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Posted by Stan the man (Member # 6249) on :
I've been thrown for a couple these past few weeks. Probably explains why I was irritable for most of them, and had to leave here for one. Though the leaving for awhile part is due to other reasons mainly.

I will not be an instructor up here in NY. I can't seem to pass the part where I stand watch with a student. I could, and still can, do this perfectly well out in the fleet. However, the tactics are different. The bad news, I can't be an instructor (which was stated before). The good news, I am still entitled to my shore duty. So the master chief is trying to get me to stay here on the maintenance tech group. Nothing has been decided yet. I won't find out for a while.

It would be nice to stay here in NY. Except for the next couple weeks. See, I have a friend. We have known each other a few months before all of this. As of about 2 weeks ago we kind of became a couple. Kind of, meaning there are still issues with the ex-boyfriend. He's a jerk (I am being extremely nice here). An he continues to call her as if he still has any value. It gets really great (sarcasm) when he decides whether or not he going to drop her stuff off (23 and she doesn't have a the moment). First he wouldn't bring it over because I was there. Then he was going to bring it over and kick my &%@. She's telling me this while he's on the phone with her. I decided to have some fun with it. I ask what condition she wants him in when he leaves. Mind you, I would not harm him unless he went after me first. I'm not normally a violent person. Anyway, she just wanted him able to drive away after dropping her stuff off. Ok, she said nothing about whether or not he needed a windshield... So, he drives over, but parks in the driveway across the street and stays there. Obviously she had to go over and get her stuff. Fine done.

With all this, my world still revolves around her. Last week she calls and asks if I would do a favor and buy her plane tickets (favor, not gift. she has to pay back). Starting today she is vacationing in NC for 3 weeks. She called when she arrived to say she was ok, and I gave her a brief weather report that my buddy Elliott posted out on another site. Bad weather (70-80 mph winds, tornado warnings, hail). So, to avoid the hassle of waiting for a definitive answer at work...and to see her. I have put in paperwork to take 10 days off this month to go down and see her. I'm hoping it gets approved.

For the fun stuff, she cheats at bowling. Her cousin too. It just isn't fair [Big Grin] . And we've done some clubbing in downtown Saratoga Springs.

To tie it in with what was stated in the beginning, she is my reason for wanting to stay up here. I want to give this thing a shot, an honest chance to work.

To get to the update you're going to have to scroll down.

[ April 25, 2006, 04:47 AM: Message edited by: Stan the man ]
Posted by sweetbaboo (Member # 8845) on :
Sorry about not being an instructor but good luck to you with the rest Stan. I hope it works out for you.
Posted by Derrell (Member # 6062) on :
Best of luck with the relationship.
Posted by Stan the man (Member # 6249) on :

I saw I had a few errors above and fixed, but...yeah.

I'm woring 3rd shift at the moment. I have yet to wake up to an alarm clock. Instead I wake to my phone ringing. She'll apologize for it, but I really don't mind. In fact I thanked her when she called today (granted, I was the one that was supposed to call this time). I thanked her because I saw that I forgot to turn the alarm clock on. Oooops.
Posted by airmanfour (Member # 6111) on :
Good luck man. What is it that you're trying to pass and can't, and why is it that your position as an instructor is contingent upon it? My experience with "standing watch" is just POs answering telephone calls in the middle of the night.

The only place your rate can be stationed in the US is where you are now? That sucks. I'm happy you've found this cool girl, and wish you the very best with everything. If you've got a Master Chief on your side, I'm sure something'll get worked out.

In an unrelated subject, what's your rank?
Posted by Stan the man (Member # 6249) on :
Alright airmanfour, them be some good questions. Standing watch differs with rating (obvious for you and me). Ratings of mine stand typically a 5 hour watch (here at the training facility it's 4) where we operate a power plant. In this case we shut down or startup the plant in the span of 8 hours while also running plant drills. By my ownself, I am fine. However, The way they want me to go about this, I can't seem to do. One of the last items to be an instructor is to be observed standing watch with a student. I have been observed three times by three people. I sucked at each one. It's not like it was on the ship. There is a reason this is the best training program you can find.

I can be stationed elsewhere, however, I am still entitled to my shore tour. This is because I did my 5 years on the ship. The PMC (plant master chief) wants to keep me in a nuclear facilitated billet. This is the only shore tour where I can truly do this. After a couple more years of this and I go back to VA. There I will be doing what I signed up for. Move ship from point 'A' to point 'B'.

An I see no problem answering the last question. I'm a MM1(SW), Machinist Mate First Class (Surface Warfare). I still remember the day I got woken up and told about making first. I was less than pleased at the timing (I slept 1 hour of a 3 hour sleep when I had been up for two days).

For those that don't know: Rating is basically your job. It's what you do.

edited to add: Sorry 'bout that. E-6 is the rank.

[ April 05, 2006, 08:20 AM: Message edited by: Stan the man ]
Posted by Stan the man (Member # 6249) on :
Sorry, been gone for a short while. Took a vacation down in Fayetteville (sp?) which then ended up being a vacation in Myrtle Beach.

*****Update on Life's Loops*****

1) I am trying, and should have when I go into work later, for orders to Connecticut. My girl is moving out there with me when it is time.

2) I don't quite know how to say this, but I just told my dad about 2 days ago, and it was really hard telling him. I'm engaged. Wedding date is set for sometime late this June. The day we pick will be a Saturday next year when we will have a no-sh*& wedding.

I can't believe I am doing this. My bro Alex said the same thing. He thought I was going to be the 50 y.o. bachelor going after 80 year old ladies for their money (joke). However, I was the last one in the group of us that anyone would think would get tied down.

An' we definately plan on going back to Myrtle. Just not going to bring a dog along (we got stuck with a friend's pitbull for the time being). An' we're taking the Jeep we are getting instead of my truck.
Posted by Uprooted (Member # 8353) on :
Congratulations and best wishes, Stan!
Posted by sweetbaboo (Member # 8845) on :
Many wishes for much happiness!
Posted by Derrell (Member # 6062) on :
Congratulations and best wishes.
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
[Smile] [Smile] [Smile]
Posted by Stan the man (Member # 6249) on :
[Blushing] Thanks guys. I keep getting called away, and my work schedule changed over night. Of course the night that it changed she calls me at 1230 am to say that she loves me....mind you I had been asleep for about an hour and had to wake up in 4 more hours. Needless to say I passed out when I came home from work that day. Only to get a call asking why I didn't call when I got off of work. I slid by by telling her about the whole being too tired to stay awake. Anyway, I have to pick her up soon from work. We're headed to Albany to see a friend of hers at the hospital. I'm not sure if this is the one in the coma or not.
Posted by ketchupqueen (Member # 6877) on :
Congratulations. [Smile]
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
Very cool, Stan! Congrats!

Thanks for sharing this with us, too. [Big Grin]
Posted by Alcon (Member # 6645) on :
Congrats Stan!
Posted by Space Opera (Member # 6504) on :
Yay! Congrats and well wishes, Stan. [Smile]

space opera
Posted by Stan the man (Member # 6249) on :
Her mother knows now. She's keeping quiet until I ask the father's consent. Ooops. I figure that instead of taking him to dinner, I will bring him a case of Bud Light. That and ask him while we are out at the garage...away from the shotguns [Big Grin] .
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
[Big Grin]

How did it go?

BTW, she is lying, more than likely.....if my wife kept that from me I would be pissed....but don't be suprised if he plays along. [Wink]
Posted by imogen (Member # 5485) on :
Congratulations! [Smile]

I hope the asking for consent went well. [Big Grin]
Posted by Stan the man (Member # 6249) on :
Actually, she kept quiet until Sunday morning. She accidentally spilled the beans some on it. The asking for consent went very well. I drove up Sunday morning with a case of Bud Light, and 5 minutes later he said it was ok with him that I marry his daughter.

An' Kwea, he might've been upset at his wife. However, he is the baby of the two. She wears the proverbial pants in the house.

He asked what I plan for the future, and a couple other questions. Not too bad of an ordeal.
Posted by Stan the man (Member # 6249) on :
Alright. I called my detailer last Friday. I am getting orders to report to New London, CT on July 5th. This means I will be taking house hunting leave (TAD really) sometime later this month. Come back to work for 6 days or so, and start my transfer leave in June. I'm looking at living in Norwich area. Reason being is that I have an ex-room-mate/ex-boss/ex-coworker who lives there with his wife and two kids. I want them to be close by in case my wife to be has any problems while I am at work. She'll have her job too, but neither of us has lived in CT before.

The engagement party has been set for June 3rd. Now I get to meet the rest of her family... She's a little scared of going to my Parent's house later in June with me. See, her and my parents have never met in person. She's scared that my Mother won't like her. Heck, I called my mom, and she wants to take her shopping and go watch a movie while my dad and I go to the race (My dad's Father's Day present).

Hopefully this time I can go longer than a year without moving.

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