boom (which is a movie I hate, along with the title) to being a SMOTHER!
Posted by Nighthawk (Member # 4176) on :
Originally posted by theamazeeaz:
Now that we know that, the fact that they're overpriced doesn't matter anymore, does it?

I'm still wondering when, even though ticket prices are high, concession snacks passed them.

Me + wife + son get snacks... "That'll be $47."

"Uh... what?!?"

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