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Posted by Yozhik (Member # 89) on :
Can easily be removed with Mr. Clean Magic Eraser.

Just in case you needed to know.
Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :

So what's the story?
Posted by jeniwren (Member # 2002) on :
What about grape juice?
Posted by Vid (Member # 7172) on :
Would the experts on CSI still be able to see that there was blood there?
Posted by sweetbaboo (Member # 8845) on :
jeniwren, it works amazingly well, I've never tried it on grape juice but it's taken off permenant marker at my house. I imagine it depends on the type of paint/wall covering but give it a shot.
Posted by jeniwren (Member # 2002) on :
Thanks sweetbaboo....I knew letting my daughter have a cup of grape juice in her bedroom was a bad idea.... I'll try it. And that's good to know about the permanent marker. That's one of my nightmares about having them in the house.

Do you know of a carpet equivilent?
Posted by sweetbaboo (Member # 8845) on :
Yep, Spot Shot...the other miracle worker at my house (I have young kids can you tell?) [Wink]
Posted by breyerchic04 (Member # 6423) on :
Jeni you just reminded me of the cutest thing ever, I had gone over to my mom's friend's house almost two years ago to see their new granddaugher, she was adorable. Her brother who was 15 months old, was upstairs in pack and play, napping. We heard him giggling on the monitor, so I went up to check. The kid had found a permanent marker on the table about 2 feet away, and somehow gotten it. He had black spots all over, face, everywhere. I'm not sure how they got it off though.
Posted by jeniwren (Member # 2002) on :
breyer, I swear, some kids are just destined for greatness. The creative use of a permanent marker is one of the hallmarks. [Big Grin] Which is why I'm afraid to have them in the house. That's my girl.

A friend of ours told a story about his day to watch his youngest son. His wife took the other three boys, and Greg was left home to watch the youngest, who was about 3. Greg had plans that day to hang wallpaper. So he set his youngest downstairs in the playroom with the intent to check on him every 15 minutes while he went and worked on the wallpaper project. Fifteen minutes turned into an hour at one point and when he went downstairs to check on the boy, he found the kid stark naked with a bucket of markers. All of them were open. And every inch of him except the middle of his back was covered with some color. Including his eyelids. One butt cheek was blue, the other one orange. Each toe was a different color. Each finger was a different color. There were swirls of color on his cheeks, that culminated in a bright red nose. The boy is destined for greatness, I'm sure of it. [Big Grin] I think he's 8 now.

I'll have to try Spot Shot. Rainbow discovered my box of nail polish bottles within hours of our having spent an astronomical amount of money to get the carpets cleaned professionally. She opened every bottle with predictable results. We never could get it all out.
Posted by Zan (Member # 4888) on :
My Mom used to bring home big sheets of paper for me to draw on. Once, I decided that wasn't big enough so I drew on the linoleum floor in the basement - with permanent marker. Before they carpeted it about 25 years later, you could still see it if you looked close.
Posted by Olivet (Member # 1104) on :
Those Magic Erasers are great. Blood, ink (I had tried everything else... it had been there for years) crayon.

I may have told the story about my oldest painting himself blue...
Posted by sweetbaboo (Member # 8845) on :
jeni, good luck with the fingernail polish removal (speaking of nightmares around the house, that is one of mine)
Posted by Zan (Member # 4888) on :
Do those Magic Erasers remove paint if you try and clean a wall?
Posted by jeniwren (Member # 2002) on :
We had to have that section of the carpet replaced. We would have just left it, but the house was for sale (which was why we had had the carpets cleaned). The house sold a couple of weeks later. It wasn't funny at the time, but I do laugh now thinking about it.
Posted by Sergeant (Member # 8749) on :
Speaking of kids, I was at my sister's house and our baby managed to find a black crayon and proceeded to eat it. Black stuff everywhere. Thankfully non-toxic

Posted by Olivet (Member # 1104) on :
Zan - Nope. At least not at my house. Of course , stuff comes off the higher gloss paint without the Magic Eraser, usually. The flat paint was where I had the trouble with the ink and crayon, which the ME took off but didn't touch the paint.
Posted by ludosti (Member # 1772) on :
Those Magic Erasers really do seem to be magic, from what I've heard. I should get one.

And in the spirit of the thread - I've learned that Formula 409 is a great way to remove blood from concrete. [Big Grin]
Posted by breyerchic04 (Member # 6423) on :
Blue, that's boring. One time when I was two, my mom was on the phone with my paternal grandma, I took off my clothes, found some green craft paint, painted pretty much all of me green, then walked into the kitchen and said "Ich Benein Naching Frash" I knew very little German, ok probably only that line, but they still laugh about it.
Posted by Alcon (Member # 6645) on :
Still with the curious about why Yozhik had to clean blood off his walls... alright, Yozhik?
Posted by Yozhik (Member # 89) on :
Would the experts on CSI still be able to see that there was blood there?
I think so. They'd put that glowing chemical on it.

I'm fine, by the way. Thanks for asking. [Smile] Mishka the Wonder Labrador, on the other hand, has repeatedly injured her tail by wagging it too hard. (This condition is known to veterinarians as - I SWEAR I am not making this up - "happy tail.")

Anyway, we put a bandage on Mishka's tail, but she would not leave the bandages on. We even put one of those lampshade collars on her, but she figured out that if she bashed it into things, the edges would bend, and this made the collar short enough that she could reach the tip of her tail and chew off the bandage. We sprayed Bitter Apple on it, but she hated the bandage more than she hated the Bitter Apple. Somebody said to sprinkle it with hot pepper, but this dog LIKES hot pepper.

So I got home from work, and she'd taken her tail bandage off again. After taking the bandage off, she evidently found something to wag her bleeding tail about, and whacked it repeatedly against walls, floor, furniture, and anything else that got in the way. (Evidently she has no pain sensing nerves in her tail.) My house looked like a crime scene from CSI. In an episode where they killed a midget. In every room. [Roll Eyes]

So after three hours of scrubbing and nine and a half Magic Erasers, I got most of the blood cleaned up. Mishka went to the vet, who put layers and layers of bandage on and then fitted her with a larger lampshade. If she leaves the bandage alone until Monday, it should be healed by then.
Posted by maui babe (Member # 1894) on :
My favorite story including a small child and markers/paints occured in a craft store.

I was shopping for craft supplies (well, duh) and had my daughter (who was maybe 2 at the time) in the shopping cart I was wheeling around the store. I had picked up a couple of bottles of acrylic paint, and without me noticing (I'll freely admit it was stupid to put the paint where she could reach it) she opened the red paint and poured it down the front of herself. I noticed it when I slipped on something, looked down and saw a smear of red on the floor. I knew immediately what had happened, and grabbed my little girl and rushed to the back of the store where the restrooms were to clean her up and maybe get some paper towels to clean up the floor.

As I was walking around the corner into the ladies room, carrying a child who looked like she was in a slasher movie, an employee of the store walked out of the rest room and nearly fainted. I was yelling "It's only paint! It's only paint!" while my daughter was giggling like a maniac. I'll never forget the look on that poor woman's face.

My daughter's clothes were ruined, and it wasn't funny at the time, but we laugh about it now.
Posted by 0range7Penguin (Member # 7337) on :
My dog once jumped the couch(he's a great Dane) and ran straight into the sliding glass door. Shwunk...SPLAT!!!
Posted by Tatiana (Member # 6776) on :
Wow, poor Mishka! And poor Yozhik!

How do you manage happy tail long term? Are you going to have to pad your walls and furniture so she can't harm herself?
Posted by Yozhik (Member # 89) on :
Long-term management of happy tail varies from dog to dog. (In extreme cases, part of the tail is amputated.) [Eek!]

However, I don't think we will need to do anything that drastic, or even to pad the walls, because we have finally, semi-accidentally, taught her a new command:

"Watch your tail!" Her response to this command is to put her tail down while wagging it and curl her body into a circle so that her tail isn't whacking against anything.

She's such a smart girl. [Blushing]
Posted by Nell Gwyn (Member # 8291) on :
My house looked like a crime scene from CSI. In an episode where they killed a midget. In every room.
This made me laugh really hard. [Big Grin]

Your dog sounds so cute - I love smart dogs! Did the vet happen to say what causes happy tail? I'd heard of it before, but I'm curious as to whether it's a mental or physical condition, or maybe something else. It just seems like such a bizarre thing to have. I tried googling for it, but all I got were bad puns and pet groomers/shelters. [Roll Eyes]
Posted by Olivet (Member # 1104) on :
That is good to hear, Yozik. Hope the poor doggy gets better soon.

The Blue paint thing... Robert was four, and I let him go next door and play with Taler. Taler's mom put out paper and many varieties of non-toxic paint and brushed. It was set up in their driveway (our houses are really close). It was a nice day so the windows were open and I could hear them clearly and seethem just at a glance.

When I put Liam down for a nap, I heard them coming to my front door. It was unlocked and I figured they'd just come in. They would do that a lot back then, go back and forth between our houses.

Some time passed, and I realized they had been standing at my fronty door for quite some time, talking and giggling. I opened the door. O_O

There stood Taler in a royal blue queen costume, complete with rhinestone tiara, daintily holding a royal blue piant pot. Robert stood next to her, most of his exposed skin blue.

They had decided to paint my front door blue, as a surprise for me. *snicker* I laughed so hard, I could hardly wash him. I took him upstairs stripped him and did a thorough bathing before I washed off the door.

It came off the door fine, but Robert remained faintly blue for a little while (I didn't want to scrub too hard, his skin is very sensitive (he gets red weals if weleave the tags in his shirts) and I didn't want to hurt him. The paint was not toxic.)

I called him "Little Boy Blue" and "my wee Celt" for some time after that. [Smile]

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