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Posted by Blayne Bradley (Member # 8565) on :

This is my Cruiser [Big Grin]

*EDIT* Comic strip is 8 posts down I intend to put this on my blog asap.

[ July 27, 2006, 11:39 PM: Message edited by: Blayne Bradley ]
Posted by B34N (Member # 9597) on :
I wish they made that game for XBOX. Would love to know what it's like. I know you have to pay to play and it is online, is it like glorified RISK in space or what?
Posted by Blayne Bradley (Member # 8565) on :
its no where near a "traditional" rts such as starcraft it is an MMORPG where you the Pilot gets a ship and a small starting amount of credits and from there do anything it takes to become the king of the hill in a manner fo speaking.

What sets Eve apart from all other MMO's is this:

-It is all one a single dedicated serve rmeaning that instead of 100,000 people on 100 servers like in EQ it is 100,000 people on ONE SINGLE server so its kinda crowded but vertually no lag that is why your 14$ a month goes towards.

-There is no "level" system like in an MMO, nothing is base don the amount of time spent grinding except income only 2 things matters "skills" and "Intersteller Kredits"

--The Skill point system si this you buy a skill, that skill will then have to be trained and once your trianing it it will take X amt of time to completley modified only on your starting attributes, your equipment and what "learning" skills you aslready trained. A skill once trained will either let you train a higher tier skill, use a particular item or gives you abonus or all 3 etc.

-- "ISK" is used to buy anything and everything in Eve even individual skills ala "spell scrolls" in another mmo. You buy ships and the equipment for those ships.

-You can have any numbers of ship you can afford to buy, you can insure them so when they get destoryed you can get a % of the price back.

-Clones, your body pilots the ship within a pod, and the ship protects your clone, after the ship gets destoryed they can "pop" your clone pod. Then youll have to activate automatically your most uptodate clone which hopefully you updated to carry all of your SP otherwise youll ose skills.

-Ships: Each class of ship will have a ceretain level of slots for particular wepaons and utility systems and it is calculated there are millions of possible permutations availiable limited only by your Powergrid of the ship andits CPU modified by your skills and equipment of the ship, allowing for a diverse fighting system where the cruiser you beat yesterday with slightly different equipment will scuttle you the next.

-Security: from 0.0 to 1.0 where 1.0 is safest to 0.0 being pirate filled rat holes.

from 0.5-1.0 your traditionally safe and protected by the NPC police force "Concord" who will beat the living sh*t out of anyone who tries to harm your ship. 0.4 to 0.0..... I hope you said your prays and ar ein a really big or a really fast ship ir have buddies.

-Corporations: A bunch of pilots can form a corporation to cooperate pvping, mining operations and provide assitance to newbies, corpoerations can form alliance and goto war with each other.

-Piracy: any ship can targat and shoot anyother ship, it may not be smart to fire on someone in 1.0 cuz of good ol' concord, but in 0.0 space you and some friends can swoop in and take your rightful bounty from unsuspecting miners and convoys. Watch out for other Pirates and dedicated Anti-Pirate Corps though.

Thats eve in a nut shell, their website is the company is CCP based in Rejevik and Shanghai and somewher ein the UK.
Posted by B34N (Member # 9597) on :
That is insane, what happed to games like "pitfall", lol.

I watched the trailer for EVE last night and was immediately interested but got overwhelmed by teh site and the fact that you had to pay for the game on a per month basis. From what you have said it sounds like a great game. It also sounds like it is really complicated and would require an extreme amount of time to even have a chance.

So are all these people on teh server fighting against each other, if so it would seem like people would get killed off pretty quickly if you were new to the game?

Never done the XBOX live thing and usually don't play on line but this game is unreal and I may have to start playing.

Thanks fo the info Blayne.
Posted by Boris (Member # 6935) on :
Originally posted by B34N:
That is insane, what happed to games like "pitfall", lol.

I watched the trailer for EVE last night and was immediately interested but got overwhelmed by teh site and the fact that you had to pay for the game on a per month basis. From what you have said it sounds like a great game. It also sounds like it is really complicated and would require an extreme amount of time to even have a chance.

So are all these people on teh server fighting against each other, if so it would seem like people would get killed off pretty quickly if you were new to the game?

Never done the XBOX live thing and usually don't play on line but this game is unreal and I may have to start playing.

Thanks fo the info Blayne.

It's a pretty impressive game. But you really can't solo in it at all. If you try going on your own it will bore you to death in no time. Newbs don't ever have to worry about getting killed by other players. The anti-PK system goes in to action as soon as you get attacked in any space with a security level of .5 or higher. Meaning that the person who attacks you will die before he can kills you (usually. If someone attacks a newb ship with a cruiser, they'll kill you in one shot, but then die shortly thereafter without any hope of escape, so no one ever really does that).
Posted by Blayne Bradley (Member # 8565) on :
New people can compete easily enough the agent missions aka quests can make a fair bit of money any firgate will do, even faster if you have Afterburners equipped. People are always helpful and the only real risk of pirates ar ein low sec areas, high sec mining can still be very decent once you get a destoryer (not hard to do a couple of days of mucking around). There's a 7 day free trial and I egenral ignore it since I never had to use it except tech suppor ton my billing account.

Next I am not officially starting a web comic involving the adventures of the Odyssy.

Chapter one iwll be up shortly.
Posted by B34N (Member # 9597) on :
Boris/Blayne thanks again for the info. I have become more interested because of the information you guys gave.

Blayne - Does the comic thing have to do with the game or is it a real comic that you aren't officially starting?

Hopefully after I get started on EVE Ill be able to post more with knowledge under my belt.

Thanks again
Posted by Blayne Bradley (Member # 8565) on :
Chapter 1: The Odyssy is the most advance ship in the Gellente fleet and is currently being piloted by Captain Shi Lang of the Trade Federation Global Inc. The prototype model the Prometheus was already lost in action barevly defending... erm children yes everyone loves children... from the vileness of evil Pirates.

So now Captain Shi Lang is now in command of the Odyssy.

The Odyssyin dry dock.

The Odyssy being recently built and outfitted neds to be given a proper shackdown cruise. It will depart immediately. After several hours getting the proper bureaucratic papers inorder, getting the crew together (and bailing one or two out of jail....) we are ready.

The Odyssy Has departed from the station and we can begin warp to a nearby asteroid field for weapons testing.

Captain Shi Lang: Navigational Computer set course for the Orien I asteroid field.

Computer: Course locked captnin'

Captain Shi Lang: Did you just say "Captnin"!?

Computer: Oh lighten up Shi! Your all alone in a pod of fluid you need the a more carefree atmosphere or else your going to get angry again and crash into a moon!
Captain Shi Lang: ... grr Just.... be quiet for now, only speak when i say so Hao de *ok*?

Computer: Yes sir!

Captain Shi lang: Good, engage!


Captain Shi Lang: What the hell is that! Computer!

Computer: Slight bug in the engines sir! They just need a sliiight modifcation...... There we go!


And so it was the Odyssy warps towards adventure... or in this case a bunch of dull asteroids to test fire weapons systems... how dull...


Pirate #1: Look *nugde* (why asm I nudging his ship is 1500 m away!) hey, pssst pal....

Pirate #2: *sleepyeyed* wut?

Pirate #1: There a Corporate ship floating there doin' nothin'

Pirate #2: Oy?

Pirate #1: I say we git oursels a prize ^-^

Pirate #2: yay lool we sooo l33333337 we c4n t8k anything 0n neh!?

Pirate #1: Yesssssss we 1337.


Captain Shi Lang: Computer what the hell is that!?

Computer: 2 enemy pirates sr have locked on and are firing on us.

Captain Shi Lang: WHAT!? Cao Ma de! Why didnt you tell me?

Computer: You told me not to speak sir unless spoken to.

Captain Shi Lang: *twitch* Evasive maneuvers! Now!!.JPG

Captain Shi Lang: Okay they are firing on us, fire back engage all railgun batteries numbers 1-5 on my mark.... mark!!.JPG

Computer: We barely missed them sir...

Captain Shi Lang: What!? Well fire again!

Computer: They were destoryed sir on screen....

Captain Shi Lang: Just missed eh?

And so that ends this chapter of the adventures of the Odyssy stay tuned for more nextweek on!

The Adventures of the Odyssy!!!!

*edit* had to fix links*

[ July 27, 2006, 11:32 PM: Message edited by: Blayne Bradley ]
Posted by B34N (Member # 9597) on :
LOL! That's great stuff. The pics no work though. This is great you should keep posting and make a shole story out of it. If you post at least one a day you'll have a whole comic in a week or two.
Posted by Blayne Bradley (Member # 8565) on :
Okay fixed all the links.
Posted by B34N (Member # 9597) on :
Dope, great stuff. I like the new name of the thread. LOL
Posted by Blayne Bradley (Member # 8565) on :
I had to copy/paste on one screen to hide the fact it was alrdy attacking me, good old ms paint ^^

I need ot get fraps though I wanna make a movie.
Posted by B34N (Member # 9597) on :
Posted by Blayne Bradley (Member # 8565) on :
a program to capute video frames to make movies.
Posted by Blayne Bradley (Member # 8565) on :
oh and welcome to the forums B3, I advise caution should you be replaced by B4.....
Posted by B34N (Member # 9597) on :
Thanks for the welcome and for the info. Never heard of fraps but there are some really good cheap and free fram capture programs that would allow you to do that. Also if you wanted to go comedy with it you could just do stop motion with MS Paint overlays or something. I have done some animation but not 3D so I'm not much help there. If you need frame based animation, drawing animation let me know I can help out or point you in some real good directions if you are really interested in doing it.

Write more comics. That stuff is great and perfect to read while Letterman is on commercial.
Posted by Blayne Bradley (Member # 8565) on :
hehe [Smile] knowing they exist is only half the battle knowing what theyre called so I can google is the other half.
Posted by Tante Shvester (Member # 8202) on :
Originally posted by Blayne Bradley:

This is my Cruiser

Wow, Blayne. That's a pretty phallic looking cruiser you've got there.
Posted by B34N (Member # 9597) on :
Screen capture. You can get them that just do just single pics or a series of images that appear on screen. Google "screen capture"

here's one:

[ July 28, 2006, 01:03 AM: Message edited by: B34N ]
Posted by Blayne Bradley (Member # 8565) on :
hehe Tante, its just happy to see you [Wink]

Okay will check out link tell me what you think about my comic I highly value your opinion
Posted by Blayne Bradley (Member # 8565) on :
Oh and in recent news the Odyssy just escaped from the clutches of 3 Pirate Battlecruisers with the aid for 2 Warp Core Stabilizers. [Wink] I'll try to make a comic out of it eventually but I just would like to point out that the Odyssy has survived it first *real* brush with death.
Posted by Blayne Bradley (Member # 8565) on :
Posted by B34N (Member # 9597) on :
Any news from the Odyssy in EVE land?
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
Blayne, if you're going to make a webcomic out of screenshots, you need to:

A) Paste the dialogue into the actual screenshot.
B) Have good screenshots.

Above all, do not take a screenshot of a "zone loading" dialog box. Unless you're going to make fun of it.
Posted by Ryuko (Member # 5125) on :
That's not a comic. To make it a comic you have to put the words and the pictures together. That's like asking someone if they'd like chocolate milk and then handing them a bar of chocolate and a glass of milk.
Posted by Blayne Bradley (Member # 8565) on :
Im still getting the neccasary software together.
Posted by ricree101 (Member # 7749) on :
Originally posted by Ryuko:
That's like asking someone if they'd like chocolate milk and then handing them a bar of chocolate and a glass of milk.

I like this idea. While chocolate milk is good, I would almost certainly be happier with both chocolate and milk on their own. I suppose I'm just wierd like that.
Posted by Primal Curve (Member # 3587) on :
Either way, it's an inspired analogy.
Posted by B34N (Member # 9597) on :
To have chocolate or not that is the question? Wait what? Since when is there chocolate milk in space, let alone milk for that matter. There not room for milk in space?

Blayne - Good luck with the comic keep us posted!
Posted by Boris (Member # 6935) on :
Originally posted by Tante Shvester:
Originally posted by Blayne Bradley:

This is my Cruiser

Wow, Blayne. That's a pretty phallic looking cruiser you've got there.
The game's artists are over-compensating. That's not the only ship that is overly phallic [Big Grin] (Of course, the race that ship belongs to is supposed to be a relative of the French, so it all makes sense).
Posted by Scott R (Member # 567) on :
"Fire ze missiles!"

"But I am le tired..."

"Well, zen have a nap. ZEN FIRE ZE MISSILES!"
Posted by B34N (Member # 9597) on :
Freedom Missles?

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