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Posted by King of Men (Member # 6684) on :
Looks like at least one Democrat is doing exactly what OSC begged for in his latest War Watch. Linkie.
Posted by aspectre (Member # 2222) on :
Problem being that 100thousand extra troops were needed at the beginning of the Occupation to prevent the insurgency from arising. Once the insurgent networks have formed, it takes a LOT more to dismantle them.
Assuming of course that genocide isn't an option.
But then if genocide were acceptable, there would already be ~138thousand UStroops too many in Iraq.
Posted by Launchywiggin (Member # 9116) on :
Thanks for posting this.
Posted by Stephan (Member # 7549) on :
Smart man, didn't want us in to begin with, but knows it would be a bigger mistake to withdraw early.
Posted by Pelegius (Member # 7868) on :
I don't think OSC was either the first or the most prominent person to suggest this.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
Originally posted by Pelegius:
I don't think OSC was either the first or the most prominent person to suggest this.

Posted by Nikisknight (Member # 8918) on :
Probably the most prominent, here, at least. Maybe Mr. Reyes is a Hatracker?

(I'm fairly new; is it Hatracker? Hatrackite? Or Hatrackateer?)
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
I've never even heard of Reyes, wasn't aware he was a "top democrat."

But he's on crack if he thinks that 30,000 troops will be enough to disarm the Shiite militias, to say nothing of the Sunnis out there. The last report I heard about Baghdad was that the Sunnis and Shiites had been chased out of their neighborhoods and are now segrated. Every night the Shiites launch mortar shells into Sunni neighborhoods, then the next day Sunni suicide bombers blow up Shiites, and that's followed by Shiites death squads leaving executed bodies all over the streets.

30,000 might be enough to take down Baghdad alone, but the whole country? He's dreaming. You need to DOUBLE the troop numbers in Iraq just to get started. Al-Maliki is afraid to force them to disarm. Lebanon has been trying to disarm Hezbollah in southern Leb for decades, but they can't. They guys don't just give up their guns. Disarming them means KILLING them. He's talking about a new war, bloodier than anything we're currently stuck in.

These guys are killing each other with those guns mostly, we're getting in the way as best we can. Disarming them makes US the new main target. Either double or triple the troop numbers to pull it off, or follow the Baker Report and get out. Anything less is asking for a bloodbath.

Edit to add: Has anyone here read the Baker Report? I'm in the middle of it, it's 160 pages (at least shorter than the 9/11 Report, which took me forever to get through).
Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
Originally posted by Nikisknight:
Probably the most prominent, here, at least. Maybe Mr. Reyes is a Hatracker?

(I'm fairly new; is it Hatracker? Hatrackite? Or Hatrackateer?)

I've always been a big fan of Hatrackite, but nobody else has ever shown much interest in it. Hatracker and Jatraquero/a are the two most commonly used terms.
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
Hatracker is what I always say, but Hatrackateer sounds perdy.
Posted by DSH (Member # 741) on :
For the last time-- it's JATRAQUEROS!


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