quote:What if I don't have either of those but am still interested in particiapating?
Originally posted by quidscribis:
You then post it on your blog or website, sign up, and read the other entries.
quote:Thanks for the heads up. I think I fixed it.
Originally posted by quidscribis:
Steve, only Blogspot members can presently comment on your blog. You might want to change that to include non-Blogspot members. Or you might not - your decision. But I just thought you should know...
code:You would insert the code at the end so it looks like this:<p>
Excuse me while I grab a machete...
This is my entry into Flash Fiction Friday #1.
code:Give that a try.
Excuse me while I grab a machete...
This is my entry into Flash Fiction Friday #1.
<IFRAME SRC="http://www.lmashton.com/fff/fff1.html" TITLE="Friday Flash Fiction #1" width="100%" height="100%">
quote:Also, you did a nice job of having a contained story within the word limit (unlike me).
Talk about fitting punishment ... I have to wonder if she'll be recognized by the people there.
code:<SCRIPT type="text/javascript">
<!-- to hide script contents from old browsers
function square(i) {
document.write("The call passed ", i ," to the function.","<BR>")
return i * i
document.write("The function returned ",square(5),".")
// end hiding contents from old browsers -->
quote:I am computer-illiterate, I'm sorry.
HTTP method POST is not supported by this URL
Error 405
I love the first sentence/paragraph, it runs on just long enough to be horribly funny, but not so long as to just be horrible.