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Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
Ill probably start doing these immediately but I wanted to gauge interest first. Its basically just like the books, except its in forum format and its entirely personalized to each player. Ill write out part of the story, you choose from a list of actions, and based on what you pick Ill continue the story within the thread. I can probably handle a few people at the same time, but if it gets exhausting Ill beg for assistance.

If interest is big enough you are welcome to start new stories to incorporate new players within the thread or without.

I think it will be fun, who wants in?
Posted by SteveRogers (Member # 7130) on :
I might do one.
Posted by Mucus (Member # 9735) on :
Sounds interesting, but how would it work with multiple players?
Posted by Raia (Member # 4700) on :
Posted by TheGrimace (Member # 9178) on :
excellent <taps fingers together a la Monty Burns>
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
Originally posted by Mucus:
Sounds interesting, but how would it work with multiple players?

Each player gets their own story. Within the same post I might have several different stories + options for players to pick. You might have one player on their 4th choice as well as a player on their 1st one within the same post. Names will be in bold and the stories will be spaced apart so there shouldn't be too much confusion.

I'm playing around with the idea that if you happen to make the wrong choice in your list 3 times in a row your story comes to an end.

The wrong choice being the one I just happen to decide I like the least.
Posted by lem (Member # 6914) on :
Sounds interesting, but how would it work with multiple players?
If he wants a good challenge, he could approach the story from multiple angles. Each person who participates starts in a different part of the story. He would have to track multiple stories and try to weave them together. Or have separate stories for each person.

So if I was participating, he could start of by going: Lem I or Lem II or Lem IV.....blah blah story. Do you do A or B? As the lurker reads, s/he can follow one story or the entire story.

Or BlackBlade could have separate stories for each person.

The funnest play I ever went to was Tamara. It was really cool. The stage was a mansion and you followed the actors.

The rules were that you couldn't directly interact with actors unless they interacted with you. You could follow actors as they raced around the house but you couldn't follow them if they shut the door on your face.

So I started off following a guy. After the first scene he went one place and a girl went another direction. I followed the girl. 30 of us high school students participated in the same play and we each got 30 different perspectives of the same story.

From Wikipedia:
In Tamara the barrier between spectator and actor has been dissolved; the spaces intermingle, and spectators become actors on many stages. Tamara is postmodern theatre performed in a large house with ten actors performing simultaneous scenes in several different rooms; at other times there is simultaneous action in eleven rooms. The spectator can accompany the character of their choice and experience the story they choose, knowing that with the simultaneous performances they cannot experience the whole play. Thus the members of the audience make a series of choices, and depending upon these choices, each spectator creates their own individual viewing of the play from point of view they develop.
At the intermission all the characters slammed the doors and left the audience spread out through the mansion. Maids and butlers came out and ushered us into a giant dining hall where we ate with the actors. It was really cool.

BlackBlade could try that approach with different forum members participating in his story. If he has the time, creativity, talent, and patience.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :

BlackBlade could try that approach with different forum members participating in his story. If he has the time, creativity, talent, and patience.

haha!ha..ha...... <gulp>

I am seriously thinking of trying something like this. I'd like to but I would feel bad about doing a handful of people and having the rest feel left out. When do I conclude and do another round? I suppose if more want to play, we could get other hatrackers to help write, choose your own adventure stories. There are plenty of wonderful writers in this forum. You could do alot of really interesting story arcs.

You could do an "eliminate the other players" story, where each choice would lead you into conflict with another player and ultimately only one would remain triumphant.

You could do the "weave the stories together" arc where the sum of all players' decisions would craft the ultimate result.

I'm still trying to work it all out in my mind but I just wanted to at least at first see what the forum thought of the idea, I could start as early as this evening.
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
It sounds interesting. I'm curious to see how it works out. [Smile]
Posted by Samprimary (Member # 8561) on :
He's trying to bluff his way out a bad situation, and you do feel kinda lucky after all. The gun's totally empty. Reach for the gun and go to page 134.

He says he's lost count at five or six, but that kind of stare doesn't come with at least a single bullet left. He must just be trying to give himself the opportunity to lay you low. Surrender and go to page 36.
Posted by brojack17 (Member # 9189) on :
I was just thinking about those books today. It's been forever since I read one. I'm in.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
well I am finally done moving and am typing this via my wii until i can finish hooking my computer i can start doing these tomorrow, hope that works for all of you
Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
I wanna do it.
I just read Return to the cave of time.
Posted by Raia (Member # 4700) on :
Yay! *excited*

I'm in too.
Posted by aiua (Member # 7825) on :
I just finished one about soccer players. They all died in a bus accident, so I'm hoping yours will turn out better. Mind if I join too or is it too large already?
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
Ok well I am not guessing on anybodies motives, and if you said, "could be interesting" or "I might do one" you are behind those who "really wanted" to try one. I'd love to add as many people as I can and I will do my best to get everyone in. For now I am going to try and mesh everybody's story so that occasionally 2 people will be in the same scenario and both will make choices that influences the other. Most of the time you will simply be isolated within your own story. Anyway here goes nothing [Big Grin] Forgive me for not typing these stories strictly within book format, I have alot of ground to cover and I am writing this as I go.


"I've got no choice!" You leap from the open plane door and the screaming of the wind assaults your ears. You feel bad for the young man still in the airplane. You've jumped from a lower altitude and its obvious you need to pop your parachute. You give a jerk to the line and the chute expands and fills with air. You've got a couple of minutes to guide your chute as best you can before you hit the ground. You look up to see the airplane roar towards a ravine and explode. A feeling of relief passes over you, that crash was too close, and all because the stupid pilot was under the influence while flying. You spot another parachutist off to the west, but you need to decide where you want to make landfall. To the north you can see a collection of townhomes, stores, and some cars. You can't land there but you can land somewhere close to that and ask for help. There are a lot of trees around there and you might risk getting stuck in one, but even if that happened surely somebody could get you out. The only other option you've got is the prominent farm just a little to the south. It straddles a wide open field, perfect for landing in. The farm seems well to do, and you are pretty sure you can see the flicker of lights on at the house, somebody must be home who can get you straightened out. You've got to decide now though, you are running out of air time.

A: Drift north as much as possible towards town.

B: Drift just a titch south and land in the field adjacent to the farm.

Raia simply answer A or B and your answer will dictate how the story proceeds. As others see this post realize I am working on other people's stories throughout the day. As soon as I see your answer I will work on continuing it, please be patient! [Smile]
Posted by twinky (Member # 693) on :
Originally posted by Mucus:
Sounds interesting, but how would it work with multiple players?

You might need to add dice. [Wink]
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
The Grimace:

The fish are really biting today and you've already reached your quota. Lucky for you the game warden likes you, and is prone to "not" see the fifth fish in a bucket of four. Just one more fish and you can go home and cook some fillet mmm mmm! Your lure dances carefully across the water, when suddenly it dives under. You jerk your rod upwards like a bull whip and the hook catches! Its a big one, huge in fact, the fight is on! You reel in the fish, lowering the rod every time it tries to jump and throw the line. You are relentless as you draw in the line. Just another 6 feet of line and you can haul this fish out of the water. In all the commotion you initially fail to notice a soft hissing sound crescendoing into a long drawn out roar. You look up momentarily distracted to see a medium sized airplane roaring directly towards you. The angle of the decent makes it impossible to judge right off where its going but its going to come into the ravine, that much is certain! The fish does not seem to care and it jerks the rod right out of your hands. You might have enough time to sprint for your truck and book it the hell out of there. But you are not sure, and the longer you take to deliberate, the less likely the option will remain viable.

Your only other chance is to lunge for the low sides of the ravine and try to sprint perpendicular to the path of the aircraft, ditching your truck in the process, but you are going to have to decide right now, there is no time to dilly dally.

A: Haul for the truck and try to gas it out of there before the plane gets to you.

B: Start running for the side of the ravine and by sprinting, clear as much as much distance from the plane as you can, before it inevitably crashes.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
quidscribis: I am not sure if you are in or out [Frown]

The other passengers had looked at you with pity and even amused incredulity when you had demanded a seat next to the emergency exit and a parachute to hold in your arms. Its not that you didn't trust airplanes, but this airplane was a propeller powered plane, and the other passengers didn't have the gut feeling you did about this particular flight. You could have caught the next commercial jet but you were already late and so you ended up infuriating your paranoid half and your rational half equally by this arrangement. When the engines had suddenly stopped and the plane started arcing downward you just knew you had to get the door open, and jump out with your parachute. You had the means of survival. Nobody could possibly offer your something more valuable then your life. Why stick around to see if they found another way to deprive you of it? Perhaps the pilot could have regained control, or glided the plane into a controlled landing, but you had that feeling again and you jumped. You try to block out the loud protesting of the wind and jerk the line to open the chute. There is a funny delay and you are not sure if the line activated the chute or if it simply opened on some cue by itself. You watch grimly as a handful of other parachutes appear in the wake of the failing aircraft and it ultimately crashes in an almost subdued explosion. With the vindicative tragedy having played out you turn your attention to your own plight. You realize that in all the time you have been parachuting downward you are drifting around in the wind alarmingly quick. Not only that the ground is rushing up at you almost eagerly to greet you. You have scarcely 10 seconds to try and stabilize your direction as your parachute deposits you into a small hill. Perhaps it was the shadows of dusk playing tricks on you but you hit the ground much faster then you thought you would and something cold strikes your head.

You wake up groggy and its pitch black outside. It takes you a moment to remember where you are and how you got there. As you try to get up you misplace your foot and roll for a few seconds down the side of the hill. You come to rough stop on something that feels like a dirt path. Your feel cut and scratched all over, and your head is throbbing. In one direction you can vaguely make out a line of trees along the side of the path. You could amble down the path and hope you come across somebody who can help. The only other thing you can think to do is to rest by the side of the path until whenever daylight comes, at least then you can see where you are going. But your head is swimming with pain and you know you won't get much sleep tonight if try that.

A: Make your way carefully down the path keeping your senses about you.

B: Give your battered body a break and just rest until you can see something at first light. Who knows, maybe a passerby will find you.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
Some unspoken evil seems to lurk in the air today and the mild glimmer of dusk seems to be fleeing faster then usual today. You know darkness will come early this night. You feel tempted to just close the hostel doors early today and tend to other things. Nothing is worse then braving the dreary uncertain night alone, armed with nothing but candle light. As you come so close to making up your mind you feel a light tremor and the report of a muffled explosion in the direction of the river ravine. Nothing like an explosion to suddenly make everything you were just thinking about completely moot. The ravine is about 10 minutes by horse and cart from the hostel at full gallop but drat! You let Mr. Morrison borrow your team for some heavy moving and it would take another 15 minutes to run to his house and obtain your horses. Somebody could need help and without a team you would be limited in what you could do for anybody. But then again if you run the 15 minutes to Mr. Morrison's and THEN ride all the way back and look for the source of the explosion you could already be too late!

A: Run straight to the ravine, time is of the essence!

B: Rush to Mr. Morrison's and get your horses and cart.
Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
A. Run straight to the ravine
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :

The cool delightful support of the hostel bed is most welcome after a day spent driving across the country. It was a good idea to stop at this small town and stay at the only hostel. The town might be quaint but Synesthesia's service was anything but! You fluff up your pillow and slide to your side for a quick nap before dinner, it really does feel good to be out of that car. As you let your eyes slip shut you hear the distant roar of an explosion! You snap awake. You jostle with your clothes and force them on. As you stammer down the stairs you just barely catch Synesthesia rushing out the front door heading for who knows where. You yell to her from the base of the stairs, "What's going on!?" But she must have not heard you, or perhaps she didn't have time to stop and explain. There is about half a tank of gas still in your car, and even though you don't know where the explosion came from it shouldn't be too hard to find high ground and locate the smoke plume. But alas! You submitted your car key as collateral when you checked in! Curses! The hostel lobby is not that large, it would probably take about 20 minutes at the most to locate where Synesthesia put your keys, and you are sure she wouldn't mind you borrowing them. Your stuff is still in the room and you have every intention of paying. But expending all the time is such a bother! Perhaps you would do best to just forget about all this and go back to the suddenly very inviting bed. But then again, you never were one to turn down a suspicious event without investigating it very easily.

A: Rummage around carefully for your car keys, they must be around here somewhere.

B: Climb back upstairs, and reacquaint yourself with that feather mattress.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
Synesthesia: I've worked on some elements of your plot line but I need to see 1-2 other players answer before I can continue with your story. My apologies, I didn't think about the fact that interlocking the plot lines would put so much power in the hands of the other players. Ill try to have something consistent for you to respond to regardless of how frequently the other players answer.
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
quidscribis: I am not sure if you are in or out
It doesn't matter to me. I'm perfectly content to watch from the sidelines, or if you prefer that I participate, I can do that, too. [Smile]
Posted by Raia (Member # 4700) on :
A) Drift north as much as possible toward town.
Posted by brojack17 (Member # 9189) on :
A: Make your way carefully down the path keeping your senses about you.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
You pull the guidance cords on your chute to direct your path northward. You are pretty new at this, and soon enough as you near the ground you find the tree line like a green carpet almost to your feet. In a moment one of the trees grabs your foot and you fall forward into the mess of leaves and branches. Somehow you end up upside down and bouncing slightly in the elasticity of the harness, your head swinging about 15 feet above the ground.

"HELP! HELP!" you venture into the darkness but you can't for the life of you see anybody. You you must be close to town, where is everybody? You struggle with the harness trying to free your body from the ropes that moments ago saved your life but now embrace you quite fondly. You are not a sailor, and even if you were, untying these thick random knots with just your sense of touch could never be easy, indeed right now it seems near impossible. As you hang there your pupils enlarge to accommodate the dark that is settling frighteningly quick. Suddenly your ears catch the sound of somebody close by. Their footsteps are not uniform, indeed they resemble the strange gait of a drunk. You carefully turn your head to try and see the visitor and spot him not very far off. His walk is indeed labored and slightly off, and yet his head is positioned in such a way that it looks like he is listening for something, perhaps even searching. You don't much like the look of him, and you have no explanation for why moves so strangely. Still he could be your best ticket for getting down from the tree. You can't help but wonder though if its safe to disclose your location to him as he passes under as you are in a somewhat vulnerable position yourself, what could you do if he intended something malicious? The chute holds you fast.

A: Call to the stranger for help as he passes under.

B: Keep your mouth shut and drape the shadows of night around you. Lets hope he does not somehow look up and notice your presence up in the trees.
Posted by GaalDornick (Member # 8880) on :
Do you have time for one more? I want to do one.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
No time for the horse and cart you need to move! You vaguely hear one of the guests yell something at you as you bolt through the doors but you really can't be bothered to tell them what is going on. Realistically you know about as much as they do but you are more concerned with making the situation better then satisfying their idle gossip. After about a mile of running your breathing is starting to get labored and your pace slows just marginally. That horse and cart are starting to sound VERY attractive. Suddenly it dawns on you that one of the guests had an automobile. Blast it! That surely could have been useful, but its certainly too late to run back now. While you run you are reminded of the movies you have seen and the books you have read where it always seems that anybody who runs for whatever reason must by necessity fall clumsily to the ground thus increasing the drama and tension. You are tempted to beat fate by slowing to a trot but how dumb would that look if you encountered somebody who needs help? "I'm sorry I was worried about falling victim to a common plot development and thus slowed my run to a trot." To hell with it you say under your breath and you kick in the juice just alittle bit more. It seems like it took forever but suddenly you break into a clearing and book it for the ravine. No falls this time! Synesthesia: 1 Fate: 0. As you near the edge of the ravine you look and see the smoldering wreck of the airplane. The sight of the inside of the plane is not a pleasant one, you can see charred bodies hunched over seats and burning. No big deal, you saw that one guest at the hostel with a hand axe buried in her face, you spent all your tears of sympathy and shock on her, you can handle this. The flames seem to momentarily flare up and then calm their fury, if anybody survived this they must have an incredible lucky charm on their person. The river has started flooding into the plane while it will inevitably put out this fire, the flow of water has started to carry off the luggage. The bags might be the only way any of these dead people can be identified, but more importantly their living families would surely want their possessions. But you still have not had time to survey the entire scene, maybe somebody DID survive this horrific accident, you can't help but doubt thats the case.

A: Save as much luggage as you can, you hate the thought of the emotionless river indiscriminately carrying off these poor souls possessions.

B: You've only seen one side of the plane, cross the ravine and keep looking for survivors, however unlikely.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
GaalDornick, you can either have your own completely isolated story to work through, or you can be patient and Ill try my best to work you into this collective story. Tell me which one you prefer.

brojack17: I haven't forgotten you but your arc will be influenced by the choices of some other folks so we will have to patiently wait for one of the contestants, I won't say which one and nobody is at fault. Bear with me [Smile]
Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
B. Look for survivors.

This is cool
Posted by TheGrimace (Member # 9178) on :
sorry it took me a while to get to this

B: Start running for the side of the ravine and by sprinting, clear as much as much distance from the plane as you can, before it inevitably crashes.
Posted by GaalDornick (Member # 8880) on :
I'll be patient. [Smile]
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
You may be an angler bum but your adrenal gland works just fine as you easily climb the low side of the ravine and start sprinting through the grass. If you had to guess based on the fact the plane still hasn't crashed you surmise that you could have taken off in your truck without incident. The shock wave of the plane crashing and exploding easily catches up with you, and knocks your feet out from under you. A license plate slams on its side next to your thigh, imbedding itself in the soft soil of the field. One look and you know exactly whose vehicle that plate belongs to and by extension whose recently paid off truck is now in pieces. You curse silently under your breath and pick yourself up. What were the odds that a big catch would set you up for such a disaster? As you walk towards the wreckage of the plane and your truck, of which you can't decide which you feel worse about, you recognize the cute svelte figure of Synesthesia searching amongst the wreckage. You've always been intrigued by her, but you never had the courage to try to strike up a conversation. But you know what they say about crisis situations. Not only that, you can demonstrate heroic qualities by helping her look amongst the wreckage, and the fact your truck has been obliterated might garner some sympathy points. Perhaps she will let you walk her back to the hostel! Then again, perhaps the wreckage of a fallen aircraft complete with burning corpses isn't exactly putting her in a dating mood. You might do well to simply announce your presence and help Synesthesia look for survivors all while keeping your motives purely altruistic.

A: Put the moves on Synesthesia, try to persuade her to let you walk her home after you help her sort through this mess.

B: Just forget it, you're lucky you didn't blow up with your truck, lets look for survivors.

At this point can all players (both current and hopeful) identify their gender. I am guessing at this point and I would like to catch any mistakes now so they don't get in the way as the story develops. Thanks in advance [Wink]
Posted by aiua (Member # 7825) on :

A: Rummage around carefully for your car keys, they must be around here somewhere.
(I always am pretty handy at finding the car keys.)

Posted by TheGrimace (Member # 9178) on :
B: Just forget it, you're lucky you didn't blow up with your truck, lets look for survivors.

oddly enough I'm also thinking this would be the best method to get in Synthesia's pants as it were =p not that it would be at all appropriate at this juncture "no no, wouldn't be prudent..."

Posted by erosomniac (Member # 6834) on :
Wouldn't this be so much more fun if no one knew anyone else's gender until after all the romances have started? [Big Grin]
Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
Female ^^

What a cool word
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
You briskly walk around to the front desk of the hostel lobby and start rummaging through doors. You are momentarily distracted and tempted by the money drawer that is so trustingly unlocked but you'd rather have your car keys so you can get to the cause of that explosion! Your estimate was not far off, it takes you almost 20 minutes to locate your keys in the back of a drawer you swear you checked thoroughly before. You jog out to your waiting car and eagerly turn the keys to start it. The engine roars to life, and you kick it into gear. You can see a sizeable hill just a few yards behind you and you drive towards it. Your car seems to have an abnormally hard time negotiating the hill. As you reach the top and survey the surrounding environs for the plume of smoke you know you will find, your car suddenly dies. Your car has always been so reliable up until now, why is it quitting on you now? You have been pushing it pretty hard all day, perhaps it would have been best to give it a rest. Well it would be pretty easy to call life if you could employ hindsight, then again you couldn't really use hindsight without the initial actions. Why are you even thinking about all this, your car is dead. Without trying you notice the plume of smoke that got you to leave that really comfortable bed. Well that fire does not seem too far away, about a 10 minute run, but your car is dead on the top of a hill. You could carefully nudge it down the hill and brake your way down. You could then push it back to the hostel and decide from there what to do, though you will be a good deal more tired if you tend to your car first. Its getting pretty dark too, perhaps you should just run to the scene of the accident, its doubtful somebody will notice your car in the dark. You have already spent 20 minutes trying to get your now useless car, maybe you should stop dilly dallying and get to that explosion, once its dark you won't be able to get much anywhere.

A: Carefully brake your car down the hill, push it back into its parking place, and then decide how best to get to the scene of the accident.

B: Ditch the car on top of the hill, you can always pick it up tomorrow morning, get yourself to that plume of smoke while you can still see where it is.
Posted by Altáriël of Dorthonion (Member # 6473) on :
I'm in!
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
Altįriėl/GaalDornick I will honestly do my best to work you both into the story, but it might be some time before I can. I might suddenly get a flash of insight sooner than I thought and work you in, but for now just be patient [Wink]

Altariel I know you are a girl, Gaal Dornick of what gender persuasion are you?

edit: I am thinking about the plot right now and as such I need some choices made by some of the contestants. So until I have their choices or until I come up with a way to work around it, you will all have to sit tight for now.

double edit: In the interest of fairness to the other players, if somebody is holding up everybody else longer then 2 days I might give your particular story arc to another person who is waiting to play, so check often [Big Grin] But I will do my best to make the story arcs as independent and self sustaining as possible.
Posted by GaalDornick (Member # 8880) on :
*Checks* Yep, definitely male. [Wink]
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
Geez this thread gets thrown on to page 2 pretty quick.


As you are about to cross the ravine, you notice The Grimace walking up on the wreckage. He looks pretty dirty. "What happened to you, and what are you doing here?" You honestly query but it comes across a bit more accusatory then you had intended. The Grimace does not seem to notice and quickly explains the fishing and his trucks fusion with the airplane. You can't help but feel bad for his rotten luck, you've never been one to laugh at other's misfortune, at least not while they are around [Wink] "Well there is not much for it but to see if we can save anybody," he says very matter of factly, you can't help but notice The Grimace is kinda cute in a rugged sort of way. You agree and he starts rummaging through the tail end of the plane.

You cross the ravine and check the other side of the airplane. You notice a pile of luggage with an arm protruding from it. But whats this? You swear you see the hand gently moving its fingers. You gasp in disbelief and rush gingerly over the rocks and start displacing the luggage, revealing more and more of the person within. Its definitely a man, and by now The Grimace has spotted what you are up to and has run over to help. You both quickly uncover the body of a man, and he is still alive! You are not quite sure what to do but The Grimace coolly puts his hand in the man's pocket and discovers a wallet.

According to the man's ID his name is Gaal Dornick and he is from another state. Gaal Dornick seems to be in bad shape, as he is not conscious. Gaal Dornick softly mutters something incoherent but you've heard enough, you need to get him to safety. As far as you know the only person who might know what to do is Mr. Galahan. Mr. Galahan went to a respectable medical college, and besides him you can't think who is more qualified in the village. But besides all that, you are not sure if its safe to even move Gaal Dornick. You are not knowledgeable about medical conditions, but even you know about neck injuries. By all rights this man should be as dead as the smoldering corpses just a few feet away, you'd feel terrible hurting him even if your intentions are good.

A: Suggest to The Grimace that you both move GaalDornick and figure out a way to get him to Mr. Galahan.

B: Ask The Grimace what he thinks you should do with GaalDornick, after all he seems to be pretty collected and sympathetic to the plight of this man.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
The Grimace:
As you approach the wreckage, Synesthesia spots you and asks in a rather suspicious manner why you are so dirty and why you are even at the wreckage. You explain everything quickly and casually mention your wrecked truck. You quickly assert that you both really ought to focus on looking for survivors and Synesthesia agrees. You work your way up the tail section of the plane but just moments later you hear Synesthesia gasp and run over to a pile of luggage protruding from one of the exits of the plane. After it registers that there is a body in the pile of luggage you rush over to help Synesthesia. The man is clearly alive and you both clear the luggage from off him quick efficiently. Synesthesia regards the man but your curiosity gets the best of you and you reach into his pockets looking for a wallet. You find it quite easily and flip it open looking for some ID. The man's name is Gaal Dornick and it looks like he is from out of state. Either way the obvious thing to do is get this man to Mr. Galahan. He may be alittle eccentric but GaalDornick doesn't know that, and really you don't have many other options. Synesthesia seems like she is trying to decide something and she most likely has the same idea you do.

A: Hoist Gaal Dornick over your shoulders and start heading for the Galahans.

B: Ask Synesthesia to watch over Gaal Dornick while you run for help, you know a few people who have a horse/cart and owe you a favor.

(Whoever answers this scenario first between Synesthesia and The Grimace will take precedence over the plot arc)
Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
Does the plane look like it will explode?
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
Originally posted by Synesthesia:
Does the plane look like it will explode?

<grin> We've got D/D going on here now [Big Grin]

The Plane exploded on impact, what's burning is residual fuel and anything flammable on the plane, its doubtful it will explode again.

Balls in The Grimaces court, looks like he is deciding where to take Gaal Dornick. I really hope Raia responds soon. If I don't see anything by the time I pull into work tomorrow I might give her role to somebody else.
Posted by TheGrimace (Member # 9178) on :
oh, sure, I have to make all the decisions in this non-relationship =p

even though we have some assurances that the plane will not re-explode, and it could be bad to move him because of the possibility of spinal injury etc I'm going to have to go with A.
Posted by aiua (Member # 7825) on :
B: Ditch the car on top of the hill, I can always pick it up tomorrow morning, and get myself to that plume of smoke while I can still see where it is.
Posted by GaalDornick (Member # 8880) on :
Don't I get a say in what you guys do with me? [Wink]

BlackBlade, if you prefer you can just type my name as Gaal or GD to make it shorter.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
Are there any lurkers who would be interested in picking up Raia's role? Altįriėl of Dorthonion you would have first dibs if you wanted it, assuming Raia does not post sometime between now and tomorrow around noon. If she does Ill just resume this story and find a way to add you into it.
Posted by Raia (Member # 4700) on :
I'm here I'm here! I'm sorry!!! I haven't been back to my room all day!! Don't give away my story!! [Frown]

B: Keep your mouth shut and drape the shadows of night around you. Lets hope he does not somehow look up and notice your presence up in the trees.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
Glad to have you back Raia, Ill get back to your story arc as well as brojack's. Stay tuned!
Posted by Raia (Member # 4700) on :
*stays tuned* [Smile]
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
You slowly walk your way down the trail, your senses on higher alert. You've never been afraid of the dark per se but you do find something uncomfortable about being unable to fully perceive your surroundings. You place greater trust in your hearing and that easily leads your mind to groundless conclusions as to what you are hearing. When its dark, things are far more ominous it would seem. Your eyes eventually adjust to the darkness to a degree and you can see the outlines of the trees around you, luckily the path you are on is well trodden, you won't come across any fallen logs or ill placed flora. Still you can't be too careful, you've already hurt yourself pretty bad by not paying attention. As you get deeper into the wood you can hear the swaying of the trees in the evening gusts. The crickets are chirping, masking the sound of potential threats. Why couldn't your plane have crashed at noon? Suddenly it dawns on you that you have been restricting your vision to whatever is at eye level or below you, you have yet to venture a gaze at the tree tops. As you look up you immedietly see a strange mass up in the trees swinging softly. Your surprise immediately instills a flight or fight response. A moment later you hear a loud gasp from the mass above you and you've heard enough. Your cuts scream in painful protest but your adrenaline blocks them out as you sprint forward into the darkness. You hear a loud commotion coming from up in the trees behind you, but you already risked too much time staring at that thing, whatever it is, its clearly not a human being, it resembled more a large bat. If it had been human surely he/she would have offered you a salutation as you approached, and what would ANYBODY be doing hanging upside down in a tree? Your thoughts are interrupted as the forest suddenly disappears and you find yourself in a field. Beyond the field is a large barn and house, the lights seem to be on. You are still feeling alittle uneasy about stopping and so you walk at a brisk pace into the field towards the house. That gut feeling is acting up just alittle again.

A: Head for the house, anything is better then the dark for now. Who knows? The people are most likely civil and will offer you a hot meal and a bed to sleep in.

B: Head for that barn, you can sleep in the loft and figure out what you want to do in the morning, you'd rather not deal with people right now.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
The unsavory looking man slowly approaches, you keep your mouth tightly shut and try not to move a muscle. Step by step he gets closer. Just as it looks like he will simply walk under you and continue on his way he suddenly gazes directly at you and freezes. You involuntarily gasp and apparently that scares him something powerful. The man sprints past you and down the path. You try to call after him but all you manage to utter is an incoherent babble that only seems to fuel his resolve to flee. Perhaps you ought to have been more trusting of strangers as you are no closer to getting out of your parachute harness. You go back to tugging at the knots with your fingers and teeth. Fate seems to have grown bored with your plight and suddenly you feel one knot loosen and like a domino effect the harness releases its grip on you. You fall quite clumsily to the ground, landing on your back. Your body wails in pain and for a few moments you just lay there tired of struggling and happy to just relax.

Soon enough your body realizes that no real damage has been done and it gives you a break. Your senses return and you start hearing the intrinsically spooky sounds of the forest around you. You have no idea where you are except that you remember overshooting town quite considerably before hitting the tree line. But you can't be sure which direction the town is in as you have gotten yourself quite turned around.

A: Head off in the direction of the scared man, its likely if he was heading in that direction initially there probably isn't anybody in the other direction. Not only that you've seen enough movies to know he has probably gotten himself hurt running all frantically.

B: Head off in the opposite direction of the scared man, if you encountered him, you'd be embarrassed to explain why you didn't say anything when he approached anyway. And if you had to guess, you suspect the town is that way.
Posted by Raia (Member # 4700) on :
B: Head off in the opposite direction of the scared man, if you encountered him, you'd be embarrassed to explain why you didn't say anything when he approached anyway. And if you had to guess, you suspect the town is that way.

(P.S. BlackBlade, this is SO cool!! Thanks so much for doing this!!! [Smile] )
Posted by GaalDornick (Member # 8880) on :
Can we make commentary on people's choices? [Big Grin] I'm pretty suprised Raia chose B.
Posted by Raia (Member # 4700) on :
Haha, so am I, to be honest... I battled long and hard with myself before coming to that conclusion. [Razz]
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
You head off resolutely in the opposite direction, hoping you've made the right choice here. It looks like you landed pretty close to the edge of the forest as the trees disappear and you find yourself near a low hill. As you continue walking you spot a parachute tangled in a bush. After examining the area around the chute you find nobody, so somebody must have survived. You walk for some time and sure enough you reach the edge of town. Good guess on your part! You notice a hostel near the edge of town and you walk inside seeking a room, hopefully they have a telephone or a telegraph at least! The front lobby is vacant, where is everybody? Perhaps the host or hostess is out for a few minutes. You rest on the lobby couch for a time. About a half hour later the hostess is still out, and you start to feel lonely. You notice a candle and matches on the front desk and you light the candle. As you exit the hostel you head to the right and peer into a space between the hostel and a department store. A glittery reflection catches your candle and you see the front headlights of a car upon a hill just behind the buildings of town. As you nudge your way between the buildings, candle in hand, you accidentally kick a wayward tree branch that resembles a club. Upon picking it up you find it is quite dry. You feel strangely safer just having something to hold in your other hand besides the weak light given off by the candle. You climb the hill and sure enough a car has been abandoned at the top of the hill. It seems like a nice car and the doors as you try a door you find its unlocked. Who would simply abandon a perfectly good car at the top of a hill? You gaze around the environs of the hill and off in the distance you spot the glimmering spot of the plane wreck, its fires still burning.

The silence melts away as you hear the soft rumble of a dog growling. As you turn around you see the barely visible form of a large dog, or perhaps a wolf, the pointy ears, size, and fur are consistent with wolves! The canine is suddenly joined by two then three companions whose eyes all fix on you and their growling is in unison. There is no way you can just run from them, and with the hostel behind the wolves, you can't expect to get past them. They begin to walk menacingly towards you, one even swings to the left and into the bushes clearly trying to work his way behind you! You can't train the candle on all the wolves and you wonder if you could take them all on with just a candle and a club even if you were not already trembling in fear! For a brief moment in time you think about setting the club afire with the candle, and though that might make you more intimidating, you are doubtful you could take on 4 wolves with it. The wolves continue towards you and you realize you have no time to make a decision, you plunge into the car slamming the door behind you. In your hurry the candle is blown out, you have no light! The wolves assemble around the car, growling and snapping. One even rests on the hood of the car baring its sharp teeth and snarling. They don't seem to be trying to get through the glass windows but you are terrified nonetheless, you want to get out of here. Perhaps if you could just start the car, you could drive away from these wolves. You check the ignition and find no car keys, you've only got your fingers to check for them, its almost impossible to see anything! You fumble for the glove compartment box and it springs open. You feel the familiar jingle of keys, but then you also feel something irregular in shape and very heavy. You draw it out and realize you are holding a revolver! You check the chambers and find that its loaded. All around you the wolves continue to growl in frustration, they sound really hungry. You place the gun on the seat of the passenger side, and try to fit the key into the ignition. Your 2nd key fits perfectly and you turn it. The car sounds almost grumpy as it sputters, but suddenly it roars to life scaring the wolves momentarily. You blare the horn and the wolf on the hood jumps off with a yelp. You can't help but snicker. The wolves assemble at the bottom of the hill, all four of them and just start at the vehicle in confusion. You could simply drive away from the wolves, but would you be guilty of autotheft? What if the owner comes back for his car? On the other hand the only other thing you could think to do is to exit the vehicle and discharge your weapon, you've seen plenty of wolves react to the sound of a gunshot. But what if that frightens somebody nearby, and you can't simply steal somebodies gun any more then there car. But this is a life threatening situation!

A: Use the car, drive it down the hill and disperse those wolves. You can then drive towards the plane wreck.

B: Use the gun, wolves hate guns, and you'd rather not steal somebodies potentially only mode of transportation. There's got to be SOMEBODY in town this time of night.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
Its getting pretty dark but you manage run and find your way to the plane wreck just as darkness is starting to set in. You vaguely see a man carrying somebody and accompanied by a woman just off in the distance heading away from the wreck. The flames of the plane wreck are giving off just enough light for you to examine the area just around the wreck. As you poke around the wreck the sight of burning bodies makes you almost retch. Not wanting to ralph right there, you turn away and notice a handbag that is laying off on its own. Always alittle curious you examine its contents. You find some money inside and since its doubtful its owner is still alive you stuff the cash in your pocket. You feel guilty about it, but you've got a long trip ahead of you and cash IS running kinda low. Trying to balance your theft with a good deed you decide to see if perhaps you can organize all the luggage and get them out of the fire. You save a few pieces of luggage from what you see as, "certain destruction." But you stop and realize something. The flames of the airplane won't stay lit forever, and you don't know this area very well, perhaps it would be best to head back to the hostel and resume this activity tomorrow morning. But you are not quite sure of the way, once you leave the vincinity of the plane you won't be able to see a thing!

A: Run after that man and woman you saw just a few minutes ago, surely you can catch up with them pretty easily, they were moving pretty slowly.

B: Walk carefully back the way you came towards the hostel, you can probably just make it if you concentrate.
Posted by aiua (Member # 7825) on :
A: Run after that man and woman I saw just a few minutes ago, surely I can catch up with them pretty easily, they were moving pretty slowly.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
i'm on the wii again ill have a bunch of new developments to the story tomorrow
Posted by Raia (Member # 4700) on :
A: Use the car, drive it down the hill and disperse those wolves. You can then drive towards the plane wreck.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
The Following is for The Grimace and Synesthesia you both get one vote, a tie will result in me rolling a die and letting it decide. Just choose one of the outcomes.

The Grimace/Synesthesia:

The Grimace hoists Gaal onto his shoulders with a grunt, and both of you are pretty sure you hear a soft moan from Gaal. Synesthesia walks alongside The Grimace as they make their way for the Galahans. You pass the time talking about what you were doing when the plane crashed, eventually though Synesthesia loses interest in telling her own story in favor of hearing The Grimace's near death experience. There is a hint of admiration in Synesthesia's voice. The Grimace tries his best to look as though Gaal's body requires little to no effort to transport. Fortunately Gaal is a little on the lighter side but still, his body feels like its slowly getting heavier. Soon enough the two of you reach the front walk of the Galahans country home. You can see the barn just off to the distance but you are more focused on the home. It could more accurately be called a mansion, it seems strange that a childless couple like the Galahans would need so much space, perhaps they remain hopeful that one day they will have children. Synesthesia suggests that she do the talking, and The Grimace agrees that that is probably a good idea. After clanking the door handle a good number of times the door is answered by a young woman. She introduces herself as Altįriėl the Galahan's maid, and inquires as to your motives. Synesthesia does an efficient job of explaining how you all ended up here as well as the precarious nature of Gaal's condition. Altįriėl listens intently and says cooly, "Why don't you all come in and sit down Ill ask Mr. Galahan what his mind is." The Grimace asks, "Where can we lay Gaal down?" and Altįriėl suggests you carefully lay him on the triple sofa. Synesthesia and The Grimace notice that there is only one other double sofa besides the triple sofa in the front hall. After laying Gaal down you both realize Altįriėl has already taken her leave of you. What are you going to do now?

A: The Grimace insists that Synesthesia sit while he stands like a gentleman, you wouldn't want to give Synesthesia the impression that you want to take advantage of the situation. Synesthesia agrees and takes a seat on the sofa alone.

B: Synesthesia sits down and sweetly invites The Grimace to sit next to her, why should the tired man who has been carrying Gaal all this time stand some more? The Grimace obliges and sits next to Synesthesia seemingly innocently sitting closer then further.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :

You quickly close the distance to the plane wreck and finds some of the luggage neatly lined up to the side of the plane. The flames are really starting burn out and you are obligated to use the car's headlights for illumination. As you exit the vehicle to inspect the wreck, the headlights happen upon a soft spot in the dirt that boarders on mud and you can see 2 sets of footprints leading away from the wreck. Perhaps somebody else survived and is wandering around looking for help! Surely your car could come in handy, not only that you know the way back to town. You jump back into the car and drive off in the direction of the footprints, that farm you saw as you were parachuting seems to be off in that direction. As you drive through the fields you see a woman walking alone just alittle bit shy of the mansion/farm. She gives you a peculiar look as you drive up to her. You don't remember her face from the airplane, its doubtful she is a surviver in need of your help as her clothes seem fine. If you stop to give her a lift you could be using up valuable space that plane survivors could be using.

A: Stop and offer the woman a ride to where she needs to go, its not your car but you've already stolen it you might as well do something useful with it. Besides who knows who those footprints belong to.

B: Just keep driving, you need to catch up with that plane crash survivor!
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :

The sudden arrival of these 3 individuals is more interesting then the daily monotony of this job. You almost wish they could stay as long as possible so that you have somebody to talk to. You've done your best to mask your excitement but you hope they have not interpreted your reserved act as rudeness. There haven't been visitors to the mansion since you started and you are not sure how Mr. Galahan will react to all this. You are not even sure if he is up at this hour, should you serve refreshments, surely a drink at the least? But what can you serve them? Water seems somewhat unwelcoming, but wine might be a bit too much! You like to please everyone but that should probably include your employer. Just asking Mr. Galahan is like admitting you don't know what should be an obvious courtesy. Then again they did indicate that Gaal was in a pretty serious condition

A: Prepare a light beverage and some wafers for your guests and go get Mr. Galahan, that way all your bases are covered.

B: Better just go straight to Mr. Galahan and inform him of your visitors. You could be making a mountain out of a mole hill with this formality.
Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
B. Because it seems more polite and a bit fun.
Posted by TheGrimace (Member # 9178) on :
yeah, I'll go with B too, I'm tired, and I deserve a little female companionship don't I? =p

Synthesia, I think we've gotten the best parts so far, though the rest is also fantastic [Smile]
Posted by Raia (Member # 4700) on :
A: Stop and offer the woman a ride to where she needs to go, its not your car but you've already stolen it you might as well do something useful with it. Besides who knows who those footprints belong to.
Posted by Altáriël of Dorthonion (Member # 6473) on :
I'll go with A, it's just the right thing to do.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
sorry folks you will have to wait until tuesday for the continuation of the story. i'm restricted to the wii right now. At this point a lurker will have to pick up brojacks arc if he does not make a decision by tomorrow, is anybody willing to pick up brojacks role?
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
My sincerest apologies, this story arc has been dominating my thoughts and I REALLY want it all to go someplace amazing but its really hard to decide what I want to do with you folks now that I've finally got you all at the Galahan mansion/barn.

I really want to tackle this monster today but I am exhausted and World of Warcraft The Burning Crusade just came out today and I realized I need a break.

I'd REALLY appreciate it if you all emailed me through the forums with directions you would like characters to take or the general story arc. If you tell me choices you yourself would like to make Ill probably just ignore you, but you are WELCOME to suggest choices OTHER characters ought to make. I may or may not use your ideas but I really want this to be fun for all of you and I am sure you all have ideas as to what you want to see happen.

I've had alot of fun doing this, and it is alot of work, I want it to conclude on an awesome note rather then a tired one.

Just email me through the forums and I will DEFINITELY get your emails. Thanks in advance!

edit: I could move this story along as early as tomorrow, I really want to keep this going, you have all been so much fun.

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