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Posted by Dead_Horse (Member # 3027) on :
…for a moment. I’ve been here a long time, but I haven’t posted much lately. I thought about writing a landmark at 1000, but then intentionally skipped it. I guess I didn’t know what to write. [Blushing]

Part of the reason I haven’t posted is because I’m sick. I have endometrial/uterine cancer. I have surgery scheduled for March 30th. Then maybe I will be hollow like a chocolate Easter rabbit. Time crawls by so slowly for me anymore. I can’t do a whole lot due to a multitude of other disabilities, physical and mental. Whenever something else goes wrong I remind myself that I don’t have anything that will kill me. (Just enough to make me wish I was dead. [ROFL] )

But I do love to be able to come here and read the opinions and ideas of this diverse group of people who love and support each other (for the most part.) [Group Hug]

So thank you all for being there. [Kiss]

Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
Dead Horse, that sucks. [Frown] I'm so sorry you're going through this. Would you like prayers or good thoughts or sacrifices during a blue full moon?

I've missed you, you know. You add a lot to the community when you post. [Smile]
Posted by Goody Scrivener (Member # 6742) on :
I've missed you, too, Rain. You've got all the healing thoughts I can send your way. If I can do anything, please let me know.
Posted by Dead_Horse (Member # 3027) on :
Thank you! Prayers and good thoughts are much appreciated.

Sacrifices are not necessary, though [Wink]

I'll try to post more often for the rest of the month.

Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Hugs and prayers headed your way.

And I heartily approve of more Rain posts!
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
Don't stress yourself out or make yourself sick, but if you can, please keep us updated on how you are and let us know if there's anything we can do to help.
Posted by MyrddinFyre (Member # 2576) on :
*well wishes and good vibes*
Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
Sorry to hear that things aren't going well, Rain. Good luck with your surgery; I'll be thinking of you.
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :

Posted by Derrell (Member # 6062) on :
(((Rain))) Best wishes for a full and speedy recovery.
Posted by Sopwith (Member # 4640) on :
Thoughts and prayers are with you. Best of luck with the surgery and may your recovery be quick and complete. We miss you around here!
Posted by Goody Scrivener (Member # 6742) on :
Originally posted by Dead_Horse:
Sacrifices are not necessary, though [Wink]

Darn, I was just preparing to string up a boss for a blood sacrifice, too... LOL
Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :
*hugs* Dead_Horse

Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
Originally posted by Goody Scrivener:
Originally posted by Dead_Horse:
Sacrifices are not necessary, though [Wink]

Darn, I was just preparing to string up a boss for a blood sacrifice, too... LOL
Oh, no, then in that case, it's entirely necessary.

Here, I've got *rummages around* the intestines of a mad goat and *rummages some more* the eyeballs of a one inch frog. That ought to give us a good start. [Evil]
Posted by Dead_Horse (Member # 3027) on :
Oh, okay, if it'll help you out, we'll accept sacrifices, especially of bosses.
Posted by sarcasticmuppet (Member # 5035) on :
[Frown] (((((dead_horse)))))
Posted by Dead_Horse (Member # 3027) on :
Thank you all for your prayers and kind thoughts. They do work!

I had a reasonably comfortable anesthesia and surgery. The hospital stay and ambulance ride afterward were...awful. I still have a lot of pain and a few health issues, but nothing life-threatening.

Now I am in a nursing home for a few weeks until I can care for myself at home. It's nice here, with internet access and good food and friendly nurses and aides.

Love, Rain
Posted by ClaudiaTherese (Member # 923) on :
Rain, I'm so glad you made it through okay. I hope your pain is well-controlled.

Would you like to receive cards, or online game recommendations, or books, or anything extra to "waste" time?
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
I'm also glad you made it through okay. Still sucks that you're going through this. What can we do to make life more bearable for you?
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Hooray for internet access!

*hugs* and prayers for a swift and complete recovery headed your way.
Posted by Dead_Horse (Member # 3027) on :
Thank you, CT.

I am definitely not well-medicated. When I came here last Sunday, they couldn't find an order for pain meds and the doctors names listed in my charts were wrong. Some nice merciful soul here may possibly have taken it upon herself to crush a percocet into vanilla pudding and wipe it on my tongue after about 8 hours without anything and a terrible ambulance ride. I couldn't swallow or talk, but I heard everything that went on. They told me a doctor would see me within the first couple of days. I don't remember one coming in. They fought over who it should be and I ended up with one from my regular family practice assigned on Tuesday. I know he was in the building because he was paged on both days. He's should be sorry he didn't fix this when he had the chance. I took myself off the percocet because it was aggravating another incredibly painful nerve condition I have. So, until tomorrow, it's Tylenol or nothing and I am mad. Plus, they discovered while I was in the hospital that my O2 levels are way too low and what they thought was part of my sleep apnea must be something else, so now I have to have oxygen until the doc can check me out and see what to do. I would have liked to have had that addressed a week ago. Actually, if the mdoctors had communicated on it beforehand (I told them about it) I may not have had to have had about 40 blood draws and a CAT scan in the hospital. When I got here I was one big bruise.

But things are getting better. Supposedly I don't have cancer anymore, but I have to wait for the official pathology reports.

I guess I'm happy.
Posted by Dead_Horse (Member # 3027) on :
Thanks for the prayers and offers of distractions. There isn't a whole lot I feel like doing right now. I don't have the attention span to read or anything. Yesterday I couldn't even figure out how to send an email. (It's harder when there are 40 old people playing bingo in the room, too.)

I am mostly listening to my Belleruth Naparstek guided imagery CD to ease pain, and sleeping a lot, with the occasional walker trip around the building.
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
Damn straight. [Smile]

Whip those nurses and doctors into shape.
Posted by Dead_Horse (Member # 3027) on :
Thanks! The nurses are pretty much doing a great job already, though.

Okay, time for bed again. My butt is startting to hurt from sitting on this chair.

Good night all!
Posted by Dead_Horse (Member # 3027) on :
You could come here and *poke* them if you want....
Posted by prolixshore (Member # 4496) on :
I'm sorry to hear you are having such trouble, dead horse, but I am glad to hear from you again. Good luck and feel better as soon as possible.

Posted by Tatiana (Member # 6776) on :
Oh, Dead Horse! Get better, dear! And make those doctors take good care of you! I'm so sorry you're having to go through this. The unnecessary pain is just so .... unnecessary! That's what really is hard to take! <grrrr>

Let us know how you are doing.
Posted by Tante Shvester (Member # 8202) on :
Oh honey! I'm sorry that you are sick and having a rotten time of it. Feel better soon!
Posted by Dead_Horse (Member # 3027) on :
Last night I started a new med called Lyrica. It looks a little scary, but if it works, that'll be great. The doc is supposed to be here today to see me.

I do feel better. I'd go as far as to say I feel better now than I have in months. Still not great, but it's progress. Off to PT and OT now...

Love, Rain
Posted by Narnia (Member # 1071) on :
*hugs* Hang in there Rain. We love you. I hope you conitnue to improve.
Posted by Theaca (Member # 8325) on :
Lyrica is a great new medicine, I think. Related to neurontin, but works faster with less tiredness. I've seen some impressive results already, and it's only been out less than a year.
Posted by Kama (Member # 3022) on :
[Kiss] Rain
Posted by Amanecer (Member # 4068) on :
It's good to hear that you're feeling better. I hope your recovery continues smoothly. ((Dead_Horse))
Posted by Dead_Horse (Member # 3027) on :
The staples are out!!!! Hooray!!!

The doctor never showed. Stupid doctor. But the Lyrica is helping a little. I still feel pretty good even though it feels different having the staples out and they made me go to PT this afternoon anyway.

Thanks for all your support and prayers!
Posted by Dead_Horse (Member # 3027) on :
I'm doing so much better now. I didn't realize how sick I was. I feel better now than I have in least least a year. Not great yet, but much better.

I'm going home very soon.

Now to get past the 4 week checkup on April 28, where I will get the pathology report results and recommendations for any further treatment.

I can't wait to hold my cat and sleep in my own bed.
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Originally posted by Dead_Horse:
I feel better now than I have in least least a year.

That's wonderful! [Smile]
Posted by Farmgirl (Member # 5567) on :
Don't know how I missed this thread before now, Rain!


Hugs and prayers your way. Please continue to keep us updated.

What state are you in? Do you need visitors? Do you have family and friends helping you out?
Posted by Dead_Horse (Member # 3027) on :
Thanks, Ladies!

I am in a state....denial? Semi-solid? Ah, Ohio! Not too many hatrackers here. I'm hoping friends will come over and clean my house. I also hope the guys from church fixed my porch roof and drywalled my bedroom while I was gone, but I'm not sure they could have.

I hear my cat is still alive and sociable after being alone for 3 weeks. I still won't be allowed to pick him up for another 3 weeks, but they say it's okay if he climbs up on me on his own.

So, I think I'm ready. I want to try driving as soon as I get home. I have a 1986 Honda stick-shift, and I will ber allowed to drive if there is no pain. I'm not sure I can get out of the car, either! [Roll Eyes]

Anyone who'd like to mail me a note or card can send it to POB 14, Conesville, OH 43811.
Posted by Dead_Horse (Member # 3027) on :
Today I get to go home!

I can drive my car, and climb the three steps. Still not allowed to pick up the cat or anything else that weighs over 10 pounds. But I'll manage.

Now to hope they haven't cut off my phone, electricity, or gas while I was gone. But my internet service is paid up through May! [Big Grin]

Posted by Sopwith (Member # 4640) on :
Woohooo!!!!!!! Hope it all goes grandly from here on out!
Posted by Space Opera (Member # 6504) on :

Be well. [Kiss]

space opera

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