Hi, people. I only recently (yes, laugh at me) started playing the awesome World of Warcraft. So recently that my main character is only lvl 13. So I wanted to ask if there are some Hatrackers pslaying WoW, and if there are some Hatrack Guild going on (If there isn't on, could we make one?)
I know the game's been going for about two years but you know...third world country...things take a while to appear...
Posted by calaban (Member # 2516) on :
There are roughly 180 realms worldwide which unfortuantely leads to decidedly low chances of anyone here actually being on the same realm.
I've got alliance toons on Dark Iron and Ki'jaeden and a low level horde toon on Ysondre.
Posted by TrapperKeeper (Member # 7680) on :
Characters on Crushridge and Stonemaul
Posted by Jeesh (Member # 9163) on :
Azgalor here.
We could just pick a realm and start a Guild there. Of course, we'd have to pick between Horde and Alliance.
Lvl 19 human warrior. Every time I finally begin to play again, something gets in the way.
Posted by Eduardo_Sauron (Member # 5827) on :
That's what I was thinking...we could pick a realm and start a Guild there. I play at Warsong, but I'd be willing to start a new char elsewhere.
Posted by TrapperKeeper (Member # 7680) on :
I already run a guild on Stonemaul. Called OMG Guild. We have a bright green tabard with a purple monkey's face on it.
I've got a priest, level 40 or 41 named Heysues. Usually on in the evenings, and would be willing to send invites to anyone who wishes to join. We got a good, relatively well behaved group that plans on doing mostly PVP when we hit 60, and some 20 man raids.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
Kel Thuzad for me: Have a 60 Hunter and 40 Priest (Alliance.) Already in a raiding guild called Banana Syndicate.
But I might be interested in starting just a fun project character to play around with in a realm you all think would be fun playing in. Role Playing anyone?
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
I'm a lvl 55 Troll Hunter on Sen'jin.
I'm big into PVP and have a bit of a rep.
But hey, once we're able to fight against other servers in the BGs we'll be able to group with and against eachother, right? So level up and practice your pvp. Join me, or get pwnd.
Pernicia, of the Horde.
Posted by Eduardo_Sauron (Member # 5827) on :
Role Playing would be nice for me, although some people think it's a bit boring :-)
I'd go for it.
Posted by Architraz Warden (Member # 4285) on :
As much as I hate to suggest throwing another $25 at Blizzard, it is entirely possible for Hatrackers to congregate on a single realm now. Shame the same system has done a serious number on my main server...
That being said, if anyone has an Alliance character on Arthas, or Horde on Bloodscalp, Darkspear, Shattered Hand, or Frostmane send me an e-mail. I could resurrect one of them and keep playing.
Posted by Fitz (Member # 4803) on :
I have a 60 warrior and 53 warlock on Maelstrom. However, I am transferring the warrior to Silver Hand, so that I can play with my brother, who has a 60 paladin. Warrior/paladin combos own the BGs!
I'd be willing to start a new character on another server, if enough people are up for it. I've always wanted to make a priest.
Posted by Eduardo_Sauron (Member # 5827) on :
If I'm not wrong, we need at least 9 people to start a Guild. As for the Server, would you rather choose a high-populated one or an emptier realm?
Posted by Fitz (Member # 4803) on :
You just need 10 people to sign a guild charter in order for the guild to form. They can be completely random people, who are just signing to be nice, and who usually leave the guild after it's formed. Once the guild is actually formed, it can exist with only one member.
Posted by Architraz Warden (Member # 4285) on :
Hmm, I wonder if my Salamander Army guild still exists... Pre-made guild just for us!
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
A semi large population to me would be nice
Posted by Eduardo_Sauron (Member # 5827) on :
Architraz...if this "Salamander Army" still exists...it would be nice.
Posted by Architraz Warden (Member # 4285) on :
I shall check when I get home. I helped start it up with some real life (military cadet) friends and I know it isn't currently active, so if it wasn't /gdisbanded I should be able to wrest control away.
EDIT: To add, if it doesn't exist and we simply start a new guild from scratch, I'd say we pick a realm that someone has a few roots on just so we can have the money to found it without having to hurt levelling and training.
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
Why don't you pick a brand spanking new server so you can sell resources at artificially high prices? Mining and skinning FTW.
Plus you can pwn from the beginning.
Posted by Fitz (Member # 4803) on :
Doesn't a guild charter only cost 10 silver anyways? IIRC, the more expensive part is designing a tabard, which is still only 1 gold or something small like that.
I'm all for starting on a new server.
Posted by TheGrimace (Member # 9178) on :
My list of shame (i.e. how much time I've wasted on this accursed game):
Arthas: 50 pally who I haven't played in about a year Stormscale: recently stopped playing these regularly 60 Rogue (Has done everything through Huhuran) 60 Priest (Has done through AQ20 and ZG and all but the last two pieces of Tier 0.5) 31 Druid 29 Hunter
Demon Soul: Currently my main server 39 Mage (Current main character) 14 Warrior (Current Main alt)
also about a dozen other alts on a few servers that are all under 12.
Posted by Architraz Warden (Member # 4285) on :
quote:Originally posted by Fitz: Doesn't a guild charter only cost 10 silver anyways? IIRC, the more expensive part is designing a tabard, which is still only 1 gold or something small like that.
I'm all for starting on a new server.
Designing a tabard is 10g, purchasing one aftyer that is 1g. I think actually starting the guild is indeed only 10s these days though (I've played since the days of Beta, and this has changed).
Posted by Eduardo_Sauron (Member # 5827) on :
Newish server has appeal, as Pix says...And, since starting a guild is only 10s...it shouldn't be too much a problem. We could put all hatrackers in our friend lists while we join the money and soon we'd have our guild.
Posted by Blayne Bradley (Member # 8565) on :
lvl 23 mage on gilnius i dont play much though playing Eve-Online, Scifi Uber Alles
Posted by Magson (Member # 2300) on :
I could only stomach the game for about a week. My firends kept telling me how awesome it was, so I stuck it out for a second week, but when I was logging in to show my firends I "gave it a chance" rather than because it was fun and I wanted to. . . . . . . . No more WoW for me.
EQ2 on the other hand. . . . . Still hopelessly addicted to that.
Posted by Orincoro (Member # 8854) on :
I get to be the first to say this:
Posted by Magson (Member # 2300) on :
Be nice to nerds -- you may end up working for one some day. . . .
Posted by Eduardo_Sauron (Member # 5827) on :
2 of my students are on my WoW friend list. What does it say about me?
[ July 13, 2006, 06:29 AM: Message edited by: Eduardo_Sauron ]
Posted by Eduardo_Sauron (Member # 5827) on :
I'll pick one server. Then I'll let you know, so we can play together, ok?
Posted by Magson (Member # 2300) on :
(Sorry, can't resist.)
Posted by Eduardo_Sauron (Member # 5827) on :
It may be fun, but one online RPG charging monthly fees is enough for me :-) Who knows? Someday I might try Everquest.
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
EQ2 was ok, but no PVP. And my class was totally gimped. I quit when I hit levels 50/50.
Posted by Unicorn (Member # 216) on :
I've only been playing for about four or five months, but I have six charactors. My highest level is a 36 Tauran Druid on Terenas. I have 3 other hoard charactors on that server. I also have an alliance toon in Lightning Hoof, and one in Bronzebeard.
Whats really bad is hubby. He has been playing just a few weeks longer than I, and he already make Level 60 rogue undead on Terenas, and is a Blood Guard, exaulted with Frostwolf Clan (Lots of AV)
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
Exalted with the frostwolvs is really easy, actually. I'm almost there and I've done very few AVs.
However, the Warsong Outriders took forever to get exalted. Even winning almost every game.
I'm a Centurion (rank 9) and level 56 now.
hmm.. no wonder my comic only updates once a week...
Come to Sen'jin, man and get pwnd. (And Stay away from da voodoo)
Posted by ludosti (Member # 1772) on :
The majority of my charaters (lots of them, 2 60s) are Alliance on Doomhammer.
I have a few other assorted very low level toons on Mal'Ganis, Sen'jin, Duskwood, Kul Tiras, Icecrown, and Warsong (if I haven't deleted any of them).
Posted by erosomniac (Member # 6834) on :
Must...not...start WoW again...
<struggles to resist>
Posted by Unicorn (Member # 216) on :
LOL erosomniac.
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
Join us Homer... It's bliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiss
Posted by TheGrimace (Member # 9178) on :
and for the love of all that may-or-may-not-be-holy if you haven't played the game trust me that it's fantastic but you don't want to start.
Posted by Eduardo_Sauron (Member # 5827) on :
It IS addicting :-)
Posted by Magson (Member # 2300) on :
quote:EQ2 was ok, but no PVP. And my class was totally gimped. I quit when I hit levels 50/50.
There are sevral PvP servers now, if that's what floats your boat (though Befallen isn't one of them). And the level cap is 70 too.
Posted by Magson (Member # 2300) on :
quote:EQ2 was ok, but no PVP. And my class was totally gimped. I quit when I hit levels 50/50.
There are several PvP servers now, if that's what floats your boat.
Everybody thinks their class is gimped. Except coercers. We rule all.
And the level cap is now 70.
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
Anyone want to send me an invite via refer-a-friend? I'm thinking of starting WoW, and someone ought to get some free time out of it.
Posted by Fitz (Member # 4803) on :
I sent an invite to the e-mail in your profile. Enjoy!
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
Thanks. I'll check it when I get home. I just bought the game at lunch (didn't want to take the time to download it), but I'll use your email to register.
Posted by Eduardo_Sauron (Member # 5827) on :
Karl, tell me in which server you'll create your first character. I can create one there so we can quest together sometime. Others hatrackers who are willing to start fresh characters may do the same.
May I suggest the server "Shadow Council"?
Posted by Xavier (Member # 405) on :
I actually would consider re-subsribing to WoW if it meant hanging around with hatrackers. I have absolutely no WoW friends, nor do I know anyone who plays in real life.
It gets boring if you don't know anyone you are playing with.
Posted by Eduardo_Sauron (Member # 5827) on :
Xavier, come to Shadow Council. I have a lvl 25 Female Human Mage there called "Ororostorm" (ok...not too original, hehehe), but I'd be willing to create a new alt character so I could quest along other Hatrackers (If you play alliance in that particular server, of course). If you want to play Horde (Orcs, Taureens, Trolls, Undeads) we can choose other server. I'm also a founding member and senior office of a Guild called "Templar Knights" (no...I didn't choose the name, hehehe) but we could create our own guild after we level-up a bit (Hatrack? Dragon Army?)
Posted by Fitz (Member # 4803) on :
I just created a gnome mage on Shadow Council, name is Fortran. I like starting and playing new characters, though honestly I don't know if I'll play this one much. I'm kinda busy with my 60 warrior on Silver Hand.
Posted by Xavier (Member # 405) on :
I have a level 44-46 (I forget the exact level) Orc Shaman (male) on a server whose name I've managed to forget, and would be willing to try several other character types from scratch.
Other characters I've leveled a little bit: Level 26 Troll Mage (female) Level 26 Orc Rogue (female)
I like Horde better, generally, but am interested in seeing some of the Alliance lands which I've never seen.
Characters I would consider rolling fresh (off the top of my head):
Alliance Side: Night Elf Priest, Human Paladin, Gnome Mage.
You can see the disperity . Still, I started a Gnomish mage named 'Pip' who I liked a lot, right before I got sick of WoW and stopped playing for a couple of months. So I am not at all opposed to playing Alliance.
Posted by Saephon (Member # 9623) on :
Yay! People actually play on Hatrack?
I play on the Zul'jin realm, my main character is a 53 warrior named....Demosthenes! >_>
Although, it'd be cool if everyone here agreed upon starting new characters on a fairly new server....and we made a guild together XD
please feel free to PM me ingame.
[This is my first post on the forums by the way. Just finished Shadow of the Giant, and now I'm here. Nice to meet you all.]
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
Well, I just logged on last night and created my first character. (Salix, a Nightelf Druid). It's pretty cool. The graphics are a lot more cartooney than City of Heroes/Villains, and the character customization isn't remotely as extensive. But already the quests seem to be a lot more varied than CoH/V.
Let me know if you guys want to start new characters on a specific server (I just took the random server the game suggested.) I'd like to create a mage or warlock or something like that. A priest, might be fun, too.
Posted by Eduardo_Sauron (Member # 5827) on :
Shadow Council, Karl! :-) Go there!
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
OK, I'll start one tonight.
Posted by Eduardo_Sauron (Member # 5827) on :
Don't forget to post your new character's name here. Oh, and add "Ororostorm" to your friends list.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
quote:Originally posted by KarlEd: OK, I'll start one tonight.
Ill start a warlock on Shadow Council as well, that or a mage.
Might be a shared character with my wife, we shall see.
Also how do you guys feel about the fact that alliance will be able to use shamans and horde will get paladins down the road?
Posted by Eduardo_Sauron (Member # 5827) on :
I think it's fair. Why not? I don't think it steals any of the game's flavor. Heck! I'd play an orc paladin! :-)
Posted by FlyingCow (Member # 2150) on :
Pallies need to get hit with the nerf bat. Hard.
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
Pallys are sooo boring.. they take aaages to fight.
Might be too late for some of yall, but I have my own guild on Stonemaul. Alliance. I also have a ventrilo server for us to use (voice chat).
If anyone is interested PM me, or go into the game and find someone in the guild. We are small, pretty much a fun leveling guild right now. Not going to be there much tonight, but character names are:
Heysues omgwarrior imbatman
Posted by calaban (Member # 2516) on :
At least pallies have horrible dps.
The other day there was this warlock and shammie in IF, we had to get a Raid together to take them out. True Story.
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
calaban: was there a huge level diffrence? Cuz if not, focus fire on the warlock. Heck, use Aimed shot (If you have a hunter). That'll get a warlock to half in one hit.
How old is the shadow counsel server? Is it a new one or has it been around for ages?
Posted by Eduardo_Sauron (Member # 5827) on :
It's an old one. It's the biggest RP warcraft server. There's even many guilds devoted solely to roleplay.
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
It won't let me start a character on Shadow Council. Activity is apparently too high, at least at the moment.
Posted by calaban (Member # 2516) on :
Fear stops aimed shot, frostshock delays it. With demonic embrace 'locks can push 5000 health. The'Lock Shammie combo is intense. I don't think they were wearing blues and greens either.
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
That's too bad. If I'm gonna start over it's going to be on a brand new one. preferably a PVP one.
Posted by TrapperKeeper (Member # 7680) on :
Stonemaul is PVP. Only way to go.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
Can we at least get a concensis on which server we are all joining?
Posted by ludosti (Member # 1772) on :
Locks can get rather high in terms of hp. I remember a couple weeks ago (with several buffs), I was over 7000 hp (and happened to have more hp than anyone else in the raid with me). IIRC, unbuffed (and specced mostly in purple items) my hp is around 5300.
Posted by FlyingCow (Member # 2150) on :
Locks may get good HP, but their armor is junk.
Still, Pally = punk and they should get hit with a flurry of nerf arrows.
(Not that I've played in almost a year, but still.)
Posted by FlyingCow (Member # 2150) on :
Also, as an aside, if a Lock can get to the level where he has 7000 hp, I think he deserves it. I wouldn't wish the first twenty warlock levels on anyone. I got mine to 18 before I just couldn't take it any more.
Posted by TheHumanTarget (Member # 7129) on :
How much does it cost to play WOW?
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
depends on whether you pay monthly, 3 months in advance or 6 months
but typically its about $13 a month.
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
$14.99/$13.99/$12.99 if you pay 1M/3M/6M in advance.
I'm up for starting a new char. Let's pick a server. I don't care which type, really, but let's pick one that is at least for now typically light or medium load.
Posted by Eduardo_Sauron (Member # 5827) on :
Let's take Sentinels, then. It's a new RP server. I created a Human Paladin called Palmares. Add me to your friend list when entering.
Posted by TrapperKeeper (Member # 7680) on :
Instead of just someone up and picking one, why dont yall first decide what TYPE of server to play on. Also decide who is willing to change servers at all. Many people are involved with a group of players on a server and won't leave it to start anew.
I guess I'm putting my two cents in here from the back seat. I wont be leaving my server for the reasons I stated.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
I raid on thu/fri (sometimes sat instead of fri) currently)
I think between me and my wife we could start a new character on a server with you guys and have a great time.
I am partial to PVP servers but I think playing on a n RPPVP server would be kinda fun.
Posted by Eduardo_Sauron (Member # 5827) on :
Trapper...when first I started this thread, I asked what everyone thought. Notice that the thread died and would still be there if KarlEd didn't bring it back. That's why this time I'm trying to pick a server for everyone. Of course, nobody NEED to change server. Picking a new one means that everybody who WANTS it may start afresh. I intend to keep playing my shadow council main character whenever I can, and also questing with any hatracker who wants it at Sentinels. I chose a Roleplay server because I feel it offers more protection to anyone who do not want to engage other players in combat in that particular moment. Still, you can activate pvp for your character whenever you want to. And, of course, we could Roleplay our characters there when we want to.
Ah...IMHO, of course. If someone disagree, just tell me. Deleting a Character is the easiest thing to do.
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
I believe Venture Company is the newest RP-PVP server if we want to go there.
Horde or Alliance?
Posted by Eduardo_Sauron (Member # 5827) on :
I wanted to play a Paladin, so I'd vote Alliance, but I'm willing to play Horde, if it's what everyone wants.
Posted by Fitz (Member # 4803) on :
I'd be up for starting a character on an RP-PVP server. I'm not really in roleplaying, but after transferring my main to an RP server, I really miss the full-time PVP. I miss ganking noobs!!!
My vote is for horde, since I have less experience with that faction. I would like to create a shammy.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
I wanted to do a warlock, so since that works on either faction I guess I would be fine doing Horde, though I confess my familiarity with Alliance lands is better.
what race do we all want to roll?
Trolls can be any class, but I bet we could find another race that can be all the classes we want to be.
Posted by Eduardo_Sauron (Member # 5827) on :
That's another think. It'd be nice if we choose the same race. Then we could quest together more often and from the beginning. Never played troll. Would be willing to try.
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
So are we all logging in as Horde on The Venture Company tonight?
Orcs and Trolls have the same newb area. Taurens are close enough to start grouping in the Teens. Undead can come in on the Zepplin before their Teens as well. Race doesn't matter too much for Horde.
Posted by Eduardo_Sauron (Member # 5827) on :
I think the most important is getting started, so I'm willing to log in as Horde on "The Venture Company". I'll play an Orc Fighter called "Rukkor". Everyone who agrees say "aye".
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
Aye, I plan on being an undead caster (mage? warlock? preist? not sure yet) named Nefaria.
Posted by Fitz (Member # 4803) on :
I rolled an undead priest. Name is Fitz (yeah, I'm creative, I know).
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
It's a good name. It fits.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
I created an Orc Warlock named GuiMoShi on The Venture Company
Posted by Eduardo_Sauron (Member # 5827) on :
So me, Pix, Fitz and BlackBlade makes 4 of us at "The Venture Company".
Posted by Eduardo_Sauron (Member # 5827) on :
Rukkor and Guimosh are already questing together and having a blast at "The Venture Company".
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
Well Rukkor and Guimoshi (BlackBlade) lvl'd to 5, we plan on playing again saturday morning, hope to see you all there and ready to go
Posted by Eduardo_Sauron (Member # 5827) on :
Fitz is there too but, being an (smelly) undead, he don't get to hang around the duo of cool orcs with matching capes.
Highlights of the evening:
Rukkor: - Undeads are weird. They don't breath, you know. Guimoshi: - Yeah, they don't exactly liven'up a conversation, do they? Rukkor: Your sense of humor is disturbing, Guimoshi. Guimoshi: What do you expect from a guy who hangs around with demons? Shirley Temple? Rukkor: Isn't she an undead? Guimosh: Maybe...all that makeup... Rukkor: No,..."Temple"...a cleric, then.
Rukkor: I need 5 more apples. Guimoshi: You're a bad apple. Rukkor: you're not a bad guy for a demonkisser. Guimoshi: And I was about to say your breath wasn't as smelly as the undead.
Rukkor: I hate water. Humans have this unnatural thing called "Bath". But I heard something called "unmaker" lives in water. If I had to be in water, I'd be a murlock. Guimoshi: Or a druid in waterform. Rukkor: Is there a difference? Guimoshi: The murlock is prettier. Rukkor: True, that.
[ August 01, 2006, 08:41 PM: Message edited by: Eduardo_Sauron ]
Posted by Alchemist449 (Member # 8808) on :
I have a 57 rogue who is GM of a guild called Nature, a below 60 guild for my friends endgame. If you want to join the guild is on Cho'Gall, alliance side. PST Thebear.
Posted by Magson (Member # 2300) on :
quote:I wanted to play a Paladin, so I'd vote Alliance, but I'm willing to play Horde, if it's what everyone wants.
You are aware that once the expansion comes out that the Blood Elves (Horde) will be able to be Paladins? And the Dranei (Alliance) will be able to be Shamans too.
All classes will be available to both sides then. . . .
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
Dangit! I lost my ISP last night. They had some "hardware failure" that took out the whole Hanover area. As of this morning it was still down.
If it's back up by the time I get home, I'll start a char on Venture Company. I want to play something magical (Warlock, Shaman, Mage, Priest, Druid). Is there something the party needs? I don't want to be redundant. (And what level did you guys get to? I'll try to catch up.
Also, is there a way to communicate cross-server? I've started two characters on other servers that I like and might be playing them if no Hatrackers are on VC.
Posted by Eduardo_Sauron (Member # 5827) on :
No way to communicate cross-server, Karl. But we can do it using AIM. We leveled it up till lvl 5, so it's not too difficult to catch-up with us.
I'm playing a orc warrior amd Blackblade is playing a Warlock. It'd be nice if you play something that heals, hehehe...like a Shaman or Druid. I don't remember what's the class of Fitz undead character (he wasn't with us. Undeads start in different places). Blackblade said it's probably the same for him. So there's plenty of time for you and anyone who wants to lvl their characters till lvl 5.
Oh, yes...if you want to start with us from the beginning, try an orc or a troll. Well...if you build an undead, you can hang with Fitz until teen lvls. Then we meet.
I won't be able to play again till saturday morning. Blackblade said it's probably the same for him. So, plenty of time for you (and anyone who wants) to level-up till 5.
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
OK, I'll try a shaman. Now to decide. . . troll or orc, troll or orc?
Posted by Xavier (Member # 405) on :
quote:No way to communicate cross-server, Karl. But we can do it using AIM. We leveled it up till lvl 5, so it's not too difficult to catch-up with us.
Yeah, that takes about a half hour to forty-five minutes for someone who has played before.
Don't worry about starting on a different continent then others, it is very easy to go to the other continent. My Orc Shaman, after level 6, went to the Undead lands and leveled there until level 27 or so. It was a pain in my case, because there are no Shaman trainers in the Eastern continent.
Fitz could easily head over to the Orc lands, or you guys could head over to the Eastern continent. Or everyone could wait until level 11 and go meet in the Barrens.
I'd like to play something which isn't being played by another hatracker as well. Looks like so far we have:
Orc Warrior Orc Warlock Undead Priest
I would suggest that you play a mage, Karl. Either Troll or Undead. They are the most "magical" of the remaining classes.
The roll of a mage is basically to do ranged damage, and have a great crowd control spell. At the start of most battles, they pick one enemy and turn it into a sheep for 30 seconds, making most battles a lot easier. They also make their own food and water to distribute to the group. Mages generally either concentrate on ice spells, or fire spells. They have great "area of effect" spells, though they need to use them very sparingly, or else they will get killed a lot. I prefer Ice mages myself, as I love how the ice spells slow the enemies down.
Shamans cast spells, but for the majority of your leveling up, you will be largely hitting things with either an axe or a hammer.
Druids change their form and melee a lot as well. (Plus I'd love it if none of us were cows . I don't like the Tauren.)
As for the two horde mage classes... Trolls are fun, but if you want to role-play them, get used to talking with a jamaican accent . They are also very tall and awkward, and you may get sick of watching your 'toon run funny. They also lack a capital city, but there are random troll towns throughout Kalimdor.
Undead can be fun to play, if you are okay with your character being dead. Their lands are dark and gloomy, and you'll be doing a fair number of "evil" deeds with their quests. Like I said before though, you can always leave the Undead lands. Undead probably have better "racial attributes" than Trolls do, if you care about maximizing your character. The thing I like least about the Undead is that no matter how nice your armor is, it looks all ratty and torn on your character, and your spine always pokes through it!
So assuming you play a mage, where would that leave me...
Well here were the horder characters I was willing to reroll:
It may be nice to play as a hybrid, as we have a tank, a healer, and two DPS classes. So perhaps I will roll a Troll Shaman.
So you guys are waiting until Saturday to play again? That's a while from now. Generally Saturdays aren't very good for me either. This Saturday, for instance, I will be out of town.
Might be hard to keep us around the same level. I'll probably re-activate my account sometime this week. Perhaps I will help Karl out if he wants it. It wouldn't take me long at all to get to level 5.
Edit: Okay, so Karl is going to try a Shaman. That leaves me with some options.
As for Troll vs. Orc Shaman: The Orc racials are better for a Shaman than the Troll racials. The resistance to stuns is huge for player vs. player. One thing I don't like about male Orc toons is that their shoulder pads are gigantic. It looks awfully silly.
Other than that, it's really a matter of personal character preference. The Orcs were the original shamans in the lore, but the Shamans in the game largely depend on their totems, and totems were a Troll thing in games past. I'd just pick the one you like the look of better, to be honest.
Posted by Xavier (Member # 405) on :
The modified remaining choices for me: Troll Mage, Troll Hunter, Orc Hunter (female), Orc Rogue (female), Undead Mage
I'm not sure which I would prefer playing more. I've already played as a Mage and a Rogue to level 26, so maybe I'll try a Hunter. I'll have to experiment. I'll probably play an Orc female Hunter to level 5 to see how I like the class. Never played a Hunter at all.
Posted by Eduardo_Sauron (Member # 5827) on :
Xavier, I usually don't play from wednesday to friday, because I'm working out of town these days. And yes...I know it'll be difficult to keep everyone around the same level. But not too much if we care to leve our characters "resting" in inns or Capital Cities between games. The whole double XP thing, you know... :-)
Hunter is good! And have a pet to help at the front lines!
Posted by Megan (Member # 5290) on :
I rolled a troll rogue called Maranti on Venture Co. I don't care for PVP, but just to hang out for a bit, might be fun.
If anyone's on Elune, I have a 60 shaman and (don't hate me) a 60 pally.
Posted by FlyingCow (Member # 2150) on :
quote:Plus I'd love it if none of us were cows . I don't like the Tauren.)
What's not to like? Just the look? Tauren are great - increased health, increased herbalism, and the war stomp attack. Great race.
Plus, if you're a troll or undead, you can hide *inside* them to make it more difficult to target you at range.
When I was a 50 troll hunter, I'd hide inside 60 warrior tauren and pop people at distance. Plus, if a tauren is sitting, you can sit *inside* them to avoid getting rogue ganked. Also, a tauren on a kodo is like a tank to hide smaller characters in (works great in PvE when the tauren isn't flagged, and four people inside are - unless they're looking for it, the alliance doesn't often see that coming).
Of course, their size is a downside in close instance fighting, making things harder to sea sometimes... but if it's a tauren druid and they're fighting close, they'll likely be in bear or cat form anyway, and smaller.
I love the cows. Cows = good.
Posted by Xavier (Member # 405) on :
I don't like the look, and I don't like the lore. I don't like the entire concept of the race. I especially don't like their size.
That said, it's not like I don't team with them or anything. Mostly I just never create a cow character. I was expressing a preference that none of us play as a cow, but it's not like anyone needs to take me seriously .
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
Nefaria, my fundead Mage is now level 8 guys. Catch up =)
I'll meet you in the early teens in the barrens.
BTW, my profs are skinning and herbalism.
Posted by Eduardo_Sauron (Member # 5827) on :
My profs will probably be Mining and Blacksmithing.
Posted by FlyingCow (Member # 2150) on :
Such antibovine sentiment. I like the whole native-american-tribal feel and the building high up to avoid the predators idea. And I definitely like the look of a Tauren with a two handed axe or mace - very Minoan.
Ah well, to each his or her own. Personally, I think gnomes are only good as snack food.
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
Xavier, if it's not too late to change your mind (again), you could do the shaman (troll or orc). I'd just as soon play a mage, (actually I think I'd prefer it). So, if you read this before I start my character and can respond, I'll create a mage. 'K?
Posted by Xavier (Member # 405) on :
Sure .
I do enjoy playing hybrids. I'll probably be a Troll Shaman then.
I won't create my character until later tonight.
Edit: Or perhaps a female Orc Shammy... I'll have to think on it .
Posted by Demonstrocity (Member # 9579) on :
Oigeesh, there's actually a sizable number of you playing?
Must. Not. Repurchase. Game.
Posted by Xavier (Member # 405) on :
Actually, Karl, it looks like Pixiest is already playing a mage.
Now, there's nothing that says you can't be a mage as well.
But if you still would prefer to be unique, the Shaman is still open.
I'd say go with the Shaman out of those three, they are a blast to play.
I could always roll a hunter .
But honestly, the chances of all of us staying around the same level is pretty darn slim, so you and Pixiest may barely even see eachother.
And one of you could go fire, and the other ice.
Besides, there's nothing inherently wrong with having two mages. I had a guildmate who was a rogue at the same time I was, and when we teamed up we cut through enemies like two hot knives through butter. Two mages could have similar results.
At least one of us should probably be a healer though. Out of the classes already picked, only Fitz is a healer, and so all-hatracker teams would be screwed if he remains the only healer and he isn't available. (Not that I think that five of us will really be together that often ).
Posted by Megan (Member # 5290) on :
Heh...Ragefire Chasm, here we come.
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
OK, that's it then. I'm gonna roll an Orc Shaman!
Posted by Xavier (Member # 405) on :
Yeah, I'll believe it when I see it in game .
Posted by FlyingCow (Member # 2150) on :
Just so people don't think I'm too horde biased, I think shammies need to get hit with the nerf bat a bit, too.
I got tired of mine when I hit level 20 and virtually nothing could kill me that was even close to my level.
My personal favorites:
For just fun and versatility: Druid For soloing: Hunter For PvP: Rogue
Posted by Xavier (Member # 405) on :
quote:Just so people don't think I'm too horde biased, I think shammies need to get hit with the nerf bat a bit, too.
I got tired of mine when I hit level 20 and virtually nothing could kill me that was even close to my level.
I can't believe I am doing this on hatrack, but...
The game isn't balanced at level 20. It was never Blizzard's goal to make the game balanced at level 20.
The reasons Shamans get so prickly when people talk like you is because a lot of shamans have complaints about their abilities in PVE at level 60 (specifically in raids).
But any talk of them getting buffed in that area immediately gets met with cries that they need to be nerfed, not buffed.
This is an especially bad time to make "Nerf Shaman!" cries, because they just got a crappy review, which did not help their raid viability much at all.
(In fact, Paladins are still so much better at raids than Shamans, that instead of trying to balance them against eachother, they are just allowing Paladins to be in the Horde, and Shamans to be in the alliance.)
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
I would be nice if perhaps we set up a schedule for playing these characters? Maybe 2-3 times a week for 1-2 hours at a time, sometimes 3.
For my schedule I can play probably an hour most afternoons and saturday mornings I can get in a good 3-4 hours in the morning. What time is the server set to? EST? I would like to setup hatrack WOW times AT LEAST twice a week. Or if that does not work just set up a target lvl that everyone needs to reach by saturday and then we all do an instance together (or something like that)
If we all just go off and lvl our own characters and whenever we just happen to run into each other lvl together it wont be THAT much fun. Also Pixiest did you say you had a vent channel we could all use?
What do you guys think?
Posted by Eduardo_Sauron (Member # 5827) on :
Good ideas overall, BlackBlade.
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
I may have to reconfigure my router since it's on my old machine but yeah, I think I can set up a vent server.
Saturday mornings are best for me. from about 7-10 PST
Posted by Eduardo_Sauron (Member # 5827) on :
What's an...uh...vent server?
Posted by TrapperKeeper (Member # 7680) on :
Voice chat. So you can actually talk to each other instead of typing.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
quote:Originally posted by The Pixiest: I may have to reconfigure my router since it's on my old machine but yeah, I think I can set up a vent server.
Saturday mornings are best for me. from about 7-10 PST
7-10 on saturdays PST is perfect for me. I am not too familiar with the horde but what lvl do you need to be to do the instance inside ogrimarr? The one in souther Barrens?
Posted by Xavier (Member # 405) on :
So long as it is "here is an time where the hatrack WoW players, if they have a chance, can come play with other hatrackers" and not "everyone needs to come play during these times or have a valid excuse" I'm fine with some pre-determined meet times.
I play video games when I get a chance to in between other events in real life. I don't schedule my life around video games. That's the thing with me and most guilds which don't mesh. Just about every guild has their "mandatory guild meeting" times, and no matter what time it is at, I will never be able to truly commit to it, because if something else comes up, or if I feel like doing something else that hour, I won't go.
Oh and may I submit "Dragon Army" as the name of our guild, should we choose to make one, and if it is free? (too lazy to scroll back and see if anyone else suggested it)
Posted by Xavier (Member # 405) on :
quote: I am not too familiar with the horde but what lvl do you need to be to do the instance inside ogrimarr? The one in souther Barrens?
The Ragefire Chasm you generally do around level 13-15, depending on your class you can sometimes go in as early as 11, but I wouldn't recommend it.
The Wailing Caverns generally is 18-23. It is a LONG instance, but I usually manage to hit it with all my characters.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
Xavier I can fully understand that. I elect saturday morning as a time to play instances together. You are more than welcome to try and schedule times other than that where you can do whatever.
I just worry that if we leave it to random chance very few of us will really play together and a chance to have an enjoyable time will be wasted.
I wouldnt mind setting a target lvl of 13-16 by next saturday (not this saturday) and have all us hatrackers go to Ragefire Chasm.
I know I could probably lvl to 13 BY this friday but I wanted to set a reasonable goal so that we can all go and do the instance together if possible. We can set subsequent goals or even meantime goals anytime we want.
Between my marriage and my hunter main, this really is the only way I can see myself able to play WOW with hatrackers (I had alot of fun lvling to 5 with Eduardo_Sauron) I can only imagine that the more hatrackers the better.
Posted by Eduardo_Sauron (Member # 5827) on :
I agree with the demonk...hm... BlackBlade :-)
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
ragefire sounds like a hoot. I've only ever been there as my main (practicing weapon skills on things that couldn't hurt me)
It would be fun to do it for real...
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
I'm on and level 5 already. Orc Shaman named Kahruk
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
Ill add you to my locks friends list
Can we all agree to be lvl 13-16 by next saturday (August 11th) morning for Rage Fire Chasm? If you all think you can make it to 13 by this saturday morning we can do it then too.
Or if there is a better time for everybody just say it in this thread.
Posted by Eduardo_Sauron (Member # 5827) on :
I'll only be able to play again this saturday. So, I won't be lvl 13-16 until next week.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
how long can you play this saturday Eduardo you bad apple?
Posted by FlyingCow (Member # 2150) on :
Xav, it was just my experience. Shammies bored me after a while.
During my obsessive time spent playing last year (I quit cold turkey in January it was, I think) I took every Horde available class to level 20 or above and played every Horde race. I took a Pally to lvl 5 before falling asleep at my computer through boredom. I collected over 250 character levels (all PvE) before I decided the game was dominating way too much of my free time.
If I were to rank (again, in my own experience and according to my own goals and what I look for in gameplay to have fun) the classes, it would probably go: Druid, Rogue, Hunter, Mage, Priest, Shaman, Warlock, Warrior, Paladin. I'm partial to trolls, too.
Of course, everyone's mileage varies, and some people would rank the classes in exactly the opposite order.
And as far as a class getting the crap end of the stick, I was a Hunter for the first 50 levels I played of that game. It was a broken class when I started, and it was a more broken class when I gave it up at lvl 53 until they fixed the problems. I gave up WoW before that happened... though I've heard that they've managed to fix some things since.
Posted by Demonstrocity (Member # 9579) on :
Thanks to this thread, I repurchased the game. It is installing now.
See you all shortly.
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
Well, I got Kuhrak to lvl 8 before I quit last night. I'll lay off him until Saturday.
Posted by Edgehopper (Member # 1716) on :
Got on orc rogue on Venture Co. now--Grork, currently 5. I'll catch up to you all eventually, though I'll be able to play more when I get back to school.
Yes, Grork the Orc. Laugh it up, fuzzballs.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
Ill have my warlock at 16 by next saturday (planing on doing ragefire then), I'd love to play with any of you until then. Ill be good for a few hours saturday morning maybe even some of the afternoon (wife is taking the car to work for some of the afternoon)
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
I'm often on between 4 and 9 PM M-F and at random times all over the clock on the weekend. I'm KarlEd99 on AIM (KarlEd1 on yahoo chat) and I'll try to remember to log onto chat before running the game. Send a tell if you're on. I'm still experimenting and might be playing a character whose name I don't even know yet.
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
BTW - I don't even know what "Ragefire" is, but it's entirely possible I could be 16 by then. (You do mean 8/12, right?)
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
Karl: It's a dungeon that's actually inside orgrimar. Fret not, we'll show you =)
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
Ooo, I went to Ogrimar yesterday. It's BIG. But I got "rested" pretty quickly just walking around inside and got 200% exp for a while after I left.
By the way, I took herbalism and alchemy as trade skills. (Seemed like a good shamaney thing to do.) Comments? Suggestions?
Posted by FlyingCow (Member # 2150) on :
It's the "look, instances are kind of fun" instance... as opposed to Wailing Caverns which is the "look, instances can be tedious, long, and frustrating" instance.
After the thirtieth or so time running WC with my umpteenth character, I swore I'd never go back.
Though, with a guilded hatrack group, you'll likely only need to go through it once per character. I was always in pickup groups.
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
The longer you're in town the more rest you accumulate. If you just blip in and out of town you'll get a little that won't even last for 1 kill.
I went alchemy and herbalism for my first couple of characters... but I find simply gathering the materials to be worth more than the finished product (Though on this server I don't know. prices are REALLY low on the AH)
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
I am agonizing over what trade skills I want to do. I am thinking of just doing gathering skills so I can get more $ as I have found tradeskills are often more of a money sink then a benefit.
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
Yeah, I thought that. And you'll certainly have volume with skinning (corpses everywhere), but I like to play a character more than play the "game", so to speak.
Like, for instance, there are a lot of people on MMORPGs who know exactly how much exp/money/etc you get for what and how to take advantage of the game design to "maximize" their characters. And that's fine for those who like that. I'm more the kind who likes to keep all that stuff in the background and let my character develop more organically. I'm not what you'd call a "power gamer". Needless to say, I get my butt kicked a lot in PVP.
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
quote:Originally posted by BlackBlade: I am agonizing over what trade skills I want to do. I am thinking of just doing gathering skills so I can get more $ as I have found tradeskills are often more of a money sink then a benefit.
Really? Sounds like a bug, then. Or else people are selling stuff way below value.
Or is it just that you get an "instant profit" from gathering skills and you can't produce stuff fast enough to make the same kind of money?
Posted by FlyingCow (Member # 2150) on :
Karl, I had a character I really enjoyed playing who was a herbalist/skinner. He collected materials for the guild (and my other characters) in exchange for crafted items. He also would sell bundles of what he collected for money, or for other equipment.
I had another character (a hunter), who was a skinner/leatherworker, and I made myself quite a few nice items during the course of the game. Of course, come level 40, leatherworking is no longer that useful to a hunter. Rogues do well for themselves with leatherwork, though.
All the professions have their fun, their profit, and their headaches. Engineering was really fun, but the materials were often hard to get or were expensive. Tailoring was great for my mage, and alchemy great for my druid. It's all what you want to play around with.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
Ill go tailoring since you dont need a farming skill to do it, and Warlocks can make healthstones so we dont need sissy bandages.
Ill go mining as well so I can support my character better with the money for tailoring mats.
If only jewel crafting was already out.
Posted by FlyingCow (Member # 2150) on :
I found that tailoring required either a) a lot of money to buy mats, or b) a lot of time spent grinding humanoid enemies for mat drops.
Linen was easy to get in huge quantities at the human fort thing south of Razor Hill. Wool was a pain in the butt in the Barrens killing quillboars. Silk was just as annoying - but I don't remember where I grinded for that. Mageweave was grinding bandits in Tanaris. Runecloth was grinding undead zombie things in the Western Plaguelands.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
meh! Ill just get the tailoring mats that you all pick up
Posted by Demonstrocity (Member # 9579) on :
Alright, I rolled onto the server (it'll be down shortly for rolling maintenance, le sigh).
Objectivist - Undead Mage (6? right now) Muzen - Tauren Hunter (1 right now, for solofests)
Posted by Solo Wing Pixy (Member # 9489) on :
Wow, I totally missed this thread 'till now. My characters reside on Frostwolf realm: a 60 shaman (Warbird) and a 60 rogue (Makaze). Um, I also have a 60 paladin on Kil'Jaeden but please don't ask me to play it. I hate paladins and am both amazed and ashamed that I ever got one to 60 (without dying of boredom).
Posted by Bob the Lawyer (Member # 3278) on :
I didn't mind getting my pally to 60, but I was mostly going through it with a warrior friend. I guess any class isn't so bad as long as you're doing it with a friend. Anyway, my heart will always belong to the mage class. I realized pretty early on that I hate classes who rely on a lot of white damage (your normal swings) so that pretty much cuts out rogues, warriors, pallies, and hunters as something I like to play. If I were to play again it'd probably be as a lock for a week, and then I'd be back to the mage.
Sadly, my computer isn't working right now anyway. Besides, I don't think I have the time to be online gaming again.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
Bob: We are trying to set this up as a 1-3 times a week think, with 1 major activity for all those involved. You might be suprised how convenient that is for everybody.
You would do well to just start a character on the Venture Company realm, and get him to 13-16 by next saturday as in August 12th. We can all do Rage Fire Chasm then, possibly more than once if time permits or if there are too many people setup multiple raids. Does anybody remember if its a 5 man, 10 man? I want to say 5
Tomorrow morning I will be on WOW lvling my warlock (he is lvl 5) if any of you are interested in grinding up to say 10 or possibly all the way til 16 (or however far we make it in a morning) feel free to tell me in this thread
Posted by FlyingCow (Member # 2150) on :
It's so tempting to bust out another druid or rogue. I'm not going to do it, but it's tempting.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
we dont have a druid in our hatrack group FC
Posted by FlyingCow (Member # 2150) on :
It would require me to pay for the service again, and use time that could be spent writing or getting my RPG ePublishing company off the ground.
Tempting, but I know the obsessive nature of my personality and my budget too well to give in.
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
I have an Orc shaman (lvl 8) named Kuhrak, and a lvl 8 undead warlock that I think I named Neredor on Venture Co. I'm gonna try to keep the shaman at the general level of the Hatrack people who are playing and just play the warlock in the meantime.
I really really really should be working on the house, but right now the heat is a convenient excuse and I feel not-guilty enough to put it off.
Posted by Bob the Lawyer (Member # 3278) on :
Heh, it's a tempting offer, but Hatrack guilds don't tend to work so well. For one thing we're in a lot of different time zones. Anyway, I don't really want to play WoW again, I was pretty bored of it when I stopped. Actually, gaming in general has just not been entertaining lately. I feel like I've moved on. Which is surprising, I never thought I would.
Posted by FlyingCow (Member # 2150) on :
I've moved on to online poker from WoW. It's less goal oriented, doesn't take as large blocks of time - plus, I generally make money as opposed to having to spend it.
Works out best on all levels.
Posted by Rakeesh (Member # 2001) on :
Well, anything gets tiresome if you do too much in too little a period of time.
I was playing WoW hardcore for quite awhile. But then work and school started taking up more of my time which I didn't mind anyway, I was really getting tired of it anyway.
Karl, the kind of money you earn from trade skills depends on three things: which skills you pick, what kind of server you're on, and how much time you devote to them.
For instance, if you get on a high-population server that's been around since the beginning, a stack of 20 linen will fetch much more than if you are playing on one of the newest, lowest population servers. These are the kinds of people who are trying to up their alternate's trade skills by feeding them materials from the auction house, who don't think much of dropping 10g on materials in a day in the auction house or even more, because for their 'main' it does not take very long to recover that kind of expense. There's just a higher proportion of those players on a higher-pop, older server than there would be on a lower-pop, newer server. It's also got a higher percentage of people who are buying gold online.
Anyway, gathering skills will always yield more money in a shorter time span than will production skills. But the big-ticket prices come from production skills, and at the later levels there can be massive 'commissions', so to speak, for the production of items in which it is difficult and costly to acquire the skill level necessary and the pattern, schematic, formula, plans, etc.
There is really only one skill which is guaranteed to be a money sink no matter which way you do it, and that's Engineering, whether or not you choose Goblin or Gnomish Engineering. That's because at least %75 of the items you can produce for sale in Engineering that aren't components for other things, well those items require the skill level in Engineering you need to make them, to use them. So any buyers you have, well, they'll be able to make the item too (usually), and chances are they'll want to produce it themselves and improve their skills.
The other thing about Engineering is that it's bar-none the single best PvP skill you can take, better even than Alchemy. From bombs to rifles to scopes to rocket boots to mind-control helmets to exploding sheep to teleporters to parachute capes to mechanical dragons, you can really pull off a good number of tricks to get yourself out of a pinch.
Posted by Rakeesh (Member # 2001) on :
I kept my Paladin interesting mostly by helping friends quest, and by making him skillful in PvP-and this was before the whole ranged-attack hammer thing, back when Paladin's were known exclusively for their durability in PvP. It was enjoyable to surprise people
Posted by FlyingCow (Member # 2150) on :
quote:It was enjoyable to surprise people
I think the most surprising thing would be a Paladin who was skillful at PvP. Most were dreadful on my server. In fact, most Alliance were dreadful, period.
I think it had to do with every PvP battle (pre Battlegrounds) that had a 3 to 1 Alliance advantage. They never had to learn how to fight, they just zerged us over and over until we got tired of defending - or we gained enough defenders to shrink their advantage to 2 to 1 and routed them.
When Battlegrounds was introduced, I think I saw the Horde lose twice in Warsong Gulch ever. 10 v 10 they couldn't hold a candle to us - again, because they were used to numerical superiority, I think.
Posted by Rakeesh (Member # 2001) on :
That was largely true in my experience as well, FC. For other Alliance, I mean. I never really fell into that because once it got to a point of zerging, well, that's really boring-for the zerger and the zerged . On maybe two or three times, for example, was I ever involved in the frequent (like, numerous times daily) mini-raids from the Alliance town to the Horde settlement in the Hillsbrad Foothills. I forget the names.
As Alliance, it was incredibly irritating and boring, watching the channel be flooded with people shouting-as if they had anything to shout about. I'd just pass through as quickly as possible. One on one, though, with my Paladin it was basically a question of being able to keep on coming. A nice Cleanse or Blessing of Freedom, and most slows / roots were removed almost as soon as they were cast, for a very low mana cost. A good stun here and there, careful use of bandaging without shielding, Consecration for Rogues, really there was some solid PvP ability in the Paladin before the changes.
As a L60 Forsaken Rogue, though, it was much more entertaining participating in that. Especially when, with a little help, I could either break an Alliance offensive (it doesn't take much for the right kind of Rogue to slaughter several cloth-wearing casters, or incapacitate plate-wearing fighters, if he's careful). Either that, or force them to start Zerging.
I usually considered it a victory if I forced the Alliance to begin Zerging us. What made it even more fun was spoiling their zerg-fun while helping friends manage their quests in the area at the same time, hehe.
On my server, at least, things were different in the Battlegrounds. After awhile, the people you'd usually see there were the people who were dedicated PvP fans-and so the skill-level on both sides evened out, and the gap narrowed. We still usually won, though. Alterac Valley was quite different, though. I guess it was just a question of coincidence, but on our server there were at least three hardcore dedicated PvPers who loved AV, all with Teamspeak / Ventrilo capability, and they liked to do it a lot. The Horde could rarely muster that sort of guild size and skill as often.
Posted by FlyingCow (Member # 2150) on :
Yeah, it was a lot harder for the Horde to get people together, and even then to listen to one another.
When the one big Horde 60's-only guild rolled into Alterac, though, the Alliance couldn't ever mount any sort of competition.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
Are any of you planning on doing any grinding saturday morning? I'd love to plan something with you guys.
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
I'll be grinding. I'm level 9 (or at least, I'll be level 9 if I don't do any grinding tonight)
My name is Nefaria
Posted by Eduardo_Sauron (Member # 5827) on :
I will, Black.
Posted by ludosti (Member # 1772) on :
I might be doing some grinding Sat morning - I started an Orc hunter last night on Venture Co (named ludosti) who is now lvl 6.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
Sounds like BB, Pixies, Eduardo, and ludosti are going to get some quality lvling done tomorrow morning.
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
We'll need to find a place with plenty of challenging mobs or our leveling will be slow.
We'll also need bags. Lots of bags or we'll have to run back to sell all the time. Who's a tailor?
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
quote:Originally posted by The Pixiest: We'll need to find a place with plenty of challenging mobs or our leveling will be slow.
We'll also need bags. Lots of bags or we'll have to run back to sell all the time. Who's a tailor?
Ill go and hit 6 tonight and train tailoring, Ill see how soon I can get to bags. Usually bags drop pretty frequently at low lvls.
Also with a group of 4 we should be able to fight mobs 2-3 lvls higher then the highest lvl in the group, if we have a healer.
Posted by FlyingCow (Member # 2150) on :
A group of level 4-5 for horde? Hit up the centaurs in the ravine and the trolls out on the islands off the southeast coast.
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
quote:Usually bags drop pretty frequently at low lvls.
I'm lvl 11 with my warlock (undead) and haven't seen a bag drop yet. I'm 8, 5, and 5 with three other characters and have only seen 1 bag drop between all of them, and got one bad as a result of a quest. What is "frequently"?
Posted by Eduardo_Sauron (Member # 5827) on :
Already there, nerds.
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
I have the guild charter for <Dragon Army> and have 3 sigs. Please contact me when you log on to sign it.
Also remember, LURKERS, you guys are welcome to play with us too. Come actually speak to all the people you've read and admired and pwn along side us.
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
due to the low price of raw materials on this server, I'm a tailor now. (still a skinner though) come to me for all your tailoring needs.
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
For my third post in a row, I'd like to announce that <Dragon Army> is now alive and well.
Guimoshi, Objectivist, Fitz, Ludosti, Doon, Neredor and I all have the power to invite. (expect this list to grow)
Posted by Sean (Member # 689) on :
quote:Also remember, LURKERS, you guys are welcome to play with us too. Come actually speak to all the people you've read and admired and pwn along side us.
Heh, I'm thinking about it. It's Horde on a server called Venture Co? What classes do we want now?
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
I think we pretty much have the bases covered so you could be anything you want. We could maybe use a priest or a warrior. Can never have too much healing and taking. We're pretty good when it comes to DPS though =)
Hope to see you there, Sean!
Posted by Storm Saxon (Member # 3101) on :
Barrens chat won't know what hit it.
Posted by dantesparadigm (Member # 8756) on :
I relatively recently bought WoW and my main is a thirty two hunter on Ilidian, I was going to get him to sixty before I made any alts, but this was too tempting, so I made a troll priest named Olhado on Venture co. I think I'm going to go with tailoring and skinning as professions.
Posted by calaban (Member # 2516) on :
Great! Healers are always in demand.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
We had a great time on saturday and I got my warlock "GuiMoShi" from lvl 5 - lvl 10.
Now for the bad news, I realized last night that this saturday is my 1 month wedding anniversary and my wife wants to spend the day with me.
It MAY or MAY NOT be a problem as she could quite likely need to work 10-2 on saturday again because we need the money. If she works saturday then I am all over the idea of us going to rage fire this saturday if we can lvl high enough. If that sounds unrealistic PLEASE feel free to tell me and we can reschedule.
I was really happy with the turn out on saturday and I am excited to see where Dragon Army goes in the future. Remember the Unmaker would rather you go out in public where he can get you, but if you are in WOW you are safe
Posted by Eduardo_Sauron (Member # 5827) on :
This Saturday, I'll be able to stay longer :-) The goal is lvl 13 so we can do an instance next week, isn't it?
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
quote:Originally posted by Eduardo_Sauron: This Saturday, I'll be able to stay longer :-) The goal is lvl 13 so we can do an instance next week, isn't it?
Ironically that MIGHT work best for me. The original plan was to be at 16 BY this saturday the 12th. But we can certainly slow things down, I don't think there is a huge rush. But I do admit its hard for me sometimes to not play my warlock so that I can get his next ability or make him that much stronger
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
My warlock is 18 now. His alchemy is almost 100. I'm making potions galore. Email me if you could use an armor, strength, health or healing boost potion (or if you need to breathe water for an hour ).
I'll work on my lvl 8 shaman for a while to get him at or near 13 or so.
Posted by Demonstrocity (Member # 9579) on :
quote:Originally posted by KarlEd: My warlock is 18 now. His alchemy is almost 100. I'm making potions galore. Email me if you could use an armor, strength, health or healing boost potion (or if you need to breathe water for an hour ).
I'll work on my lvl 8 shaman for a while to get him at or near 13 or so.
And you ignore guildchat!
In other news, 15 mage.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
gratz all gratz all. Ill see what I can get done this week, if we get Ragefire done this week, we could possibly do dead mines the following week.
Or can somebody think of a better schedule. I am trying to keep everyone relatively close, but the fact of the matter is we all have varying lvls of free time, as well as other wow characters
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
quote:And you ignore guildchat!
I never ignore it. I just often miss it. I'm still getting used to the interface so I'm sure there are ways to optimize it for personal preferences, but I haven't figured that out yet. As it is, a message could come up and scroll right off the window before I even see it. There is a lot of broadcast spammy-type junk sometimes several lines long so it's not unlikely I'll miss a lot of stuff. Any tips?
In CoH/CoV, the chat window is split. I can move what I want to whichever window I want it in, or have it not display at all. I can put "chat" stuff (as opposed to system messages, battle info, etc) in one window where there is less chance of it scrolling off.
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
quote:Or can somebody think of a better schedule. I am trying to keep everyone relatively close, but the fact of the matter is we all have varying lvls of free time, as well as other wow characters
My "goal" is to have at least two or three characters at different levels so I can pick one close to the average of the group when we play together. That said, if anyone still wants to join the group, I have no problem starting a 3rd character at the same time you do and leveling it with you one evening.
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
I currently have a lot of quests that are too hard for me to complete on my own. Two or three of them are labeled "elite" (though two of them are now "green" which I suppose means I'm starting to outlevel them). One is labeled "Dungeon". These are in Silverpine in the undead lands.
BTW, what determines if a quest can be "shared" or not? I tried teaming with someone last night (not a hatracker) but I couldn't share my quest. Luckily he had a hunting quest in the same area so he helped me out.
Posted by calaban (Member # 2516) on :
Green does mean you are outleveling them.
Dungeon quests are in instances. Instances are areas that you enter as a specific group and are only accessable by those in your group. These contain a great deal of elite mobs and a few bosses. You typically need a group of five for instances, unless you get help from a higher level character.
There are many quests which are dependent upon the completion of previous quests; these quests are only shareable with those who have completed the prerequisite quests. Level and class are also factors that determine quest eligibility.
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
So now that they're green should I re-try them alone, if I can't find help? It it possible to beat an elite boss if he's green?
In CoH/CoV, all the "quests" were "instanced", and they scaled according to how many/what level was in the party, and all missions were "shareable". This made it very easy to solo, or to play with big groups. Of course there were still bosses who required 2, 3 or more people to beat, but that wasn't the norm.
On the other hand, CoH/CoV was much more repetitive than WoW is (so far) so I'm still bucking for the two designers to get together and make the "perfect" MMORPG.
Posted by calaban (Member # 2516) on :
I would. My general rule is to leave an elite alone if it is my same level. I am sure elites were designed so that people would usually have to group to take them down. If it is a group of elites a group is usually necessary. I also don't have a huge problem with dieing, so I always try to solo elites and rarely try them in groups just for the challenge. That and I don't have to share the loot with someone.
Posted by FlyingCow (Member # 2150) on :
It's possible to beat an elite mob of your level alone. It's possible, but harder, to beat two elite mobs of your level alone (easier if you're a pally, shammy, or druid). Beating an elite instance boss your level alone would be very hard (I'd say near impossible), if my memory serves (depending on the boss)- but getting to him would be a lot harder since you'd go 3 or 4 on 1 with elite mobs at some point before then.
Once mobs go gray, you can probably solo an instance if you're careful not to get too many adds.
Nothings impossible, especially if you're rolling a pally, shammy or druid and have lots of potions and good gear, but by the time you can solo an instance, it wouldn't be worth the time for the little amoutn of experience you'd get. (though, I did solo ragefire a lot when I switched at a higher level to enchanting and wanted greens to turn into Strange Dust)
As an aside, I remember the Cosmos user interface was my best friend when I played, and I'm sure it's still pretty good. Check out www.cosmosui.com Posted by Demonstrocity (Member # 9579) on :
quote:So now that they're green should I re-try them alone, if I can't find help? It it possible to beat an elite boss if he's green?
You're a warlock, right? It's very possible. Give it a shot, just run if it looks like he's tearing through your pet too fast.
quote:In CoH/CoV, all the "quests" were "instanced", and they scaled according to how many/what level was in the party, and all missions were "shareable". This made it very easy to solo, or to play with big groups. Of course there were still bosses who required 2, 3 or more people to beat, but that wasn't the norm.
On the other hand, CoH/CoV was much more repetitive than WoW is (so far) so I'm still bucking for the two designers to get together and make the "perfect" MMORPG.
That really would be super, super sweet.
Posted by calaban (Member # 2516) on :
I love that the raid and dungeon instances are among the few places that a spontaneous encounter with a player from a hostile faction can't occur. I admit there have been many times that I was frustrated by people ganking me, however when you are in a contested zone or flagged for pvp you know that at any moment pvp could happen. To me the interaction with the opposite faction is what really makes this game playable.
Posted by Fitz (Member # 4803) on :
Warlocks are great for solo questing. I have a lvl 55 lock, and I've never really had any problems soloing yellow and even orange quests. The best strategy if you're not worried about getting ganked, is to use your voidwalker minion, which you should have at lvl 10. The voidwalker is awesome, because he's basically your own personal tank. Combined with your lock's dps, the VW/lock combo is great.
All you have to do is send your VW up to the mob to start the attack. Keep an eye on your VW's taunts. Every time he taunts, hit the mob with your best dmg spell. If you ever pull the mob's aggro off your VW, and can't handle the mob, you can usually fear it before it ever reaches you (that's when you get fear). Then while it's running around feared, you can nuke it, or conserve mana and wand it to death. The VW usually has enough armor that you can send him up to a group of 2 mobs, and he'll stay alive as long as you're killing the mobs nice and fast.
Of course, the thing about the VW is that its only good move in pvp is sacrifice, which shields you for a nice amount of damage. If you're in an area where you know there's a lot of potential for pvp, you'll probably want to use the succubus, but that's something to worry about later. Personally, I think that warlocks are so powerful that if you have your cooldown spells ready, you should be able to handle many classes no matter what your pet.
As for dungeon quests, those are pretty much impossible to solo. They're instance quests. Some elite quests are soloable, but for the most part you'll need to group with at least 1 or 2 other people.
Posted by FlyingCow (Member # 2150) on :
Yeah, the VW/Lock combo is great one on one. Unfortunately, in instances, you're very rarely one on one, and your VW will get quickly overwhelmed.
Shamans, Druids and Paladins fare a lot better because they can take damage in decent doses and still self-heal. They also have a host of other abilities that allow them to be effective against two or three enemies more powerful than themselves.
Shamans can drop totems that do all manner of crowd-based effects, heal themselves, and do decent magical and physical damage. Druids can switch to bear form with Heal over time spells and buffs that wear down crowds, and also do decent magical and physical damage. Pallies are, well, virtually unkillable if you know what you're doing and have needed to be nerfed from day one.
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
What do you mean by "cooldown spells"?
Posted by FlyingCow (Member # 2150) on :
Normally for instance parties, you need three major components: tank, healer, damage.
The tank draws the aggro and takes the damage, though is not as concerned with dealing damage. His job is just to make all mobs focus on him.
The healer's primary job is to keep the tank alive so that he can keep drawing aggro. The secondary job is to stay alive and heal the rest of the party. (Also rezzing the dead).
The damage is just that. Kill things and don't die.
Damage is easy to come by - Mages, Hunters, and Rogues are good, and they're all popular classes. Also in this category are Warlocks, Druids in cat form or who spec for damage, shadow priests, and shamans who spec for damage. (all popular specs for popular classes)
Healers are harder to come by. You ideally want a priest, which isn't a popular class. If not, go for a Healing specced Druid or Shaman, though those aren't popular specs for those classes. If hard pressed, any Druid or Shammy can heal. Healers are always in high demand for instances.
Tanks are normally Warriors, though I've seen Shamans and Druids tank well enough if they've got good support. Still, warriors aren't the most popular class, so tanks can sometimes be hard to come by - especially ones who know how to tank well (drawing aggro) and aren't just there to charge in blindly and hit things hard. (aka Leroy Jenkins)
So many times you'll try to put an instance group together and you'll end up with three or four damage classes in search of tanks and healers. LFG chat is always lit up with "need healer" or "need tank" - or, more promisingly, "lfg, have healer".
Just something to keep in mind.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
quote:Originally posted by KarlEd: What do you mean by "cooldown spells"?
cooldown spells are spells that require time in between casting. For example hunters have a spell called, "Rapid Fire" Its 15 seconds with a 40% increase in ranged attack speed. After the spells is cast you have to wait 5 minutes for the spell to, "cooldown" before you can use it again.
Of course not every spell has such a long cool down. Cooldowns can range from a global cooldown (1 second) to a few seconds, to a few minutes, to an hour (hearthstone) to in a few extreme cases a few days, (there are some tradeskills that have cooldowns this long).
Posted by Fitz (Member # 4803) on :
quote:Unfortunately, in instances, you're very rarely one on one, and your VW will get quickly overwhelmed.
Well yeah, instances are obviously a different story. For the most part, I use my imp for the stam buff. Succubus also comes in handy if the group doesn't have another class for CC. Even the VW can be useful in high lvl instances though. I did a 4 man Dire Maul with my warrior, and really it was mostly possible because of the lock. We pulled 3 mobs at a time, he banished one, off-tanked one with the VW, while I tanked the main. It made the entire instance (DM east) ridiculously easy. Of course, I would never suggest that a VW or other pet was sufficient for tanking an instance group.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
quote:Originally posted by Fitz:
quote:Unfortunately, in instances, you're very rarely one on one, and your VW will get quickly overwhelmed.
Well yeah, instances are obviously a different story. For the most part, I use my imp for the stam buff. Succubus also comes in handy if the group doesn't have another class for CC. Even the VW can be useful in high lvl instances though. I did a 4 man Dire Maul with my warrior, and really it was mostly possible because of the lock. We pulled 3 mobs at a time, he banished one, off-tanked one with the VW, while I tanked the main. It made the entire instance (DM east) ridiculously easy. Of course, I would never suggest that a VW or other pet was sufficient for tanking an instance group.
I cant get my VW quest done because the damn quest makes me go back into the cave full of bad guys I can't solo on my own. We spent an hour alone in the stupid cafe and passed the quest chest several times but I didnt have the quest then because I was lvl 9 while we were in there Ill need a party to help me get to it, I died 3 times trying to do it alone.
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
Are we still on board for a Saturday morning Ragefire Chasm raid? My Orc Shaman is lvl 13 (almost 14) as of last night, and has two quests assigned for FC.
In other news, I need a guild invite for my Orc Shaman (Kuhrak). He's alchemy/enchantment, so if you find and enchantment recipies send 'em his way. Right now he can just enchant bracers.
Posted by kojabu (Member # 8042) on :
So I didn't read through all five pages, but is there some realm where hatrackers seem to be gathering? I've got some guys on Earthen Ring (Alliance) and Shadow Council (horde)
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
We have a Hatrack Guild on The Venture Co. realm (Horde). If you check on the earlier pages, there is a short list of some of the players' names. I'm Kuhrak, and Neredor.
Posted by Rakeesh (Member # 2001) on :
Good luck on y'alls weekend instance run, Karl! (Assuming it's still on, of course).
You guys and some buddies at work are making me want to play again, damnit. Some things I've found very useful for instance runs:
1. Leader. Pick one, and stick to it. This probably won't be nearly as much of a problem with Hatrackers, but havinng two chiefs can get a TPK faster than you can say...well, TPK (Total Party Kill). The leader's responsibility is to be the one to let the puller know when to begin the fights, decide which enemies to attack first and in what order, and to keep an eye on the entire situation in case of adds.
The leader will need to keep their eyes on the health and mana bars of all party members, as well as routinely panning the camera around to watch out for patrols.
2. Announce cooldowns. If you've got a Warlock who can create a soulstone for reincarnation, make sure he lets everyone know how much time is left until the stone expires, or until he can recast it (I forget, though, which level Warlocks get this ability.) Make sure people keep an eye on their buffs. It is often worth the little extra wait to recharge buffs if they'd expire in mid-fight, even if it means a bit more downtime.
3. Two hybrids don't equal one priest. Seriously, if you've got a Shaman and a Druid or something, that's not the healing capacity of even a single priest. Maybe at later levels, if they're both specced for healing and the priest was specced Shadow.
4. Stopping the runners. While it's good to open up with slowing/damaging spells sometimes, that's not when it's most important. You need to make sure your party has a person in charge of slowing down the runners. Sometimes, those little bastards will bolt with surprising speed straight into another group of enemies which means an add of 2-6 elite even leveled foes while you're still mopping up the last bunch. Not hard to do the math on that.
5. Cloth-wearers...if you get an enemy attacking you, call for help and DON'T MOVE. Wait until the enemy turns away from you, and THEN back up to a safe distance and resume your work. One taunt from a Warrior or a nice backstab from a Rogue is generally enough to piss the guy off sufficiently, as long as you're not continuing to attack him.
In other words, if you're a Mage and get targeted by a beefy melee type, call for help, don't move, and ALSO don't continue nuking the monster while getting help. Wait a moment or two until the tank can safely get to the top of that creature's hate list.
An instance run can be a lot of fun with these things, and a major pain in the ass without them. It may seem hyper-nerdy, to have a list like that...but seeing as how you're paying to play the game, I always felt it best to make sure just in case.
Oh, and if possible it's nice to make sure everyone shares quests prior to going in, or gets help finishing the prerequisites before entering RFC.
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
It's on as far as I'm concerned. I'll be there with bells on.
I haven't instanced much in WoW though.. is RFC a single party instance? If we have too many people can we raid it or will we have to go in seperately?
I know you can go in multiple times so we might have to have one group, then another group after they finish. If I recall correctly from the time I was in there working on weapons skills (being far too high a level) it's not that big of an instance...
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
I'll be online early with my Shaman who hopefully will be lvl 14 by then. Pix, he isn't a guild member yet so I'll need an invite when someone gets on. (I don't suppose my other character can invite him, right? Both inviter and invitee have to be logged on right?)
What time does everyone expect to be on?
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
I'm still lvl 10 but Ill be on tonight or possibly really early in the morning and Ill get 13-14 before we all do Ragefire.
Was up way late doing C'thun attempts with my hunter
GuiMoShi will be ready to deal massive damage tomorrow morning? Is there a time that is convenient for everyone?
I think 10:00 EST would work for me.
Posted by Rakeesh (Member # 2001) on :
Ragefire Chasm is not a raid instance, Pixiest. The standard rules for raiding apply there, which are if I remember: you can do it, but you'll get neither quest credit nor quest drops from any enemies killed for questing if you're in a raid group.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
quote:Originally posted by Rakeesh: Ragefire Chasm is not a raid instance, Pixiest. The standard rules for raiding apply there, which are if I remember: you can do it, but you'll get neither quest credit nor quest drops from any enemies killed for questing if you're in a raid group.
It can be 5 manned though right?
Posted by Demonstrocity (Member # 9579) on :
quote:Originally posted by BlackBlade:
quote:Originally posted by Rakeesh: Ragefire Chasm is not a raid instance, Pixiest. The standard rules for raiding apply there, which are if I remember: you can do it, but you'll get neither quest credit nor quest drops from any enemies killed for questing if you're in a raid group.
It can be 5 manned though right?
Yeah, it's designed to be 5-manned.
Posted by kojabu (Member # 8042) on :
Hm I don't know if I want to start a new guy yet, but as I have a tendency to start new toons when I hit the 20s I might end up with one soon.
Posted by Xavier (Member # 405) on :
Yeah, RFC is a pretty simple instance which can actually done pretty easily by a decent four man group.
While Rakeesh's advice is valuable, don't feel like you need to memorize it for RFC.
And I'm not sure I agree with number 3 of his list for instances up to at least the Scarlett Monastery.
As a Shaman, even enhancement specced, I could main heal every instance up to and including the SM (the highest level instance I've done).
Sure, a priest would have an easier time of it than me alone, but there is no way that me and another hybrid healer couldn't do just as well as a priest.
Going into RFC, WC, SFK, BFD, or SM, I'd take:
Warrior Shaman Druid Mage Rogue
Warrior Mage Rogue Warlock Priest
Any day of the week.
Ideally, you'd have a hybrid and a priest together, such as...
Warrior Shaman Mage Priest Rogue
When a priest is in my party, I can cut loose with my shaman, shocking, tanking, pulling, whatever I feel like doing. I'd still keep my eyes on my team's health bars, and still throw in a Lesser Healing Wave when the load gets too tough for the priest. On tough boss fights, I'd drop back and help make sure everyone stays alive.
And sometimes folks need to not stick so closely to "Warriors Tank", "Priests Heal".
When doing the SM runs after level 40, I had sometimes far more armor than the pre-40 warriors in our group. Sometimes warriors would show up without shields, and I'd have almost twice their armor. I could hold aggro quite well with earth shock as well.
But still, some folks would still say: "Warrior tanks" and not even think about it. I wouldn't question it, but then I'd earth-shock mobs off of the warrior to save his life just about every other encounter.
[ August 11, 2006, 12:24 PM: Message edited by: Xavier ]
Posted by Rakeesh (Member # 2001) on :
Xavier is right...RFC is actually quite small and easy. My personal opinion is that since the Horde is so handicapped numerically, Blizzard decided they could have a nice easy instance right in their primary city. Every single other instance in the game, with the exception of the Stockades I think, takes a bit of a hike to reach.
It's been a long time since I've played at the SM level though, so Xavier could well be right. The trouble is, when you do it that way you're sacrificing two team slots for the effectiveness of one healer. Furthermore, if everything goes to hell-consecutive adds, for instance-two hybrids just aren't going to cut it. If everyone is quite skillful at the game, though, two hybrids can make do.
Posted by Eduardo_Sauron (Member # 5827) on :
Hello, guys. I don't know if I can level my character to 13 until saturday morning (too much work this week. Almost couldn't play). But I'll be online saturday morning, and it'd be spiffy if someone could invite me to the hatrack guild.
See ya this saturday's morning and... good hunting, folks!
Posted by Xavier (Member # 405) on :
quote:Xavier is right...RFC is actually quite small and easy. My personal opinion is that since the Horde is so handicapped numerically, Blizzard decided they could have a nice easy instance right in their primary city. Every single other instance in the game, with the exception of the Stockades I think, takes a bit of a hike to reach.
I've never done the stockades, but I thought that it was very similar in difficulty and location to RFC.
quote:It's been a long time since I've played at the SM level though, so Xavier could well be right. The trouble is, when you do it that way you're sacrificing two team slots for the effectiveness of one healer. Furthermore, if everything goes to hell-consecutive adds, for instance-two hybrids just aren't going to cut it. If everyone is quite skillful at the game, though, two hybrids can make do.
You only are taking two spots if the only thing they are both doing is healing, which is not the case.
Usually, both hybrids are doing other things along with healing for non-boss mobs.
There are benefits to two hybrids versus one priest, most importantly: Two people who can rez! Unless you have a warlock, once that lone priest dies, you can kiss your last two hours of hard work goodbye.
You also get better buffs, and more flexibility. If one hybrid starts to choke in his healing duty, they other can take over. When you only have a priest, the entire team is at their mercy. If that lone priest isn't very good at his role, the instance will be a terrible struggle.
Hybrids can pick up the slack for anybody. Your tank showed up with a two hander? Let your shaman pick up the slack. Or let your druid use bear form. Your priest can't seem to pay attention to the main tank's health? Have your hybrid take over main healing duties. Everyone doing their role just fine? Have your hybrid cut loose with DPS.
You may have been able to pick up that I did a ton of pick-up groups. In pick-up groups, you can never count on any member who comes being any good at his job.
Perhaps if I'd teamed with exclusively capable priests, I'd think that having just one was fine. I never want to let my enjoyment over a 2-3 hour period determined by the capabilities of a random person though.
The conversation in pick-up teams (when not on with my shaman) would go something like:
"Awesome, we've got a priest, a mage, and a tank, now lets get a hybrid."
When I was on with my shaman:
"Cool, we have a hybrid and a warrior, next let's get another healer." (where healer meant either priest, shaman, or druid)
Posted by TheGrimace (Member # 9178) on :
just for the record, since I keep seeing people ask:
Currently every instance is at least intended to be a single group (5-man) except the following few that are all lvl 60 instances: Upper Blackrock Spire Zul Gurub Ruins of Ahn Qiraj Molten Core Blackwing Lair Temple of Ahn Qiraj
I may be mistaken, but I thought they had stopped allowing more than 5 players into most instances (maybe it was just the high-end ones that changed) but in either case all dungeon questing until 60 is by 5-man groups only.
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
Well, it looks like we may have to go RFC twice given the number of people in the guild. So that means double the fun, double the XP and double the drops for those who go twice, right? =)
Posted by TrapperKeeper (Member # 7680) on :
RFC is easy, you could easlily 4 man it if no one was an idiot.
Also, druids can heal almost as good as a priest, even when they are feral specced. Ive healed ST and BRD on my druid and we did just fine. I'll note that I have two sets of gear, one for DPS/tanking and one for healing. You can boost your mana by 2-3k by switching out gear on a druid
Posted by Rakeesh (Member # 2001) on :
Well, the Stockades is an instance where you've basically got to quell a prison riot (lethally, of course;). It's quite a lot smaller than RFC, and consists mostly of enemies packed into small (think shop-sized) rooms, with a few patrols here and there.
What makes it tough is that quite often, runners have only a hop, skip, and a jump to go before they meet some nice adds-usually a minimum of three.
I didn't often do pickup groups. I was either PvPing, or grouping with friends frequently in the same room. I think my experience is colored by that. Since we knew how we played, and our communication was much much better, we routinely handled instances at the minimum level requirements. It just wouldn't have been possible without a priest, at all really. Priests have too many options for negating damage that no hybrid class does.
Posted by Rakeesh (Member # 2001) on :
It's strange to hear you say that, TrapperrKeeper. My experience has been almost completely different.
In a non-instance setting (I forgot to mention this), yes a hybrid can often do the job of a priest. But in instances? No two hybrids-of whatever class and spec-compared to one Holy or Disicipline specced priest. Including BRD, Lair, Strat, Scholo, that one three-branch dungeon whose name I forget in the forest with all the yetis and giants and wolves.
Especially in endgame instances where so often, a Mage is almost required for mass-damage capabilities.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
Per my post about my best friends father, I will likely not be lving my warlock this morning. Ill wake up extra early saturday morning and see if I can get him up 3-4 lvls before we start.
This might sound wierd but is there somebody who would be willing to play my warlock and lvl him today whenever is convenient for you so I can go with you guys tomorrow morning? Ill email you my login info and obviously trust you wont fool around with my other characters (inappropriately)
Posted by TrapperKeeper (Member # 7680) on :
DM, Dire Maul. Sure they can, Druids anyway. I'd be nervous with a Shammy. Pallys probably could. Especially since the last update when they buffed druids healing talents.
I'd be comfortable healing on my druid even LBRS if I knew and trusted the group It would require a warrior or another druid who knew how to tank but it could be done. It is very rare in any non-raid instance to actually REQUIRE any class or spec. Granted you need a healer and usually a tank (not always believe it or not), but no where do you REQUIRE a certain class
Posted by TheGrimace (Member # 9178) on :
Rakeesh, I have to disagree with you.
Example: 2 Zul Farak runs about a week ago on my mage (at the time 45) Group 1: Me 47 Warlock 47 Feral Druid 45 Elemental Shaman 44 Enhancement Shaman
Group 2: Me 47 Warlock 47 Feral Druid 45 Resto Shaman (same one, just respecced in-between) 45 Rogue
Never had any problems with healing, and the second run the one shaman was the only one that cast any heals other than the druid occasionally doing his bear-form self-heal. Both runs wen't great, including some tough/bad pulls where I woulnd't have been suprised if we wiped. (no deaths either run of any player)
Of course I'd agree that priests can heal much better than either of the other classes in most cases, and my 30/21 Holy/Disc priest routinely blew every other healer I grouped with out of the water, but in most situations druids and often even shamans can heal instances just fine.
another example was that for our first few months of MC a druid friend of mine was consistantly the top healer in the raid (though that's a whole nother bag of walnuts)
As for the mass-damage of the mage: while certainly the mage's AE-ing is unparalleled, it can certainly be made-up by other classes filling in (and in large part AE-ing is 1-2 pulls in a given instance and those can be muscled through as necessary without it)
I've done literally dozens of runs of BD Strat with no mage or warlock and had no problems (for example). And warlocks are almost as capable in terms of AE (just require more healing).
Also, for straight damage capabilities: a well-geared and capable rogue can easily match a mage or exceed them in most instances.
I'd say an ideal group makeup for most instances might be something like: Warrior Priest Mage Rogue Shaman
but there's definately a lot of play that you can do with that and still make things work (i.e. my groups above, or my first character who did a 5-pally run of ZF with no casualties waaay back before the 1000-troll event got so incredibly nerfed)
Posted by TrapperKeeper (Member # 7680) on :
/agreed with grimace
Posted by TrapperKeeper (Member # 7680) on :
Also, in a non instance setting a healer really isnt required AT ALL
Posted by FlyingCow (Member # 2150) on :
Which is one of the reasons the priest is one of the least popular classes.
Posted by TheGrimace (Member # 9178) on :
ooh, other fun group configurations I just recalled:
Numerous stealth runs of LBRS: 3 rogues, 2 druids. Including every boss in the instance (admittedly we skipped much of the trash, but that's generally the easy stuff).
Posted by TrapperKeeper (Member # 7680) on :
Stealth Runs are awesome. Love em. And thank god priests are one of the least popular classes. I've got a lvl 55 right now and it is BY FAR the best PVP class I've played. Was taking down 60 warriors and 60 hunters when I was lvl 52. They are just WAY overpowered.
Posted by Rakeesh (Member # 2001) on :
I agree that non-instance, priests are not required.
Posted by FlyingCow (Member # 2150) on :
You a shadow priest, TK? Priests were like candy for my hunter when I PvP'd - one good aimed shot could really ruin their day.
Posted by Rakeesh (Member # 2001) on :
I also generally had an easy time with Priests-even Shadow priests-with my Rogue, so long as it wasn't a duel. Of course, if they got the drop on me first I'd have to stun and slow `em, and run like hell.
Posted by ludosti (Member # 1772) on :
I've gotten my hunter to 12, but I'm going to be out of town Sat/Sun so I won't be able to come to RFK with you guys tomorrow (I've never gotten to see it before). Oh well, hopefully another time or else in a pug.
Posted by FlyingCow (Member # 2150) on :
Yeah, when I was a hunter or rogue, anyone wearing cloth was a prime target.
Posted by Xavier (Member # 405) on :
RFK is "Razorfen Kraul", which is a considerably higher level instance than "Ragefire Chasm" or RFC.
Posted by Megan (Member # 5290) on :
I'm not going to be able to make it tomorrow, guys. Good luck, though!
Posted by calaban (Member # 2516) on :
I just found out I have to fill in for someone tomorrow so I will be out as well.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
We are forming up for Rage Fire Chasm right now, remember the enemies base is down and we need 2 more!
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
I can't go, guys. lil bro's shoes. *grin*
Actually, it was a hoot. We did pretty well with only 4 people and no tank and we managed to finish our quests there.
For those who didn't make it *tsk* We hope to see you next time.
Posted by Sean (Member # 689) on :
Sigh. Here we go again.
(Could somebody guild invite Isean? )
Posted by Architraz Warden (Member # 4285) on :
Ahh, the age old 'primary healer' debate made it to Hatrack... Well, probably made it around again.
Don't know about Shaman and Paladins, but Druids who choose the healing route and gear for it really can give a priest a serious run for their healing money. Ressing is always a short coming, but it's about the only one since Blizz added swiftmend (priests have my condolences concerning lightwell by the way). My druid has solo-healed everything up to... well, a three-man rend run.
And stealth runs are a great time. My preferred combination is three druids and two rogues. Then again, I'm actually somewhat partial to 5 druids as well... A DM north stealth-tribute run is by far the most challenging / entertaining with any make up in my opinion. LBRS is pretty simple as far as stealth runs go, even BRD is more challenging with the dogs.
I'd join you all on Venture Co., but I'm currently spread a bit thin already for WoW time. Running a guild plus levelling lowbies is plenty of time taken, plus all my old main characters on a third realm.
Speaking of my semi-retired mains and druids, I got invited to a 10-man Onyxia run this week. Wish us lots of luck and lack of deep breaths.
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
Got my main up to 23 last night. (Neredor the Warlock). I'm leaving Kahruk (Orc Shaman) at 18 until the group gets up around there.
I got Neredor as far as Tarren Mill, but the quests there seem really sparse and very hard for the level, not to mention that I couldn't even get to them without getting ganked. The place was crawling with Alliance. So I mostly hunted bears and spiders though I did actually finish two of the quests. Got some nice silver for the looting.
Posted by FlyingCow (Member # 2150) on :
quote:again, I'm actually somewhat partial to 5 druids as well...
So... tempted... to... reactivate... account...
I only ever did one stealthy type run, and that was just my druid and a rogue hitting RFK. It was so much fun, but I never really got a chance to do it again. Five druids would rock my socks.
But I will refrain.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
Who would be down with doing Wailing Caverns sometime this week, and then on saturday hitting Deadmines?
I had a blast doing ragefire, and I want to satisfy my loot lust further! Anybody else have an idea as to what they want to accomplish this week?
Posted by calaban (Member # 2516) on :
quote:Originally posted by KarlEd: Got my main up to 23 last night. (Neredor the Warlock). I'm leaving Kahruk (Orc Shaman) at 18 until the group gets up around there.
I got Neredor as far as Tarren Mill, but the quests there seem really sparse and very hard for the level, not to mention that I couldn't even get to them without getting ganked. The place was crawling with Alliance. So I mostly hunted bears and spiders though I did actually finish two of the quests. Got some nice silver for the looting.
Stonetalon Mountains on Kalimdor will have some easier quests for you, take the blimp from UC to Ogrimmar and follow your map. And isn't Needles mid twenties? Or is that thirties? I'm a mostly Alliance player.
Posted by _L (Member # 9448) on :
quote:And isn't Needles mid twenties? Or is that thirties?
Bear in mind that it's generally wise to enter a region at or around the halfway point between its levels, so that you can grind green/yellow mobs/quests until you're high enough to take on the oranges and reds.
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
Well, at 20 my warlock got the quest to allow him to summon a succubus, but that quest sent him through Tarren Mill and into the Wetlands, where all the mobs are 25-30 and higher. I could have finished the quest at 20, theoretically, if I could avoid the mobs, but I could bare move around TM without getting ganked by Alliance players so high their level was "??". Now I'm up to 23 and still no succubus. I'm going to try again when I get home.
Posted by _L (Member # 9448) on :
quote:Well, at 20 my warlock got the quest to allow him to summon a succubus, but that quest sent him through Tarren Mill and into the Wetlands, where all the mobs are 25-30 and higher.
That happens quite a bit with class quests. The quest for Warriors to receive their Whirlwind axe/sword/hammer is received at 30, but pinnacles in the summoning and defeat of a 40 Elite elemental.
Posted by FlyingCow (Member # 2150) on :
You really need a group to have any hope of doing class quests at anything close to the level they're assigned.
And on a PvP server, you need high level benefactors to guide you if anything takes you through Hillsbrad Foothills. PvP servers require guilds to work together, because individuals get wiped. I always played on a PvE server, myself, because I prefered flying solo.
Posted by calaban (Member # 2516) on :
I've always flown solo as well, which can be attested to by two hunters at 60 and 57. However, I love PvP servers and the energy of being in a contested zone. I didn't have many issues leveling in Hillsbrad, although I might have been the cause of such issues for the other faction a little later. Hillsbrad was always the best pvp until the mushroom vendor.
Posted by Fitz (Member # 4803) on :
I wouldn't worry too much about getting your Succubus right away. The fact of the matter is that she's the worst pet at your level. At level 26 though, she gets Seduction, and becomes your CC and damage dealing pet. As you gain levels she gets increasingly better. But for now, rest easy, the voidwalker is still your best friend for questing.
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
quote:Hillsbrad was always the best pvp until the mushroom vendor.
?? What's this about the mushroom vendor?
quote:At level 26 though, she gets Seduction, and becomes your CC . . .
CC? Constant Companion??!
Posted by FlyingCow (Member # 2150) on :
CC = Crowd Control.
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
Ah, that makes sense. Nothing brings a people together like a common language. Nothing sets them apart like an acronym.
Posted by FlyingCow (Member # 2150) on :
Acronyms have become the common language of World of Warcraft.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
quote:Originally posted by FlyingCow: Acronyms have become the common language of World of Warcraft.
True story.
Did some reading on the Wailing Caverns, it looks like it is a 18-low 20's instance. Deadmines is more or less exactly the same.
Who would be down with hitting one of the two during the week, if not one of them for sure saturday morning? I personally think the deadmines is more fun than Wailing Caverns.
I'd really like to have this planned with 5 players commited. I have alot of fun raiding with you guys.
KarlEd: To be hones "Constant Companion" is probably a more accurate description of what a succubus does then "Crowd Control"
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
BB: I'll be there saturday morning, so count me in.
Posted by dantesparadigm (Member # 8756) on :
I'll be on Saturday morning, so you have a healer.
Posted by calaban (Member # 2516) on :
The mushroom vendor is a NPC at terran mill that can aggro into a fight. He is a civilian which means a DHK or dishonorable kill. A dhk results in a loss of honor, slowing your progression through the pvp rank system.
Oh, also I should be good to go on saturday. VanCleef or Wailing caverns.
Incidentally, what is the best way for horde to get to westfall?
Posted by FlyingCow (Member # 2150) on :
I'd just like to take this moment to say that quitting WoW meant never having to do Wailing Caverns again. That is a wonderful thing.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
quote:Originally posted by calaban: The mushroom vendor is a NPC at terran mill that can aggro into a fight. He is a civilian which means a DHK or dishonorable kill. A dhk results in a loss of honor, slowing your progression through the pvp rank system.
Oh, also I should be good to go on saturday. VanCleef or Wailing caverns.
Incidentally, what is the best way for horde to get to westfall?
I've heard of horde taking the blimp to stranglethorn and swimming. Next time I am on wow I will plot a course.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
I know Pixiest is on board but right now it looks like we are doing Deadmines saturday morning.
Who is coming, and what time is good for all of you?
I was thinking 10:00am EST. My wife is leaving for work at 1:30pm EST for work until 7:00pm EST. That works for me too.
edit: BTW deadmines is a,(absolute lowest-absolute highest) 16-24 instance. Get in that range by saturday morning.
we could even do Wailing Caverns if you guys want afterwards, if people have the energy for it.
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
Guess I should do some grinding tonight on my mage so I'll be able to contribute some DPS (I'm only lvl 19.)
Hope it's more than just me and BB. You're all welcome to come if your'e in the right level range. You too, Lurkers!
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
Well, it was a hoot this morning. Megan (not me, the other one) made out like a bandit (which is appropriate since she's a rogue) and a good time was had by all!
We went to Deadmines but ran out of gas just before the main boss. Then those of us who were left went over to RFC and cleared that again.
There was much lewt and many xps. I hope to see more of you next time (and during the week cuz you know, it's fun to play then too.)
Posted by Megan (Member # 5290) on :
I really did make out like a bandit. In the words of Megan (not me, the other one), Deadmines is a leatherfest!
It was really tons of fun.
Posted by The Silverblue Sun (Member # 1630) on :
I have a 60 Paladin on Uldum.
He's 100% leet.
3/8 Tier 2.
We one shotted Nef last night for the 1st time.
WOW is too cool.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
Gratz Sun one shotting Nef for the first time just feels awesome!
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
I got my first HK, but in an strangely accidental way.
I was trying to get on the blimp just outside of the Undercity and I saw this human just standing by the roadsign. It was such an unexpected sight I didn't stop moving and walked right up to her before realizing she wasn't Horde. She was "??" level and I was 26, but nevertheless she started to run. I shot at her with my wand and she stopped and shot a fireball back which took one third of my life in one shot. So I ran up to the blimp tower. She shot at me again and that apparently triggered the tower guards because they swooped down on her and took her out, but I got credit for the kill.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
quote:Originally posted by KarlEd: I got my first HK, but in an strangely accidental way.
I was trying to get on the blimp just outside of the Undercity and I saw this human just standing by the roadsign. It was such an unexpected sight I didn't stop moving and walked right up to her before realizing she wasn't Horde. She was "??" level and I was 26, but nevertheless she started to run. I shot at her with my wand and she stopped and shot a fireball back which took one third of my life in one shot. So I ran up to the blimp tower. She shot at me again and that apparently triggered the tower guards because they swooped down on her and took her out, but I got credit for the kill.
I've tried doing that a few times, but I think I have only succeeded once Gratz! Getting an HK for somebody who is ?? = more honor than killing somebody who is at comparable level. Also this might be interesting to you but its when it comes to PVP its MUCH easier to kill somebody who is say 5 lvls higher than you than it would be to kill a mob in a PVE situation 5 lvls higher than you.
So bear that in mind next time you see some guy who has 6-7 lvls on you, you just might want to ambush him and show him the worn sole of your shoe as you stamp it on his face
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
Yay Neredor! Did it really get your blood pumping?
Posted by ladyday (Member # 1069) on :
I'd like to join in on this. You guys are on Venture Company, hoard, right?
I seriously have no idea how I missed this before, I must have just totally spaced. I'm a little squeamish about the whole PVP thing (yeah, I'm a bluebie carebear or whatever you PVP meanies call us!) and I'd be -super- casual.
I'd like to try a shaman but if there's a specific class you guys could use to help out then I'm game for it. I've never leveled up a character past the 20s in WoW, but I've played a warlock, a mage, a priest, a warrior (I don't think that lasted long, I'm a little iffy on playing melee) an'...another mage on another server. I think that's it. The priest I leveled the most but I liked playing the warlock best.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
quote:Originally posted by ladyday: I'd like to join in on this. You guys are on Venture Company, hoard, right?
I seriously have no idea how I missed this before, I must have just totally spaced. I'm a little squeamish about the whole PVP thing (yeah, I'm a bluebie carebear or whatever you PVP meanies call us!) and I'd be -super- casual.
I'd like to try a shaman but if there's a specific class you guys could use to help out then I'm game for it. I've never leveled up a character past the 20s in WoW, but I've played a warlock, a mage, a priest, a warrior (I don't think that lasted long, I'm a little iffy on playing melee) an'...another mage on another server. I think that's it. The priest I leveled the most but I liked playing the warlock best.
I don't believe we have a druid, but out of all the other classes I think there is at least 1 person tackling it. We have several groups of people all of varying lvls. We have some people who are just on all the time, and we have a group of people who lvl during the week, reach a goal and hit and instance once a week. You are welcome to decide where you would fit in The more the merrier.
Posted by FlyingCow (Member # 2150) on :
quote:but its when it comes to PVP its MUCH easier to kill somebody who is say 5 lvls higher than you than it would be to kill a mob in a PVE situation 5 lvls higher than you.
It's also much easier to kill someone higher level than you if you're Horde than if you're Alliance. Alliance is used to having numbers on their opponents, while Horde is more used to fighting short handed. Catch an Alliance player alone, and he's going to have a harder time than a Horde player.
At least in my experience. YMMV.
Edit: Also, if the five level gap is over a benchmark level like 20 or 40 it's hard, because classes get such a boost then. A 17 v. 24 will be a harder fight than a 22 v. 29, and a 36 v 42 will be a lot tougher than a 42 v 48.
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
Ladyday, I don't think it's a problem if you want to try a shaman. I'm currently the only one in the group that I know of, and if you're playing casually you may never catch up to him (and I, personally, don't think it's a problem if you did).
And casual playing should be fine. Certainly better than not joining us at all. I have no problem starting a new character to play along with you when you are online at the same time as me. I was thinking of starting a rogue. I've never played one of those before.
Let me know if/when you want to start a character and I'll join you if I can.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
quote:Originally posted by FlyingCow:
quote:but its when it comes to PVP its MUCH easier to kill somebody who is say 5 lvls higher than you than it would be to kill a mob in a PVE situation 5 lvls higher than you.
It's also much easier to kill someone higher level than you if you're Horde than if you're Alliance. Alliance is used to having numbers on their opponents, while Horde is more used to fighting short handed. Catch an Alliance player alone, and he's going to have a harder time than a Horde player.
At least in my experience. YMMV.
Edit: Also, if the five level gap is over a benchmark level like 20 or 40 it's hard, because classes get such a boost then. A 17 v. 24 will be a harder fight than a 22 v. 29, and a 36 v 42 will be a lot tougher than a 42 v 48.
True story. (About the benchmark)
Posted by Sean (Member # 689) on :
Should we try and get a WC run together? I have plans Fri/Sat but any other day would work.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
I would love to go to WC or Deadmines again sometime this week. As long as its in the evening I could probably make it work.
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
I might be able to squeeze in a run this week. Let me know what time you guys would like to do this.
Posted by Juxtapose (Member # 8837) on :
Inspired by you all, I'm reinstalling the game.
Horde on Venture Co, right? Any specific requests as to class?
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
hmmm either a druid (none of those thus far), or another healer class (we have 1 priest I believe total).
Its wierd seeing a powerlvling service at the bottom of this page.
Posted by Juxtapose (Member # 8837) on :
I can go druid to round out the group. Since you guys are hitting WC, you must be in the late teens, right? Just trying to gauge how much catching up I'll need to do.
I consider powerleveling and gold farming businesses weird in general.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
a group of us who run instances once a week nowadays are late teens. Some people are in their 20's some alts/people are just past 10.
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
I'm up for WC guys, just let me know and I'll be sure to be there.
Both my chars are in the low 20s.
The more hatrackers we can get the better. It's wonderful having everyone in guildchat!
Posted by Juxtapose (Member # 8837) on :
Ok, I rolled a Tauren druid named "Reiplinger".
EDIT - lvl 6 and counting.
[ August 21, 2006, 06:32 PM: Message edited by: Juxtapose ]
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
I'd like to set a tentative date for Tuesday evening for the WC's does that work for anybody?
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
Tuesday works for me! (just like hookt ahn fanix)
It would have to start at 6PM Pacific time though. I'm frequently not home from work before then.
Posted by dantesparadigm (Member # 8756) on :
I'd be in for a WC run tuesday. I'll try to get up to 20 before then, depending on how much you do, WC can be pretty demanding.
Posted by Sean (Member # 689) on :
Heh, I was just about to start dropping hints about priests.
I can do 6 Tuesday.
Posted by Architraz Warden (Member # 4285) on :
quote:Originally posted by FlyingCow:
quote:but its when it comes to PVP its MUCH easier to kill somebody who is say 5 lvls higher than you than it would be to kill a mob in a PVE situation 5 lvls higher than you.
It's also much easier to kill someone higher level than you if you're Horde than if you're Alliance. Alliance is used to having numbers on their opponents, while Horde is more used to fighting short handed. Catch an Alliance player alone, and he's going to have a harder time than a Horde player.
At least in my experience. YMMV.
Edit: Also, if the five level gap is over a benchmark level like 20 or 40 it's hard, because classes get such a boost then. A 17 v. 24 will be a harder fight than a 22 v. 29, and a 36 v 42 will be a lot tougher than a 42 v 48.
Also, if the lower class is a melee class, they'll stand a better chance against a higher level player. Glancing blows in melee do partial damage, while most resists in PvP wind up being entirely resisted.
Got to see a great example of this when a 43 warrior (me) and two 42 paladins took down a warlord ranked 60 shaman in Arathi. Three times. It even managed to bump me from Rank 0 to Rank 1.
Posted by ladyday (Member # 1069) on :
Okee I'm about 90 percent through patching, heh...I am not positive what I'll be making but her name will be Verileah or something similar. I'll bug someone for an invite once I'm done screwing around with my UI (I'm kinda fussy about it :X)
Posted by Storm Saxon (Member # 3101) on :
*waves at ladyday*
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
I'm glad to see so many people jumping on the bandwagon.
It seems tuesday is not good for alot of people, so to give people more breathing room for lvling and a less stressful time actually running Wailing Caverns, its supposed to be fun anyway I'd like to set a tentative date for thursday evening and say 8:00 EST. Thats 5:00pm Pacific.
Posted by Architraz Warden (Member # 4285) on :
Bad news Ladyday... you'll get to patch even more (they just brought all the realms down for 1.12).
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
Ladyday, let me know what race and I'll make a new one in that race, too and we can team up.
Posted by FlyingCow (Member # 2150) on :
quote:Got to see a great example of this when a 43 warrior (me) and two 42 paladins took down a warlord ranked 60 shaman in Arathi.
I think it helped a lot that you had two twinktastic Pallies with you. Three warriors would have had a lot harder time.
Then again, the shammy in question could have just been awful.
As an aside, fighting one-on-one my 52 hunter took down a few 60 rogues, mages, warlocks, and priests. I even took down a few dumb 60 pallies who took too long to heal themselves before I got off another crit.
Level doesn't matter quite as much as player ability in PvP - especially against a player who is used to PvE and the more predictable behavior of mobs. Given two players 5 levels apart, the better PvPer will win. Given a PvP specialist v. a PvE specialist ten levels higher, and the PvP specialist has a damn good chance.
Posted by ladyday (Member # 1069) on :
I made an undead priest last night named Verileah, just to screw around with and jog my memory. I -might- stick with her but I'm a little antsy from playing so many dps classes :X. Then again, if you make a rogue the two of us would clean up nicely!
In any case, I think I prefer the look of undead and will stick with that if I decide to make another. The warlock is tempting me but I'm told undead priests on a PVP server are a heck of a lot of fun!
I'll log in later tonight and hopefully we can find each other.
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
I did say rogue, didn't I. Maybe I'll make another. Venture Co. was down when I logged on yesterday so I made a gnome rogue on a different server. Didn't much care for it, but I'm not sure if it was because it was rogue or because it was gnome. Anyway, I'll keep an eye out for Verileah tonight, if you're on. What level did you get her to?
Posted by ladyday (Member # 1069) on :
Make the class you want to play! Priests match nicely with everything . Verileah is level seven and I haven't taken her far from home.
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
I made a mage named Ragert (I think ) and got him to lvl 3 this morning. I'll log on with him when I get him home and hook up with you then.
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
Karl you didn't like the other server cuz you missed us =)
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
Yeah. In fact the only reason I have characters on other servers is so I have something to do when I want to play and Venture Co. is down.
I think I'm going to make Ragert a skinner/tailor. I do skinner/leather, but he can't wear leather so it wouldn't be very useful for himself.
Does anyone here do any fishing or cooking at all? Neredor needs some specific fish for certainl potions, and I've seen where you can get them, but I've neglected his fishing and now he can't fish in the areas where he quests. I've got his skill up to 50 by fishing in Orgrimmar and the Under City, but that's still not high enough to fish around Splintertree. And none of my characters have ever cooked anything. Is there a reason to? I'm usually selling food because I don't want to take up so many slots holding all the food that drops.
Posted by Demonstrocity (Member # 9579) on :
quote: Does anyone here do any fishing or cooking at all? Neredor needs some specific fish for certainl potions, and I've seen where you can get them, but I've neglected his fishing and now he can't fish in the areas where he quests. I've got his skill up to 50 by fishing in Orgrimmar and the Under City, but that's still not high enough to fish around Splintertree. And none of my characters have ever cooked anything. Is there a reason to? I'm usually selling food because I don't want to take up so many slots holding all the food that drops.
Cooking is cheaper than buying food, and a lot of cooked foods give stat buffs when consumed. It's great for hunters, who often need specific kinds of foods to feed their pets.
Posted by Architraz Warden (Member # 4285) on :
quote:Originally posted by KarlEd: I've got his skill up to 50 by fishing in Orgrimmar and the Under City, but that's still not high enough to fish around Splintertree.[/QB]
Psst, are you using baubles? A bright bauble would bring your fishing up to 100 or so, and that should sufficient for Ashenvale I would think.
Also, cooking gives some nice 15m buffs to spirit and stamina if you don't happen to have a pocket priest lying around for the fortitude buff. Once you get into the 200s with fishing and cooking, there are some even better advantages. Also, cooked foods do stack to 20, so they don't take up too much space if you just keep one or two stacks around and just sell / barter / give away the rest.
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
Hmm, I'll try the bauble thing. So do you all cook and fish then? What level are you up to in those skills? (Also if you get any blackmouth or fire-something fish, mail 'em to me. I can use them in potions.)
Does anyone need something I can mail to them for their profession? Pix, what type of cloth are you collecting these days? Is anyone collecting for the "war effort"?
Posted by Architraz Warden (Member # 4285) on :
I'm not on the Ventrue Co. server yet, as I'm still babysitting my fledgling guild more often than not when I log on (on Lightning's Blade).
I have one character that I've levelled fishing and cooking one. Fishing up to 250 for Stonescale Eels (quest item, and alchemy staple) and Nightfin Snappers, which give a nice mana regeneration bonus when cooked. I stockpiled all the fish I caught, and managed to level up my cooking from 0-300 in a single day (someone bet me I couldn't do it without using the Auction House. They lost.)
If you're horde, you can always catch and sell Deviate Fish from the barrens. Even better if you happen to get the recipe for Savory Deviate Delight.
Posted by Sean (Member # 689) on :
I've never tried cooking/fishing.
Posted by FlyingCow (Member # 2150) on :
I always wanted to get a Winter Squid, but they're seasonal. I only reached the appropriate fishing level (250+) once Summer came around and they were all replaced with Summer Bass.
Winter Squid give +3 to Agility, if I remember, when they're cooked. Would have loved to have that on either my hunter or rogue.
Higher level cooking is very useful. Fishing and cooking at the same time is an easy way to get your cooking to higher levels very quickly. If you start early enough, you can get to Thunder Bluff and get the low low level fish recipes, then just fish/cook until you can't level either anymore.
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
Everyone needs to be doing cooking. It's far too useful later on. The food you make heals you and gives you stat bonuses. Fishing is a good way to raise your cooking on the cheap, but most cooked fish gives no stat bonuses (but is great for feeding your cat)
...I need to pick up fishing.. but it's so boring...
Karl: I'm collecting wool and silk. I'm not far from making silk bags.
Mail me the parts of course, and I'll make it for you. (Though my mailbox is kinda full with stuff mailed from pernicia so be sure to tell me in guild spam that you did it.)
I've also decided to go Leatherworking in order to make me even poorer, but I haven't surrendered skinning yet. (My hunter can skin enough to grind on.)
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
Cooking and Fishing just seem like huge time sinks to me. I dont know if I can handle them.
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
Cooking is no slower than any other trade skill... fishing on the oth*yawn*er hand...
Posted by Rakeesh (Member # 2001) on :
Cooking is only a very mild time sink as far as trade skills are concerned. With a brief stop at just one more vendor in settlements you can have the materials you need to actually use all the various meats you loot from animal kills, food which is an alternative or a supplement to bandaging for example. It goes to reduce downtime for one thing, and that's aside from the appreciable stat bonuses at higher levels.
And if you're a hunter, it's very nice because since you'll be killing animals frequently to find better foods for your pet anyway, you can cook it and keep them happier for longer with the same piece of meat, and heal them more quickly as well.
Fishing, though, is boring as hell despite being fun sometimes such as with Deviate fish.
Posted by Architraz Warden (Member # 4285) on :
quote:Originally posted by The Pixiest: Cooking is no slower than any other trade skill... fishing on the oth*yawn*er hand...
This is very true... in fact, the only things that made fishing bareable on my druid were 1) Guild Chat and 2) hibernating every lowbie druid that tried to run past in cheetah form.
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
Fishing is fine if you're level X9 and waiting ona battle ground... if you can't find anything better to do...
Posted by Architraz Warden (Member # 4285) on :
You... you have to wait on battlegrounds? What a novel thought.
Prior to the Cross-Realm battlegrounds, the longest I had to wait for, say, and AV was about 75 seconds. And that was just after a game ended and they were all queuing up for the next one. Since they put 1.12 in, I've heard that queues remain instant, or near instant. Haven't seen this for myself yet though.
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
I only got in one BG yesterday in about 3 hrs. Granted it was the lvl 2X BGs
Posted by Rakeesh (Member # 2001) on :
The only experience I ever had with Battlegrounds was on a PvP server, actually. Pix, were you on a PvE server? That could potentially explain it.
Heheh, just imagine you're signed up solo for a Cross-Realm BG and you get on a team with a buncha PvE server people. You could kill like a king!
Posted by FlyingCow (Member # 2150) on :
If you're Alliance, battlegrounds can take a lifetime because of so many people in queue. For Horde, wait times are far lower because of lower population. At least on most servers.
As for fishing, it used to be far cooler, because you could actually catch green items from time to time. Now they've eliminated that, making fishing as boring as grinding for any other materials in the game.
Still, there are fishing quests at higher skill levels, and wortwhile fish like Winter Squid. At earlier levels, alchemists need to fish for Oily Blackmouth and Firefin Snapper, and fish are components at higher levels for other professions.
It is boring, though. Normally I did it while waiting for people to log on or complete prereq quests before doing an instance or something.
Posted by Squish (Member # 9191) on :
I apologize if someone's already asked this, but I didn't want to go through all 7 pages of this thread. Does anyone still play on Frostwolf?
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
rakeesh: I haven't played my carebear server character in a month. I went into a BG with my Venture Company server character
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
Squish, I don't think anyone posting here is on Frostwolf. I haven't seen it mentioned in 7 pages, anyway.
Regarding fishing, I think I found the secret. I loathed fishing, for all the reasons listed above, with all my other characters, but I never started fishing until I was already in areas where the skill level was too high and I either couldn't fish at all, or 5 times out of 7 my fish got away. With my new character, though, I started fishing as soon as I could find a trainer, and I used a bauble right away. I caught a fish 7 or 8 times out of ten casts, and by the time my bauble ran out, I was catching at about the same rate without one. I think the trick is to over-level in the easy waters to get a leg up on the harder ones. I was at 62-63 fishing skill before I logged last night.
I also got cooking, but the only thing I can cook is "Charred Demondog", which just uses dog meat and fire. I have a recipe for eggs that need spices, but I have no idea where you find eggs. I've never seen them except as a side quest (like raptor eggs, for example) and certainly haven't run across any around the Undercity.
I'm liking skinning. It's a lot easier to grind than herb-gathering, and I can sell the stuff or send it to Kahruk. I took tailoring just because my mage can't wear leather, and I thought it would be good to have a profession where I could actually use the product.
Personally, I like the professions, even when I'm grinding. CoH didn't have anything like that and it's a welcome break from "kill things and move on to where you kill more things".
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
So what's the deal with the battlegrounds? Where do you enter, and at what level? Also, any tips for a newbie? I've never done any PVP except getting ganked in Hillsbrad and the one semi-accidental HK I got a couple of days ago, but I'm looking to start.
Posted by FlyingCow (Member # 2150) on :
You have to kill birds to get eggs - normally a specific type of bird. Most recipes need a specific type of mob to make them work - or a specific group of mobs.
You're totally right about fishing early rather than later, though. My Tauren character's fishing/cooking was crazy high before he ever left Mulgore. I got the brilliant smallfish, longjaw mud snapper, and bristlewhisker catfish recipes at the cooking vendor in Thunder Bluff, then fished and cooked until I was at nearly 100 in both.
When I then needed to fish for Oily Blackmouth and Firefin Snapper at Ratchet for my alchemy potions, I had no problems.
Posted by Rakeesh (Member # 2001) on :
KarlEd, Battlegrounds are competitions teams of opposed-faction players engage in on a maps ranging from, oh, capital-city sized to entire region size as an estimate. You meet with an NPC outside your faction's entrace to queue up for the Battleground, either individually or as part of a grouup. The opposing teams are arranged in 10-level groups, 20-29, 30-39, etc. (I may have misremembered the numbers, but it's a ten-level range). The highest level battleground has a seperate section for L60 players, designed to make the 50-59 range more competitive.
There are currently three Battlegrounds for a player to choose from. The first is called Warsong Gulch, which can be found in southern Ashenvale for Alliance and northern Barrens for the Horde. It's basically a capture-the-flag scenario. Alliance and Horde face off against each other from a small compound on either side of the map (for the Alliance, it's a Night Elf style lodge and for the Horde it's an Orc style logging camp). First team to three captures wins. Usually it runs pretty quickly, but sometimes a stalemate can drag on because it's quite a hike from one base to the other.
The second is called the Arathi Basin, cunningly hidden in the Arathi Highlands. It's a real-estate capture-and-hold scenario. Seperated by land and bodies of water are a series of buildings: a stables, a blacksmith, a lumber mill, a mine, things of that sort. Each one has a flag that must be right-clicked on and held for several seconds to capture that resource-gathering area. As long as you hold a position, it accrues resources for you. First one to the top score, 2,000 points I think, wins. There is zero chance of stalemate in this case, obviously. Teams of up to 15 each.
The last Battleground is called Alterac Valley, and it's 51-60 only. It's very big and pretty complex, but basically consists of each faction trying to invade, destroy, capture and finally conquer the enemy's territory, done by destroying towers and killing some tough NPCs and their guards.
I still remember a lot about em, because I thought they were freakin' awesome:) But then, PvP was just about my favorite thing in the game anyway. Each Battleground has its own faction and quests (ranging from one or two in WG and AB, to like a dozen in AV), and completing them gains you reputation just like any other faction. This grants you access to some pretty decent gear, even blue and purple that you can purchase from NPCs there outright.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
We should all setup a time to hit warsong gultch and play a few rounds
Who would be down with that? You just have to make lvl 20 (but preferably alittle higher) before we go. We can premptively setup strategy based on classes that show up.
We've all read Enders Game, we have a leg up on everyone, we at least know where the enemie's gate is.
Posted by Megan (Member # 5290) on :
I invited my hubby (who is not a Hatracker) to the guild. He's a shaman named Emothe.
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
I'm pretty decent at the battlgrounds. I was in the top 80 on sen'jin before I hit 60 (then I instantly got bored, stopped BGing and moved to Venture Company.)
It's best to go in on the 9s... that is level 19, 29, 39, 49... You'll be the biggest thing there. (Of course, it's really really really good to practice even before you get to the X9s)
Upgrade your equipment, (especially your bows, hunters) as best as you can. PVP is all about burst damage so try to get the most of your primary damage stat you can. Stamina is of equal importance. They'll be doing burst damage to you so you need the stamina to get your hitpoints up.
We can join BGs as a group. Our wait may be a little longer but we can do it. I'm up for this when you guys are.
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
Othermegan: It's great to have him =)
Posted by FlyingCow (Member # 2150) on :
When I played, BGs were 21-30, 31-40, 41-50... instead of 20-29, 30-39 etc. Oh the fun I had camping my own flag as a 40 rogue in Warsong Gulch against 31's trying to take it.
:evil laugh:
Posted by Rakeesh (Member # 2001) on :
Actually my favorite part was to camp their flag, and depending on the layout preemptively sap enemies for a druid or maybe a different rogue to swipe it...or to grab it after the first attempt failed, but left the enemy in injured disarray.
Sprint, Preparation, Sprint, Rocket Boots and if I'm lucky, speed booster in the enemy base
Posted by FlyingCow (Member # 2150) on :
I alternated between offense and defense. While I liked camping their flagroom as a setup for a runner, or to grab and Sprint as soon as they killed our first runner, I think I prefered defense.
Sitting stealthed on the flag with slowing poison on one blade and damage poison on the other... sap whoever grabs the flag, go to town on him and laugh as he tried to creep toward an exit before dying.
I had one idiot 35 pally try five times in a row to solo the flag. None of us could stop laughing... I mean, what as he thinking on his run back from his third rez? "Maybe *this* time there won't be a stealthed rogue on the flag..."
Alliance is stupid.
Posted by Architraz Warden (Member # 4285) on :
I loved dropping "The Big One" (10 yard radius, 5 second stun, unlimited targets) bombs onto the flag from above, jumping down, grabbing the flag, shifting into cat, and running like crazy. Over all I didn't enjoy WSG as much as AV, but when moments when that worked, it made the game almost worthwhile. Also, before 1.12, Abolish Poison was a wonderful, wonderful thing. Don't know about now...
Posted by Demonstrocity (Member # 9579) on :
quote:Originally posted by FlyingCow: I alternated between offense and defense. While I liked camping their flagroom as a setup for a runner, or to grab and Sprint as soon as they killed our first runner, I think I prefered defense.
Sitting stealthed on the flag with slowing poison on one blade and damage poison on the other... sap whoever grabs the flag, go to town on him and laugh as he tried to creep toward an exit before dying.
I had one idiot 35 pally try five times in a row to solo the flag. None of us could stop laughing... I mean, what as he thinking on his run back from his third rez? "Maybe *this* time there won't be a stealthed rogue on the flag..."
Alliance is stupid.
I can't count how many times I ice trapped our flag and the same solo horde flag runners would run straight into it.
Horde is stupid.
Posted by Architraz Warden (Member # 4285) on :
quote:Originally posted by Demonstrocity:
quote:Originally posted by FlyingCow: I alternated between offense and defense. While I liked camping their flagroom as a setup for a runner, or to grab and Sprint as soon as they killed our first runner, I think I prefered defense.
Sitting stealthed on the flag with slowing poison on one blade and damage poison on the other... sap whoever grabs the flag, go to town on him and laugh as he tried to creep toward an exit before dying.
I had one idiot 35 pally try five times in a row to solo the flag. None of us could stop laughing... I mean, what as he thinking on his run back from his third rez? "Maybe *this* time there won't be a stealthed rogue on the flag..."
Alliance is stupid.
I can't count how many times I ice trapped our flag and the same solo horde flag runners would run straight into it.
Horde is stupid.
True that! I mean... Zugzug!
Posted by Rakeesh (Member # 2001) on :
Well speaking as a person who got a Paladin to L60 on a PvP server...the learning curve for Paladins is essentially a straight line
I can't tell you how often people asked me what I was doing when I was putting up Detect Traps with my Rogue. 95%< of the time, it was 'wasted'.
Posted by FlyingCow (Member # 2150) on :
quote:I can't count how many times I ice trapped our flag and the same solo horde flag runners would run straight into it.
Horde is stupid.
I've disarmed my fair share of flag ice traps in WSG, and sapped the Hunter for his troubles. I particularly liked having his pet chase me out of bowshot, then killing the pet to make him rez it.
I'm curious what server you were on, too. On Bronzebeard, I only ever lost twice in WSG with the Horde in the 31-40 bracket - out of at least 60 or 70 tries. I'd venture to say about half of them were 3-0 sweeps, too. Our record was just over 9 min for 3 flag caps and the win.
Of course, this was just after BGs opened. The Alliance was used to zerging the hell out of Tarren Mill with a 4 to 1 advantage or better, and the Horde was used to fighting shorthanded. Once it was 10 v. 10, we handed them their butts almost invariably.
I'm sure that's balanced out a lot more by now.
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
So has anyone done any of the cross-server battle-ground stuff? How is it different (other than being cross server?)
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
Oh, and from what I can see, The Alliance still usually pwns Terren Mill. I'm trying to do my little lvl 20-26 missions and keep getting ganked by (??)s. I think we need to get all our characters to 60 and then camp out at Terren Mill and drop some payback on the little squirts.
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
I once got 15 caps in a row (that's 5 hat-tricks) in 5 shut out BGs.
I didn't get many HKs though. I felt like a FedEx driver... a Gloating FedEx driver...
Posted by FlyingCow (Member # 2150) on :
quote:Oh, and from what I can see, The Alliance still usually pwns Tarren Mill
Well, when you outnumber your opponent by 2 to 1 at almost all times, it's not that hard to beat up on a town with no wall that can be easily approached from all sides.
At least with the Crossroads, there are walls, specific entry points, and a flight path to a capital city that actually has some players in it.
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
Where was everyone this weekend? I was on an embarrasingly large number of hours this weekend and only saw a few Hatrackers.
Actually players in general were pretty sparse around the Undercity and Terran Mill this weekend. Was there some major RL event going on of which I am unaware?
Anyway, I got Ragert to 20, finally. I'm out of town this weekend so if you do any raids, think of me. (Actually I'll be back Sunday evening, so if anyone's up for something then, count me in.
Posted by Megan (Member # 5290) on :
I spent much of the weekend getting ready for classes (and attending meetings). I know Jim was on a bunch, though.
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
Yeah, I got discourged at the dirth of <Dragon Army> on this weekend too. Where were you guys?
Posted by Demonstrocity (Member # 9579) on :
I was there!
As evidenced by my hunter going from level 16 to 23 O_O.
Posted by Sean (Member # 689) on :
Football game and a wedding. Got my Wingblade yesterday though.
Posted by Architraz Warden (Member # 4285) on :
A shame we're all horde (and likely not in the same battlegroup), it'd be a blast having a <Salamander Army> vs. <Dragon Army> match in the BGs.
Posted by calaban (Member # 2516) on :
I was out of town; I go into it at length so all the WoW related stuff is in the last paragraph. For those interested in other stuff read on.
Utah Shakespearean Festival.
Hamlet, Marry Wives, Anthony & Clopatra.
Merry Wives is like most of Williams comedies. Baudy and Hillarious. You come away happy, and with a mild belly work out.
Although it was not a willywigglestick play, HMS Pinafore was also playing. Pinafore was typical bread and butter Gilbert and Sullivan. <calaban wistles as he nonchalantly removes any incriminating evidence> Witty with mix ups and shenanigans. And as always they never let relative ages get in the way of thier plot twists.
Hamlet was spectacular. Brian Vaugn is a regular at the Utah festival and is always very powerful. All were well cast except for the userper uncle. He was the same fellow that played Mark Anthony, and showed little deviation in the portrayal of his characters.
Anthony&Cleo. Admitedly it's not one of my favorites, but as I mentioned above Mark Anthony was empty, preventing me from developing any empathy for him. Even worse, the actress who played Cleopatra had an extremely annoying 'hip' every time she inhaled between lines. Although it doesn't seem Shakespeare wrote Cleopatra very sympathetically, you are supposed to care for her. However, between the 'hip' and always sounding like she was reading from a script rather than delivering lines in character, I was cheering for Octavious by the end.
In other news I was spending some time leveling my nelfunter on Kil'jaeden, I snagged a beastalkers belt to compliment my gloves and bracers, and also won the savage gladiators greaves in BRD.
[ August 29, 2006, 08:51 AM: Message edited by: calaban ]
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
I REALLY wanted to do something saturday but I had errands all day to run with the Wife. Ill do my best to be on sometime during the week, and for sure on saturday morning!
Demonstrocity: I too was famouse for putting my kitty on prowl, placing a freezing trap in front of the flag and shadowmelding on the other side of the room. Killes SO many would be flag carriers as they rushed towards the flag and into the trap.
Posted by FlyingCow (Member # 2150) on :
Ah, you were a NE Hunter. Blegh. Night Elves are the worst of the alliance. They don't even make good hamburger - the meat is just stringy and tasteless. At least gnomes have good snack value, if nothing else.
Posted by Architraz Warden (Member # 4285) on :
Ahh yes Nelfs: The anti-veal.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
quote:Originally posted by FlyingCow: Ah, you were a NE Hunter. Blegh. Night Elves are the worst of the alliance. They don't even make good hamburger - the meat is just stringy and tasteless. At least gnomes have good snack value, if nothing else.
Maybe if there WAS any meat on Gnome bones. For some reason our years as IMMORTALS made other animals evolve without developing a taste for the Night Elf. We can't help that it was only recently that we became mortal.
Posted by Megan (Member # 5290) on :
quote:Pinafore was typical bread and butter Gilbert and Sutherland.
I can't tell if you were joking, but just in case you weren't...it's Gilbert and Sullivan.
Posted by FlyingCow (Member # 2150) on :
Meh. NE bodies burn as good as anything else - can roast dwarf steak and gnome McNuggets over them. Then again, wisps aren't bad if served like cotton candy.
Posted by calaban (Member # 2516) on :
quote:Originally posted by Megan:
quote:Pinafore was typical bread and butter Gilbert and Sutherland.
I can't tell if you were joking, but just in case you weren't...it's Gilbert and Sullivan.
Wow. I am ashamed.
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
As well you should be.
By the way, were you thinking Donald or Keifer when you wrote that?
Posted by calaban (Member # 2516) on :
Donald, especially the character he played in The Dirty Dozen.
Oh yeah and gnomes are best for punting and stomping. The really aren't very filling at all.
Everyone trashes night elves, but secretly they want our wisp form, fantastic flips and shadowmeld for those all so important aggro and gank free sammich breaks.
Posted by Rakeesh (Member # 2001) on :
Actually, I'd rather be able to devour the shattered remains of my enemies...or, sometimes, my allies than I would be able to have a faster way to recover from losing, and any kind of flipping at all.
Teh suck that is the Night Elf is genetically engineered into them, after all. Clearly they lose and die more than other races, thus their faster ability to return to the site of their defeat
Posted by FlyingCow (Member # 2150) on :
Good point Rakeesh, they've evolved to recover more quickly after dying.
This is also possibly to counter the fact that characters named "Legolaas" and "Leggolas" and "Legoles" and "IamLegolas" and "LegolasRox" get ganked about fifty times more often than the average. The shadowmeld ability was probably added for the same reason - also so that the Alliance could more easily ignore that such fanboytastic players exist.
Posted by calaban (Member # 2516) on :
Heheh. You guys are going to enjoy the expansion. The Blood Elf Hunters plague will make night elf hunters only a memory. Have you seen thier "spin jump"? Of course alliance has to put up with space pallies.
And remember that horde has a current infliction of thier own. The UD Rouge. (The misspell is intentional.)
Posted by FlyingCow (Member # 2150) on :
NE rogues are far more annoying than UD rogues. You get stealth *and* shadowmeld and faster return to your dead body to vanish out of a gank situation.
UD get underwater breathing and limited resistance to sleep-like effects, and the ability to eat the dead for health (not the most useful in the world).
Plus, the UD aren't all trying to be Orlando Bloom or Liv Tyler.
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
quote: eat the dead for health (not the most useful in the world
But possibly the coolest.
-- The Zombiest
Posted by calaban (Member # 2516) on :
Nice generalizations there.
WoTF?: Activate to become immune to Fear, Sleep, and Charm effects. Can also be used while already afflicted by Fear or Sleep - lasts 5 sec - 2 min cooldown.
It's a very nice racial, and a touch less dependant on situation. NE has nothing available in combat.
UD rogues are more prolific than any other race/class combo other than Nelfhunter. And in all of my time leveling 2 hunters I've never been grief camped by anything other than UD rogues. There are certainly a great deal of immature players in the game and they tend to gravitate towards hunters and rogues. And neflhaters perhaps?
Additionally, there are two races to choose from when rolling a hunter alliance side. And elf the more attractive option. Nelf is also the only option for druids. Subsequently many people who roll Night Elf Hunters are slandered for merely selecting the best option before them.
Having played this game for a year I am quite ready for this inane debate to end and for people to shuddap and play.
Posted by FlyingCow (Member # 2150) on :
WotF isn't nearly as useful as you think. And as a rogue, it doesn't really matter - if you're spotted well enough in advance to be charmed/feared/sleeped, you shouldn't be playing a rogue. And if the caster gets off any of those spells, the second or two it takes to use WotF (once per combat, because if combat's taking more thatn 2 minutes, there's a problem) is plenty of time for the caster to escape or get off another spell (and nothing stopping them from using another charm/sleep/fear effect in the meantime).
As for camping, it's NE rogues and hunters who do it the most against Horde side. They don't even have to stealth, just shadowmeld and wait.
See, your problem is just that you're playing on the wrong side. Alliance was designed for the uberkewl fanboys who loves them their NEs and Pallies.
I played the game for a little over a year from its release date, and stopped. I'm glad I did - though I do miss my druid from time to time.
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
If anyone is considering selling silk or wool to a vendor (Or especially spider silk), please send it to Ragert instead. You can even C.O.D it for what the vendor would have paid you. (Of course, if you want to auction it, go for it. I'm just talking to those of you who would otherwise toss it at a vendor.)
Ragert will be able to make silk bags fairly soon, and he'll make guild members bags for free if you send him the materials.
Posted by Rakeesh (Member # 2001) on :
Don't forget to charge Ragert shipping!
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
While I'm playing money-grubbing undead capitalist, I'm also in the market for a couple of irridescent pearls. I really want to make myself a pair of Phoenix Pants.
Posted by Juxtapose (Member # 8837) on :
On the subject of professions, if anyone needs leather or herb supplies send a whisper to Reiplinger (or mail listing what you'd like if I'm not on at the moment). I generally have small stores of herbs from briarthorn to steelbloom, and all kinds of leather. I've been auctioniong them off, but I don't mind sharing now that I've got a decent cash base built up.
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
Is anyone still doing this? I kinda got sucked back onto my old server. (I logged in to check my mail and was greeted by hugs and flowers. I couldn't turn my back on that...)
Anyway, if anyone is still playing on The Venture Company, I need to know who to give Guild Leadership to...
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
I feel bad for abandoning, and I might be back soon but I too have been sucked back onto my old server. I pretty much can only raid on Venture Company saturday mornings.
Its hard to raid every saturday morning, and lvl up between saturdays to the appropriate lvl.
Posted by dantesparadigm (Member # 8756) on :
I haven't given up, but Macky (my PowerBook) is on the fritz, so I had to send it to Texas to get repaired. I may or may not be able to get back to Venture Co. when I get it back, what with school starting. I'll probably make a final decision when the repairs are done in two to three weeks.
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
BB mentioned something in another thread about "reviving the guild"...
so I gotta ask... Did <Dragon Army> fade away? Are you guys still playing?
If <Dragon Army> is gone but anyone is still looking to play, I invite you over to Sen'Jin to play with my guild there. We're a mature guild (most of us are 25+) and we're working toward endgame stuff but we still have some lower levels, so if you'd rather start from scratch than transfer over that'd be fine too.
We are looking for more people and I can't think of a jatraquero I wouldn't love to have in my guild.
Anyway, send a tell to Pernicia or Scrapple (I'm usually on Scrapple these days) and I'll give you a guild invite. If I'm not on, just send a tell to Merlot and say you're "A friend of Pern's"
Posted by Megan (Member # 5290) on :
I haven't been playing at all, on ANY server, lately. No freakin' time. Soon, though, I'll be ABD and able to play again.
Posted by Juxtapose (Member # 8837) on :
Dragon Army is still going. Karl and I are both 58 and erosomniac is in the mid-50s. A few friends of eros an I are still play too. We also have 2 or 3 alts each at varying levels too.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
OH wow thats insane. I really am not sure what I to do nowadays. With my wow time mostly being spent on raiding end content its really hard to find time to jump on Venture Company. Maybe Ill transfer a high lvl alt onto the server. I've got a 47 Priest I could probably push into 60.
BC leaves alot of options on the table, with lvling being important again I can see myself forgoing raiding with my guild to do stuff with you guys.
Posted by Megan (Member # 5290) on :
Wow...Karl is 58 already?! Impressive!
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
Hey everybody!! Are you guys still doing this?
I'm sorry about abandoning everyone. I was doing NaNoWriMo and promised myself no WoW until I wrote my quota for the day. It appears that it's harder to write 1667 words than I thought and I never got through before bedtime.
I was going to log on today, but Chris's video card died yesterday and he's been so supportive this past month that I'm letting him use my computer for City of Heroes. (And I can't really play WoW on my Macbook.)
Anyway, check in if you're still playing. I'll be back on soon. Good news is I didn't miss the new WoW release since it appears to have been bumped to January.
I've been a terrible Guild leader, I know.
Posted by Squish (Member # 9191) on :
I know Jux and Infrared still play. I stopped temporarily when FFXII came out, and I just picked it up again, although I'm playing on another server at the moment (my extended family contacted me and they play on another server).
You haven't seen the last of me, though!
Posted by T_Smith (Member # 3734) on :
Ok, trying the 10 day free trial, I hope that you guys are playing on Venture Co, cause it was hard to follow what realm was decided on. In any case, let me know if thats the right server or not.
Posted by JonHecht (Member # 9712) on :
WoW=biggest waste of time ever.
Posted by Eduardo_Sauron (Member # 5827) on :
JonHecht, I thought that was the whole point of it!
I mean...beats checkers!
Posted by Blayne Bradley (Member # 8565) on :
*waits impatiently for Blood Elves*
Posted by MightyCow (Member # 9253) on :
Whew! Finally got my High Warlord's Street Sweeper last night. I can't believe they nerfed the honor gain. Well, it looks awesome, and it's good to have a purple weapon after all this time
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
Stupid Honor nerf, now Ill never replace my brutality blade!
When TBC comes out I plan on lvling my hunter to 70 but I would be very interested in working a lvl 1 dranae mage as high up as I can get her. Wouldn't mind pegging her on The Venture Co either.
Posted by T_Smith (Member # 3734) on :
By the way, characters name is Reticent on the Venture Co server.
Posted by Sharpie (Member # 482) on :
Anyone still doing this? John and I have started playing on Venture Co...
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
I'm still doing it, but I haven't played on Venture Company in ages. I'm on Sen'Jin.
Posted by erosomniac (Member # 6834) on :
I think we should try for a revival with the expansion release, since people will be rolling new chars anyway.
ATTENTION EVERYONE: If you are going to roll horde alts anyway, roll them on The Venture Co!
Posted by Sharpie (Member # 482) on :
Yah, we were hoping that our timing was fairly good and that folks would be interested in playing with the expansion.
We're fairly noobish, I confess...
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
I logged on a few days ago to see if anybody was around but it was quite lonely
I could possibly be persuaded to start a new alt come expansion, but I REALLY wanted to do a Dranae over a blood elf! The females are surprisingly hot!
Posted by Sharpie (Member # 482) on :
Right now I have a hunter, Penstemon, and John has a druid, Mojarra, in the 19-21 level range.
(This is my 482nd post, and if it were an actual landmark, it would be surprisingly appropriate. I'm interested in everything, and I'm a geek. I got my WoW handle from my scrabble study list...)
Posted by Architraz Warden (Member # 4285) on :
I'm still into this as well, though I've been fairly absent since Thanksgiving from all servers. Expansion soon, so I'll be back in soon enough I suppose.
I'm still an officer of sorts for an Alliance Guild on Arthas, and Guildmaster of Salamander Army on Lightning's Blade (Horde Side, complete with a Bonzomadrid character, which isn't mine amazingly enough). If anyone has any characters on either server looking for a guild, let me know and I'll shoot you an invite. Or if you're interested in starting new characters, both guilds will have an influx of them come next week if you want to join in.
EDIT: As a joke I'll list the names you might find me logged in as (I've gathered many in 2+ years, none of which Firefox recognized as being spelled correctly): Stijl, Mikka, Strage, Hwi, Venloe, Rali, Tahn, Dosadi, Sten, Knecht, and Porcia. As trivia, all but the first and third are named after characters in books. Can anyone name those books?
[ January 11, 2007, 05:03 PM: Message edited by: Architraz Warden ]
Posted by Geraine (Member # 9913) on :
Looking at some of you, I am seriously starting to think I am a loser. I had about seven level 60's on about 6 different accounts, now I am at 2 accounts and 2 60's.
The rest I sold to pay for my PS3 and for some of my wifes Christmas presents.
Posted by Architraz Warden (Member # 4285) on :
Why so many accounts, out of curiosity?
I'm at 3 60's, 2 50's, a slew of 30's, and a 19 for PvP. Only one account though.
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
I really need to get back into this. I'm going to be insanely busy come May and probably won't have any RPG time for months after that.
Of course, now that I say that, there's no way I can even log on before Sunday. I'll see.
Posted by MightyCow (Member # 9253) on :
I've got Burning Crusade arriving in the mail next week... productivity will be low
Posted by Architraz Warden (Member # 4285) on :
Waited in line for 25 minutes at midnight to get my copy of TBC:CE.
I've reaffirmed my nerd status for 2007.
Posted by erosomniac (Member # 6834) on :
quote:Originally posted by Architraz Warden: Why so many accounts, out of curiosity?
I'm at 3 60's, 2 50's, a slew of 30's, and a 19 for PvP. Only one account though.
Probably played, got to 60, quit, sold acct.
It's what I did. Kinda nice to get a $270 refund on my gaming time!
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
I was on last night, but very few people from Dragon Army appear to have been on in the last 15-20 days or so.
I'm picking up BC today (pre-order from EB Games) so I'll be installing that this evening.
Posted by MightyCow (Member # 9253) on :
Amazon said they shipped it yesterday, but it turns out what they actually did is tell the USPS that they planned to ship it, without anyone actually moving the box.
I probably won't have it for another 3-4 days.
Oh well, more time to farm gems to sell to all the jewlcrafters
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
Walked into BestBuy as they opened this morning at 10:00am and waltzed up to the table and picked up the last collectors edition. Man obtaining one of those was WAY easier then getting a Nintendo Wii.
Ill be on this afternoon Ill stop by Venture Company to see whats up.
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
DHL attempted to deliver BC at my house today.... but I wasn't there so instead of leaving it on the porch THEY TOOK IT BACK!
I called them. They're going to re-deliver this afternoon and the driver knows to leave it on the porch. The woman on the phone was incredibly pleasant and eager and *ABLE* to help.
Yay DHL.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
quote:Originally posted by The Pixiest: DHL attempted to deliver BC at my house today.... but I wasn't there so instead of leaving it on the porch THEY TOOK IT BACK!
I called them. They're going to re-deliver this afternoon and the driver knows to leave it on the porch. The woman on the phone was incredibly pleasant and eager and *ABLE* to help.
Yay DHL.
lol Gratz Pix
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
Loot is so fat in outland.. I'm replacing all my blues with green trash drops!
Posted by Megan (Member # 5290) on :
It really is incredible. I replaced an epic bp with a blue quest reward, and it was a ginormous up.
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
Which quest, Othermegan? The only quest rewards I've seen thus far were green. I haven't been in the instances though. hope to do that tonight.
I wish I'd taken the rest of the week off from work....
Posted by Megan (Member # 5290) on :
A quest in or to Expedition Point, I think. There's also a nice one from the Hellfire Furnace instance (I think that's what it's called, anyway).
Posted by Rakeesh (Member # 2001) on :
Could you people kindly stop bumping this thread? I quit cold turkey over a year ago, and I'd like that turkey to stay nice and frozen, thank you very much!
Posted by erosomniac (Member # 6834) on :
I saw some green level 61/62 weapons on the AH and nearly crapped my pants with how much better they are than, well, anything else.
I was wondering how Blizzard was going to handle the discrepancy between their existing raid content and expanded zones & gear; it looks like they're not even going to bother trying to preserve the viability of the old content.
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
Erosomniac: They want you to buy Burning Crusade. If your old gear is t3h l4m3 you're going to rush out and buy it. Further, they don't want you grinding to 70 in Scholo and Strat because those zones are comfie and safe and familiar. They want you in Outland looking at all the nifty stuff they worked so hard on and gasping at how cool the sky looks. It's new and different and exciting and will keep you paying for the game longer.
Maybe in the future they'll give a Heroic setting to scholo and strat and all the old instances that will boost all the mobs 10 lvls and make their lewt on par with the lvl 70 instances in outland. But not till outland is old hat.
Rakeesh: Come back. Your characters miss you. I'm on Sen'jin. Other jatraqueros are on Venture Company. We'd gladly welcome you in either place!
Posted by erosomniac (Member # 6834) on :
quote:Originally posted by The Pixiest: Erosomniac: They want you to buy Burning Crusade. If your old gear is t3h l4m3 you're going to rush out and buy it. Further, they don't want you grinding to 70 in Scholo and Strat because those zones are comfie and safe and familiar. They want you in Outland looking at all the nifty stuff they worked so hard on and gasping at how cool the sky looks. It's new and different and exciting and will keep you paying for the game longer.
Maybe in the future they'll give a Heroic setting to scholo and strat and all the old instances that will boost all the mobs 10 lvls and make their lewt on par with the lvl 70 instances in outland. But not till outland is old hat.
Rakeesh: Come back. Your characters miss you. I'm on Sen'jin. Other jatraqueros are on Venture Company. We'd gladly welcome you in either place!
Still, a lot of players are likely pissed. I know I'm glad I never bothered grinding gear in those instances or I would be beyond pissed.
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
My really really good stuff hasn't been replaced yet. My HWL stuff and my Will of Arlokk will likely be with me for AT LEAST a week. *grin* but my blue stuff... well, it doesn't bother me at all that it's going away.
Another thing I really like about this is the battle grounds. All those people from other servers in their naxx gear are going to be put on an even par with those of us from sen'jin which isn't a particularly well geared server. If we can keep it together we can stay even and maybe we'll be able to BG without getting pwnd premade vs premade because our gear is tier 0-2 instead of tier 3.
Posted by Megan (Member # 5290) on :
Yeah, I haven't yet seen anything that tops the pieces of tier 2 that I have, though I'm sure that will happen with time.
Posted by FlyingCow (Member # 2150) on :
I can't imagine people can be too pissed about level 60 gear, though.
I mean, these are people who hit 60, then had the time to grind for hours and hours and hours in elite 60 instances to get the best of the best of the best loot.
Now that there's better loot, they have something new to do, rather than just grinding for days hoping that last uber-epic item they haven't gotten drops.
I'm sure there are lvl 70 epics that are just obscene, and they'll all be grinding lvl 70 instances to get those rare drops inside a month.
Posted by FlyingCow (Member # 2150) on :
Oh, and I'm very tempted to start up my subscription again once Burning Crusade comes out, too... at least after Cosmos starts working again. heh.
Maybe not buy BC, but at least start my subscription up again. A friend has been playing and has gotten his hunter up to 38 or so. I figure I could catch up to him with a druid or rogue inside a couple of weeks.
Posted by Architraz Warden (Member # 4285) on :
I like the approach that you shouldn't grind end-game instances for gear, you should do it for fun. If you did it for gear, then you did it wrong.
I'm loving my druid's new feral chest armor from the Exploration Point, three times the armor and better stats than my previously lamented Cadaverous Armor.
Now I just need Ursul's Claw.
Posted by Rakeesh (Member # 2001) on :
If I were still playing, I wouldn't be pissed about my loot being replaced in and of itself...I'd be pissed because, once again, it became harder to compete in a PvP setting without investing many, many potentially fruitless hours in grinding for 1337 gear.
Don't get me wrong, as a patient Rogue that was never more than a stumbling block (not because I was patient enough to grind sufficiently, but because I was patient enough to strike at the right time ), but it's just part of the pattern of MMORPGs used to ensure repeat investment that becomes less and less fun, to me anyway, as time passes.
Then again, looking at the past ten years or so, I'm statistically due for another binge pretty soon now...*shiver*
quote:Now that there's better loot, they have something new to do, rather than just grinding for days hoping that last uber-epic item they haven't gotten drops.
Heh, that's the thing about MMORPG addicts: many of them will be pissed, but they'll still do it
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
BC came out yesterday, FC =)
And the lvl 70 epics won't seem so obscene when whatever the next expansion is comes out. We'll all be going gaga over the lvl 80 epics.
One of the things EverQuest did right was, in the early days, lewt was so... weak... that they had a lot of room to grow. They're on, what, their 20th expansion now? If they'd started as high as WoW started to really impress people to move into the next expansion they'd have to have items with like +50000000 to dex. I'm not sure how well WoW will survive the long term mudflation.
Posted by TheGrimace (Member # 9178) on :
rakeesh, I'm sorry, cause I had managed the same for about 3-4 months, but...
1) ramparts (first section of hellfire citadel) is really short and pretty enjoyable (I think 3 bosses in about 45 minutes)
2) the second part (something like blood alley or whatnot) is a bit longer, but also fun and enjoyable, and quickly gave my priest 4 pieces of gear that far outmatch his tier 0.5 that he was wearing.
3) I'm scared because I'm already seeing a lot of blues/greens just from a few hours of hellfire peninsula that are almost matching my rogues tier 2 and AQ gear... sure it's easier to level and quest for him atm, but damn does that make me feel like I wasted about a year of my life before this =/
4) if you haven't yet ride down to the big neutral city in the forest zone... absolutely fantastic. make sure to stop into the central temple.
5) while the lag and overpopulation are rediculous (at least on my server) the fact that they've managed a continuous string that keeps my quest log choc full is very welcome and impressive
6) I hate to admit it, but at least from first blush appearances they've done it again.
P.S. one of my guild mates managed to get exalted with silvermoon prior to release and has been running around on his pink chicken since 12:00 on monday... the most hideous mount I've ever seen... it's distracting
Posted by FlyingCow (Member # 2150) on :
Hey Pix, does Cosmos work yet? Or are they still ironing out the kinks? I'm not going to restart my subscription, wait through umpteen hours of patches for the last 18 months, then not be able to use my favorite UI.
The thing with BC is that I never really played for high levels, so it doesn't interest me much. Levels 20-40 were far more fun than 45+.
I got my hunter to 53, then stopped to bring a shaman to 35, then a rogue to 45, then a druid to 42, then several other alts to the mid 20s. I never had any interest to push my hunter to 60 - and I'm sure I'll have even less interest to push to 70.
Posted by Juxtapose (Member # 8837) on :
Hey Karl, I hadn't been on Venture Co for a while because I was out of state. I picked up BC yesterday though, so hopefully I'll see you on.
In other news, Outland is freaking hot. I can pull 1k exp with rest per mob fighting same-level demons. And the loot, as others have noticed, is just plain awesome.
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
FC: Then BC is prolly not for you.
I dunno about Cosmos. I think my best friend uses it so I'll have to ask him. But CTMod and Titan Bar are working pretty well.
The last UI destroying patch was like 2 weeks ago though, so Cosmos has had plenty of time. Important parts of the expansion was actually patched into the game at that time so the UI writers had a heads up.
Posted by FlyingCow (Member # 2150) on :
Yeah, I didn't think it was going to be. But I'm tempted to screw around a bit with some friends at lower levels.
I really enjoyed the CTF Battleground action, and might just spend time in there beating on the Alliance.
Possible... hmm... though my girlfriend might just kill me.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
See I am one of those SOL folks who ground (grinded?) epic gear for over a year.
I am perfectly content to see all this easily available gear that is so close to my gear in terms of quality, but in green/blue form.
It just makes me want to work hard to level up so that eventually I encounter gear that is a step up from what I already have. I am ready for a wardrobe make over, I've been running around in tier1 and tier 2 gear for over a year. I was getting a new piece of gear every few weeks if I was LUCKY, more likely every other month.
I'm having a blast just questing again and actually seeing multiple rewards for doing so. Higher levels, better gear, new tradeskill recipes, weapon skills, abilities. Its completely awesome, WOW has become fun for me again, and I look forward to coming home every evening to play some more again.
Previously I looked forward to raiding because I enjoyed the company of my guild, that started to diminish and WOW just lost its appeal for me. Naxx really was not that fun, and I was sick to death of BWL and AQ. Occasionally we would kill a new boss and I'd get a rush of enthusiasm but it panned off again. Right now I am at work and all I can think about is, "I'm 61 and only 2 bars from 62 which means I get new abilities OH BOY OH BOY OH BOY! Should I skip out on work early, nah I need to be responsible, BUT STILL!"
I miss having the excitement for video games that I had when I was a boy. Granted when I brought my Wii home and started playing Zelda I think thats the closest I've come to that feeling since WOW initially came out over 2 years ago.
Posted by Architraz Warden (Member # 4285) on :
Come on, any game with characters named Adam Eternum (complete with Battlecat and Ogrom), and an engineer named K. Lee Smallfry has to be worth playing.
Oh, and I don't know since I'm still a bubble from 61, but I think you get new skills every level now, not just every two.
Posted by erosomniac (Member # 6834) on :
We're still on The Venture Co. Five of us are on with any regularity. I started a blood elf priest, who is currently 14.
Karl, if you get a chance, can you log on and pass guild leadership to Juxt, so we can do guild maintenance? Unless, of course, you're planning on coming back with regularity. ^_^
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
Sorry guys. I'm in CA at the moment and can't log on. I'm planning to come back and play more, but I'll still pass the leadership to Juxt when I get back on Sunday or so. I'm probably going to be on only sporadically since I'm starting some projects that will keep me very busy in the relatively near future.
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
Someone put this in /1 the other day:
I'm a little Pally Short and Stout, Here is my Hammer, Here is my Mount, When I see an Orc I Scream and Shout, Cast a bubble and Hearth on Out.
Posted by FlyingCow (Member # 2150) on :
LOL. That's awesome.
I've renewed my subscription for one month - though I don't know how much I'll actually play. Can't use the new races unless I buy BC, though, right?
Posted by BandoCommando (Member # 7746) on :
I'll post my question here, since apparently I can't search the WOW forums themselves at home, and at my job, they blocked their website:
I'm looking for a way to change WOW's aspect ratio to widescreen so that it fits on my widescreen monitor. Currently, everything is stretched out horizontally, making everything look somewhat short and squat.
And, amazingly enough, I just started playing WOW one week ago today. Yes, sad, I know...
Posted by erosomniac (Member # 6834) on :
As I don't have a widescreen monitor myself, I'm not sure if WoW supports it. Have you already checked the dropdown list of resolutions in the video options menu? Games that have widescreen resolutions available typically have them listed in a similar drop down menu: just look for ones that fit a 16:9 aspect ratio.
If that doesn't work, I got nothin'.
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
I just selected the proper wide screen resolution from the list. You may have to reboot if you just got a new monitor though.
Posted by BandoCommando (Member # 7746) on :
quote:Originally posted by The Pixiest: I just selected the proper wide screen resolution from the list. You may have to reboot if you just got a new monitor though.
I've had the new monitor far longer than I've had warcraft. I'm not sure why warcraft doesn't show me the option for 1440 x 900 resolution, since even much older games do this.
Posted by BandoCommando (Member # 7746) on :
I guess I'll try upgrading my vidcard drivers....why not?
Posted by kojabu (Member # 8042) on :
I finally got another gamecard for WoW and bought the expansion pack. Is there a realm where Hatrackers are? Is there a guild?
Posted by erosomniac (Member # 6834) on :
There was, but they pretty much all quit.
Posted by kojabu (Member # 8042) on :
Ah well. I should probably work on my existing characters instead of starting a new one. I do want to try a blood elf though.
Posted by Blayne Bradley (Member # 8565) on :
yo Kojo come to Gilneus server. my chars name is Bradenski.
Posted by kojabu (Member # 8042) on :
Are you horde or alliance?
Posted by Xavier (Member # 405) on :
I am horde on Thorium Brotherhood.
I have a bunch of characters there, with a range of levels (6,12,14,18,30,68).
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
You fools should have all come to Kel'thuzad in the first place, why you could not detect the inherent awesomness of that server I will never understand!
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
I'm Horde on Sen'jin. I have a guild that's gay-friendly and gender balanced. Most of us are adults. Enough of us have low level characters that you shouldn't be too out of the loop.
I'm an officer and will invite you.
My characters are Pernicia, Scrapple and sometimes I'm on my lowbie pally, Sakasha.
Posted by Blayne Bradley (Member # 8565) on :
im alliance on gilneus although i made a Blood Elf.
Posted by kojabu (Member # 8042) on :
Pix I made a Blood Elf named Elion on Sen'jin. I added the two first names to my friends list on there.
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
Koj: Dunno how long I'll be on tonight but I'll look for you and /friend you myself =)
Posted by BandoCommando (Member # 7746) on :
I'm alliance on Hydraxis. I'll PM for the name if you want it.
Posted by Architraz Warden (Member # 4285) on :
If you make a character on Arthas (Alliance), Madoran (Alliance), or Lightnings Blade (Horde), let me know.
I can invite to helpful, friendly, and casual guilds on all three. Or at least provide a couple of bags to make your earliest days easier.
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
Ok....is anyone still playing WOW? I got in late, just joined playing with some guys I know at the Mall, and within 3 weeks (without help)I hit level 30 with my first mage, Morrible.
I am on Muradin, but would be willing to start a new alt on another server. I see a lot of server names listed here...whee are the main enclaves of currently active players from Hatrack?
Posted by T:man (Member # 11614) on :
I guess I'm gonna buy WoW... How much is it per month? I'm not gonna get the expansion for a while and will play some sort of mage or druid watevs.
Posted by calaban (Member # 2516) on :
15 a month
Posted by Human (Member # 2985) on :
I currently play a BE mage and a BE paladin on Ravenholdt. Also, if anyone had a high-level on Sisters of Elune, I could contribute the help of my long-unused 70 Orc Warrior.
Posted by Raymond Arnold (Member # 11712) on :
I'm currently on hiatus. I'll be rejoining when the next expansion comes out, on Cenarion Circle.
Posted by Architraz Warden (Member # 4285) on :
I'm still playing, amazingly enough. Still playing Alliance on Madoran, and I'm still an officer in a friendly and fairly casual guild, so if you're looking for a place to start up, look me up.
If I'm on, it'll likely be on Mikka, Hieko, or Skysong.
Posted by Nick (Member # 4311) on :
I'm actually curious about world of warcraft, how much does it cost per month? I'm not big on these games, but I have to admit that my curiosity is getting the better of me. What's it like? Is there a mission to complete? I have nothing to do tomorrow and I thought I might try it out. Do you have to buy the game in store and then pay a monthly subscription?
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
quote:Originally posted by Kwea: Ok....is anyone still playing WOW? I got in late, just joined playing with some guys I know at the Mall, and within 3 weeks (without help)I hit level 30 with my first mage, Morrible.
I am on Muradin, but would be willing to start a new alt on another server. I see a lot of server names listed here...whee are the main enclaves of currently active players from Hatrack?
I will be reactivating once my new computer comes. I still have 4 level 70s and some assorted other levels.
I'd probably be interested in starting a Shaman and leveling with folks who are interested. I would rather it be on Kel'Thuzad, but I'm flexible.
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
There are a few of us on Horde Sen'Jin.
Send me a tell on Scrapple, Pernicia, TheSickness or Sakasha.
Posted by Architraz Warden (Member # 4285) on :
quote:Originally posted by Nick: I'm actually curious about world of warcraft, how much does it cost per month? I'm not big on these games, but I have to admit that my curiosity is getting the better of me. What's it like? Is there a mission to complete? I have nothing to do tomorrow and I thought I might try it out. Do you have to buy the game in store and then pay a monthly subscription?
When you buy the game, you get one month free (40 dollars for the game an expansion these days).
I believe I still have a "trial" code sitting around somewhere from the collector's edition, which gets you a trial of the game, and a week or play time (unless they've upped it). If you (or anyone) would like that, let me know and I'll dig it out. Fair warning, you're somewhat limited on the trial version, although if you get hooked you can upgrade to a normal one (they had to take out a few features being abused by spammers waaaaaay back when). It's an absurdly large DL, and there will be more than a few patches to get whether you buy it or trial it.
Monthly costs run from... what, $18 a month down to $15 a month, depending how long you subscribe for.
There really isn't an overarching mission to the game. It's a collection of quests (which you can do solo), and a collection of instances (which you do as a group) that tell a variety of stories if you actually pay attention to them. You level up and collect better gear as you go. The former stops at 70 for now (levels), and the latter you can make a full time, all-consuming job dedicated to getting better gear, and never finish.
My take on the game: If you're playing by yourself, it won't be worth it. There are games with better graphics, more cohesive storylines, and more balanced gameplay out there. If you're looking to play with friends, or just group with (and possibly kill) other random, and... well, real people, then it can be addicting as all hell. More so than Hatrack even. I've played off and on since it came out, playing with the same core of people for four years now, or meeting new ones everyday, and still love it.
Posted by Sharpie (Member # 482) on :
John and I have semiregular toons on Sen'Jin (horde). Mains are Sanjak and Isohyet.
We're looking forward to Wrath in fall/winter. Optimistically.
Posted by Nick (Member # 4311) on :
OK, thanks for the info AW, I'll think about it and if I have some extra money. For now, I need to get Mario Kart on Wii.
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
T....you can get a package deal right now for about $34, including the Burning Crusade and two books. The it is about $15 a month for a subscription
Posted by Eduardo_Sauron (Member # 5827) on :
I'm not playing World of Warcraft anymore. Only "Lord of the Rings Online". Lots of fun. :-)
Posted by Catseye1979 (Member # 5560) on :
Darn....Looks like I'm the only one here on Shadowsong.
Posted by dabbler (Member # 6443) on :
I'm on Elune. A sakeite Megan is also on there too. I forget if Megan posts here too . I've got 2 lvl 70s, one of which is a BT/Hyjal raider. Yay me. I've gone up and down in my playtime, depending on how busy real life has gotten.
Kyl, 4t6 feral druid but currently raiding as resto O.o
Posted by lem (Member # 6914) on :
quote:I'm not playing World of Warcraft anymore. Only "Lord of the Rings Online". Lots of fun. :-)
Off and on. More off then on now that my family is back from Japan (they were there for 3 months). What server, profession, level are you?
Posted by Eduardo_Sauron (Member # 5827) on :
I'm a Mininstrel and playing in Meneldor. (Name: Tobiassamett)
Posted by Rakeesh (Member # 2001) on :
quote:My take on the game: If you're playing by yourself, it won't be worth it. There are games with better graphics, more cohesive storylines, and more balanced gameplay out there. If you're looking to play with friends, or just group with (and possibly kill) other random, and... well, real people, then it can be addicting as all hell. More so than Hatrack even. I've played off and on since it came out, playing with the same core of people for four years now, or meeting new ones everyday, and still love it.
That's basically my take on it as well. In fact, since you asked about opinions on the game, I'll give mine: don't bother getting it unless you expect to play it mostly with other people. Preferably people you actually know, be it from meatspace or HR or elsewhere.
It's a lot more fun that way-though to be fair I never gave playing it solo much of a shot. Otherwise, you probably shouldn't play it and risk getting sucked into the deliberately addictive repetitive grinding for the sake of itself that is the foundation of WoW solo play. I mean, I enjoyed the storyline (and I did pay attention to it), but for story I could just read a dang book!
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
I have a guild for my main there, a bunch of nice guys, but the guild has been there for a long time. We have something like 22 level 70 characters there. I am now a level 32 mage, which is really good as I have been playing by myself for most of the time and have only been playing for 4 weeks. I also haven't put a ton of hours into like I did CoH when I first started playing.
While I like the solo adventures, the game really shine with co-op play, and I am looking forward to these higher levels. There are a number of people in my guild who are about my level, or at least close enough so that I can group with them.
I have several other alts as well, a low level hunter and a warlock. My main is Morrible....and I am on Muradin.
Posted by Nick (Member # 4311) on :
I think I'll give it a try, though I have to bee Too Human first(almost there)
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
I really like it, although I don't know how much I will be playing in the near future.
Posted by calaban (Member # 2516) on :
If you want to pick up wow find someone who is rolling an alt so you can use the 'recruit a friend' feature. It looks like it can cut down on leveling time quite a bit.
3x the experience gain when questing together and you get something that summons the friend to your location.
Yeah...my cousin just signed up, and he did it without telling me he was going though wiht it, so I missed out on it.
That sucked.
Posted by Architraz Warden (Member # 4285) on :
Sorry Kwea, no Zebra mount for you!
And, you know, Powerlevelling bliss would have been a nice side effect as well.
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
thanks for reminding me.
Posted by Xavier (Member # 405) on :
I may already be on this thread somewhere, too lazy to check.
Anyway, I have a level 70 shaman, 53 rogue, 43 priest.
I go off and on, freezing my account when I get bored, then reactivating when I feel like playing again.
I reactivated about a week ago, with ambitious goals of getting my priest to level 70 before WOTLK. The main reason I wanted a level 70 priest was so that he could take over healing duties from my Shaman.
My Shaman main is a healer, but more because I wanted an easy time finding groups then because it was my initial plan for the character. I'm a pretty decent healer, and have done lots of raiding, heroics, battlegrounds, and even arena as a heal spec. It's fun, especially being a battleground god, and having guild members fight over who gets into my heroic runs.
However, I leveled my big Orc Shaman to swing big axes at things, not to heal things. So for WotLK, it's enhancement or bust. If I can't find groups, oh well, I'll get the honor gear and do whatever solo stuff I can.
I thought by getting a priest to level 70, then speccing him holy, I'd be able to have both. Maybe I will still someday, but getting my priest all the way to 70, then spending more weeks/months getting him to 80, seems like a herculean task right now.
I wish I had the 3x experience thing going on, would be doable for sure if I did.
Edit: I'm all over this thread! Thought that was probably the case.
[ September 04, 2008, 08:20 PM: Message edited by: Xavier ]
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
Koj: How? I'm pretty durn fast but I can't go 0-60 that fast. What class was it? Did you have the 3x xp thing going?
Edit: I just checked the guild roster... you did it with A PRIEST???
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
quote:Originally posted by The Pixiest: Koj: How? I'm pretty durn fast but I can't go 0-60 that fast. What class was it? Did you have the 3x xp thing going?
Edit: I just checked the guild roster... you did it with A PRIEST???
Shadow Priests can burn through stuff pretty fast, especially with plenty of mana potions and drinks.
But in terms of speed I don't know anything that can outpace a hunter.
Posted by Xavier (Member # 405) on :
A while back the priest/mage AOE leveling combo was one of the fastest ways to level. I think the basic strategy is to go somewhere with lots of green mobs. The two round a bunch of them up, and the mage casts AOE spells while the priest keeps him shielded / healed.
Haven't heard about that trick for a while, so not sure if anyone is still doing it.
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
Ya, that sure seems like cheating. (But it's not cheating if Bliz says it's ok I guess.) Still, it seems like it would suck the fun out of leveling.
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
Leveling is fun?
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
quote:Originally posted by TomDavidson: Leveling is fun?
Yes, it is. At least if you level while doing something else....and leveling isn't the whole point.
I leveled VERY fast in CoH, so fast that I was the 13th player to level 40 (before they raised the limit to 50), and I had a blast. I was teaming up with guys who loved to play, and they kept the same weird hours I did so it was great.
Turns out they were all game designers, and they were being PAID to play so they could see what the competition had already done and improve upon it.
I wasn't powerleveling, I was just having a blast.
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
quote:Originally posted by TomDavidson: Leveling is fun?
Different people like different things. The leveling is the fun part to me. I like the anticipation of getting my next power and such.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
Leveling 1-58 isn't that great for me anymore either, I really only loved doing it on my hunter.
But I love 58-70, it never stops being fun for me.
I'm sure 70-80 come expansion will be a blast as well.
Posted by Xavier (Member # 405) on :
I enjoy leveling when the quest progression is smooth. I got my priest from level 35-40 all in Dustwallow Marsh, and had a blast for those couple of days. They redesigned this zone recently, and it is a great zone in every way. I sometimes got 5-6 quests done in one chain, right after another.
Then I went to Tanaris and Feralas, did all of the quests they had for me at my level and got to from 40 to 43. Now I have very few quests that aren't red or green to me.
THAT is when leveling stops being fun. When I have to jump from zone to zone, scraping for any quest someone will give me. Resorting to grinding for XP.
I think that's why 58-70 is such a blast. You have more quests then you can shake a stick at. I got to 70 without doing most of the Blade's Edge or Shadowmoon Valley quests, since the other zones had ample questing for me to do.
They need to take a long look at the 40-58 leveling options, and do some more work like they did in Dustwallow.
[ September 06, 2008, 12:30 PM: Message edited by: Xavier ]
Posted by Sharpie (Member # 482) on :
Hinterlands and/or Searing Gorge might be where you should go next with a 43.
I do like the revamp of Dustwallow, although it was a gankfest when it first came out. Everyone ran there to check it out. Now it's not so bad. And I agree that they could more fully flesh out 40-58. I don't usually run out of places to level, though.
I have a blast leveling, particularly when I level with John. We have not finished having fun with building two-player teams, exploring builds that level well together vs. PVPing well together, and so forth. Some people DO enjoy leveling, Tom :-). As in have a grand time, fun, enjoy, look forward to, laugh, etc.
Posted by Xavier (Member # 405) on :
quote:Hinterlands and/or Searing Gorge might be where you should go next with a 43.
Doing a search on Thottbot, there are only a handful of horde quests that are less than level 47 (red for a 43) in either of those two zones. They do look like they may be worth heading to at 44 though.
Posted by dabbler (Member # 6443) on :
I do wish they'd make more content for the 1-60 area. Yes they made more Dustwallow quests and that's great. But a little more here and there would make people more interested in leveling a new character to level it, not to have another 70. I have a 43 and a 51 that haven't moved more than couple levels in over a year.
Posted by Architraz Warden (Member # 4285) on :
Thread necromancy! Seems fitting, what with Death Knights running rampant now.
So, Wrath of the Lich King is out, and the masses seem to have flocked back to the game. That probably means a few around Hatrack have as well. First Impressions:
The Death Knight introduction quest lines... They're almost painful to play. I'd imagine there are more than a few people who simply won't be able to stomach these quests. I think I know one of them. But, they are amazingly deep. And visceral. And frelling good story telling. I hope they take some lessons from setting this part of the expansion up, and encourage them in future games / expansions.
Crystalsong Forest is one of the most breathtakingly beautiful environments I've seen in a game. And from a game that's typically laughed at for it's graphics more than lauded, it just makes it that much more impressive. Pure, enjoyable, eye candy for me. A low quality screen shot, on account of being taken on my laptop, while being chased by more than a few creatures who didn't take kindly to my presence...
More to follow in the weeks to come I'm sure.
Posted by Samprimary (Member # 8561) on :
quote:Originally posted by TomDavidson: Leveling is fun?
this post seems ... familiar, somehow.
Posted by Selran (Member # 9918) on :
The DK intro quests are fun, and well written. But, until the end of the line you are an evil person doing evil stuff, and I'm not talking about the Diet Coke of evil here. On the plus side you're doing you evil stuff against the Crimson Crusade. I never liked them any way.
Posted by FlyingCow (Member # 2150) on :
Ding! Posted by Unicorn Feelings (Member # 11784) on :
Shhh. Haven't touched my 4 70's or even the AH since school started, stats test today, Faith Vs. Works paper due tuesday, stars and the universe test monday.
I am glad the expansion doesn't come out til Dec. 19th or i might be tempted.
I miss my main.
Posted by Megan (Member # 5290) on :
Dalaran is astonishingly gorgeous--I mean, seriously stunning. I wandered around for an hour just looking at it.
Posted by Architraz Warden (Member # 4285) on :
I'm there now... drooling over the Armored Snowy White Gryphon.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
I'm still in Borean Tundra
I'm 71 currently and I was wondering if the areas are like BC in that you level about twice before moving on?
Also I LOVED the DK quests. I remember reading about how they want to start having your environment be altered as you quest and thinking, "psh yeah right," I was happy to be wrong.
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
I have a level 44 mage, and a level 34 Lock, and they are fun. I am going to keep playing, but I hav tapered off a bit. It is fun, but I don't want to let it take over my life. I took a week off so my cousin could catch up.
Posted by blindsay (Member # 11787) on :
Well, I wouldn't consider myself hardcore but I can see how people could think I was.
I have a mage on Frostwolf and spent the weekend leveling. I am now almost 79. There is a quest in Dragonblight that is absolutely epic, and even has a 5 minute "Cut Scene" video to go along with it.
I am currently leveling in Stormpeaks, and the place is amazing. I really do not recommend going there until 77, as there are many places you cannot reach until you have your flying mount. The quests there were based on Norse Mythology, and even features characters named Thordrim and Loken. It is awesome.
I am very pleased with this expansion, and hope the raiding portion of the game is as good as the leveling. I am really having a good time. With my help my brother was able to get the Realm First Achievement for Inscription.
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
I've spread out my efforts in an effort to get the most of out my rest... and as such I have 4 level 71s now...
I'm kinda regretting that. I might just focus on one or two of my characters and get them, if not all the way to 80, at least to a reasonably high level before returning to the other two.
Also, I think I played way too much WoW in the weeks leading up to the expac because I'm not as excited as I should be about it. Now is the wrong time to be having another dose of burn-out.
Posted by eklrru (Member # 11650) on :
I know it's easy to get wrapped up in everything new and shiny, but I can honestly say that this expansion is a lot more fun than Burning Crusade.
They've implemented a couple things that give them a lot more freedom to do some really cool stuff - notably, the vehicle system (which is actually fairly rarely used on actual vehicles) and the phasing environment system.
The former lets you take control of objects or NPCs in a way that they only goofed with a little bit in BC. For example, there's a quest in Shadowmoon Valley where you take control of the ghost of Teron Gorefiend. You take on his abilities and have to use them to fight, etc. Well, in WotLK, they've really expanded on this - you can't go five quests without taking control of something, whether it's hopping on a drake and harpooning to other drake riders in a fierce competition, or becoming a water elemental and wreaking havoc on a town, or controlling a ghoul that can leap from mountain to mountain, knocking down gargoyles.
The latter was done exceptionally well. One of the major problems (at least for me!) with MMORPGs is the inability for one player to change the environment he plays in. The nature of the game kind of says 'other people are playing, too, remember? So don't go burning cities down.' Well, Blizzard's solution to that problem (I think they called it 'phasing environment progression' or something like that) is graceful and it actually works. There are questlines in almost every zone of the expansion that change the world around you - from burning down cities to building outposts and marching in invasions - it's ... it's really awesome. You can go out, bomb some buildings, come back and watch your buddies expand to where those buildings once were, instead of just getting five gold and a pat on the back.
If you liked BC, even at all, give WotLK a chance, even if you got burned out and stopped playing BC like I did, halfway through raiding. They've made some fantastic improvements.
edited for a typo, a single dratted typo that I just could not let slide.
Posted by lem (Member # 6914) on :
Admit it eklrru, you are TomDavidson's secret alt.
Posted by blindsay (Member # 11787) on :
quote:Originally posted by eklrru: I know it's easy to get wrapped up in everything new and shiny, but I can honestly say that this expansion is a lot more fun than Burning Crusade.
They've implemented a couple things that give them a lot more freedom to do some really cool stuff - notably, the vehicle system (which is actually fairly rarely used on actual vehicles) and the phasing environment system.
The former lets you take control of objects or NPCs in a way that they only goofed with a little bit in BC. For example, there's a quest in Shadowmoon Valley where you take control of the ghost of Teron Gorefiend. You take on his abilities and have to use them to fight, etc. Well, in WotLK, they've really expanded on this - you can't go five quests without taking control of something, whether it's hopping on a drake and harpooning to other drake riders in a fierce competition, or becoming a water elemental and wreaking havoc on a town, or controlling a ghoul that can leap from mountain to mountain, knocking down gargoyles.
The latter was done exceptionally well. One of the major problems (at least for me!) with MMORPGs is the inability for one player to change the environment he plays in. The nature of the game kind of says 'other people are playing, too, remember? So don't go burning cities down.' Well, Blizzard's solution to that problem (I think they called it 'phasing environment progression' or something like that) is graceful and it actually works. There are questlines in almost every zone of the expansion that change the world around you - from burning down cities to building outposts and marching in invasions - it's ... it's really awesome. You can go out, bomb some buildings, come back and watch your buddies expand to where those buildings once were, instead of just getting five gold and a pat on the back.
If you liked BC, even at all, give WotLK a chance, even if you got burned out and stopped playing BC like I did, halfway through raiding. They've made some fantastic improvements.
edited for a typo, a single dratted typo that I just could not let slide.
My favorite "vehicle" quest had to be when I jumped on the back of a 50 foot tall giant and had to kill 100 undead and a 80 foot tall undead giant. I hit the ground and sent everything flying backwards.
Oh, hit 80 at 11:48 pm last night. Also got my flying magic carpet from tailoring. Going to start Naxxaramas this weekend!
Posted by Selran (Member # 9918) on :
I was at 125 of 130 for the Borean Tundra quest achievement. I spent an hour or so running around trying to find a quest hub I missed because. I finally figured out the Coldarra quests count for the BT achievement.
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
Halfway to 74 right now. Favorite moment was turning in a quest in Dragonblight and being completely taken aback by it leading into a cinematic that then permanently altered a specific area of the zone. Then as if things couldn't get cooler, I immediately found myself doing a quest in a zone I never thought I'd ever see outside of a 40 man raid.
Death Knights also get BlackBlade's seal of approval. Mines 63 currently.
Posted by Architraz Warden (Member # 4285) on :
The Wrathgate cinematic is one of the reasons I still love Blizzard's games. They took some modified in game graphics using what started as a luke-warm graphics engine, and made it into something breathtakingly epic. (Storywise, I feel bad for the Red Dragons doing what had to be done.)
So much build up, yet came as a surprise to most my guildies, and not the least bit disappointing.
My druid is level 77 now, completed every quest in three zones for the achievements, working on two more. Man, it's nice to be able to fly again.
Posted by Raymond Arnold (Member # 11712) on :
I'm a little put off by Death Knights. I'm blood specced, and unless I get completely surrounded I just DON'T TAKE DAMAGE. EVER. Which makes things really depressing when I switch back to my warrior.
I'm actually not that happy with the vehicles. They're cooler than the bombing quests in Burning Crusade, but a lot of their abilities feel very tacked on and lame. In the Death Knight area, why do the cannons have an electromagnetic pulse? And why do the tanks in Wintergarde shoot ice? What's wrong with normal cannons?