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Posted by Xavier (Member # 405) on :
I've been reading Olympus by Dan Simmons, and so the Greek pantheon is on my mind at times. I've always been interested in Greek Mythology. I was talking to Niki about who which actresses and actors would play them if we were making a movie starring them. We were having good time talking about it, and decided it might be a fun hatrack thread.

Artemis: She was the virgin moon goddess of the hunt, wild animals, healing, wilderness, chastity, and childbirth.
Who I would cast: Anne Hathaway. She's beautiful, and athletic looking, and I think she would look very impressive looking dressed as a huntress.

Athena: The goddess of wisdom, the practical arts, and warfare, and the protectress of cities, especially Athens.
Who I would cast: Natalie Portman. She's beautiful, and is very intelligent. You'd have to give her a wig right now, of course [Smile] .

Hera: The goddess of women, marriage, and childbirth; the wife and sister of Zeus.
Who I would cast: Angelina Jolie. I don't think any pantheon cast list would be complete without casting her as someone. I think Hera fits her well, since the rest of the godesses I've cast are pretty young, so Hera should be a little more mature looking and she could easily pull off being Zeus' wife.

Aphrodite: The goddess of love, beauty and sexual rapture.
Who I would cast: This one is probably my hardest one to cast. Like casting Helen of Troy, you really need someone more beautiful than any actress out there. Plus she's usually shown as being blond, and there aren't any young beautiful blonds actresses that come to my mind right now. The best I could do is Jessica Alba. Her acting ability is in serious doubt, but she's got a look that might be able to pull it off. I'm open to suggestings on this one, since I think its probably my weakest pick. (Oh and if you do a google image search on her name, there's a pic on the lower right of the first result page that would give you a better idea. Its a bit too risque to post a link to on hatrack though.)

This is taking too long, so I will be brief with the gods.

Apollo: the Sun God, patron god of musicians and poets.
Who I would cast: Perhaps Brad Pitt ?

Hades: lord of the dead and ruler of the nether world .
Who I would cast: Christain Bale.

Dionysus: The god of wine.
Who I would cast: Ed Norton.

Still to be cast: Zues, Poseidon, Hephestus, Hermes, Ares, Demeter.

So tell me you guys' picks.

[ March 18, 2006, 02:58 PM: Message edited by: Xavier ]
Posted by Jeesh (Member # 9163) on :
Wow, you picked pretty well.

What about mortals though? I don't beleive there were many myths or stories about the gods that didn't have a mortal in it. If I remember correctly, the cup bearer was a mortal.
Posted by Theaca (Member # 8325) on :
What a neat idea. I don't agree with the Dionysus or Aphrodite picks, though. Hmm.

Demeter could be Susan Sarandon maybe?
Posted by mr_porteiro_head (Member # 4644) on :
I completely disagree with the Aphrodite pick.

I also don't like your Athena pick.

I'm not a fan of Angelina Jolie, but I think that's a good pick for Hera.
Posted by Valentine014 (Member # 5981) on :
Let me help you out with that Christian Bale photo. The mug shot you have of him does Ares no justice.
Posted by El JT de Spang (Member # 7742) on :
How about Uma Thurman for Aphrodite? She's not as young as the rest, but I think she fits it well. She could also be Hera.

I think Michael Caine would make a smashing Zeus. Just enough of a scoundrel to make it believable.
Posted by Theaca (Member # 8325) on :
I was thinking Uma Thurman too. That's the body type for an Aphrodite.
Posted by ClaudiaTherese (Member # 923) on :
El JT, I was just looking for a good UT picture.
Posted by Anti-Chris (Member # 4452) on :
Aphrodite: Catherine Zeta Jones

Athena: Kate Blanchette

Hephestus: Brenden Gleeson

Ares: Michael Clarke Duncan.
Posted by beverly (Member # 6246) on :
How about Uma Thurman for Aphrodite?
Baron Munchousen, anyone? [Wink]
Posted by Irami Osei-Frimpong (Member # 2229) on :
Christian Bale as Apollo. He practically played the character between American Psycho and Shaft. Young, perfect, and with a slight disdain for humanity. Leonard DeCaprio would work, also.

Zeus - Al Pacino, Michael Douglas, George Clooney

Hera - Emma Thompson, Julieanne Moore, Susan Sarandon. Have to tell you, Hilary Clinton would be perfect. If we must, then Catharine Zeta Jones. Mary McDonnell. Now that I think about it, Hera may have been the first Desperate Housewife. What about the woman who plays Bree? Meryl Steep.

I agree with Kate Blanchett as Athena, or Gabrielle Union, or Bridget Moynihan.

Dionysus - Jake Gyllenhaal, Joaquin Pheonix

Ares - Vin Deisel, Jayne from Firefly, DMX.

Hephestus - Phillip Seymour Hoffman, John C. Reilly, or William H. Macy.

Aphrodite - Scarlett Johanson, Charlize Theoron, though there is something about her where she could play any of the Goddess depending on how she is styled, not that she is pretty or talented, I find her middling in both respects, but there is something dangerous about her. Almost deinon

Hermes - Ed Norton, Will Smith, Johnny Depp

Artemis - Wynona Ryder. Btw, I know that Artemis is the protector of children, but I think, I'm not positive, that there is a different Goddess of child birth. I say this because there is a myth where Hera doesn't want one of Zeus' mistress's children born and so doesn't allow the Goddess of Childbirth to visit the woman. Keira Knightley.

Prometheus - And can't think of anyone for the father of Man, forethought, self-sacrificing, tortured, criminal, compassionate. Ed Harris?Andre Braugher?

IO - Anne Hathaway

Medea - Angelina Jolie

Agamemnon - Troy did a fine job
Achilles - Troy did a fine job

Hugh Jackman as Perseus.
Nathan Fillion as Sysiphus. (Shame shame Nate for lying about your birth date, there is no way that guy is 33.)

How did I get so far without listing Christopher Walken. Posiedon.

[ March 18, 2006, 06:59 PM: Message edited by: Irami Osei-Frimpong ]
Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
Originally posted by beverly:
How about Uma Thurman for Aphrodite?
Baron Munchousen, anyone? [Wink]
I was just thinking the same thing, bev.
Posted by FlyingCow (Member # 2150) on :
Hephaestus: John C. Reilly

Zeus: Ian McKellen or Morgan Freeman

Hades: Gabriel Byrne

Ares: Lawrence Fishburne

Orlando Bloom

Perseus/Theseus: Guy Pearce

Artemis: KeiraKnightley

That's all I got for now.
Posted by Irami Osei-Frimpong (Member # 2229) on :
Gabriel Bryne is an inspired choice.

The problem with Orlando Bloom as Hermes, while he is pretty enough, there is no mischeiveousness about him. Marky Mark would be a better choice, or maybe Matt Damon, or Nick Cannon, or the youngest Wayans.
Posted by Dante (Member # 1106) on :
We used to spend hours (or at least minutes) casing the Iliad when I was team-teaching Greek Mythology at Penn State. It's something of a relief to know that Classical History types aren't the only nerds who do this.
Posted by Irami Osei-Frimpong (Member # 2229) on :
Put up or shut up, Dante, what do you have?
Posted by Teshi (Member # 5024) on :
I don't agree with any of the Zeuses given so far. I don't think anyone picked so far has quite as powerful or as dangerous as Zeus is. There's also something predatorially sexual about him, and I think everyone picked so far is not quite that predator-like. They're all fatherly people, but I think there has to be another aspect that they don't have.

I'm thinking that if Patrick Stewart was maybe a few inches taller (according to imdb he's 5'10" and I think Zeus is at least 6') and was finally not playing a good guy, he could pull it off remarkably well. Maybe if he stood on a box or something. EDIT #2: I'm also worried about the depth of his voice, but I think he could handle it.

Nobody mentioned Demeter yet. She should be someone earthy. My best suggestion is Miranda Otto.

And Brad Pitt or Leonardo DiCaprio as Apollo? I see the whole sun god thing, but there's nothing poetic and musical about them. I think the person must not only be blonde, distainful and beautiful but also have something about them that embodies the whole musical side of Apollo. Jude Law is another blonde candidate. I don't think it's perfect, but I think he's closer to maybe, maybe having a little more poetry and prophecy to him.

I agree in general with Irami's list for Hermes, but I would add Matt Damon. EDIT: Oh, too slow. Irami and I obviously have the same ideas about Hermes.

[ March 18, 2006, 07:37 PM: Message edited by: Teshi ]
Posted by Blayne Bradley (Member # 8565) on :
Actually you could use Ian Mckinnen aka Gandalf as Zeus, he played a Nazi very very well or so I've heard.
Posted by Theaca (Member # 8325) on :
I did too suggest for Demeter! Susan Sarandon.

Keira Knightly could be Aphrodite, too, I hadn't thought of her.
Posted by Teshi (Member # 5024) on :
But Blayne, Ian McKellan is so skinny! I've no doubt that he could play the role vocally and acting-wise. But he's physically not the right body type at all: Zeus is notorious for his sleeping habits, shall we say... There is a sexual element to Zeus that cannot be denied and I don't think Ian McKellan has the correct vibe. Besides that, all statues and busts depict him as a large, muscular man. Ian McKellan is just not physically all that impressive. He's... skinny.

Zeus is not skinny.

EDIT: Sorry Theaca! I agree about Susan Sarandon, although I still prefer Miranda Otto.
Posted by Tante Shvester (Member # 8202) on :
Pick me! Pick me!
Posted by Irami Osei-Frimpong (Member # 2229) on :
Keira Knightly could be Aphrodite, too, I hadn't thought of her.
Keira Knightly is too stringy for Aphrodite. We need woman. How about Heather Graham.
Posted by Dante (Member # 1106) on :
Put up or shut up, Dante, what do you have?
I was never very good at this game because I'm not much of a movie fan and consequently don't know a lot of actors and actresses. That said, I remember we decided that Liam Neeson would be a really good Hector--tall, distinguished, noble, a little older but still believable as a great warrior.
Posted by beverly (Member # 6246) on :
I could see Sean Connery as Zeus. [Big Grin]
Posted by Blayne Bradley (Member # 8565) on :
THAT! I can agree with.
Posted by Teshi (Member # 5024) on :
Bev, I did also consider Sean Connery. So I can go with that also.
Posted by Valentine014 (Member # 5981) on :
Phil and I thought of him. We think at his current age of what...102? he's a little old, perhaps 30 years ago?
Posted by Jeesh (Member # 9163) on :
Originally posted by Valentine014:
Phil and I thought of him. We think at his current age of what...102? he's a little old, perhaps 30 years ago?

Zeus is what, 5,000?
Posted by Dan_raven (Member # 3383) on :
Robin Williams as Pan. (with the makeup, his age wouldn't show.)

Must agree, Depp as Herme's (face it, that guy could play anyone.).

forgive me, but the guy who played Legolas (brain freeze) as Cupid from Cupid/Psyche myth.
Posted by FlyingCow (Member # 2150) on :
Okay, some other picks:

Aphrodite: Monica Belucci

Artemis: Jennifer Garner, though I really like Keira Knightley, too.

Hera: Annette Benning or Sharon Stone

Dionysus: Eddie Izzard, without a doubt.

Persephone: Rachel Weisz

Hermes: James Marsters

Theseus/Perseus: Hugh Jackman

Hades (Second choice): Christopher Walken

Poseidon: Chuck Norris

Ares: Jack Bauer, who else?
Posted by Jeesh (Member # 9163) on :
I seriously don't think Jack Bauer would give up his guns for a sword, let alone act any as any god lower than Zeus.

I can't see Chuck as Poseidon, he doesn't look like he'd spend his life in the sea. Besides, isn't he already the god of round-house kicks?

I think James Marsters is a little too intimidating to be Hermes. Maybe its just that photo.

What the heck is wrong with Eddie Izzard? A guy shouldn't be in a kimono.

Monica Belucci would have to have blonde hair.

Chuck and Jack in the same cast? I can see bullets flying at Troy.
Posted by Evie3217 (Member # 5426) on :
What the heck is wrong with Eddie Izzard? A guy shouldn't be in a kimono.
Oh, you must not know the legend of Eddie Izzard. He is the most amazing English transvestite comedian you will ever see. He's hilarious, and I love him. And I think I could see him as Dionysus, but I'll have to give it some thought.
Posted by Jeesh (Member # 9163) on :
[Confused] [Confused] [Confused]
Posted by Dan_raven (Member # 3383) on :
On a side note, I wrote a story about what the Greek Gods are doing these days. Apollo has taken on a new name, one the brings up the same dread and fear and hope that his name did in the classical days. Today its HMO. He's also head of the music industry.

Pan was behind Napster. The two don't get along.

Athena is head of a lawfirm.

The Fates have given up weaving and gone into actuary.

Demeter is bloated on preservatives and Dionysius has gotten all pretentious with his move to "the Valley".

And, to give the gist of the story, Zues is able to take control of Promethius's corporate holdings by, well as the tech guy says, "It's like lightening was dancing accross your hard drives." Zues, the posterchild for deadbeat dad's and nepotistic dictator's ends up being the master of modern data protection.
Posted by Jeesh (Member # 9163) on :
Originally posted by Dan_raven:
On a side note, I wrote a story about what the Greek Gods are doing these days. Apollo has taken on a new name, one the brings up the same dread and fear and hope that his name did in the classical days. Today its HMO. He's also head of the music industry.

Pan was behind Napster. The two don't get along.

Athena is head of a lawfirm.

The Fates have given up weaving and gone into actuary.

Demeter is bloated on preservatives and Dionysius has gotten all pretentious with his move to "the Valley".

And, to give the gist of the story, Zues is able to take control of Promethius's corporate holdings by, well as the tech guy says, "It's like lightening was dancing accross your hard drives." Zues, the posterchild for deadbeat dad's and nepotistic dictator's ends up being the master of modern data protection.

[Roll Eyes] How the mighty have fallen...
Posted by beverly (Member # 6246) on :
I could see Sharon Stone as Hera....

James Marsters has *got* to be a god of some sort. I guess Hermes works, though it adds a whole 'nother side of Hermes for me. [Smile] I could see him as a fascinating Hades as well.

Yeah, definitely not Hermes. Hermes is supposed to be smarmy, light, playful. James Marsters is *dark*.

Sam Rockwell would make a decent Hermes. Or even Elijah Woods.

Oh, and I vote Russell Crowe as Ares. Definitely.

Keanu Reeves gets my vote as Eros.

I like Xavier's picks for Artemis (Anne Hathaway) and Apollo (Brad Pitt.)

Oooo! And Gina Torres makes a great Athena. [Big Grin]

[ March 19, 2006, 12:46 AM: Message edited by: beverly ]
Posted by Tante Shvester (Member # 8202) on :
Oh, won't anyone pick me?










Posted by Valentine014 (Member # 5981) on :
I nominate Tante for the role of Hygeia.
Posted by Tante Shvester (Member # 8202) on :
Originally posted by Valentine014:
I nominate Tante for the role of Hygeia.

I accept! Chicken soup and ambrosia all around!
Posted by FlyingCow (Member # 2150) on :
See, I never pictured Hermes as light and playful - I always saw him as the "not evil" side of Loki. Trickster, traveler, theif. He was also Anubis-ish, as he guided souls to Hades.

Now, in the Norse pantheon, I'd definitely have Ian McKellen as Odin and James Marsters as Loki, with Tyler Mane as Thor.

Hmm... Tyler Mane could make a decent Greek god, too, but I don't know which.
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
I can totally see Eddie Izzard as Dionysus. Perfect.

And Jeesh, you're missing out if you haven't seen any of Eddie Izzard's stand up work. It's fantastic and absolutely hysterical.
Posted by beverly (Member # 6246) on :
Hmm... Tyler Mane could make a decent Greek god, too, but I don't know which.
Posted by El JT de Spang (Member # 7742) on :
What about Jeremy Irons for Zeus or Poseidon?
Posted by Carrie (Member # 394) on :
Originally posted by beverly:
Hmm... Tyler Mane could make a decent Greek god, too, but I don't know which.
Does he limp?
Posted by beverly (Member # 6246) on :
Dr. House!
Posted by pH (Member # 1350) on :
Originally posted by FlyingCow:
Perseus/Theseus: Guy Pearce

Psh. He is but a mediocre substitute for the real thing. The Diet Coke of Pearce.

Posted by El JT de Spang (Member # 7742) on :
Clive Owen and Ioan Gruffudd (on the left) should both be in consideration for something. They were awesome in King Arthur.
Posted by beverly (Member # 6246) on :
Alan Rickman has got to be cast as well. No clue as to who, though.
Posted by ReddwarfVII (Member # 8879) on :
Okay, I really only have two casting choices as I am not all that familar with Greek Mythology.

Harrison Ford as Zeus (replacing the now ancient Sean Connery)

Alan Rickman as Hades (Can we say Snape anyone? He has already got that Lord of the Underworld feeling to him!)
Posted by imogen (Member # 5485) on :
How about Morgan Freeman as Zeus?
Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
The thing about Zeus is that he isn't a kindly, wise man. He isn't even a terribly sympathetic character. As Teshi pointed out, he's a powerful, dangerous being, with elements of the sexual predator about him. He's charismatic, certainly, but I don't think that I've seen a suggestion for him yet that would really be capable of doing the character justice. I'm wish I had a good suggestion, but I'm still mulling it over.

As for Hades, I'd like to see him played as something other than slightly evil. There is a gravity to Hades, but he really isn't worse than any of his siblings. I could *maybe* see him being played by Lawrence Fishburne, but I'm not sure that I won't come up with someone better as I think about it further.
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
Natalie Portman would make a MUCH better Persephone.

Ares will always be the guy who played Ares on Xena... Even though he's dead =(

I DEFENATELY second Gina Torres as Athena. Athena wasn't some delicate flower, though she COULD be vane. Athena sprung from the head of Zeus. She was kinda butch.

Posted by Scott R (Member # 567) on :
As Teshi pointed out, [Zeus is] a powerful, dangerous being, with elements of the sexual predator about him. He's charismatic, certainly, but I don't think that I've seen a suggestion for him yet that would really be capable of doing the character justice.
John Malkovich or Kevin Spacey. They'll have to buff out a bit.

Hera should be played by Camryn Manheim, of 'The Practice' fame.

Apollo should be played by Kenneth Branaugh.
Posted by Scott R (Member # 567) on :
Ares will always be the guy who played Ares on Xena...
Or Commander Crais (Lani John Tupu) from Farscape.
Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
Oh, John Malkovich! That's the best suggestion I've heard yet for Zeus.

Kenneth Branaugh might be a little old now to play Apollo, but a younger version of him would be great in the role.
Posted by IanO (Member # 186) on :
Zeus: Harrison Ford is too...normal to play Zeus. There's a wide-eyed innocence to him (as, say Jack Ryan or as the Fugative) that is hard to shake. He doesn't have that predatory angle that he'd need. He's too rough.

But in the vein of Sean Connery, if he was bulkier, Peirce Brosnan. So might Jude Law, if he was older and bigger.

Hera: I always felt that Hera was not all that attractive or nice. So her physical stature was more 'handsome' than beautiful. Hillary Clinton fits. So does Susan Sarandon.

Aphrodite: I love Angelina Jolie. She is the epitome of traditional and modern classical beauty. Who cares about the hair. Ditto with Monica Bellucci. Curvy in a traditional way. Jennifer Connelly would work, too, though she's slimmed down a mite too much for me.

Ares: Christian Bale would be awesome. But so would Brad Pitt. Very bloody and rugged and handsome.

Hermes: I can see Jude Law. Very mercurial (pun intended): can go from light to dark quickly. Just impish enough, without being extreme.

Those are my ideas, plus a bunch I am forgetting or totally agree with.
Posted by IanO (Member # 186) on :
Denzel Washington could do Zeus, I think. Think "Training Day" with the seduction amped to include sexuality.

Ruthless enough to castrate his father, cheat on his wife, be bought and yet kind to his friends.

Almost like Sulla from the Masters of Rome series.

Yeah, that might work.
Posted by El JT de Spang (Member # 7742) on :
I didn't think Denzel was at all believable in Training Day. I know 13 year-old suburban white kids that sound more comfortable with urban slang than Denzel did.
Posted by IanO (Member # 186) on :
While I sincerely disagree with you regarding Denzel's use of slang, that is, in my opinion, completely beside the point.

I was speaking more specifically to his psychological seduction of Ethan Hawke. The way he kept pushing him and then pulling him back, constantly turning the tables, always one step ahead of him.

He was a snake and was ruthless. Even before his final attempt to win Ethan to his side, he had already made arrangements with the homies to kill Ethan. And yet Denzel was fascinating to watch. He'd push and push and then push too far, then pull back and speak to Ethan from a more traditional perspective, drawing him along. It was only when he killed Roger did he lose Ethan completely. But up to that time, Ethan was on the fence. But even then, we weren't sure that Ethan was lost to him. We watched Denzel empathize with his moral struggle, but with the way out that the ends justified the means and that it was only for 18 months and then the sky's the limit.

He was charming and dangerous and utterly amoral and selfish. And it was utterly believable.

He could do Zeus. Sedecing women? Talking Hera into forgiving him or at least taking him back (while letting her vent on his offspring)? Dealing with his brothers and mortals? No question, in my mind.
Posted by El JT de Spang (Member # 7742) on :
I just said that the role you cited as evidence why he'd be such a great Zeus was, IMO, one of his worst performances. Just because you believed it doesn't mean it was inherently believable. Just as me not buying it for a second doesn't necessarily make it a bad performance. But seriously, I cringed throughout that movie.

I'm sure he'd be great as one of these gods, but I just don't see him as Zeus. No edge.
Posted by Scott R (Member # 567) on :
I think Johnny Depp would make a great Dionysus; he's just boyish enough, and still has that wild, fanatical, mysterious look to him.
Posted by beverly (Member # 6246) on :
Ooo, I like Jude Law as Hermes!

With the description Noemon gave of Zeus just now (especially the "sexual predator" part) I can't get Chris Walken out of my mind. Anyone ever see those "The Continental" skits with him as the would-be seducer of whomever was mutely behind the camera? I love how he pronounces "champange." :giggle:
Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
I think Johnny Depp would make a great Dionysus; he's just boyish enough, and still has that wild, fanatical, mysterious look to him.
That same wild, fanatical, mysterious quality would lend itself well to playing Pan as well.
Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
[Smile] Yeah bev, I'm always entertained those skits.

I agree that Jude Law would make a great Hermes. Christopher Walken occurred to me as a possibility for Zeus, but I'm not utterly sold on anyone for the part yet. I keep thinking that there is *somebody* who is perfect for it that I haven't come up with yet. He and Malkovich are the best candidates I've seen mentioned though.
Posted by imogen (Member # 5485) on :
How about Nathan Fillion (think Caleb rather than Mal)?
Posted by FlyingCow (Member # 2150) on :
Zeus: Peter Stormare

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