Hullo, Hatrackers. I'm pretty new to these forums, at least in terms of posting; I've actually been browsing here on and off for a few months now. Good stuff. School just got out (I'm now a high school senior!) so I find myself with more freetime than usual, 'till I start working--soon, hopefully. So I figured now is as good a time as any to step into the River.
Anyhow, I'm not so pretentious as to make a whole topic just for my introduction. I'm one of those avid Firefly/Serenity fans you may have heard about and, with this breaking news I'm about to share with you, I thought I could do my small part to spread the signal by telling the cool people at Hatrack.
June 23 is Serenity Day, when us fans will rally in support of the movie and buy copies of the DVD en masse. From June 22 to 24, Equality Now is hosting a worldwide charity event though Serenity screenings.
I, of course, encourage everyone to participate. See you all around.
Posted by ketchupqueen (Member # 6877) on :
quote:I'm one of those avid Firefly/Serenity fans you may have heard about
Oh, yeah, there seem to be lots of those around here.
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
You think?
Welcome Solo Wing Pixy; here at Hatrack we encourage new posters to do an Intro thread, actually.
Posted by Morbo (Member # 5309) on :
You're off to a good start, there are lots of Firefly/Serenity fans here. Including me. I just watched the movie and 2 episodes and cannot understand why that series was cancelled. It's so much better than most TV, particularly sci-fi.
It's nice of you to lend a helping hand, Solo, to help spread the word about the Firefly events.
Welcome to Hatrack Solo.
Posted by Alcon (Member # 6645) on :
quote:cannot understand why that series was cancelled
Some people juggle geese... other's cancel some of the best TV on... well... TV. *cough* FOX *cough*
Welcome Solo, you're in good company
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
No offense but....
Why is there a special day just to buy the DVDs? It's still on the what, top 20 list on Amazon isn't it? Seems silly to pick a special day just for commercial purposes, though I support a Serenity appreciation day as much as the next Browncoat .
Posted by signal (Member # 6828) on :
Unstoppable I am.
Posted by kwsni (Member # 1831) on :
And, of course, any good browncoat bought the Dvd when it first came out, so buying it en masse is not going to do much good.
Posted by Magson (Member # 2300) on :
I just finished re-watching the series this week, and will be watching Serentiy to cap it off tomorrow. It's even better this time through. I *so* wish it had continued.
Sadly, the 1st I ever heard of Firefly was when someone blogged about going to one of the Serenity "pre-release" screenings. And I didn't watch the series for the 1st time until a week or so before Serenity came out. I wish I'd found it sooner.
Posted by The Signal (Member # 9490) on :
quote:Unstoppable I am.
Actually it's me who's unstoppable. You're perfectly stoppable
Posted by Tante Shvester (Member # 8202) on :
But, wouldn't the fans already have the DVD's?
Welcome aboard! Enjoy!
Posted by James Tiberius Kirk (Member # 2832) on :
Hey, an Ace Combat fan.
I have a Serenity DVD; maybe if I can find Firefly out there...
Posted by El JT de Spang (Member # 7742) on :
I'm in the midst of rewatching firefly right now.
Posted by Shigosei (Member # 3831) on :
Maybe you can buy the DVD and give it as a gift to someone? Though I'd rather hand out Firefly DVDs, as the movie ought to be watched after the series.
Posted by Teshi (Member # 5024) on :
quote:I'm one of those avid Firefly/Serenity fans you may have heard about
*blink blink*
Posted by Chris Bridges (Member # 1138) on :
Lyrhawn - the idea was to show Universal and other interested parties that there is still an audience out here by causing a spike in sales. We want a special edition, darn it! The UK got more features and a second disc, and the Australian edition got even more than that. Where's ours? If you already own a copy -- and if not, why not? -- browncoats are also buying gifts for friends and copies to donate to local libraries or send to soldiers.
Welcome, Solo Wing Pixy! There might be one or two somewhat interested fans here. [whistles in an entirely innocent fashion]
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
Welcome fellow browncoated pixie!
I already own the DVD and the series.. I've already sent out some as gifts... If I did anymore I might be concidered obsessive...
Posted by Narnia (Member # 1071) on :
*holds up a big foam finger that says "Browncoats are #1!"*
I too am addicted. erm. Dedicated. Yeah, that's it. Shigosei has the right idea. The whole point is to preach the good news that is Firefly and Serenity. So buy a DVD and give it as a gift! Hey, why not?
Welcome to the board. If you do a quick Firefly or Serenity search with the forum search feature, you'll see just how many fans are lurking around here.
Posted by raventh1 (Member # 3750) on :
Or buy the DVD set and give it as a gift. From experience, it was an awesome gift to give.
Posted by MightyCow (Member # 9253) on :
There are lots of more recent fans who don't own all the goods yet. I've got it marked on my calendar, and I'll be buying the TV series on DVD, since I already have Serenity.
I imagine the real Browncoats can buy gifts, get the Animated film, buy books, etc.
Posted by Solo Wing Pixy (Member # 9489) on :
quote:Originally posted by Lyrhawn: Welcome.
No offense but....
Why is there a special day just to buy the DVDs? It's still on the what, top 20 list on Amazon isn't it? Seems silly to pick a special day just for commercial purposes, though I support a Serenity appreciation day as much as the next Browncoat .
June 23rd is Joss Whedon's birthday. I'm guessing that had something to do with it.
Thanks for the warm welcome guys.
Posted by esl (Member # 3143) on :
Thanks for the heads-up, Solo Wing Pixy. I should be able to see a screening, if they're not sold out.