It's my last semester of college, and all of my "regular" class slots are filled with things I need for grad school or to complete my majors (econ & philosophy). So my one fun class will be an audit. Luckily, next semester I'll have a lot of unscheduled time, as three of my five regular classes are independent studies.
So, the options (with commentary) are: Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management - the class is structured to be useful both for careers and for personal investing (which is what I would use it for). I dislike the professor, but the subject is cool (to me) and I feel it'd be very, very useful throughout my life. Public Finance A class on the government's role in in the economy - should be interesting, as it's a 400-level course, but it also starts at 8 in the morning. On the other hand, it would also get me moving in the morning on the days when I have no classes scheduled. Advanced German I lived in Germany for nine months directly before college, and I've taken a few advanced courses, but I feel my fluency slipping away... This course is focused mainly on grammar and vocabulary, to get people ready for the very advanced classes. Die Romantik Another upper-level German course, but one that will involve much more reading, I suspect (which I'm pretty bad at doing for my audit courses). However, I know I'll enjoy the subject material and the professor is fun. Moral Controversies A philosophy class where we'll just debate a bunch of ethical issues - yay arguing! Professor is awesome, but I have her in another class as well. Philosophy of Law Very cool topic that I'm quite interested in. Professor is a good guy. Ethics of Globalization I'm also very interested in this topic (and it'll complement my Phil of Econ class well), but it's taught by a visiting philosophy/theology guy, so I'm not sure what he'll be like...
So what do you guys think? I also can most likely unofficially audit any of the classes listed, except the last one, since all of the professors know me and are cool with it.
Posted by katdog42 (Member # 4773) on :
If I were you, I'd take Moral Controversies. Sounds like fun and would give lots to think about. While you can study some things on your own, you just can't have a good debate without a group.
Posted by JumboWumbo (Member # 10047) on :
well said and totally agreed katdog
Posted by Dr Strangelove (Member # 8331) on :
Is it bad for you to have the same professor in a different class? I always kind of liked that. It helped me with that oh so important and oh so hard relationship building dealio. I would go with Philosophy of Law myself, because I prefer intellectual debates rather than ones that will potentially hit too close to home. But that's just me. I'm a bit of a wimp. Not to say if you choose Philosophy of Law you are also a wimp .... ok, Imma shut my mouth now.
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
Moral Controversies is my vote as well. katdog's words say it all.
Posted by B34N (Member # 9597) on :
Sounds like your more interested in Philosophy of Law but if it were me I wish I would have taken more financial courses so I understood the trends in the market better
Posted by Farmgirl (Member # 5567) on :
Personally, I'd do the advanced German. Just to keep in practice and all, since you probably don't get a lot of chances to converse with that language. And that way you would meet others who would could also use the language at your level, and you might continue that practice with them long after the class is over.
Posted by Kasie H (Member # 2120) on :
I would take Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management. *So* useful when you get out; I tried to audit a similar course my senior year in college but my school didn't offer it. Now that I'm managing my own money, I'm really wishing they had.