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Posted by Bean Counter (Member # 6001) on :
Rush Outed for Erectile Dysfunction I think it is ironic that poor Rush did what any person might, kept his name off an embarrassing private bottle, and the mass media thought it was so important that they made it a headline. I hope they never catch Ann Colter buying KY, or Sean Hannity picking up a tube of Preparation H.

Rush will laugh it off, he is a big man, but I am ashamed for the media that did this. Good thing th NY Times is already in trouble otherwise this would be their headline tomorrow.

Posted by James Tiberius Kirk (Member # 2832) on :
People buy private things. That happens.

They detained him because it wasn't his name on the bottle. It is a private matter? Yes, and since he's fairly well known, I can't blame him for taking clandestine action. But what he (or his doctor?) did apparently isn't entirely legal.

That -- plus the fact that he has had trouble with other, unrelated prescription drugs in the past -- is what's getting the headline. Once again it's not the act, it's the "cover-up."

Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
I'm sure Rush is used to being attacked by the media for having drugs illegally on his person.

Maybe if oh, I don't know, he'd stop breaking the law, there wouldn't be a problem anymore. Does the media fawn over Bob Dole for ED? Nope, he's a celebrated spokesperson for the problem.

No one cares that Rush has ED, I have better things to read or do with my time than read about an old guy who can't get it up. It's his vile rhetoric that annoys me, not problems in his bedroom.

If he stops breaking the law, people will stop writing those stories.
Posted by MightyCow (Member # 9253) on :
It sounds like his manhood is attacking itself
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
Originally posted by MightyCow:
It sounds like his manhood is attacking itself

There's a phrase for that and I'm sure he's heard it quite a lot. Someone should tell him it usually isn't intended literally. [Big Grin]
Posted by MrSquicky (Member # 1802) on :
So I'm wondering, at what point do people become exempt from the normal rules and laws that everyone else has to follow?

I'm a registered Republican. At the time I registered, I chose between the parties for one who seemed to talk more about the things I was interested in. I'm very big on character and personal responsibility. I didn't realize, at the time, that when the Republicans were talking about these things, they meant them for other people, not for themselves.

Even so, I'm amazed that people are trying to show somoene who has already broken the law with prescription drugs again willfully breaking the law with prescription drugs as some sort of victim.
Posted by Xavier (Member # 405) on :
Even so, I'm amazed that people are trying to show somoene who has already broken the law with prescription drugs again willfully breaking the law with prescription drugs as some sort of victim.
I'd like to introduce you to Jay.

He's basically a caricature. In his mind Republican == Good, Non-Republican == Bad. That is unless a Republican votes against the party line, in which case they are a vile traitor. Its a world of pure black and pure white, and it can be both sad and scary to witness.
Posted by Phanto (Member # 5897) on :
MrSquicky: Yes, it is depressing, isn't it? I used to be big on politics, volunteering my time and so on. But neither party stands by what they say; it's just a world of rhetoric and lies.
Posted by Scott R (Member # 567) on :
Are Jay and Bean Counter the same person?
Posted by Xavier (Member # 405) on :
Are Jay and Bean Counter the same person?
No, but I realize I may have mixed the two of them in my reference above. The thing about republicans that vote against party lines. That may have been something I am remembering about Bean Counter that I ascribed to Jay.

If so, I apologize.
Posted by MrSquicky (Member # 1802) on :
I remember my first Rush disillusionment. I was maybe 14 and he had a show on Fox. I'd watched it a couple of times.

Then he had a bit, I don't remember the lead up, but it ended with him saying "Of course, we all know who the White House dog is." and then the screen flashed a picture of Chelsey Clinton, who would have been maybe 13 at the time.

What a pathetic man. I don't see how people who claim to value honor and morality could follow him after that.


Edit: Of course, at the time, I was a Christian who was disappointed with the fake Christianity that many political groups and people were pushing. Sort of like this guy. I think my problem with politics is that I'm for or against things, not people or teams.

[ June 27, 2006, 11:42 AM: Message edited by: MrSquicky ]
Posted by MrSquicky (Member # 1802) on :
Are Jay and Bean Counter the same person?
No, BC's alts are generally either soldiers or ex-soldiers.


It was Jay who said that real conservatives always go along with George Bush and that you aren't a conservative if you don't.
Posted by Tresopax (Member # 1063) on :
I think it is ironic that poor Rush did what any person might, kept his name off an embarrassing private bottle, and the mass media thought it was so important that they made it a headline.
This is a lesson more Republicans these days seem to need to learn: Doing illegal things to hide embarassing secrets eventually ends up making things worse.
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
Lets be is a lesson politicians of EVERY party need to learn.
Posted by Jay (Member # 5786) on :
No Bean Counter and I are not the same person. Though I would like it if he would email me so we could chat off here. Drop me a line Bean.

Did I really say that about conservatives Squicky or is that what you think I think?
I trust President Bush to make the right choice since he has all the information.
I do like the GOP=Good NotGOP=Bad. Cool. I’ll have to bring that up at our next executive committee meeting! Might be a fun logo.

So he wasn’t charged? I’m not sure on the whole story, but it doesn’t seem to be a big deal. Probably not the smartest thing to do though. Who knows. I want more info on it.

I thought these were a bit funny on Drudge:
Posted by Bean Counter (Member # 6001) on :
I know, Rush was laughing it off today on his show, it was funny stuff.

Posted by Palliard (Member # 8109) on :
Rush Limbaugh come back from the Dominican Republic, sex tourism capital of the western hemisphere, with a bottle of viagra not in his name. What could he have been up to? Certainly nothing that would make his stances on sex and marriage seem hypocritical, I'm sure. [Roll Eyes]
Posted by Bean Counter (Member # 6001) on :
That tells me more about your mind then Rush's.
Posted by Rakeesh (Member # 2001) on :
Right, Bean Counter. I'm sure that if it weren't an icon of far-right conservative politics, you would not arrive at the same conclusion.

Rush Limbaugh is a scumbag. He was before he got addicted to illegal drugs-they became illegal when he used them illegally-and he remains a scumbag now. Respect for the law! Unless I gotta get my fix, man! *twitch*


Oh, and given how often he makes personal, non-idea related attacks about other people in politics...just where the hell do you get off complaining that it happens to him?
Posted by Palliard (Member # 8109) on :
Sadly, there's too much attention to be had from a "Rush Gone Wild" story for it not to be used whether it happened or not. Heck, if he spun it right he could turn it into another line of merchandise.

But unless his wife went with him... what was the viagra for?
Posted by Bob_Scopatz (Member # 1227) on :
Rush Limbaugh is okay. It's his fans I can't stand.
Specifically, the people who call in to his show have always seemed somewhat like drones to me. And the people who quote the jerk at the office water cooler are worst of all. Generally, they're the people who can't string two sentences together to express a coherent thought on anything work-related, but they manage to quote Rush's arguments (whether inane or cogent) verbatim.

I think the most dangerous thing about Rush Limbaugh is that he makes some of these people think they are smart because they can parrot him.

Dittoheads indeed.
Posted by Bob_Scopatz (Member # 1227) on :
And if you really want to know what kind of person Rush Limbaugh is, ask servers who have waited on him in restaurants. He's a legendary jerk to the little people he encounters.

I have zero use for the man.
Posted by Lupus (Member # 6516) on :
Well, he says that it is in his doctors name...and if that is true, then it is not illegal (at least in Florida).
Posted by littlemissattitude (Member # 4514) on :
Poor Rush, my foot. I wouldn't listen to the man even if I did agree with him. I just don't like his manner. He is rude and crude. I've known people who conduct themselves like he does on his radio show, and I didn't like them either.

Edit for clarity.
Posted by Belle (Member # 2314) on :
I didn't think it was illegal to possess a prescription in your doctor's name.

What about samples? Those are always listed in the doctor's name, not the patients. Would it have been legal to possess samples of viagara then?

I think it's not necessarily illegal, but just an irregularity that the customs officials were supposed to check out. The article I read in USAtoday said that if the prescription was legitimately issued by the doctor Rush would be in no legal trouble.
Posted by akhockey (Member # 8394) on :
Originally posted by Xavier:
Even so, I'm amazed that people are trying to show somoene who has already broken the law with prescription drugs again willfully breaking the law with prescription drugs as some sort of victim.
I'd like to introduce you to Jay.

He's basically a caricature. In his mind Republican == Good, Non-Republican == Bad. That is unless a Republican votes against the party line, in which case they are a vile traitor. Its a world of pure black and pure white, and it can be both sad and scary to witness.

I remember back when I was in elementary school I would talk about someone as if they weren't there, too. I hope you have fun learning multiplication next year! [Roll Eyes]
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
The Internet: like fourth grade, plus nipples.
Posted by Samprimary (Member # 8561) on :

Rush will laugh it off, he is a big man, but I am ashamed for the media that did this. Good thing th NY Times is already in trouble otherwise this would be their headline tomorrow.


This is selective parsing of the subject. None of the reporting is haranguing Rush for erectile dysfunction.

Really, what's amazing is that he's probably skirting the law after getting schadenfreude over drugs, prior to this incident.
Posted by TL (Member # 8124) on :
I think people who have a history of using drugs illegally, and engaging in a variety of other illegal activities surrounding that drug use, raise eyebrows when they start carrying around mis-labeled and unlabeled pill bottles.

Oh, but that couldn't possibly be the reason for this scrutiny. Any negative attention paid to conservative figures is never because they're despicable people with a history of doing despicable things....

It's because of that evil, evil media.

Posted by Joldo (Member # 6991) on :
Is Rush Limbaugh married? I thought he was single.

Isn't he a proponent of good ol' Christian values?

Why does he need erectile disfunction drugs? Well, maybe he's carrying them for someone else.
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
He is divorced, I think.
Posted by narrativium (Member # 3230) on :
Three times, is what I heard.

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