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Posted by Boon (Member # 4646) on :
Today, I'm going to the grocery store to pick up milk and onions. Then I'm going down to the barn to finish wrapping presents. Tonight, we'll have "grilled cheese and tomato soup sandwiches" for dinner and then let the kids open all the presents that are now under the tree (three for each of them).

That will give them each something to play with until my husband gets home from work tomorrow evening. He has to leave the house at about 4:30am to get there on time, so we're going to wait until he gets home to open Santa's gifts.

We're having waffles for breakfast tomorrow. My parents will be up in the early afternoon to bring the kids their presents, and will stay until they've opened them all.

I'm not cooking tomorrow afternoon or evening. I'm setting out a party tray and crudites...and desserts.

Friday, after Sis gets home again, I'm cooking the big feast. That way everyone will be off work and can come and relax all day while I cook up a storm!

Happy Holidays everyone!

What are you doing this week?
Posted by Tinros (Member # 8328) on :
Hmm, tonight we're going to the 5:00 service at my regular church, then we're joining my grandparents and baby cousin for the candlelight service at the church my mom goes to(it's a long story why we go to different churches.) After that, we're going to P.F. Chang's for a late dinner.

Tomorrow morning my parents will try unsuccessfully until noon to get my sister out of bed. She doesn't get much sleep at college, so she takes it out on us by making us wait til one to open our presents. Oh well. Katie will find out the power of a 17 year old sister with a pan and a spoon... [Evil Laugh]

Next week... II might actually be staying at a friend's house for a few days. SHe used to be my best friend, but we go to rival schools, so we didn't see much of each other. Her parents are going out of town for a few days, and she needs someone to stay with her, so she invited me. I still have to convince my parents though. Where's the "pray" graemlin when you need it? [Big Grin]

Then it's back to school, straight into exams. Joy. [Grumble]

Forget being politically correct.

Merry Christmas!

Happy Hannukah!

Happy Kwanzaa!

Happy New Year!

And if you don't celebrate anything, or I missed whatever it is you celebrate... HAVE FUN!!!
Posted by Eaquae Legit (Member # 3063) on :
Tonight is the traditional order-pizza Christmas Eve dinner. Then we are going to the midnight mass; this is not a bad thing since the new priest switched the schedule and made the new 9:30pm mass the main Eve mass. So the midnight one is the one with the cantor, which is what I like.

The family will be up around 8am in the morning, and after a round of warm sticky-buns, we'll open presents. At 1030 I leave for work, 11-4. Everyone else will probably have brunch and lounge around.

When I get back around 430pm, dinner will probably be getting near to ready, so we'll eat. I think my sister and her husband will be over for dinner and more presents. After dinner and dessert and tea, usually us siblings drift out to visit friends and exchange gifts.

Pretty relaxed, and I'm looking forward to it (minus work).
Posted by theCrowsWife (Member # 8302) on :
Today I'm trying to cook as much as possible so I don't have to do it tomorrow. I've finished the cookies (thumbprint and gingerbread) and the bread dough for rolls. Now I just need to make the pie crusts and pies, and chop vegetables for the stuffing. I might make scones for breakfast tomorrow, if I'm not too tired. I'm not doing anything special for dinner tonight because my husband is working late, but I like Boon's idea of grilled cheese sandwiches.

Tomorrow, we will get up and open stocking presents and have breakfast. Church service is at 10 am, so I don't know if we'll be opening presents before or after that. For dinner we'll be having roast duck, stuffing, potatoes and gravy, green bean casserole, rolls, and wassail. Dessert will be apple pie and mocha walnut pie, with homemade eggnog.

After our daughter goes to bed we'll be watching Serenity and probably eating popcorn.

Monday morning, I'll be driving to Yuma to visit my mom and brother. We'll be opening more presents there, and having another big feast. Then my mom and I will spend the next couple of days scrapbooking.

Posted by Tante Shvester (Member # 8202) on :
Originally posted by Tinros:
Where's the "pray" graemlin when you need it?

Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
I doubt I will be doing much. Perhaps I will chill with music and the rabbit.
It's his first Christmas with me. I hope it will be the first of many more.
Posted by Tante Shvester (Member # 8202) on :
Syn, when I first read it, I thought you'd be chillin' with music and the rabbi. And I was wondering why the rabbi was spending Christmas with you.

My rabbit's favorite food was bananas. So feed bunny some banana for me. I have no idea what my rabbi's favorite food is.
Posted by Allegra (Member # 6773) on :
I just spent 6+ hours at my church. I was in the choir for two 1.5hr serviced with half hour carol services beforehand. It made for a long but fufilling evening. I was put in the right mood for the season.

Tomorrow breakfast and presents at home with immediate family and a couple of guests. Then to Indianapolis for a couple of hours to see my aunt and all of her many kids and grandkids.

After that we are driving up to Chicago to stay with my uncle for the next few days. Then from Wednesday to Friday I will be in Vermont visiting my brother. On Friday back to Bloomington to ring in the New Year.
Posted by blacwolve (Member # 2972) on :
Tomorrow we will open presents and then make dinner. I made the cranberry sauce tonight and tomorrow I'll be in charge of the mashed potatoes. Those are the two things I can generally be trusted not to mess up. The cranberry sauce came out pretty thin, though, so I'm still trying to figure out what I did wrong. We probably won't eat until 3 and then we'll clean up and maybe watch one of the DVDs that people will get (I got my parents Serenity). In the evening I will bring the absurd number of presents I got my boyfriend over to his place and he'll show me whatever he got and we'll exchange gifts.

Monday I'll spend cleaning, because Monday night I'm having a party/gift exchange for all my friends.

After that life goes back to normal.
Posted by littlemissattitude (Member # 4514) on :
If I get my way - and I never, ever do, but if I do - I'm going to spend as much time this week lounging and reading. I mean serious, stay-in-bed-with-a-good-book reading. I've got a stock of library books on hand, I've had a ridiculously hectic three weeks or so, and I'm ready to hide. At this point, its either that or have the nervous breakdown I've been threatening to have for the past few months. And I'm only half-kidding about that.
Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
Bernie likes bananas too. He just gets a tiny little piece, but it makes him dance and stand up on his hind legs until he nearly falls over.
It's the cutest thing ever.
Posted by breyerchic04 (Member # 6423) on :
Last night I was in charge of dinner, it was pizza and a veggie tray. Today I totally spazzed and hid upstairs, I'm sorry I can't handle that sort of family.
Posted by Tinros (Member # 8328) on :
Bah, I can't stay at my friend's house. Daddy says it's too dangerous just having two teenage girls alone in a house for three days. Can't say I blame him(her town in and of itself it pretty dangerous), but I'm still a bit disappointed. Oh well- more time to read.

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