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Posted by Puffy Treat (Member # 7210) on :
Marvel Age (AKA Marvel Adventures), the "all-ages" branch of Marvel comics (sort of sad that they need a separate line of comics actually aimed at kids, eh?) is coming out with its own "Avengers" title. It has a line-up that makes about as much sense as the line-up in the current "New Avengers" title of the "main" Marvel line. That is, some choices do work, others don't.

*Captain America: Yeah, he fits. If he's not in a period piece, the Avengers is about the only place a character like him works.

*Iron Man: Movie in the works, and the team needs a Smart Science Guy

*Spider-Man: Box office smash character. Plus, he at least was an reserve Avenger for years before joining full-time. And the team needs a Smart Science G*, they need a Quipper.

*Wolverine: *sigh* Because Wolverine -must- appear in every Marvel team book, even if only as a regular guest star. It's a rule.

*Storm: "Hmmmm. This 'Thor' character is yet another white male. Isn't there a black character with a sort of similar power set? Oooh, wait! This one is not only black, she's female! Sure, most kids know that character as the lamest hero in the X-films, but we'll use her anyway."

*The Hulk: I guess it depends on which version of the Hulk they're using. Still, he's never really been a team character, despite his association with the Avengers and the Defenders.

*Giant-Girl: "We want another female character, yet we want a character that's not currently a crazy villain. So the Scarlet Witch is out. Carol Danvers? Too obscure. Monica Rambeau? We already have a black heroine. Hmmm. Yet still, we would prefer one with an Avengers-esque connection. Hmmm. Wait a minute...why not combine this 'Giant-Man' character with this 'Wasp' character into ONE HERO?!? It's -brilliant-."

Oh, well. It'll still probably be better than the 1999 "Avengers" cartoon series. [Wink]

[ February 18, 2006, 08:25 PM: Message edited by: Puffy Treat ]
Posted by Shepherd (Member # 7380) on :
I liked the sean connery movie.

*hides in shame*
Posted by Bella Bee (Member # 7027) on :
Shepherd - don't hide. Be proud. You are one of a kind. You are unique. No-one else in the entire world liked that movie.

Did they? *looks around, suddenly paranoid*
Posted by Puffy Treat (Member # 7210) on :
I really need to check out the UK "Avengers" TV series.

Is it on DVD?
Posted by aspectre (Member # 2222) on :
The ones featuring DianaRigg can be found in a complete boxed set. And the best episodes were in black&white, before it became self-conciously campy like the 60's Batman live-action tv show.

Then Riggs was kicked off by executives after ABC's purchase of the series, and the series tanked trying to be "cool" and campy.
Which is why The Avengers movie was so disappointing to most fans: it was based on the "hip" Americanized version rather than the surrealistic British vision.
Posted by Advent 115 (Member # 8914) on :
Hey who would win in a fight between Wolverine, Spider-Man, and the Hulk?

(my moneys on the Hulk [Evil] )
Posted by Puffy Treat (Member # 7210) on :
Back before he became ultra-super-mega-popular, Wolverine would have lost.


He -always- wins. No matter what.
Posted by Rakeesh (Member # 2001) on :
As a matter of fact, Hulk pasted Wolverine's ass but good when they were up in the Canadian Rockies.
Posted by Puffy Treat (Member # 7210) on :
Which was back before his healing factor became overpowered to the point that Logan survived entering the Sun. [Eek!]
Posted by Advent 115 (Member # 8914) on :
Wow. He did this when?!

Not that it matters, the Hulk just gets stronger as the fight progresses, so Wolverine would get his but kicked, but probobly survive to fight another day. And don't count spidy out so quickly, after all he has brains.
Posted by Puffy Treat (Member # 7210) on :
Near the tail-end of Grant Morrison's X-Men run. Jean Grey and Logan were trapped by Magneto on Asteroid M and sent hurling into the Sun. Jean survived by becoming Phoenix, Logan survived by his healing factor (and Jean flying them both away from the Sun).

[ February 18, 2006, 11:14 PM: Message edited by: Puffy Treat ]
Posted by Advent 115 (Member # 8914) on :
(Joey voice) Whoa! Man, that is just.... man that had to hurt like hell! But he would still get his ass kicked, but survive the encounter.

Hmmm, we should take bets on this fight..... [Evil]
Posted by Rakeesh (Member # 2001) on :
Actually Puffy, this was no more than a couple of years ago. I don't know if you read the comic I'm talking about. It's called "Hulk vs. Wolverine" (big shocker there), and Logan is up in the Rockies for some alone time while Bruce Banner is eluding authorities on a small plane which carries a teenage boy visiting his father who's been bitten by a poisonous snake, and two drug smugglers who have to make a rendezvous to keep the money they've stolen.

The kid starts getting sick (he thought it was his non-poisonous snake that had bitten him), and Banner doens't want the two drug runners to stop the plane-they try and stop him, he Hulks out, plane crashes, Wolverine gets involved.

Banner has to Hulk out again in order for a blood transfusion to save the kid's life, and in the process Wolverine and the Hulk fight. Wolverine scratches up Hulk pretty good, but the Hulk has Wolverine unconcious and at his mercy about to start whaling on him when the kid calls out to them, all better, and the fight ends.

I vaguely remember this Asteroid M stuff, but not when it happened.
Posted by Puffy Treat (Member # 7210) on :
Hmmm. The last comic I read with the title "Hulk versus Wolverine" had the hulk rip Wolverine in half...literally.

And Logan survived.

Doesn't that seem a -tad- overpowered, even for Healing Factor Guy?
Posted by Rakeesh (Member # 2001) on :
I've never read that one. You mean Wolverine is actually seperated? Wtf does he do, grow back his lower (or upper, even) body?

I liked Ultimate Sabertooth's approach to Logan: drown him, and he can't heal back from an oxygen-starved brain.
Posted by Puffy Treat (Member # 7210) on :
One of my favorite pieces of fan art years ago had Iron Man fly up into orbit, then turn the full force of his Repulsor Beams onto the X-Mansion.

Tony: "Heal this, Wolverine!"

And yeah. His trunk (eventually) grew new limbs. [Razz]
Posted by Human (Member # 2985) on :
....but shouldn't the new arms be un-adamantium-coated?
Posted by Dagonee (Member # 5818) on :
There was a time when Wolverine didn't have adamentium - Magneto had sucked it all out. The same guy that put it in him originally eventually did it to him again.
Posted by GaalDornick (Member # 8880) on :
What happens if you chop his head off? Would his body grow a new head or his head a new body? Or both(asexual reproduction)?

In X2 when Wolverine was fighting the metallic lady with healing powers like himself, my friend and I were both rooting for one of them to get their heads chopped off, since it seemed like the only way one of them could die.
Posted by Rakeesh (Member # 2001) on :
Oh, so he 'just' had his arms and legs ripped off? That's a bit different...I suppose that given time to heal, it's not too unreasonable for a mutant with a healing factor.

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