This is topic Things Not to Do While Integrating (or Reintegrating) Oneself Into Hatrack in forum Books, Films, Food and Culture at Hatrack River Forum.

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Posted by ClaudiaTherese (Member # 923) on :
Just general suggestions. Not pointed at anyone in particular, although the recent kerfluffles did bring it to mind.


1. Don't lie about your age. You don't have to mention it, but don't lie about it.

*That would be interacting with others in a deliberately inauthentic way. It makes people feel as if you are/were mocking them, and in many cases, it is transparently false, anyway. Which make the "mocking others and getting away with it" trip even more annoying and irritating.


2. Don't make up a new alias and pretend to be someone else, especially if you continue to post under both (or all) aliases. If you want to start over fresh, that's fine, but it's rude and game-playing to pretend to be different people at the same time in this circumstance.

*Same as above.

*And yes, it is transparent. Everyone will know, and everyone finds it irritating. Just be one person -- yourself -- and be yourself as honestly and authentically as possible. That's more than enough.


3. Don't try to pick fights just to get noticed. The attention you get for it is brief and unpleasant compared to the longer-lasting and much richer profits that come from being authentically passionate and respectful.

*Same as above, again.


Other suggstions? Additions, corrections?
Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
Don't try to bait OSC with rude questions under a new name...
As it is not polite...
Instead, be polite and respectful about your disagreements and do not name call anyone...
And don't start off with those big topics that everyone loves to argue passionately about. Instead start off with something light and witty. Such as a cookie recipe.
We all love a good cookie recipe with lots of chocolate.
Posted by Tante Shvester (Member # 8202) on :
Install the google toolbar to spell check what you wrote before you hit "Add Reply". Because spelling errors are noticed, and make you seem less intelligent and articulate than you could be.
Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
Though I sometimes forget to spell. Also my grammar is horrible even though I am an English major. So I am forgiving of other people's mistakes.
Unless they are in books.
Posted by Jon Boy (Member # 4284) on :
Originally posted by Synesthesia:
Though I sometimes forget to spell.

That must make writing difficult. [Razz]
Posted by Icarus (Member # 3162) on :
::takes notes::

Okay . . . [Embarrassed] . . . I am totally not a 60-year-old truckdriver.


I am Hatrack's solid of revolution. Check out the area under my curves.
Posted by Megan (Member # 5290) on :
Check out the area under my curves.

Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
Originally posted by Jon Boy:
Originally posted by Synesthesia:
Though I sometimes forget to spell.

That must make writing difficult. [Razz]
Usually I can tell if I misspelled something. It's frustrating to type super-fast and make a lot of mistakes though.
Posted by Icarus (Member # 3162) on :
What's out of context about that? [Razz]

(I'm finding it hard to differentiate . . . )
Posted by Megan (Member # 5290) on :
Well, maybe you're miscalculating the effect of your statement.
Posted by Icarus (Member # 3162) on :
If you keep on being so negative about my posts, my solution will be to send you to a little place the French like to call L'Hopital.
Posted by Icarus (Member # 3162) on :
Bah. Why do I waste my times.

It's probably just her period.
Posted by Megan (Member # 5290) on :

I might have been forgiving, but you just destroyed the remainder of my good will. I'm on the verge of subtracting you from the list of people I like, unless we take this conversation off on a tangent pretty quickly.
Posted by Alcon (Member # 6645) on :
You guys are just punning yourselves in circles. Why don't you both sit down over a pie and talk it over, with out puns [Razz]
Posted by Icarus (Member # 3162) on :
(I would just like everyone else to see that I would just drop it if Megan would, but, clearly, secant.)

I think your attitude is a sign that I was right.
You're certainly being no angle
Posted by Megan (Member # 5290) on :
I'm divided. I don't like to give in, but I think the sum of this conversation will not be positive. I could ennumerate the ways in which Icky initiated this exchange, but I don't think that would be productive.

I think maybe Alcon's right; let's all have pi and forget about it.

(Also, I don't think I'm equal to creating anymore math puns.)
Posted by MrSquicky (Member # 1802) on :
4. Try to respect other people, especially when they are trying to accomplish something useful. Silliness and games are fine here, but it can be very disrespectful and self-centered when you take over a serious thread with them.

5. Don't rely on a gimmick. You may have something that you think is going to make you seem super special and garner you everyone's attention, but it really won't. At best, you'll be a nine days wonder. Usually, people aren't going to care that much and are going to find it tiresome when you keep repeating the same thing.

You are much more interesting and special than whatever one-dimensional gimmick you can come up with. There's your angle. Relying on a gimmick is only going to detract from that.

6. There are other forums that might suit you better. The Philotic Web is an OSC fan site that has a very different tenor. The participants there tend to be on the younger side and if yourself not fitting in here so well, especially if you are a teenager, you may find p-web more your speed.

On another tack, Ornery presents another very different somewhat OSC-centered forum experience. I'm not exactly a big fan, so check it out for yourself and see it it's your style.

7. If you feel you've done something majorly wrong or have dug yourself into a pit here, the way out may be easier than you would think. Hatrack is a very forgiving community. In most cases, acknowledging that you did something wrong, appologizing, and promising to do better (and trying to fulfill that promise) is all you need to do to turn things around.

Conversely, if you go the other route and try to conceal or get offended when people chide you for your lapses, you're not going to get anywhere near as much leeway.
Posted by Helion A. I. (Member # 9223) on :
Do many people do that? I mean, do many people here have multiple Screen names on Hatrack? [Confused]
Posted by MrSquicky (Member # 1802) on :
You're funny H.

Read #2 and #7 again.
Posted by Tante Shvester (Member # 8202) on :
Originally posted by Helion A. I.:
Do many people do that? I mean, do many people here have multiple Screen names on Hatrack?

Posted by mr_porteiro_head (Member # 4644) on :
*shakes head sadly*
Posted by MrSquicky (Member # 1802) on :
Addendum to #7. The apology really has to be authentic. Most people here can tell the difference between a fake "I got caught" apology and a real one.
Posted by Jon Boy (Member # 4284) on :
Originally posted by Synesthesia:
Usually I can tell if I misspelled something. It's frustrating to type super-fast and make a lot of mistakes though.

Psst . . . it was a joke. Even if you're misspelling, you're still spelling.
Posted by Helion A. I. (Member # 9223) on :
You have no souls. When one broods over guilt and suffers, that shows them to be human. And yet even after they make such a display of their heartfelt sorrow for their actions, you would still continue to prefer them a fraud.

You have no souls. [Frown]
Posted by mr_porteiro_head (Member # 4644) on :
I have no idea what you just said.
Posted by Jon Boy (Member # 4284) on :
8. Leave your melodrama at the door.
Posted by Helion A. I. (Member # 9223) on :
I am saying that maybe people like Advent can feel great pain over what they did, and yet you continue to prefer that they have remained in such lies rather than try to reintigrate them back as one of you. You seem to prefer to keep them at bay while also biting and snapping at them like the rabid dogs you have become in such moments. You revert to being valrese, when instead you should try to human beings and understand that no one is perfect. That we all make mistakes and that maybe those people you continue to hold at bay may be suffering a wound that grows deeper every day because you will not take them back into your hearts as one of your own.

That is why I say you have no souls, that is why I say you are valrese and not romen
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
That explains why you are not understanding what we are saying.

If you are varelse (if we are, then you are). There's no communication going on.

However, I doubt that either is varelse. Rather, I think you're young and feel that giving up the games you are playing would leave you without a way to get attention.

However, if you post thoughtfully and sincerely and stop playing games, the attention you will get will be much more of what you actually want.
Posted by MrSquicky (Member # 1802) on :
I know it feels to you like everyone is picking on you unfairly. Here's the thing. At least some of us here are genuinely trying to help you, not just on this forum, but in life in general.

The story you're telling yourself isn't true. You're not the poor, misunderstood hero that is so complex but who no one is giving a chance. We're not the souless villians who delight in your pain.

We're trying to help you grow up. It's a hard and a scary thing to do, but ultimately incredibly valuable. Read it that way and maybe you'll feel different about things.

Or not. One thing you're going to want to remember, though, is that most people here aren't really stupid and that you are nowhere near as clever as you suppose.
Posted by ketchupqueen (Member # 6877) on :
About deleting threads: generally better not to do it.
Posted by Helion A. I. (Member # 9223) on :
Ha! I see myself as no hero, I see myself as some one who is not unfairly tormented. But I do see that even with this creation (gestures to Helion), even with my Phoenix. Whom I created so that I could return to this place without sin, without my sins placed upon his head I can never escape my crimes.
I do not see myself as misunderstood I just wanted for others to understand what I percieved as the motives behind my crimes. I make no excusses, because I know they are worthless.

So if you wish to burn this Phoenix that I attepmted to create to rise from the ashes of my sin. Then do so. It is your choice.
Posted by Tresopax (Member # 1063) on :
9. When people complain about something you do and get angry with you, do NOT feel the need to leave the forum. Instead, listen to them.
Posted by Jon Boy (Member # 4284) on :
Advent, I think you should know that you're making a far bigger deal out of this than anyone else is.
Posted by Helion A. I. (Member # 9223) on :
Originally posted by Tresopax:
9. When people complain about something you do and get angry with you, do NOT feel the need to leave the forum. Instead, listen to them.

To which I reply "Why would a caged wolf hold still? So that the hunters might have cleaner kill? I would prefer to be on the move, rather than give any one hunter a clearer shot at my heart."
Posted by mr_porteiro_head (Member # 4644) on :
Originally posted by Jon Boy:
Advent, I think you should know that you're making a far bigger deal out of this than anyone else is.

This is true. Nobody's out to get you.
Posted by ketchupqueen (Member # 6877) on :
Except some over-dramatic metaphors, perhaps.

But they're just metaphorical.
Posted by MrSquicky (Member # 1802) on :
He's playing a game now. I'm out. He needs a time out without the attention and sense of importance he's craving.
Posted by beverly (Member # 6246) on :
Advent, I much prefer you to come back and face your sins than try to escape them. But I understand that that is *very* hard to do.

"Why would a caged wolf hold still? So that the hunters might have cleaner kill? I would prefer to be on the move, rather than give any one hunter a clearer shot at my heart."
I'm sorry that life has taught you to be on the defensive all the time. That happens when you've been hurt a lot. But open your eyes, we are *not* hunters. You need to regain your faith in humanity and goodness in other people.
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
Whom I created so that I could return to this place without sin, without my sins placed upon his head I can never escape my crimes.
See, without your "sins", it really isn't you. Without all that has gone before, you are again presenting us with a fiction. As for me, that's fine. However, most of us can tell -- if not right away, then certainly over time -- when the being we are experiencing is genuine or not. It's all a question of how much a part of the community you want to be.

I, personally, would rather be hated for what I am than loved for what I am not. [Smile]
Posted by mr_porteiro_head (Member # 4644) on :
I don't know if I could make that same choice.
Posted by Helion A. I. (Member # 9223) on :
*sigh* It has been too long since I have seen anything to suggest that I should not remain on the defensive at all times. Perhaps I have learned the wrong lessons from my past. But to me it seems that there are always other motives behind any act of kindness. When others reach out a helping hand, I am more wary of them than of others who hold a clenched fist waiting to strike me down. At least with those people I know from the first meeting where they stand.
Posted by Narnia (Member # 1071) on :
Wow Karl. That was deep and made sense. I think it's going to be a signature somewhere. [Smile]
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
I like what Karl said. However, I think I would prefer the happy third option.
Posted by Helion A. I. (Member # 9223) on :
Then perhaps we have not learned the same lessons Karl. From what I see no one is ever loved for what they truly are in there heart of hearts. They are loved for how others percieve them to be. Not for what they really are to themselves.
Posted by Icarus (Member # 3162) on :
Huh. Look at all the joy get sucked out of this thread. :-|
Posted by beverly (Member # 6246) on :
But to me it seems that there are always other motives behind any act of kindness.
Perhaps it has been your fate to come across a lot of "rotten apples," especially ones close to you. But there *are* good people out there. And Hatrack is full of them. [Smile]

Give people in general a chance to pleasantly surprise you. I can understand being wary and taking precautions to not be hurt by others, but it is sad to lose all your trust in humanity.

They are loved for how others percieve them to be. Not for what they really are to themselves.
That would explain your hesitancy to "just be yourself". [Frown]

Maybe I am an unsinkable optomist, but I just can't let myself believe that.
Posted by Helion A. I. (Member # 9223) on :
Was there ever any joy to be had here at all? I saw no possability of it.
Posted by Shigosei (Member # 3831) on :
Reconciliation is all about joy. People are offering you that opportunity. Don't waste it.
Posted by breyerchic04 (Member # 6423) on :
At it's conception it was a nice thread for newbies, then it became a pun thread, and now not so happy.
Posted by Helion A. I. (Member # 9223) on :
Nothing I ever say will be believed. But I shall try anyways.

"I am sorry to all that believed I was someone who I am not, I am sorry for my lies and my decptions. I am sorry."
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
That's pretty much the lifecycle of MOST threads, really.
Posted by beverly (Member # 6246) on :
Advent, I just want you to know that even if others haven't, I have accepted your apology. It doesn't erase what you did, it simply means that I forgive you. It means I am willing to give you a second chance.
Posted by Helion A. I. (Member # 9223) on :
Thanks. But I am afraid you may be the only one willing to give that chance.
Posted by beverly (Member # 6246) on :
No, in spite of the people who have said unkind things, I don't think I am the only one.
Posted by Jon Boy (Member # 4284) on :
If you would stop wallowing in self-despair, you would see that pretty much everyone here is willing to give you another chance.
Posted by Primal Curve (Member # 3587) on :
Apply a B list actor's Shakespearean accent to all of Helion's posts and it really makes for some amusing reading.
Posted by password (Member # 9105) on :
Originally posted by Helion A. I.:
Then perhaps we have not learned the same lessons Karl. From what I see no one is ever loved for what they truly are in there heart of hearts. They are loved for how others percieve them to be. Not for what they really are to themselves.

Then you have a truly sad life. I wish you better, in the future, but you're the only one who can do anything to change it... and it starts by not seeing every hand as a potential fist and every love as descending from "what can you do for me." If you believe that love does not exist, then, for you, it cannot.
Posted by Icarus (Member # 3162) on :
Have many people been unkind? I think a lot of us figured out that you were Advent, but we were going to let you carry on this new persona, if that was what you felt you needed.

Having your alts interact with each other left a sour taste, but I think a lot of people would have overlooked it.

If you were interested in my advice, I would say stop with drama. That includes not constantly bringing up what people have found annoying. That includes not insulting us, either individually or en masse. That includes not rending your clothes and gnashing your teeth about how you're treated here. Honestly, there is only one thing you *have* to do, if you want to be accepted: start contributing. That's more important than any apology. If you contribute, then sooner or later people will come around.

It's beyond unfair for you to say that nobody has been forgiving, or that everyone has been mean to you. Speaking for myself, I certainly think I have been both welcoming and accepting.
Posted by El JT de Spang (Member # 7742) on :
If you keep on being so negative about my posts, my solution will be to send you to a little place the French like to call L'Hopital.


You didn't create an alt to "rise from the ashes", you did it so you could spy on us and ask questions about what you did wrong. And, you were painfully obvious about it. And, you pulled more of what got you into trouble in the first place, playing games and thinking you're smarter than everyone else by continuing to post as advent and helios simultaneously.

If you wanted to come back under a new persona and start fresh, you would've retired 'advent' and just posted as 'helios'.

I don't believe your apology because I don't think you believe it. I think you're doing what a small child would do when they're caught misbehaving by their parents. You'll keep casting the apology net farther and wider until everyone agrees that it's sincere enough and forgives you. You'll continue to play the martyr and hope you can guilt people into giving you the benefit of the doubt.

Some, and maybe even most, people will. But not me. No amount of pseudoapologies will work on me. The only thing that I'll accept from you is a genuine reformation of your attitude and behavior. And this isn't it.
Posted by SenojRetep (Member # 8614) on :
Originally posted by Helion A. I.:
Was there ever any joy to be had here at all? I saw no possability of it.

My friend's dad once asked him, "What's the difference between fun and joy?" My friend, ever the smart alec, replied, "You can poke fun but you can't poke joy." His dad replied, "I have a friend named Joy, you can poke her." He didn't understand why his son laughed so hard at such an innocent pun.
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
Originally posted by katharina:
I like what Karl said. However, I think I would prefer the happy third option.

Oh, me too. But when it's not an option (and often it's not) I opt for the extreme that is real rather than the extreme which is not.

What I mean is when people love something that is not you, the love is hollow and unfulfilling. Be you. The best you you can be, of course, but presenting yourself as anyting else ends up robbing others of the opportunity to know you and honestly relate to you. How they relate to you is beyond your control, but you can know that however they relate to you they are doing so from a basis of who you are. If it's negative, well, you can determine at that point if their negative reaction is reason enough for you to change yourself.

[ March 07, 2006, 03:06 PM: Message edited by: KarlEd ]
Posted by Helion A. I. (Member # 9223) on :
K. No more En Mass Insults or any other kind. But the remark about me sounding like a bad Shakespearean actor was just not right.

I sound more like Edgar A. Poe when I talk like that. [Wink]
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
Originally posted by Helion A. I.:
Then perhaps we have not learned the same lessons Karl. From what I see no one is ever loved for what they truly are in there heart of hearts. They are loved for how others percieve them to be. Not for what they really are to themselves.

Well by my best guess I have 20 years of lessons on you, so you still have time. [Wink]

But seriously, what you wrote in the quote above is a problem for many people. The only way to fix this is to make sure what you present is as close to what you are, in your heart of hearts as you can possibly make it. To the degree that you acheive this, then the deficiency in perception is on the part of others. It becomes their responsibility (if they love truth) to learn to perceive better. If they don't love truth, then it really doesn't matter what they think.
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
One last bit of unsolicited advice: I liked the Advent screen name better than the alts you have come up with since. I'd suggest just going with that one regardless of the baggage it has.

I haven't written a "I forgive you" post for a couple of reasons, not the least of which is that all the drama isn't worth my time, but even if I were to write one, I'd wait for you to settle down so I'd know which of all the alternates is the real one. I'm not going to get emotionally invested in a screenname, but I might risk the investment in the person behind one. You might want to keep one name long enough for the person behind it to come into focus so people can decide if you're worth the investment.

/my 2 cents
Posted by Helion A. I. (Member # 9223) on :
I hope I can learn at least the lesson that keeps you so happy Karl

EDIT: The only reason I am still writing with this name on here is so I can pay attention to this thread at the same time I am watching others.
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
Originally posted by Helion A. I.:
I hope I can learn at least the lesson that keeps you so happy Karl

Quite honestly, if I have a secret to happiness, I've just posted it on this thread. That's truly how I try to live my life. It's not easy, and I've learned just as often that the negative reactions I've gotten from others are deserved as I have the contrary. But if I didn't know who I was I wouldn't know what parts of me I needed to change in order to be a better person.

Life is feedback. You can't trust the feedback if you aren't being real.
Posted by Nell Gwyn (Member # 8291) on :
Originally posted by KarlEd:
Life is feedback. You can't trust the feedback if you aren't being real.

Karl, I think you're my new hero. I like this one even more than I liked the love vs hate line. [Smile]
Posted by Advent 115 (Member # 8914) on :
*sings "Did You Ever Know That Your My Hero" in background* [Wink]
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
Are you mocking, Advent?

I don't think that's helping your case at all.
Posted by El JT de Spang (Member # 7742) on :
I think he was playing. At least, that's how I read it with the winking smiley in effect.
Posted by Jon Boy (Member # 4284) on :
Originally posted by Helion A. I.:
But the remark about me sounding like a bad Shakespearean actor was just not right.

I sound more like Edgar A. Poe when I talk like that. [Wink]

No, you sound more like you're trying to sound like Edgar Allen Poe. [Razz]
Posted by Dr Strangelove (Member # 8331) on :
Originally posted by KarlEd:
What I mean is when people love something that is not you, the love is hollow and unfulfilling.

Amen. I've found to be too true so often in my short life. I can act in such a way that everyone (or nearly everyone) likes me, enjoys being around me, trusts me ... all that kind of stuff. Some would even go so far as to love me. But that always leaves me feeling rotten. Gives me headaches. I am never satisfied with that kind of love. And for me personally, I can either try to get more people to like the fake me, hoping that someone will truly love me (bad idea), or I can find who I truly am, and be that (good idea). When I be me, occaisonally it will inspire hostile feelings, but more often then not the result is indifference. But there are some who truly care for me, and let me tell ya ... there is no better feeling on this earth.

Except for a good MLT. Mutton Lettuce and Tomato. So perky. [Razz]

And Advent ... I like what ... someone said. I don't remember right now. But basically, the absolute best way to get people to respect you, accept you, notice you without cursing ... whatever it is you desire ... is to contribute to the Hatrack community. I am still integrating myself into Hatrack myself, so don't ask me specifically what contributing entails (one of you oldtimers wanna start a thread about that?), but don't do what this thread advises not to do, and I'd say you're on the right track.
Posted by The Rabbit (Member # 671) on :
Originally posted by Icarus:
If you keep on being so negative about my posts, my solution will be to send you to a little place the French like to call L'Hopital.

L'Hopital rules!!!
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
Apply a B list actor's Shakespearean accent to all of Helion's posts and it really makes for some amusing reading.
*snort* You're right.
Posted by Advent 115 (Member # 8914) on :
*rolls eyes* Okay, maybe I do sound like that. But then again I think that thats giving me way too much credit.

And El JT, I was both joking and feeling that way myself. I mean what Karl was saying really did have thta kind of affect. (plus I thought it was really funny for some reason that Nell started saying things like that, I'm not really sure why it was so funny to me but it just was)
Posted by Shigosei (Member # 3831) on :
Great insights, Karl.
Posted by Megan (Member # 5290) on :
Indeed. Well said, Karl! (As usual. [Big Grin] )
Posted by Princess Leah (Member # 6026) on :
Here I am, innocently checking Hatrack, and now I am all distracted. [Smile]

*steals Karl's philosophy and distributes bootlegs to friends via lj-post*
Posted by amira tharani (Member # 182) on :
Derail alert!

Y'know, whoever said in the FAQ thread for newbies that it's a good idea to lurk first had a point. If you want to find joy in Hatrack, have a look at the pregnancy and marriage threads, the landmarks, Belle's cancer thread, the planning threads for meeting up in real life, the cooking threads, even the debate threads in which people still do speak with passion and listen with respect. What makes Hatrack special is exactly what Karl said - we care about the people behind the screen names. Emotions run high here precisely because we DO care.

Hatrack is like any community - you have to get to know it a bit before leaping in with both feet. There is an unwritten "way we do things here" which it's sort of hard to grasp initially but which really does work - it's what has kept me here for the last eight years.

/end derail.
Posted by Tresopax (Member # 1063) on :
To which I reply "Why would a caged wolf hold still? So that the hunters might have cleaner kill? I would prefer to be on the move, rather than give any one hunter a clearer shot at my heart."
To which, in turn, I'd reply that Hatrackers are not hunters out to kill you. It is entirely possible, even likely, that the reason they complain about your post is because they think doing so will help you write better posts.
Posted by Icarus (Member # 3162) on :
I think so, but, to be clear, that doesn't make it selfless/altruistic. We want people to write better posts so that we can enjoy them more. [Smile]

(Antecedent deliberately left unclear.)
Posted by Advent 115 (Member # 8914) on :
Once again, I'm better now. I had some sort of delusional state yesterday.

I'm fine now. But I think that line is both a little funny and kind of deep. But mostly funny.
Posted by MrSquicky (Member # 1802) on :
I had some sort of delusional state yesterday.
No, you didn't.
Posted by Advent 115 (Member # 8914) on :
Okay, how about a pathetic deppressed state? Does that explain it better?

But like I said, I'm better now. [The Wave]
Posted by ClaudiaTherese (Member # 923) on :
Good. [Smile] Hope the day continues to rock for you.
Posted by Advent 115 (Member # 8914) on :
Same here Claudia, same here.
Posted by The Rabbit (Member # 671) on :
You know this thread is really beating a dead horse now. It's time to let it die.

Advent/Helios, If you really want to become a respected member of this community, you need to show us that you are worthy of respect by contributing honestly and respectfully to many threads over an extended period of time. If you do that, people here will forgive you. Its happened with others.

Continuing this thread is counter productive. It just reinforces the idea that you are here to cause a stir or get attention.
Posted by Advent 115 (Member # 8914) on :
....okay. I thought that thats what I was doing in the Bartending 101 thread.
Posted by The Rabbit (Member # 671) on :
Great, then you are on your way.
Posted by ClaudiaTherese (Member # 923) on :
Very much so. And Advent, when you're ready, regale us with textbook information about one of the red wines. (Which one sounds most interesting to you, and why?)
Posted by Advent 115 (Member # 8914) on :
Sure. My favorite style of Red Wine is Merlot. Last time I had it was at my sisters wedding 4 or 5 years ago. I like it because it has a great textue, low on the acidity, and it has a dry flavor to it.

Not that I've had any since then (no occations worthy of it).

"Merlot is a popular red wine due to its soft, lush, and easy to drink nature"

"If you are new to red wines Merlot is a great place to start"

But as far as the most interesting sounding I would have to say that is the Pinot Noir style.

""Pinot Noir is valued for its fruit flavor, often tasting of berries, and its velvety smooth feel in the mouth"

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