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Posted by Counter Bean (Member # 10176) on :
I just started covering Holographic Theory in the field of quantum gravity and I was struck by the information based description.

The information that can be contained inside a boundary is limited to the surface area of the boundary in Planck bits. So the information one can extract from outside an area is fixed by the surface area, not the volume.

It seems to me that in a sense we are looking at God's limitation. Though able to process everything about our space available from the outside until he was in a different relational frame he just could not 'get' us. A different Point of View is a different universe.
Posted by The Rabbit (Member # 671) on :
In most religions, God is considered to be "omnipresent" so he is in somesense both inside and outside every boundary. If this is true, there is no reason that holographic theory would have any relevance to God's limitations.
Posted by Strider (Member # 1807) on :
You are taught singularity.
Singularity is death worship
and damnation of humanity.
No God equals the 4 corner
simultaneous 24 hour days
within single Earth rotation.
The universe and all within
it is composed of opposites.
Religious/academic taught
singularity is queer as 1 sex.

Earth has not 2 poles, but
opposite poles that cancel
each other out - if added.
6 side Cube is Evil math,
ignoring its top & bottom.
-1 x -1 = +1 is Evil math,
as +1 and -1 are antipodes
equating a zero existence.
3 Dimensions is erroneous
math without a 4th corner
perspective dimension. If
ever allowed, Cubic debate
will indict evil singularity
as damnation of humanity.
Posted by Swampjedi (Member # 7374) on :
The TIMECUBE will teach you all mysteries of universe.

TIMECUBE knows all!
Posted by Strider (Member # 1807) on :
Posted by Counter Bean (Member # 10176) on :
Well that is just the point isn't it, if God is not outside the universe he is merely part of it, an entity with just a point of view, if he is outside he sufferers from the limits imposed by boundaries.
Posted by Will B (Member # 7931) on :
I don't follow. I am inside my house, but I am not merely part of it.
Posted by Counter Bean (Member # 10176) on :
If your house was a universe and you were in it you would be. It is clear that a dichotomy is implied or stated, God is apart from the universe. If he is part of it he is phenomenon and explicable by science. So to place him in the universe without first separating him from his outside point of view is impossible. However, interestingly enough, God could act from outside, but never with perfect information. As energy can pass through a surface to create an effect and observe it, but never with more knowledge of initial conditions then the surface will permit. Hence the need for a Son and the perception of the Holy Spirit. Hmmmm....
Posted by Eaquae Legit (Member # 3063) on :
Or it could be that you're attempting to define a Being by human criteria. A Being whose definition includes being beyond human criteria.

Or something like that. Long live the Time Cube!
Posted by MightyCow (Member # 9253) on :
My Invisible Pink Unicorn accepts no logical constraints.
Posted by Swampjedi (Member # 7374) on :
Posted by Will B (Member # 7931) on :
You're thinking of God as a physical entity existing at a point in space, then, and saying he's inside or outside a bounding surface. It's an unconventional view of God, to be sure. (And an unconventional view of the universe, as having a bounding surface. The standard model of the universe is finite but without boundaries.) Unconventional views are legal, of course [Smile] , but such a view isn't a given!

But it's an interesting idea. With this view you get something like a locked-room mystery, then, with QM as the lock. Nobody fully knows what happened that night, since the room was locked and no one went in or out.

Since the room was locked, the author couldn't go in or out either. Even the author doesn't know who done it! And if the author tells us, we can say, "How do you know? The room was locked!"

"But I wrote it!"

"The room was locked. This whole scene you have here with the murder taking place -- it's just speculation. Because in the next scene, you're outside, showing us the detective having a margarita at the bar!"

It would make an interesting story.
Posted by Counter Bean (Member # 10176) on :
And that is the important thing. The view of a universe without boundaries no longer holds up, the boundary in an expanding universe is the distance from which light can never reach us. It is a boundary of information, sort of like the event horizon.
Posted by Samprimary (Member # 8561) on :
No human or god can match
Nature's simultaneous 4 day
rotation in 1 Earth rotation.

No human has a right to
believe wrong - for that
would be evil thinking.

Ignorance of 4 days is evil,
Evil educators teach 1 day.
1 day will destroy humans.

Mother and father gave me birth, not a queer jew god.

Singularity god is EVIL as
Creation reigns as Opposites.
Educators, and You - ought
to be killed for ignoring the
fact that "Earth is Cubed".
(ignored and suppressed by EVIL educators)

NASA's Moon Landing was
far less of an achievement
than Time Cube discovery,
for I have Cubed the Earth,
with 4 simultaneous corner
days in 1 rotation of Earth.
(singularity belief scientist can't comprehend T.O.E.)

academic taught singularity
constitute great evils in the
Cubic World of Opposites -
Opposites hemispheres and
Opposite sexes of humanity.
The Universe is composed
of Opposites - existing only
as Opposites - with a zero
value existence - cancelling
to nothing as a singularity.

I think Cubic, therefore I
rise above the singularity
mentality human and the
false gods they worship -
discovering a Universe of
Opposites their education
will never allow them to
know. Evil of believing
is not measuring and the
result of not measuring -
is never knowing Truth,
ineffable by man or god.

Gene Ray, Cubic and Wise Above Gods

Cubicism, Not group theory.
If ignorant of the almighty
Time Cube Creation Truth,
you deserve to be killed.
Killing you is not immoral -
but justified to save life on
Earth for future generations.
Academic taught singularity
within universe of opposites,
has lobotomized your mind.
You are Enslaved by Word -
no whip or shackle required.
You do not have the freedom
to discuss/debate Time Cube.
Academia destroys your mind
by suppressing opposite view.
God equals self masturbation
of mind - for opposites create.
You are educated singularities.
Posted by ketchupqueen (Member # 6877) on :
Not that I agree with your view on God at all-- but the spelling in your title keeps bugging me. Don't you mean on-site?
Posted by Counter Bean (Member # 10176) on :
could be
Posted by Strider (Member # 1807) on :
this thread is schizophrenic
Posted by Will B (Member # 7931) on :
Actually, the universe not having boundaries is the current theory.

We can draw boundaries within it, of course, and get our locked-room mystery.

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