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Posted by DDDaysh (Member # 9499) on :
Ok... so I think I'm the only one who could end up in an overwhelmingly painful argument about whether or not .99999999999........ is equal to 1.

Yesterday my little brother made a half hearted comment during a boring part of the superbowl about how it was stupid to say that .333333333.. was actually equal to 1/3 because 3*1/3 equalled 1, but 3*.33333333... only equalled .99999999..., thus, being the big sister I am, I felt it my duty to explain to him that in fact .9999999.. was equal to one.

It caused a HUGE stir... now, I wasn't hurt when my mom disagreed, she knows nothing about math, and believes in Sylvia Brown but not Jesus, nor was I surprised when my 12-year-old brother expressed his disbelief, and the 16-year-old brother argued that it couldn't be true. I proceeded to print a short proof of the fact from the net, and showed it to them. What realy stung however is that my father, who used to be a math teacher, refused to agree. He didn't disagree on any logical means, but disagreed by saying that anyone who actually believed such proofs was obviously wrong, but only thought they were right because they were intellectual snobs who thought they were better than the rest of the world.

Ugh!!!! it really hurt my feelings, I'm an intellectual SNOB because I believe in a mathematical REALITY... I swear, only MY family could get nasty over something like this.
Posted by Phanto (Member # 5897) on :
Dear, while your feelings may be hurt, the little intrigue that .99999... is "equal" (whatever the heck *that* means, because it quite clearly isn't "equal" to 1 by any colloquial means) to 1 really isn't something to get that upset about.

Still, sorry about the familial tensions. Strength!

Yeah, and that mathematical reality thing is nice 'n all, but try living in it.
Posted by Papa Moose (Member # 1992) on :
Actually there was a Hatrack thread long ago that went several pages of people arguing back and forth over that exact thing. Looks like it's gone, though -- it's referred to (by me at least once), but must have gotten removed long ago. Maybe someone could find it on the wayback machine, if they really wanted to.

My family argues over everything. There's been a standing disagreement over the past 20 or so years as to whether or not steam and water vapor are the same thing. It isn't nasty any more -- more an in-joke -- but yeah, we'll get nasty over pretty petty things.
Posted by Dr Strangelove (Member # 8331) on :
Been there. Done that. It's likely your dad (and whole family) don't understand that it hurt you. You could tell them, but it would probably be more conducive to your own maturing to just be able to shrug it off and understand that they love you and don't want you to be upset.
Posted by King of Men (Member # 6684) on :
Originally posted by Phanto:
Dear, while your feelings may be hurt, the little intrigue that .99999... is "equal" (whatever the heck *that* means, because it quite clearly isn't "equal" to 1 by any colloquial means) to 1 really isn't something to get that upset about.

*Moves Phanto to short list for when I come to power*

Yes, it is equal in the colloquial sense of referring to "one apple". What other sense did you expect a number to have? One apple is nine-tenths of an apple, plus nine-hundredths of an apple, plus nine-thousandths of an apple, and so on.
Posted by Phanto (Member # 5897) on :
King of Men, dear, then it just seems like I'm gonna have ta stop you from coming into power. Arguably, you may have won this point, though.
Posted by erosomniac (Member # 6834) on :
I cannot for the life of me imagine how someone could convince me 1 and .999999 are equal.

Then again, I'm the kid who won grade school arguments against kids who said "well you're stupid times infinity!" by saying "well you're stupid times infinity plus one!"
Posted by TheGrimace (Member # 9178) on :
I can see how it would be frustrating, but I would try to pick your battles more selectively.

this is a fairly arcane case of mathematics which conflicts with general gut logic/understanding of numbers and really doesn't affect anything unless you're really getting into some complex math (as far as I can tell). As PM said, if a board of pretty intelligent people can argue back and forth for a few pages at least on the matter I'd argue that it's not completely clear cut (since both sides have reasonably concrete logical arguments for/against the proof)

Now if they're taking this kind of tone arguing against logic without any of their own on another more clear-cut and important issue, I'd try to keep explaining it to them.
Posted by stihl1 (Member # 1562) on :
.9999999999 might be equivalent to 1, but it's not equal to 1. Neither is 1/3 equal to .333333. That whole 1/3 vs .333333 thing always bugs me as well.

The fact that they are not equal is why fractions are still used. You just can't express all numbers in decimals.
Posted by Phanto (Member # 5897) on :
Arguably, .333..... is the decimal representation of the fraction, 1/3. Although it is less elegant, the decimal version, are they not identical representations of the same number?
Posted by Will B (Member # 7931) on :
I think DDD's issue isn't that he didn't win, but that his father said bad things about his character.

(Or did he say things that you can *interpret* as bad about your character, DDD?)

Either way, although it's sad that family disrespect us sometimes, it *does* happen. What can you do? Respect yourself, I think. If your self-respect is weak, you can distance yourself from them or at least from such conversations. If it's stronger, you can think of yourself as teaching by example: I will show you respect, I will show you how I think people ought to be treated, *without any hint of demand that you agree*. If that's possible.

The way I dealt with parental disrespect (after I lived on my own) is that I stopped tolerating it. (By "not tolerating it" I mean it's clear that I won't participate in such a conversation.) As a result, my mother doesn't even try any more, and my father only tries if he's trying to manipulate me into something. Even that doesn't work, so he doesn't do it much.

I'm not sure this is the best model. I had a really awful home situation; there wasn't much to leave behind that I wanted to keep. I don't think refusing to be disrespected hurt anything, though.
Posted by jh (Member # 7727) on :
I really don't see how 0.99999999 equals 1 either.
Posted by Will B (Member # 7931) on :

1-(3*0.3) = 0.1
1-(3*0.33) = 0.01
1-(3*0.333) = 0.001

1-(3*0.33...) == ?
It's that "..." that gets us where we're going. If there's no upper bound on the number of 3's in that repeating decimal, there's no upper bound in the number of 0's right of the . in the result. We have a simpler way of writing 0.000..., which is simply 0.

Put more formally, with calculus, lim as n->infinity (sum, i ranging 1 to n, of 9 x 10^(-i)) = 1.

[ February 05, 2007, 09:10 PM: Message edited by: Will B ]
Posted by Dagonee (Member # 5818) on :
I cannot for the life of me imagine how someone could convince me 1 and .999999 are equal.
.9999999999 might be equivalent to 1, but it's not equal to 1. Neither is 1/3 equal to .333333. That whole 1/3 vs .333333 thing always bugs me as well.
.99999 is NOT equal to 1.

Neither is .99999999999999999999999999999999999999999.

Nor .999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999

Please note that no one on this thread has asserted that any of these three is equal to 1.

From the OP:

.99999999999........ is equal to 1
Now, she included too many periods in the "..."

But that ... is very important because it represents this:

 9    9      9
-- + --- + ---- + ...
10 100 1000

This is equivalent to

  9      9      9  
---- + ---- + ---- + ...
10^1 10^2 10^3

That is provably 1.
Posted by Elmer's Glue (Member # 9313) on :
They are not equal. But for all intents and purposes, they are close enough. Anyone who seriously thinks a person who says "1 and .99999... are not the same" is stupid for thinking that is just pathetic.
Not the same. You can clearly see that they are different.
But they are close enough. There really isn't ever going to be a situation where the difference between them is going to matter.
So you are all right. YAY!
Posted by Dagonee (Member # 5818) on :
They are not equal.
Can you demonstrate their inequality, please?

They are equal. Things that look different can be equal.

2 + 2 = 4. I can clearly see that they are different.

But they're still equal.
Posted by Mucus (Member # 9735) on :
I might note that there are two extremely easy to understand proofs on Wikipedia.

If you think this stuff hurts your brain, wait till you encounter NP=P or some of the weird non-deterministic Turing machine proofs.
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
DDDaysh is a she. [Smile]

And yes, family tends to argue about stupid things. That is because it's easier than arguing about the real issues. [Frown]

Anyway, we had this discussion (the one about the equivalence of .9999... and 1) a couple months ago, neh?
Posted by Papa Moose (Member # 1992) on :
We had a much longer one once, rivka -- before your time, I believe. Much longer, and with more expletives and hurt feelings.

Well, that might be a slight exaggeration -- I can't remember for sure. But it was definitely longer.
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
I know. Someone mentioned it (in chat?) at the time of the one in October.

I was trying to short-circuit THIS argument, not claim that was the thread you meant. Sorry if I was unclear.
Posted by Jhai (Member # 5633) on :
They're equal. Just because you can't understand that they're equal, and aren't willing to look at, think about, and understand the proofs, doesn't make them not equal. [Roll Eyes]

This is why I don't discuss any sort of my "learned" knowledge with any of my immediate family. I'll be entering graduate school in economics next fall, but I don't dare talk about the economy or things of that nature with my parents, since they will simply discount that knowledge. *shrug* Sometimes there's not a lot you can do to get your parents to accept you growing up or having knowledge that they can't understand.
Posted by Papa Moose (Member # 1992) on :
Saying they are equal is imprecise. The numbers (conceptual) they represent are the same, and (thus) the expressions are equivalent, but they aren't technically equal. In real life, however, the difference between "equal" and "equivalent" is often negligible.
Posted by GaalDornick (Member # 8880) on :
I had a very similar argument with my family once. I posted about it here . Hatrack is a very good place to post rants because the people here are so understanding. [Smile] Anyways, so yeah I understand why it frustrated you so much. Just try to see it from their point of view. The first time you heard that .99999 is equal to 1, did you immediately believe them? Didn't you think that's crazy at first until you had time to really think about it? Even if you didn't, I'm sure you can see why other people would doubt it upon first hearing of it. It just seems to go against logic.

What I'm trying to say is try to understand why they disagreed with you and think about how you can improve your argument next time rather than just placing the blame on them and thinking the whole argument was their fault.
Posted by Dagonee (Member # 5818) on :
The numbers (conceptual) they represent are the same, and (thus) the expressions are equivalent, but they aren't technically equal.
I'm not sure what this means. When I say two things X and Y are equal in mathematics, I mean the statement

X = Y

is true. Under this usage, .99999... equals 1.
Posted by mr_porteiro_head (Member # 4644) on :
Saying they are equal is imprecise. The numbers (conceptual) they represent are the same, and (thus) the expressions are equivalent, but they aren't technically equal.
Would you explain the difference between mathematical equality and equivalence?
Posted by Papa Moose (Member # 1992) on :
Under that usage, yes. But that's imprecise usage of the term "equal." It doesn't really matter in most math you deal with (anything algebraic, pretty much), but when dealing with set theory and some other abstract concepts it can make a difference.
Posted by Papa Moose (Member # 1992) on :
Well, to give a really bad analogy, think of them as different paths up a mountain. In algebra, the only thing that matters is the destination. In analysis and topology, the path itself matters. So .999... could be one path up the hill, and 1.0 could be another path, and they're equal in that they arrive at the same point, but the paths aren't identical.

As I said, a really bad analogy.
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
It's like a state -- path is irrelevant.

.999... = 1.0 for the simple reason that there exists no smallest fraction.

I just called my parents. They both agree that they are always and absolutely equal, regardless of set theory and other abstractions (assuming, my mother points out, that everything stays in base 10 [Wink] ).
Posted by mr_porteiro_head (Member # 4644) on :
Wow. Your mom's a big nerd.

Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
My mom has a Ph.D. in mathematics. She was in fact one of the first women to attend Princeton's grad school in the math department.

Of COURSE she's a big nerd! [Big Grin]
Posted by Dead_Horse (Member # 3027) on :
My second grade teacher insisted that there was no such things as negative numbers, even when I showed her how they worked and everything. Now I wonder if she was just trying not to confuse the other second graders or if she really thought that.

She also insisted that I print big with a pencil on primary paper. I must have been such a trial to her...
Posted by erosomniac (Member # 6834) on :
Thanks for the explanations, everyone--especially that Wikipedia link. I now at least understand, technically, why the two are equal, even if I'll never really accept .99999... as equivilant to 1. [Wink]
Posted by Papa Moose (Member # 1992) on :
I love you and your mom.

Ask her to calculate the area under the graph where y=1 for the interval (0,1) and y=0 everywhere else. Then calculate the area under the graph where y=1 on the interval [0,1] and y=0 everywhere else. Then calculate the area under the graph where y=1 for all irrational x in the interval (0,1) and y=0 everywhere else. Are the areas under those graphs equal, equivalent, both, or neither?
Posted by mr_porteiro_head (Member # 4644) on :
I really like the algabraic proof from the wikipedia link.
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Originally posted by Papa Moose:
I love you and your mom.

Ask her to calculate the area under the graph where y=1 for the interval (0,1) and y=0 everywhere else. Then calculate the area under the graph where y=1 on the interval [0,1] and y=0 everywhere else. Then calculate the area under the graph where y=1 for all irrational x in the interval (0,1) and y=0 everywhere else. Are the areas under those graphs equal, equivalent, both, or neither?

Ok. After 15 minutes on the phone with both parents (simultaneously) and another 15 consulting Wikipedia, I can tell you that

a) My dad refuses to believe that there is any difference between equal and equivalent, and my mother says it is a question of definitions (or was it the other way around?);
b) The first two sets are equal, because the difference (boundary lines) are infinitely thin (as all lines are, since they only have two dimensions), and therefore make no difference to the area, which is 1 in both cases;
c) The third one, it depends what method you use to sum. If you use the more typical Riemann integral (which is apparently also called finding the Jordan content), the area is not defined. However, using the Lebesgue integral, the area is equal to 1, just like the first two;
d) My head hurts, and I haven't even finished trying to understand the Banach-Tarski paradox, which my dad said I should as a follow-up to this discussion;
e) My parents say none of this changes the fact that .999...=1, and that = can be read as equal or equivalent, whichever you like. [Wink]

Oh, and last but not least, my father hopes this makes me contented (and he explained that). [Monkeys]
Posted by Papa Moose (Member # 1992) on :
Well, I'll continue to disagree with your father, and agree with your mother that it's a question of definitions. I believe the definitions I use to be more correct both mathematically and semantically, but I'm almost certain to be in the minority there. I can deal with that.

Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
My head just exploded. Fortunately, the pieces are immeasurable, and we will be able to construct two perfectly good heads from them. Once we scrape them off the computer screen . . .
Posted by Verily the Younger (Member # 6705) on :
I might note that there are two extremely easy to understand proofs on Wikipedia.
Says you. [Eek!]

Egad, I hate math. Nothing makes me feel sad quite like trying to read about mathematical concepts. I went to a special elementary school for advanced children! I've been reading since age two! So why does math always make me feel so stupid? [Wall Bash]
Posted by Papa Moose (Member # 1992) on :
<Sends rivka a Menger sponge (zero volume and infinite surface area) to clean up her computer screen and heads.>
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
[Angst] And this is supposed to help my poor head?
Posted by anti_maven (Member # 9789) on :
OK, so if I may summarise:

0.9999999 is NOT EQUAL to 1

0.99999... is, to all intents and purposes EQUIVALENT to one.

I can live with that.

By the way. I am an engineer and use maths a lot, but my head pops like microwave popcorn when folks start doing wierd things with exotic theories. After reading the exchange between rivka and Papa Moose, I need a lie-down
Posted by Katarain (Member # 6659) on :
Can .888... be equal to .9, then?

How about .777... = .8?

and .666... = .7?

And so on?
Posted by Xavier (Member # 405) on :
Can .888... be equal to .9, then?

How about .777... = .8?

and .666... = .7?

And so on?


1 - .999... = 0

.9 - .888... = .0111...


.9 = .8999...
Posted by El JT de Spang (Member # 7742) on :
I am an engineer and use maths a lot, but my head pops like microwave popcorn when folks start doing wierd things with exotic theories.
I'm an engineer, and I <3 this thread. And rivka's parents.
Posted by Mathematician (Member # 9586) on :
AHHHHH! So much misinformation! (You knew I'd have to step into this discussion at some point)

Let me clarify by saying everything Rivka('s parents) have said so far is 100% correct.

It is NOT the case that ".99999..... and 1 are equivalent for all intents an purposes", it IS the case that .999999....=1, in EXACTLY the same way 2+2 = 4, 3*5 = 15. It's the same meaning of "equals" in all 3 cases. It doesn't matter what field of mathematics (set theory, analysis, measure theory, etc) you're working in, .9999...=1 period.

In fact, all of you are used to using multiple representations for the same number. For instance, no one would argue that 1/2 and .5 are different numbers, yet 1/2 = .5 in exactly the same was as 1 = .999999999....

This is a general flaw of representing numbers as decimals (or in any integer base). In fact, ANY time you have repeating 9's, you can remove them and bump the preceding digit up 1.

For instance, 3238.3248329999999999.... = 3238.324833,

.599999... = .6 an so on.

And Papa Moose, you may disagree with the definitions of equality vs equivalence, and I make no argument about their semantic value, but mathematically, these notions coincide (at least in this case ;-) )

*End Rant*
Posted by Will B (Member # 7931) on :
Bernoulli would have been content to die
Had he but known such a^2 cos (2 phi)!
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Originally posted by Mathematician:
Let me clarify by saying everything Rivka('s parents) have said so far is 100% correct.

Good to know their years at Princeton (and elsewhere) were not wasted. [Wink]

Originally posted by Mathematician:
It is NOT the case that ".99999..... and 1 are equivalent for all intents an purposes", it IS the case that .999999....=1, in EXACTLY the same way 2+2 = 4, 3*5 = 15. It's the same meaning of "equals" in all 3 cases. It doesn't matter what field of mathematics (set theory, analysis, measure theory, etc) you're working in, .9999...=1 period.

In fact, all of you are used to using multiple representations for the same number. For instance, no one would argue that 1/2 and .5 are different numbers, yet 1/2 = .5 in exactly the same was as 1 = .999999999....




Seriously, I think my father used awfully similar examples and phrasing last night. [Big Grin]
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
I think the hard part here is that you were stating something that was correct, and your father chose to make the other members of the family feel better rather than 1) aknowledge you were right, or 2) worry about your feelings.

My parents would do the same thing. I HATED it - I hate being disrespected, and I still don't think it is okay. This probably won't help, but I wonder...I wonder if your dad saw the other members of the family as the underdogs. It's clear that you know what you're talking about, so, in a sense, you "won" the argument. Your dad tried to spin the end by making it so your other family members didn't "lose". Maybe, in his way, he was thinking that everyone gets a little bit of something positive. You get to be right, and they get to feel better about not knowing it.

Of course, that means everyone gets something negative, too - you get disrespected, and they get to be bested by you. I'm sorry. [Frown]

My advice (not that you asked):
Let the proof go. You were right, but it's a Phyrric victory. Prove yourself academically in other settings, because in isn't working to do it in your family. I assure you that your family knows you are smart. [Smile] I think you'll be happier if you prove your brains at school and here and let your family be the arena of support and love - from you to them. That's hard, but I think you'll be happier.
Posted by Will B (Member # 7931) on :
Thing is, a wise father doesn't make part of the family feel better by picking someone to be the loser. It would be possible to say, "Regardless of who's right about this little math problem, you're my family and you're all worthy of respect."
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
Oh, I agree. I think he handled it badly.

Unfortunately, we can't change how other people handle things - we can only change how we handle things. While it would be a blast to discuss mathematical proofs at the table, it looks like that isn't possible. I have some of the same thing in my family - I don't discuss religion with one brother, and I don't discuss school or money with another. They don't discuss their disapproval of my life with me. On the one hand, this is not a perfect solution - I wish there weren't things that we don't talk about. On the other, I'd rather have my brother than another venue to discuss religion, so there it is. Maybe when life changes a little we can revisit the topic.
Posted by Mucus (Member # 9735) on :
anti_maven: While .999...=1 may be not generally well known or understood, perhaps even unintuitive, I find your assertion that it is an "exotic theory" troubling.
To borrow an example from physics, the rules of thermodynamics and their full consequences are not easily understood by most people. However, they are fundamental and knowledge of them is in so many areas of modern industrial technology, such that calling them "exotic" is a doing them a disservice.

Similarly, .999...=1 is not easily understood and like thermodynamics, we do not need to fully understand it in order to make use of theories and technology that make use of it. However, it is far from "exotic."
IIRC, understanding it is essential for the concept of limits, which is a pretty basic building block for many of the proofs in calculus. In a related field, statistics, this also leads to consequences such as that implied by Papa Moose's area question. Unintuitively, if you have a continuous probability function, the probability at a single point is actually zero. In plain English, your probability of dying at 75 is zero. Your probability at dying at 75.0000001 is also zero. But your probability of dying between 75 and 75.0000001 is non-zero.

Failure to grasp it can lead to weird consequences such as Zeno's paradox. If you truly believe that .999.. != 1 then consider this (from MathWorld):

Imagine the great Greek hero Achilles starting a race with a turtle. Achilles is a fast runner, running 10 metres per second, while the turtle is slow and runs at one metre per second. Therefore Achilles agrees to give the turtle some advantage and the turtle starts 10 metres in front of Achilles. The ancient Greek philosopher Zeno found the following “paradox”.

If Achilles wants to get in front of the turtle he first has to run to where the turtle started. But in that time the turtle has bridged some distance, which Achilles now has to run in order to take up. But in this time again the turtle has gone for some distance and Achilles is still in behind of the turtle. This process continues forever and apparently Achilles cannot pass the turtle.

So unintuitive, I can grant you. But "exotic" theory? Hardly. Certainly not in the same sense that, say, quantum mechanics can be.
Posted by JustAskIndiana (Member # 9268) on :

x= .999999......

100x - x = 99x (algebraically)
100x - x = 99 (numerically substitute the x)

now 99x = 99
and x=1.
Posted by kmbboots (Member # 8576) on :
Since it is something that I (so not a math person at all) learned in high school, I have a difficult time thinking it is particularly "exotic".
Posted by Will B (Member # 7931) on :
Either that last proof is wrong, or I missed something. How can you numerically substitute the x in 99x to get 99, without assuming x=1?
Posted by Lisa (Member # 8384) on :
Originally posted by DDDaysh:
Ok... so I think I'm the only one who could end up in an overwhelmingly painful argument about whether or not .99999999999........ is equal to 1.

I got into a fight with my partner about this same thing a couple of weeks ago. She insisted that they were different, and there was nothing I could say to convince her otherwise. And she's a teacher, too. The argument started because she was complaining about a fellow teacher who was saying .9 repeating was the same as 1. <sigh>
Posted by Tante Shvester (Member # 8202) on :
This just goes to illustrate what I've always maintained:

One is the loneliest number that you'll ever do.

(Two can be as bad as one. It's the loneliest number since the number one.)
Posted by Avin (Member # 7751) on :
My head just exploded. Fortunately, the pieces are immeasurable, and we will be able to construct two perfectly good heads from them. Once we scrape them off the computer screen . . .
ROFL @ the Banach Tarski reference! Now I'm going to cry that I want to use that in conversation but I don't think I'll have the opportunity to for a long while, unless I don't care if no one understands me.
Posted by Lisa (Member # 8384) on :
Originally posted by mr_porteiro_head:
I really like the algabraic proof from the wikipedia link.

The fraction proof is the one I usually use. It's simple and straightforward. Kind of obvious, actually.
Posted by Lisa (Member # 8384) on :
Originally posted by Xavier:

.9 = .8999...

[Hail] Xavier
Posted by Verily the Younger (Member # 6705) on :
I don't understand why math people still love Zeno's paradox so much. Okay, so it's unintuitive. It's also wrong.

The only thing Zeno's paradox proves is that it's possible to demonstrate mathematically things that are completely bogus in the real universe. Every day of our lives we see examples of things catching up to other things in motion, despite the fact that Zeno "proved" this is impossible. Every time a car passes you on the road, they prove Zeno wrong.

If Zeno had been right, then no one running away from anyone or anything would ever get caught, unless they were stupid enough to stop moving. Races would never be run, because whoever first got the lead position would be guaranteed to keep it. If someone shot at you, all you'd have to do to survive is start walking away; it doesn't matter how slowly you move, because as long as you keep moving, the bullet can never reach you.

It would be perverse to deny a lifetime's worth of empirical evidence and say that all the things we see don't really happen because you can mathematically prove they're impossible. Where the theories fail to match up with reality, it is the theory, not reality, that is in error.

So, given that everyone is trying to prove that 0.999...=1, that they really are equal in reality as well as mathematical theory, then I must ask how Zeno's paradox even relates.
Posted by fugu13 (Member # 2859) on :
Verily: you misunderstand. Zeno's paradox only arises due to a misunderstanding of mathematics. When mathematics is properly applied, the paradox is resolved.

Specifically, even if you can break a finite distance into infinitely many parts, the sum of the infinitely many pieces of time to travel those infinitely many parts can still be finite, meaning that people do catch up to other people and run into walls.

Zeno though that because there were an infinity of parts of the journey there would be an infinity of time required, which is not the case. Properly applying mathematics shows that there is no paradox, its only a misunderstanding of mathematics that causes confusion.

The reason Zeno's paradox is brought up is because the mathematical issue at its heart is a limit, and .999999 . . . is just another way of expressing a very similar limit (you could even make it the same limit by doing Zeno's paradox with 9/10 instead of 1/2).
Posted by Mucus (Member # 9735) on :
fugu13: Bravo, I was going to type out the explanation, but you jumped in and posted a much simpler one.

Verily: To elaborate, the whole point is that Zeno's paradox is used to challenge your initial intuition. If you follow the initial intuition that .999... != 1 then there are weird consequences including the unintuitive Zeno's paradox.
Your own belief that Zeno's paradox is wrong should nag and poke at your belief that .999.. != 1 until you realise that your intuition in that case is wrong.

(I'm using "your" in the generic sense)
Posted by kmbboots (Member # 8576) on :
It isn't "intuitive" because our intuition of infinity is insufficient.
Posted by mr_porteiro_head (Member # 4644) on :
Originally posted by Lisa:
Originally posted by mr_porteiro_head:
I really like the algabraic proof from the wikipedia link.

The fraction proof is the one I usually use. It's simple and straightforward. Kind of obvious, actually.
I agree, but that can also be a weakness for some people.

It's so simple and obvious that some people will say "There's got to be a trick. You're missing something".

I actually had a conversation the other day with someone about the Monty Hall problem and when I proved to them the counterintuitive solution, they said exactly that.
Posted by Mucus (Member # 9735) on :
kmboots: Yes.

There's actually an interesting lecture by Richard Dawkins on this subject here. For those that are religious and worried about his reputation as an aggressive atheist, rest assured that this lecture contains no religious (or anti-religious) content.
Posted by fugu13 (Member # 2859) on :
m_p_h: which counterintuitive solution? There's a correct one and an incorrect one, and the incorrect one is significantly more popular.
Posted by King of Men (Member # 6684) on :
Originally posted by Will B:
Either that last proof is wrong, or I missed something. How can you numerically substitute the x in 99x to get 99, without assuming x=1?

The proof is badly phrased; I do not believe you are missing anything. Try it this way:

x = 0.999...
100x = 99.999...
100x - x = 99.999... - 0.999...
100x - x = 99
x = 1

QED. You will note that I never assume x=1, I assume x=0.999... and also that y.999... - 0.999... = y.
Posted by mr_porteiro_head (Member # 4644) on :
Originally posted by fugu13:
m_p_h: which counterintuitive solution? There's a correct one and an incorrect one, and the incorrect one is significantly more popular.

OK, here's a thumbnail sketch of the proof I used:

If you don't switch, then the only way to win is to guess the right door intially. There's a 1:3 chance of doing that.

If you do switch, you will always lose if you choose the right door initially (1:3 chance), and you'll always win if you choose a goat initially (2:3 chance).

So, tell me, how is this incorrect?
Posted by Lisa (Member # 8384) on :
Originally posted by mr_porteiro_head:
Originally posted by Lisa:
Originally posted by mr_porteiro_head:
I really like the algabraic proof from the wikipedia link.

The fraction proof is the one I usually use. It's simple and straightforward. Kind of obvious, actually.
I agree, but that can also be a weakness for some people.

It's so simple and obvious that some people will say "There's got to be a trick. You're missing something".

I actually had a conversation the other day with someone about the Monty Hall problem and when I proved to them the counterintuitive solution, they said exactly that.

I accept that the Monty Hall thing is true, but it feels wrong to me. While the .9repeating = 1 thing seems intuitively obvious to me.

A friend of mine in college once defined a natural-born mathematician and someone to whom e to the i(pi) is obviously -1.
Posted by Dagonee (Member # 5818) on :
A friend of mine in college once defined a natural-born mathematician and someone to whom e to the i(pi) is obviously -1.
I came across that saying in the book Prime Obsession, but I can't remember who said it.
Posted by kmbboots (Member # 8576) on :
Originally posted by Mucus:
kmboots: Yes.

There's actually an interesting lecture by Richard Dawkins on this subject here. For those that are religious and worried about his reputation as an aggressive atheist, rest assured that this lecture contains no religious (or anti-religious) content.

I'm not surprised. The concept of infinity is very much connected to faith. So is the ability to accept and to use ideas that we can never entirely get our heads around. I can't really watch the lecture here at work. Is there a transcript anywhere?
Posted by fugu13 (Member # 2859) on :
m_p_h: You're mixing probabilities from before the goat door was opened with probabilities from after the door was opened, which is the fallacy. The door being opened changes the probabilities.

The prize is placed behind one door at random. The probability of it being behind any one door is exactly the same as the probability of it being placed behind any other door, absent further information.

Before the door is opened, the probability of it being behind your door (or any of the other doors) is 1/3, because its one of three equally likely possibilities.

After the door with a goat is opened, the probability of it being behind your door (or the other door) is 1/2, because its one of two equally likely possibilities (the third having been ruled out).

Consider it this way. Number the doors one, two, and three. Say you pick door one, and door three is opened. By your logic the probability it is behind door two is higher than the probability it is behind door one, so you switch.

But if you had chosen door two and door three were revealed, your logic would assert the probability it was behind door one is higher (and of course you'd switch if that were so, so you switch).

So for your logic to be correct, somehow which door you pick has to influence which door the prize was placed behind. This would be quite a feat, since the prize is placed behind a door before you pick one!
Posted by mr_porteiro_head (Member # 4644) on :
So for your logic to be correct, somehow which door you pick has to influence which door the prize was placed behind.
I don't have the time to get into a big argument about this, but my logic does not depend on that at all. In fact, it depends on which door I pick to not influence which door the prize was placed behind.
Posted by fugu13 (Member # 2859) on :
Let me make it simpler. If you had picked the other (unopened) door first, you'd be arguing that you were more likely to win if you switched to your current door. Both arguments cannot be correct, since the event of you picking a door is independent of the location of the prize.
Posted by Avin (Member # 7751) on :
Fugu, here are the nine possibilities, which are equally likely, since the door you pick and the prize door are mutually exclusive events (the door the host picks is NOT a mutually exclusive event and is irrelevant to the analysis):

Prize Door / Door you pick / better to switch?
1 1 NO
1 2 Yes
1 3 Yes
2 1 Yes
2 2 NO
2 3 Yes
3 1 Yes
3 2 Yes
3 3 NO

As you can see, 2/3 of the time it is better to switch.
Posted by MrSquicky (Member # 1802) on :
You've got that all wrong and mph has it correct. The probability after the door is opened is 2/3 that it is behind the other door and 1/3 behind your door.

You are not taking into account that the door opened is dependent on the door you chose. It's opening this door, and not where the prize is put behind that introduces the dependence that changes the probabilities. Also, the options aren't really win, lose, and lose, but rather win, lose one way, and lose another way.

Three results, G1, G2, and P1

Picking any one of them is equally likely

G1 -> take away G2, other is P1
G2 -> take away G1, other is P1
P1 -> take away either G1 or G2, the other remains

Only in the case where you initially pick P1, which we can all agree has a 1/3 probability, should you not switch.
Posted by mr_porteiro_head (Member # 4644) on :
OK, I lied. Let's talk about this.

Let's stop with the imprecise language such as "other door". Let's talk about doors A, B, and C.

Let's also say that the prize is behind door A.

First, let's assume I never switch:

If I pick A, I win.
If I pick B, I lose.
If I pick C, I lose.

Now, let's assume I always switch:

If I choose A, he'll open B or C. I'll then pick either B or C and then I lose.

If I choose B, he'll open C. I'll then pick A and win.

If I choose C, he'll open B. I'll then pick A and win.


This can be repeated for when the prize is behind B and when it's behind C with equivalent results.

edit: Um, I hadn't realized that there were already two explinations of this. I wasn't meaning to dogpile you.
Posted by MrSquicky (Member # 1802) on :
Let me make it simpler. If you had picked the other (unopened) door first, you'd be arguing that you were more likely to win if you switched to your current door. Both arguments cannot be correct, since the event of you picking a door is independent of the location of the prize.
This is fallacious reasoning, because, as I pointed out, picking a door changes what other door would be opened.
Posted by mr_porteiro_head (Member # 4644) on :
There's a fun simulator here which talleys the results and you can that as you go through more iterations, the percentages go toward 33% and 67%.

Not a proof, but for some people it's more convincing than a proof (for instance, the person who didn't believe my proof the other day, which started this tangent).

Unfortunately, I couldn't get it to work in firefox, so you'll probably have to use IE.
Posted by Xavier (Member # 405) on :
It took me a while to convince myself of the Monty Hall problem.

Here's what flipped the switch for me:

When you pick the door, there is a 1/3 chance that you picked the car.

When the host reveals the goat, there is STILL a 1/3 chance that you picked the car. No matter what door you picked, he will still show a goat, so it doesn't affect your probability of having selected the car.

That part is intuitive, and essential to understanding it, or at least it was to me.
Posted by Will B (Member # 7931) on :
Recommend another thread for Monty Hall.


KoM, Indiana, that's an interesting proof. I get it now. I like that it can be done without using limits.
Posted by King of Men (Member # 6684) on :
Well, actually, I'm still using two properties of limits, namely that they can be multiplied and subtracted in a reasonably intuitive fashion. Still, at least those properties really are fairly intuitive, although I'm just waiting for someone to object to the operation 100*0.999...=99.999....

In case you didn't notice, that last sentence does in fact have a period at the end. It just sort of fades into the scenery. It's a stealth period!
Posted by ketchupqueen (Member # 6877) on :
I can't see this thread without hearing, "Thought you had left me. Where have you been?/Heartache, I am tired of being your best friend."

I love that song.

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