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Posted by Robin Kaczmarczyk (Member # 9067) on :
I wouldn't mind. The idea of a Harem is every Hollywood Producer's dream. What about you guys?
Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
Folks have got to be out their damn mind.
It's not going to be a harem, but a swarm of jealous angry wasp like women griping about stuff.]
Families can be frustrating enough as it is. Having a ton of wives though MULTIPLIES the frustration.
Not to mention the money, how the heck can a person afford to support about 10 kids for each wife and they got like 3 wives?
Not to mention the whole sex aspect. Viagra... All the time... constantly...
Nope, it's one of those things that is fun to think about, but not fun to actually do. It will not be women rubbing oil all over some guy and satisfying his every need but stress and annoyance!
Posted by Dagonee (Member # 5818) on :
It's not going to be a harem, but a swarm of jealous angry wasp like women griping about stuff.
Sometimes you slip things into your posts that seriously endanger my keyboard if I happen to be drinking.
Posted by erosomniac (Member # 6834) on :
Syn, why assume it's going to be one man and a bunch of women?

I know quite a few girls who would be quite happy to have a dozen man slaves--err, husbands.
Posted by Dagonee (Member # 5818) on :
Sure, 12 guys who can overlook a pile of dirty clothes for two weeks but will notice the smallest ding on the car door from across the parking lot.
Posted by ElJay (Member # 6358) on :
Because polygamy is by definition one man and multiple women. [Smile] The other way around is called polyandry.
Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
Hmm. Another thing that is better to think about than to actually do...
Though snuggling between two men might not be so bad... Unless they were REALLY ANNOYING MEN. And messier than I am >.<.
Now if they wanted to clean and all of that stuff so I don't have to...
And maybe a few women for variety...
Naw, that would be frustrating too.
Posted by Dagonee (Member # 5818) on :
Not quite, it's polygyny.

Polygamy is generic.
Posted by Princess Leah (Member # 6026) on :
I have nothing against it, inherently. I personally don't want to be in a multiple partner relationship with marriage-like permanance to it, but who knows about the future.

My feeling about all this sex/relationship stuff is that if it's between consenting adults, anything goes. Polygamy has proved problematic in the past (say THAT ten times fast), owing to forced marriage and contractual obligation type stuff, but it's not like there aren't examples of that now in every single type of relationship you can name.

Anyone hear the "This American Life" segment on polygamy? Ira Glass interviewed a woman who wanted to be in a polygamous relationship. It was interesting. She liked that her husband would be "tested" as it were by other women to make sure he'd be a good husband, and all of his wives were friendly with each other. They got input on whether a new wife was stay/go. Some of the wives were "housewives" (by choice) and some had jobs. As I recall, the wives did all have seperate houses (near each other)...I don't know if the interviewee would have been quite so happy with the relationship if she'd had to *live* with all the other families, but I guess if she and her husband and his other wives didn't have the financial resources to live sperately then she wouldn't have married him.
Posted by Blayne Bradley (Member # 8565) on :
its hard enough even getting one as it is.
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
Thus ends "Pologamy through rose-colored glasses", a three part mocumentry,

Posted by MightyCow (Member # 9253) on :
Can I just have one girlfriend, and several sexy female maids and cooks who walk around in lingerie?
Posted by Tante Shvester (Member # 8202) on :
I don't know about the rest of you, but I could certainly use a wife.
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
I used to want one of each.. a husband and a wife... but I'm just not cut out for it I fear...
Posted by Chris Bridges (Member # 1138) on :
My wife and I have considered getting a wife, someone to handle the cooking/cleaning/errands part of the job. Teresa is very interested in this idea, despite the giggles, and would even allow some fraternizing if she was a good enough cook.
Posted by Blayne Bradley (Member # 8565) on :
bam chuka bam woin.
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
I would imagine that it is considerably cheaper and less problematic to hire a housekeeper.
Posted by Tante Shvester (Member # 8202) on :
Originally posted by Chris Bridges:
My wife and I have considered getting a wife, someone to handle the cooking/cleaning/errands part of the job. Teresa is very interested in this idea, despite the giggles, and would even allow some fraternizing if she was a good enough cook.

Precisely! I work full-time, and then I come home and I have to take care of all that home stuff. I want a wife, but not one of those modern career girls. I want a stay at home wife who will take care of the house, do the shopping and the errands, and then bring me my pipe, slippers, and newspaper when I come home. It would be so sweet to make a call home to my wife and say that I'm running a little late at the office, dear, so have dinner ready at 7:00 instead of 6:30. And if the dry cleaning is not picked up, it is not MY fault.

I wouldn't mind a little backrub action, either.
Posted by Xavier (Member # 405) on :
The idea of me and more than one heterosexual wife in a traditionally polygamous relationship doesn't appeal to me at all.

However, the idea of me and two bisexual women in a relationship of sexual equality has considerable appeal, in that same sort of hypothetical "what if you won the powerball jackpot" sort of way [Wink] .
Posted by BlackBlade (Member # 8376) on :
Originally posted by Xavier:
The idea of me and more than one heterosexual wife in a traditionally polygamous relationship doesn't appeal to me at all.

However, the idea of me and two bisexual women in a relationship of sexual equality has considerable appeal, in that same sort of hypothetical "what if you won the powerball jackpot" sort of way [Wink] .

It seems strange that people say "polygamy is just too insane" and then in the next breath "but 2 bisexual women would be hot" isn't that more or less the exact same thing - (minus)only having sex with one of your wives one at a time?

edited for clarity
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
Tante, dear, is there something you're not telling us?

(If ONLY I could be the stay at home type of wife....)
Posted by pH (Member # 1350) on :
Originally posted by erosomniac:
I know quite a few girls who would be quite happy to have a dozen man slaves


Posted by erosomniac (Member # 6834) on :
The best part is that I was thinking distinctly of you when I wrote that, Pearce.
Posted by Olivet (Member # 1104) on :
Ah, Pearce! Once again you prove to be a girl after my own heart. [Big Grin]
Posted by Blayne Bradley (Member # 8565) on :
y'know, coolidge syndrome anyone?
Posted by Xavier (Member # 405) on :
It seems strange that people say "polygamy is just too insane" and then in the next breath "but 2 bisexual women would be hot" isn't that more or less the exact same thing - (minus)only having sex with one of your wives one at a time?
Not at all. I suppose I should have also pointed out that it would be romantically equal as well as sexual.

Think of it this way, in a traditional polygamous marriage, one man has many wives. But each wife has one husband, and that's it. They basically only get 1/nth of a husband, where n is the number of wives he has.

In the hypothetical relationship I am describing, the man would have two wives, and each wife would have both a husband and a wife. The two wives would be just as romantically linked to eachother as they are to the husband. Instead of getting a fraction of a relationship, they would have an additional relationship.

It would be a completely different dynamic. I'm not sure if it would work or not, because I don't know of any accounts of anyone trying it. Its still taboo to be a woman in a commited lesbian relationship, I would think we are several decades away (if ever) from a relationship as far outside the norm as the one I am describing to be even slightly socially acceptable.
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
Originally posted by The Pixiest:
(If ONLY I could be the stay at home type of wife....)

I feel that way, too. Unfortunately, I think Chris does too. Anyone wanna come be the breadwinner for us? We'll make it worth your while. [Wink]
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
Xavi: What you are describing is exactly what I wanted when I was younger.

Unfortunately, the poly people I knew wanted a little more freedom than that.

I've heard of people doing it and doing it successfully. I just don't know anyone who's pulled it off (at least, not exactly like that)
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
I had a very brief run of living with a roommate who did that for us. She had been working for a year but still living like a student, so when she quit her job, she didn't need to get another one for almost a year while she figured out what she wanted.

She cleaned everything, cooked dinner for me and the other roommate regularly, organized parties and social things for us on the weekend, and was always reading so she always had stuff to talk about with us. It was fantastic.
Posted by erosomniac (Member # 6834) on :
I had a very brief run of living with a roommate who did that for us. She had been working for a year but still living like a student, so when she quit her job, she didn't need to get another one for almost a year while she figured out what she wanted.

She cleaned everything, cooked dinner for me and the other roommate regularly, organized parties and social things for us on the weekend, and was always reading so she always had stuff to talk about with us. It was fantastic.

Can I get a shipping quote on having her mailed to me? Shipping zip code 98125. I'd prefer something with a guaranteed delivery date, but if it's too expensive, just ship UPS Ground. Thanks!
Posted by Tante Shvester (Member # 8202) on :
Originally posted by The Pixiest:
Tante, dear, is there something you're not telling us?

Sure there is! There's lots of stuff I'm not telling you. [Razz]
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
Oooooo! Give us dirt!!!!!
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
She was wonderful, but she is also, sadly, taken. She and her fabulous husband live in Arizona.
Posted by Tante Shvester (Member # 8202) on :
Pix, I do believe that you aren't understanding the NOT part of "not telling". [Taunt]
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
Tease =p
Posted by Elizabeth (Member # 5218) on :
Well, all my information about ploygamy comes from Big Love, but, even tihoug it is a tv show, it has gotten me thinking.

I could never do it. I am way too possessive and jealous. However, I see it as a potentially cool thing, if it works. If the power could be shared somehow-cool. But there is such potential for imbalance and abuse, I'd think.

Still, my feelings about it have changed from watching this show.
Posted by Kristen (Member # 9200) on :
Having to deal with not just one but two or more men permanently would be about the worst nightmare ever. I would never be able to wear a short skirt to a party ever again without getting a massive guilt trip or interrogation, a video game console would be installed in my apartment, and American's Next Top Model would be a happy memory. And I'm sure one of the buggers would like football and dogs. Just my luck.
Posted by Jim-Me (Member # 6426) on :
Originally posted by Kristen:
I would never be able to wear a short skirt to a party ever again without getting a massive guilt trip or interrogation

I was going to respond that you were dating the wrong guys, but these:
a video game console would be installed in my apartment, and American's Next Top Model would be a happy memory. And I'm sure one of the buggers would like football and dogs. Just my luck.
are unfortunately, endemic to the male of the species, to my knowledge.
Posted by erosomniac (Member # 6834) on :
are unfortunately, endemic to the male of the species, to my knowledge.
Almost, except I prefer cats to dogs.

That and I'm willing to endure ANTM on a selective basis, because some of those girls are hot.
Posted by El JT de Spang (Member # 7742) on :
a video game console would be installed in my apartment, and American's Next Top Model would be a happy memory. And I'm sure one of the buggers would like football and dogs.
I don't like any of those 4 things. And I never lie.
Posted by pH (Member # 1350) on :
I would never be able to wear a short skirt to a party ever again without getting a massive guilt trip or interrogation
Seriously? You get guilt-tripped or interrogated?

I couldn't be able to deal with that. I will wear my miniskirts and heels wherever I damn well please. I prefer menfolk with the attitude, "This chick I'm with is so hot. Look at how hot she is. And I'M driving her home. Isn't she hot?"

Posted by Kristen (Member # 9200) on :
pH: Not usually, depends on the guy, but in a polygamous situation it's more likely than not that there would be a jealous one, and I wouldn't know it until after we married, because that's the way the world works for me.

Still, I can't imagine a guy ever objecting to me wearing such clothing as long as I am accompanying him--it's when I go to parties and vacations without that I have encountered the "why do you need that skirt if I'm not going to be there?". [Roll Eyes]
Posted by Stan the man (Member # 6249) on :
Hmmm. Nope, not gonna do it. One woman is more than enough for me. Besides, we've...never mind that bargain. I don't think it would be appropriate here [Wink] .

Video game console...she plays those dang things more than me (actually, mine are collecting dust right now).
football...niether of the two of us are fans of that.
ANTM...I know what this is , I just don't care
dogs...she wants to be a vet. I own no pets, she has a dog, and wants another puppy...and a tiger kitten.
Posted by Celaeno (Member # 8562) on :
Originally posted by Kristen:
Still, I can't imagine a guy ever objecting to me wearing such clothing as long as I am accompanying him--it's when I go to parties and vacations without that I have encountered the "why do you need that skirt if I'm not going to be there?". [Roll Eyes]

That really disgusts me. Why should guys think you wear things for them? I wear what I wear because I want to wear it. I wear what's comfortable or what makes me feel good or whatever I happened to grab out of the closet on my way out, and that's all there is to it. Any guy who will interrogate me for my dressing habits is just insecure. And frankly, that's not the kind of guy I have the energy to put up with.
Posted by Kristen (Member # 9200) on :
I should clarify that those are merely certain attributes which would annoy me to no end (and, to be truthful, are more likely to be found in guys, besides the dog-loving part). Heck, if I shared a room with a football loving, video game playing, ANTM hating, female dog lover who hated my clothes I'd be just as irritated.

Of course, I am such a delight to live with that I can make such assertions [Evil]

Celano: I agree. That is why I am no longer with said men.
Posted by Celaeno (Member # 8562) on :
Originally posted by Kristen:
Celano: I agree. That is why I am no longer with said men. [/QB]

I'm glad to hear it. [Smile]

Now I just wish more women were like us. If everyone stopped putting up with it, it would probably get stamped out entirely.
Posted by Stan the man (Member # 6249) on :
Why should guys think you wear things for them?
I would be happy as heck if she (Echo, the wtb [Kiss] ) wore something for me. Instead she always wears her hoodies, jeans and tennis shoes. I'm always stuck making the sacrifice of some kind here and there for her. Where's mine [Confused] ?
Posted by Olivet (Member # 1104) on :
*snort* I do that. My Beloved and I were going out. Had a baby sitter and everything. I come downstairs and, in front of our youngish teen sitter, he says, "Tartier."

I went back upstairs giggling and came down in a miniskirt.

This is why people think he dominates me. If they only knew... [Evil Laugh]
Posted by Stan the man (Member # 6249) on :
I can understand that. However, she knows my sarcasm by now. She really is the dominant one, while I am the independant one. However, she can only be so dominant to someone who can make light of almost any situation. Besides, it's her attitude in the way she conducts herself that turns me on. She's like me, only owns maybe two pairs of shorts. Most likely to wear jeans. Hates formal wear.
Posted by Kristen (Member # 9200) on :
Coatesie should take solace in that I do dress for him, to a certain extent. While I am going to wear my sparkly white eyeshadow regardless of the fact that he thinks it looks silly, if it weren't for him, I'd be schlepping around in sweat pants, a t-shirt, and a messy ponytail 24/7.

On the other hand, he now wears nice shirts to restaurants, keeps his hair short, and shaves on a regular basis, so it evens out. [Big Grin]
Posted by Artemisia Tridentata (Member # 8746) on :
Wife one talked Grandpa into marrying her sister and they got along fine. The two of them convinced him to marry their best friend. That worked too. But when a young girl from home (Bornholm) showed up, pregnant from an assault on the emmigrant ship and without family in this country, he married her too. That didn't work. She never felt comfortable in the country or the family. All kidding aside, it would take more effort than most of us are willing to expend to make that kind of relationship work.
Posted by erosomniac (Member # 6834) on :
*snort* I do that. My Beloved and I were going out. Had a baby sitter and everything. I come downstairs and, in front of our youngish teen sitter, he says, "Tartier."
I imagine that if I were a woman, the mere use of the word "tartier" would convince me to sex myself up for his viewing pleasure.
Posted by Olivet (Member # 1104) on :
I enjoy the opportunity to strut my stuff, and mourn that there are so few occassions where thigh high boots are approriate. [Big Grin]

The funny thing is, I'm really a very dominating woman in matters romantic. I have to constantly remind myself that the poor man wasn't put on earth merely to cater to my every whim, although he seems to be content to fill that role. *shrug* Ah, the burdens of dommehood. [Razz]
Posted by pH (Member # 1350) on :
I'm so with you, Olivet.

Psh, I will dress skanktastically whenever I please, and he'll like it because I said so. I am very sad that my boyfriend and I have so few opportunities to go out and be seen together. I'm very much looking forward to the HIM concert next Tuesday. [Razz] It's not our fault we're beautiful. Don't hate.

Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :

Psh, I will dress skanktastically whenever I please, and he'll like it because I said so.

It's worth noting that while I would never complain about Christy's dressing "skanktastically," I WOULD be upset if, when I mentioned to her something that she did that I found enormously hurtful or worrisome, her reaction were merely "you'll like it because I said so."
Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
Aw. I wanna see HIM again
After I see DIRU.
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
Originally posted by Tante Shvester:
Originally posted by The Pixiest:
Tante, dear, is there something you're not telling us?

Sure there is! There's lots of stuff I'm not telling you. [Razz]
Not with THAT type of post count there isn't! [Wink]
Posted by pH (Member # 1350) on :
Originally posted by TomDavidson:

Psh, I will dress skanktastically whenever I please, and he'll like it because I said so.

It's worth noting that while I would never complain about Christy's dressing "skanktastically," I WOULD be upset if, when I mentioned to her something that she did that I found enormously hurtful or worrisome, her reaction were merely "you'll like it because I said so."
My ideal relationship attitude is that if I would like it if he were doing it, I shouldn't do it myself. I don't always live up to that...but I try.


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