This is topic Might Be Getting a New Dog, Need Suggestions for Names in forum Books, Films, Food and Culture at Hatrack River Forum.

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Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
So, my mom works with a lady who does a lot of foster care for dogs, and tries to foist them off on everyone she knows. She's a fantastic person, she has five dogs herself, and can't own anymore, so she just fosters them until she can find homes for them.

She gave my mom a dog to take home for the weekend once, a Min Pin, but he was older, and we didn't like him so much. Plus my cocker spaniel didn't get along with him very well.

Well my mom called me today and said she was bringing home a dog for the weekend, and I was holding out judgement at first, but I LOVE this dog. It's border collie mix, with what I think is an Australian Shepard and a Husky. She has the color of a border collie, the build of a Aussie Shepard, and one blue eye, one brown eye.

Her name is Rosie, and I'm using every trick I've learned in the last 21 years to get my mom to keep her. Hopefully I can take her with me when I move out in a year or two. Anyway:

Her name is Rosie.

But we don't really like that name and want to change it. I'll post up some better pictures than the ones in that link later, I have to take some myself and upload them, whilst hopefully cropping myself out of them. She's one year old, but extremely mellow for her age. When you get her excited she's fun to play with, but most of the time likes to lay around (a kindred spirit! I think I met my soul mate in dog form).

Anyway, any suggestions for possible new names? I like Oreo. If you can see her legs in any of the pictures I'll post later, they have the exact coloration of an Oreo Blizzard from Dairy Queen. So what are the suggestions of Hatrack?
Posted by Leonide (Member # 4157) on :
I used to want to name all my animals after Shakespeare characters, or characters in books that I'd read. Now, i much prefer the policy of actually waiting until I know the cat/dog, until naming it.

As an example of how this has paid off, I had originally intended to name my cats Zeus and Artemis (Emmy for short) Getting to know the girl cat, she is perfect for Artemis. But the boy cat is a complete dork, ridiculously skittish, and a real mama's boy. Not Zeus-like at all. However, he likes to sing to me and he's always begging for more food. So I re-named him Oliver (Ollie) and it's beyond perfect for him.
Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
Does she already know her name, Lyrhawn? If so I'd recommend coming up with something that sounds similar to it.
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
Dorky, wantonly wants food, and complains a lot?

Should've named him Bacchus.
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
No Noemon, she doesn't. She responds to snapping and whistling rather well, but she doesn't yet come at the call of her name. Or even perk up at it really.
Posted by Evie3217 (Member # 5426) on :
Going along with Leonide's suggestion, Athena is always a good name, Thena for short. Of course, then people might mishear it as Xena, and then you'd have a problem.

But I told you Adam, I'm going to think up some names for you, and I'll tell you after the game tomorow!!!!!!! <--Those exclamation points were for the game I'm going to, not for the names, although naming is a fun process.
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
Aw, and here I thought you were as excited as I was for the cute snuggly dog naming process [Smile]
Posted by mr_porteiro_head (Member # 4644) on :

Posted by Evie3217 (Member # 5426) on :
Oh Adam, I am excited. I won't sleep tonight, because I'll be coming up with an extensive list to you naming troubles. Trust me. I will find THE perfect name for you dog. *nods head*
Posted by pH (Member # 1350) on :
Originally posted by mr_porteiro_head:


That is what my father called all of my childhood pets, no matter what their names were. In addition, there were Bird and Fish.

Posted by scholar (Member # 9232) on :
The sad thing is when you start adding numbers to them. Like my current pet is Fishy Number 4.
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
More Pictures

I took these myself in my living room.
Posted by pH (Member # 1350) on :
Originally posted by scholar:
The sad thing is when you start adding numbers to them. Like my current pet is Fishy Number 4.

We had four dogs at once, and they didn't even get numbers. They were Dog, Dog, Dog, and Dog.

Except with my dad's Southern drawl, they were Dawg, Dawg, Dawg, and Dawg.

Posted by Megan (Member # 5290) on :
Awww! And how great that she's mellow--I'm actually shocked that a border collie (even a mix) is mellow at that age. Our border collie mix was a hyperactive menace at that age. [Smile]

If she doesn't answer to any name yet, I'd suggest going with something short that ends with an ee or an ah sound. I read once that a dog's attention is better caught with that sound at the end of the name. (My mom took this suggestion to heart; her dogs are Lucy, Casey, Murphy, and Abby.) Oreo is cute and fitting, though (however, I bet you'll end up calling her Orrie if you go that route. [Big Grin] )
Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
she's cute!
Posted by prolixshore (Member # 4496) on :

Posted by pH (Member # 1350) on :
She is the most adorable doggie ever. [Smile] Awwwwwww. She looks so sweet!

Posted by Will B (Member # 7931) on :
Since they're Aussie Dogs:

Tazzie (for Tasmanian devil)
Toto (pun on Oz)

If it were me, given a scientific bent:
Curie, after the curious discoverer of radioactivity
Ada, after the first programmer

Too bad we're not naming a cat. I want to get a cat, just so I can name it "Meowzilla."
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
Kylie (another Aussie name)
Posted by Leonide (Member # 4157) on :
or Kiwi, which is New Zealanders, which is NEAR Australia!
Posted by Theaca (Member # 8325) on :
Originally posted by Evie3217:
Going along with Leonide's suggestion, Athena is always a good name, Thena for short. Of course, then people might mishear it as Xena, and then you'd have a problem.

That reminds me of another excellent name--Theca. And there won't be any other dogs with that name. [Wink] [Smile]
Posted by breyerchic04 (Member # 6423) on :
I'm not going on names, but to me she looks like a Border Collie, Austrailian Cattle Dog, and possibly some Australian Shepherd, as in she looks like a psycho herding dog to me [Wink] (my sheltie says he doesn't like that description).

And we fostered a blue merle sheltie named Rosie, didn't work for me either.
Posted by Dr Strangelove (Member # 8331) on :
Are you looking for a fun name? If so, my suggestions are: Sit, No, and Cat.

If you're looking for a more ... normal name, maybe something from LOTR? Ungoliant maybe ... just kidding. But yeah, LOTR or mythology. Or something from your favorite movie, whatever that might be. My sister got a guinea pig a long time ago and named her Buttercup, from "The Princess Bride". Later, we got two actual pigs, and one became Wesley, again from "The Princess Bride" and the other became Heidi, as my other sister who named it had just read that book ("Heidi" that is).
So yeah, whatever floats your boat.
Posted by aiua (Member # 7825) on :
This really doesn't pertain to the name quest, but!

My friend has a pet raven. Named Quoth.
Posted by breyerchic04 (Member # 6423) on :
My dad has a friend with an ancient (ok I remember cuddling it as a kitten, so it's probably 17) black cat named Dog.
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
I'm thinking Roxie, or Roxanne. Something along those lines. Or just Rox for short.

I took her over to a friend's house today. They have a border collie (twice the size of Roxie to Be) and a golden retriever (Callie and Dizzy respectively). And my friend's mom (who trains dogs) was AMAZED at how nice she was. She let's carry her around like a baby, which they rarely do, because being on your back is an act of submission for dogs.

We're running into a bit of a problem with the fact that my cocker spaniel (who is lovable and adorable) seems to abhor the thought of a new dog. We're worried about the energy issue, but she's REALLY mellow, she's laying at my feet right now. But during the day she has a lot of energy. But I plan to take her to obedience training, and I might do agility training with her too. My best friend's mom does agility and she's trying to talk me into doing it. Assuming we get the dog that is.

Anyone have any experience with bringing in a one year old to a house with a grumpy 11 year old cocker spaniel?

And what do we think of the name Roxy? Or Roxanne? Or Rox?
Posted by Tinros (Member # 8328) on :
Originally posted by aiua:
This really doesn't pertain to the name quest, but!

My friend has a pet raven. Named Quoth.

When he passes on, you need to write on his tombstone:

Quoth the Raven.
Posted by Tante Shvester (Member # 8202) on :
You know what I think is a good name for a pet? Peeve. Or, since she is black, she can be your bete, Noir.

Or you can name her after me, and call her Tante.
Posted by Uprooted (Member # 8353) on :
I always said if I'd ever get a dog I'd name it Rover. But I guess that only works for a boy dog, really. I love Roxie!
Posted by Tante Shvester (Member # 8202) on :
Fido? But don't pronounce it "Fie-dough"; pronounce it "Fee-dough", 'cause that's more nerdy.
Posted by Sharpie (Member # 482) on :
WillB said: "If it were me, given a scientific bent:
Curie, after the curious discoverer of radioactivity
Ada, after the first programmer"

Our dog is named Curie [Smile]

Our (female) cat is Sagan.

(The only trouble with Curie's name is that people easily mispronounce it. Carrie? Kerry? Kyrie? On the other hand, shortening it gives us "Cur", which is kinda fun.)
Posted by RackhamsRazor (Member # 5254) on :
I have experience bringing a hyperactive lab/golden puppy into the house with 13 yr old cocker.

Gallagher, Gally for short(the cocker), hates Indie. At first he was petrifed of her and ran away all the time and now he just growls at her. We have to watch Indie sometimes because she will try and pounce on his back which is not good for the little old man. Mostly, Gally still just growls and snaps at her while she jumps around in front of him just out of his reach.

My guess is that he will never like her, but he is getting better at tolerating her. Just make sure you always give the old cocker a petting or treat first just to assure him that he is still your number one and that you haven't replaced him [Smile]
Posted by RackhamsRazor (Member # 5254) on :
As for dog names...

el Perro

I also one met a white cat named Mashed Potatoes-so you could always do a food name like Chex or Cherrio.
Posted by ketchupqueen (Member # 6877) on :
In my family, we have always given "people" names to pets (mostly cats here.) The only one I can think of that didn't have a people name and wasn't named already when it came to us was two generations back-- Taffy the dog, my grandma's when my mom was little. (Grandma hasn't had a pet since.) She was Taffy because she'd get into the candy jar and eat salt water taffy! (Good taste, that dog.) Oh, and Scat, who wasn't really ours, but a stray, and should have been re-named Rosalind when she started to come inside if we'd been actually following the children's book that was the reason she was a stray, but by that time we were all too used to Scat. And then she disappeared and never came back, anyway.

Anyway, what I did was pick a name I like but never want to name a kid, and give it to the animal (because that takes it out of the running as a name for a kid-- can't name a kid after a pet!) That's how Patrick got his name.
Posted by breyerchic04 (Member # 6423) on :
I refuse to say I won't name a kid after the cat I had till I was 15 (she was 3 when I was born).

Katherine The Great.
Posted by Theaca (Member # 8325) on :
I knew some people with a dog called Melanoma. Melly for short, I think.

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