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Posted by AutumnFire (Member # 7320) on :
Hi, I recently put together photos of five women in this montage: , to determine a relatively simple pyschological fact. I would appreciate your answers to the questions under the photo.

1. Which one of these women looks least like the other four?
2. Which two look most different?
3. Which two look most simmilar?
4. Which is most attractive?
5. Which is least attractive?

If you would like to give reasons behind your answers for the first three, please do.

[ November 30, 2005, 03:51 AM: Message edited by: AutumnFire ]
Posted by unicornwhisperer (Member # 294) on :
I numbered them from left to right
1. 2
2. 2 and 5
3. 3 and 4
4. 4
5. 2
Posted by ketchupqueen (Member # 6877) on :
I can't do this-- my mind keeps flipping between differences and similarities, and 1, 2, and 5 all look equally different from the group as a whole.
Posted by MyrddinFyre (Member # 2576) on :
1. 2 (everyone else has pointier or more delicate chins)
2. 2 and 4 (coloring and facial structure)
3. 2 and 3 (coloring and facial structure)
4. 5
5. 1
Posted by Kitsune (Member # 8290) on :

1. 5
2. 2 and 5
3. 3 and 4
4. 4
5. 5

I really don't know how to explain all my answers.. but for question #3, they have the same smile.
Posted by AutumnFire (Member # 7320) on :
Thanks for the input! The results are breaking down rather interestingly. Keep 'em coming!
Posted by Bob_Scopatz (Member # 1227) on :
1. Which one of these women looks least like the other four? #5
2. Which two look most different? #2 & #5
3. Which two look most simmilar? #3 & #4
4. Which is most attractive? I'd have to know them first
5. Which is least attractive? ditto

Sorry, I know that's not helpful. Picking on physical characteristics from those photos, I'd say #5 is the most physically "striking" and #2 is the least.

"Attractive" goes way overboard as a descriptive term, in my opinion.
Posted by Corwin (Member # 5705) on :
1. Which one of these women looks least like the other four? #2; totally different face configuration

2. Which two look most different? #2 and #5; face; smile; #2 seems really outgoing type, while #5 seems a very "quiet" person; Also, I'm guessing clothes don't count, right?

3. Which two look most similar? #3 and #4; facial expression and general form of the face

4. Which is most attractive? Physically attractive: I'm torn between #1 and #4, but I think I'll go with #1. #3 and #4 have a kind of "shining", top-model beauty, while #1 is on the calm, quiet beauty side, and that's why I like her best on first glance. #5 is *too* quiet. [Smile]

5. Which is least attractive? Again, based on looks only I'd say #2. Her smile seems a bit forced and the general form of the face is less "feminine" than that of all the others.

[ November 20, 2005, 06:57 AM: Message edited by: Corwin ]
Posted by Carrie (Member # 394) on :
1. 2
2. 2 and 1
3. 1 and 3
4. 1
5. 5
Posted by ClaudiaTherese (Member # 923) on :
1, 3, and 4 look like the same young woman to me.

1. 5
2. 2 and 5
3. 1 and 3
4. 5
5. 1

[ November 20, 2005, 11:12 AM: Message edited by: ClaudiaTherese ]
Posted by Megan (Member # 5290) on :
1. I'm torn between 2 and 5, but in the end I think there are more differences for 2 (bangs, chin, thinner lips).

2. 2 & 5: 2 for the reasons above; 5 for the wider cheekbones, the cleft in the chin, the shade of her hair.

3. 3 & 4: Similar width of cheek bones, similar smile, similar eyebrows.

I agree with Bob that it's hard to say which is most or least attractive based on simply looks. I also think there's a certain element of imposing a personality on the people, based on what they're doing in the photo, that influences my opinion of them. For example, while #3 is pretty, I dislike the way she's looking at the camera; it's a glamour-shot-style photo, but that look makes me feel as if I weren't the intended audience for that photo. Meanwhile, #2, while perhaps not fitting the norm for physical beauty, looks far more like someone I'd want to spend time with. I find #1 to be the most physically striking in terms of looks, though, while #4 kind of looks like a sorority chick.

And, for some reason, I expect #5 speaks with an accent. I couldn't tell you why, though, and I spent a good couple of minutes looking at her face trying to figure that out.
Posted by Tante Shvester (Member # 8202) on :
I've decided that I'm mildly afflicted with prosopagnosia; faces confuse me. My first thought at looking at them is that they were all the same person. Then I decided that they were two different people. Then I decided that they were, indeed, five different people, but by this point, I was too confused to start deciding which were the most similar, different, attractive or not.

Maybe if I got to know them better, I'd do better at this. [Dont Know]
Posted by Dav (Member # 8217) on :
1. 5 - she looks a little ethnicly different from everyone else

2. 2+5 - 5's coloring and facial structure and 2's coloring and facial structure seem to contrast the most

3. 3+4 - they have similar smiles, and similar faces

4. 1 - she looks the most natural and at ease

5. 2 - she isn't actually unattractive, but her expression seems too intense
Posted by MandyM (Member # 8375) on :
1. Which one of these women looks least like the other four? 5, She is the only one not posing for the camera and she has darker skin than the others

2. Which two look most different? 2 & 5 Again with the dark skin for 5 compared to the fair redhead in 2

3. Which two look most simmilar? 1 & 2 both are fair red heads with light eyes, 3 is pretty similar to 1 as well but not as close as 1 & 2

4. Which is most attractive? 4 I guess, they are all cute though
5. Which is least attractive? 1 (she just looks pissed off)
Posted by Jhai (Member # 5633) on :
1. 5
2. 5 & 1
3. 1 & 3
4. 5
5. 2
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
I had some difficulty being "authoritative" on this, since #2 just wasn't a very flattering picture OR a very flattering haircut. In fact, I suspect that #2 would look a lot like #3 with some makeup and a wig.

1. #5
2. #2 and #5
3. #3 and #4
4. #5
5. #2
Posted by starLisa (Member # 8384) on :
Originally posted by AutumnFire:
Hi, I recently put together photos of five women in this montage: , to determine a relatively simple pyschological fact. I would appreciate your answers to the questions under the photo.

1. Which one of these women looks least like the other four?

Facially, Number 2 looks the least like the other four. The others all have oval-ish faces, but she has a much broader one. Granted, the bangs make her face look even broader.

In terms of general impression, Number 5 looks the least like the others. The others all give off a very active, gregarious vibe, but she seems more solitary and inwardly directed.

Originally posted by AutumnFire:
2. Which two look most different?

I think Numbers 2 and 4 are the most different. Number 2 seems pretty butch, and Number 4 is pretty femme.

Originally posted by AutumnFire:
3. Which two look most simmilar?

I think Numbers 4 and 5. Both have dark hair. But then, Numbers 1 and 3 have the most similar faces. Tough call. I think I'll stick with 4 and 5. That's my final answer, Regis.

Originally posted by AutumnFire:
4. Which is most attractive?

I think Number 5. She has this dreamy look on her face that's really appealing.

Originally posted by AutumnFire:
5. Which is least attractive?

I guess maybe Number 2. I feel bad saying that, but that's just me. It's hard to tell from pictures.

Originally posted by AutumnFire:
If you would like to give reasons behind your answers for the first three, please do.

Posted by kojabu (Member # 8042) on :
1. 2
2. 1 and 5, very different face shapes, different hair color
3. 1 and 3, same face shape, similar hair
4. 4
5. 2
Posted by Pariah (Member # 8773) on :
1.) 5 - She has a different skin tone, and hair color
2.) 2,5 - 2 Has a much rounder chin than all the others, 5 (same as above)
3.) 3,4 - Same chin-line, same smile, same nose.
4.) 5
5.) 3
Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
1. Which looks the least like the other 4?


2. Which two look most different?

#2 and #5

3. Which two look most similar?

#3 and #4

4. Which is most attractive.


5. Which is least attractive?


So, will you be telling us what this is for, once you've collected the data you need?
Posted by Dragon (Member # 3670) on :
1.) 2 - bangs, and the picture is less sharp
2.) 2&4 - chin shape, hair and skin color
3.) 1&3 - hair color, face/nose shape, angle from which they're looking at the camera
4.) 4
5.) 2
Posted by theamazeeaz (Member # 6970) on :
1 to 5 left to right.

1. #5. 1 and 2 look similar, 3 and 4 look similar.
2. 2 and 4
3. 3 and 4
4. 3 (only because the photo is the most flattering) The other girls aren't ugly.
5. 2
Posted by breyerchic04 (Member # 6423) on :
1. Which one of these women looks least like the other four? #5
2. Which two look most different? 3 and 5
3. Which two look most simmilar? 3 and 4
4. Which is most attractive? 4, but I would most likely be friends with 5
5. Which is least attractive? 2
Posted by Narnia (Member # 1071) on :
1. 5
2. 2 and 5
3. 2 and 3
4. 3 (only because the picture shows her at her best)
5. 1
Posted by Xavier (Member # 405) on :
1) 5. She has a dimpled chin, which none of the others have. Plus her hair is dark, when three of the others have light hair. 4 has dark hair as well, but she also has a VERY similar face to number three. I would pick number 2, because she has a more round, strong face, but she has some similar facial features as number four.

2) 2 and 5. No question.

3) 3 and 4. Like I said, very similar facial features. Thier jawlines are almost identical.

4) 3. She has a great picture here. I think 1 is also a very pretty girl, and if she were smiling she might have gotten my pick.
Posted by Avadaru (Member # 3026) on :
1. Which one of these women looks least like the other four? 5 - she has different (more defined) bone structure than the other 4
2. Which two look most different? 2 and 5 - coloring and facial features are nothing alike
3. Which two look most similar? 2, 3, and 4 - they look like almost the same person except for differences in hair color and shape of the nose, and 2's eyes are squinted quite a lot
4. Which is most attractive? 3 or 4 - both have friendly eyes and a pleasant smile
5. Which is least attractive? 2 or 5, though it is difficult to tell exactly how 5 would look from straight on

(also posted on devart)
Posted by esl (Member # 3143) on :
1. 3 - because she's the most glammed up.
2. 2, 5 - violin woman cuz of ethnicity, USC I'm not sure why.. maybe the hair
3. 1, 3 - probably because they're pictured by themselves
4. 4
5. 3
Posted by Beren One Hand (Member # 3403) on :
1. Which one of these women looks least like the other four? 2

2. Which two look most different? 2 & 5

3. Which two look most simmilar? 3 & 4

I'm not sure I want to answer 4 & 5. Do you have authorization from the subjects in the photos to use their photos in this way?

Not to give you a hard time or anything, but I would hate finding out that people have been making "hot or not" comments about my pictures without my knowledge. [Wink]
Posted by ClaudiaTherese (Member # 923) on :
Good question, Beren One Hand.

I'd be willing to bet that someone involved with this test either is or has the knowledge of a young woman who is multiply represented in some of these photos. That's just my read of it, though, and it doesn't address the voluntariness of all participants.

Actually, the photos themselves shouldn't be used at all without permission of whomever holds copyright, but that's a different sort of issue.
Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
Yeah CT, that's my take on it as well.
Posted by Belle (Member # 2314) on :
The one with the violin looks the most dis-similar - it's the chin and the shape of the jaw.

They're all beautiful, every one of them.
Posted by Beren One Hand (Member # 3403) on :
Well, arivl is listed as "male" in deviantART, so we know he is not one of the girls.

I'm sure there's a perfectly innocent explanation for this, but I just wanted to make sure that's all. [Smile]
Posted by JaimeBenlevy (Member # 6222) on :
1) 2
2) 2 and 5
3) 1 and 3
4) 1 but mostly because she looks like someone I know
5) 2
Posted by Tatiana (Member # 6776) on :
1. Least like the other 4 is the one on the far left. I'm not sure why. It took me a long time to decide this. To me the two on the left look different from the three on the right because of coloring.
2. Most different are second from the left and far right because their coloring is so different.
3. Most similar are the one in the middle and the one immediately to her right. Those two could be the same girl.
4. Most attractive is the one on the far right. Because she's focused on playing the violin, and not on the camera.
5. Least attractive (they're all attractive) is the one on the far left, maybe because she's not smiling as much in this picture.
Posted by ClaudiaTherese (Member # 923) on :
(Noemon, have you been reading my mind again?)

Attractiveness is such a matter of presentation and context. I was absolutely floored to learn that this picture (Marissa Ribisi as the redheaded Cynthia of Dazed and Confused) and this other picture are of the same woman (same actress and Independent Spirit awards, albeit eight years later).

Simply floored.

Edit: fixed link. And I can see the similarity now that I know, but when I googled "Marissa Rubisi" after first seeing her in DaC -- as she looked kinda familiar, and so many actors* had early breakout roles in that film -- I was astonished.

*(Matthew McConaughey, Ben Affleck, Parker Posey, Joey Lauren Adams, etc.)
Posted by Tatiana (Member # 6776) on :
They're all attractive, I think, and of course you can't tell from a picture. But I find it interesting that there's absolutely no consensus on who is most and least attractive in these pictures. Beauty really is in the eye of the beholder.
Posted by ClaudiaTherese (Member # 923) on :
I think my gut reactions to the "attractiveness" question have changed as I've gotten older. I find a real gut-level dislike in my reaction to the presentation of certain personality features in pictures, moreso than when I was younger. I also find different features catch and hold my interest now.

Unfortunately, I'll have to admit that I have an immediate aversion to people who look like someone I've disliked in the past, too. When I was younger, there were so many fewer people to dislike. *wry grin
Posted by Storm Saxon (Member # 3101) on :
We're all beatiful, unique snowflakes, and we're all winners at life.
Posted by ClaudiaTherese (Member # 923) on :
Bite me, Stormie.
Posted by ReikoDemosthenes (Member # 6218) on :
I included clothing in my perspective because I've found that the way one dresses can often indicate a lot about the person. If you could note me as to what this is for, that'd be great. *also posting this at dA, FYI*

1. Which one of these women looks least like the other four?

The one in the USC shirt. She does not give the appearance of taking care of herself quite as much as the others.

2. Which two look most different?

The one in the Elmo shirt and the one with the violin. The former gives the appearance of assertiveness. She also appears to be a bit more of a person who sees people. The latter carries a more whispy, less concrete appearance. Less concerned with people and more poetic in looks. Part of this is likely due to the presence of the violin in the picture.

3. Which two look most simmilar?

The girl in the green and the girl to her right. They're wearing almost the exact same smile and they are dressed in what seems to be similar levels of neatness.

4. Which is most attractive?

Probably the girl with the violin. She has a clean appearance and her expression is intriguing in this photo.

5. Which is least attractive?

The girl in the USC shirt. She honestly does not look like she cares about how she looks. She just appears very sloppy in dress and such things tend to spill over to how one carries themself, how they keep their living area, and a number of other things. Not always (especially as there are any number of possibilities for why she'd be dressed as such and all that at the time of the photo), but often it is true.
Posted by tern (Member # 7429) on :
1. 2
2. 2 and 5
3. 3 and 4
4. 3
5. 2

I was wondering if they were all the same person, and I'm not suprised to find that out. So what are your conclusions, AutumnFire?
Posted by xtownaga (Member # 7187) on :
(numbered from left to right)

1. Which one of these women looks least like the other four?
2. Which two look most different?
2 and 3
3. Which two look most simmilar?
1 and 3
4. Which is most attractive?
5. Which is least attractive?
Posted by JaimeBenlevy (Member # 6222) on :
"The girl in the green and the girl to her right."

Which girl is in green? [Confused]
Posted by Corwin (Member # 5705) on :
The one to the left of the one to the right of the girl in green. I think.


She's probably talking about the girl in the 3rd picture (from left or right, take your pick [Wink] ), although to me that dress seems blue, not green.
Posted by Rappin' Ronnie Reagan (Member # 5626) on :
The girl in the USC shirt. She honestly does not look like she cares about how she looks. She just appears very sloppy in dress and such things tend to spill over to how one carries themself, how they keep their living area, and a number of other things.
So if I wear jeans and a shirt it means I don't care about how I look?

1. 5
2. 2 and 5
3. 3 and 4
4. 2
5. toss up between 1 and 4
Posted by JaimeBenlevy (Member # 6222) on :
The girl in green is the one in blue? [Confused] [Confused] [Confused] [Wink] Ok, I see now how the blue can be seen as green. Kind of weird how when you think of green when you look at the dress you see it as green.
Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
::thinks of green::

Nope, still looks blue to me.


I was wondering if they were all the same person, and I'm not suprised to find that out.

Tern, where did someone in the know confirm that? I wouldn't be at all surprised to hear that 1-4 were the same person, but if someone in the know confirmed it, I missed it.

(Noemon, have you been reading my mind again?)
:: puts mind reading device behind back ::

Why, whatever could you be talking about?
Posted by JaimeBenlevy (Member # 6222) on :
I want to be in the know. How do I get there?
Posted by ClaudiaTherese (Member # 923) on :
I don't think it has been confirmed, either. It just looks quite possible to me from the bone structure (certainly so for 1,3 and 4, and possibly 2), and it does seem to be the way these sorts of quizzes are structured, but I don't think we've had any real answer as to that.

I'm now assuming that AutumnFire is waiting awhile to gather more responses, or perhaps is away from the computer for a few days. I'll check back in later in the week, as I am curious to find out.
Posted by AutumnFire (Member # 7320) on :
I am indeed waiting for more answers, but in the meantime i'd be happy to hear your speculation.
Posted by ClaudiaTherese (Member # 923) on :
What other sort of speculation do you want? I'd be happy to offer more details, but I'm not sure just what you are hoping for.

And you do have the copyright permission for all five pictures, yes? (just to keep it clear, that is.)
Posted by imogen (Member # 5485) on :
1. 5 (dimple in her chin)

2. 5 & 2 (dimple and the noses are different)

3. 1 & 3 (same facial structure, noses)

4. 4 (That photo reminds me of a friend of mine so that's probably influencing it. [Smile] )

5. 2 (Gosh, it does feel icky to say that)
Posted by kmbboots (Member # 8576) on :

2& 5

3 & 4


Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
1. Which one of these women looks least like the other four?

#5 She appears to be Jewish.

2. Which two look most different?

#2 and #5

3. Which two look most simmilar?

#1 and #2, though #4 and #5 look a lot alike (just, you know, different sub-races.)

4. Which is most attractive?


5. Which is least attractive?

They are all attractive except #2. And I would wager that's because it's a bad picture.

Posted by Altáriël of Dorthonion (Member # 6473) on :
1.) 5
2.) 2 & 5
3.) 4 & 5
4.) 1
5.) 2
Posted by ketchupqueen (Member # 6877) on :
#5 She appears to be Jewish.

She looks Hispanic to me...
Posted by Omega M. (Member # 7924) on :
With 1 being the leftmost and 5 being the rightmost, and ignoring as much as I can backgrounds, clothes, hairstyles, etc. (I assume this is what is meant by considering only "permanent characterstics"):

1. 2 (face seems a lot flatter than the others)
2. 2 and 5 (2's face is flat and hair is red, 5's face is angular and hair is blackish)
3. 4 and 5 (similar hair color and cheekbones)
4. 2
5. 4

Regarding questions 4 and 5: For "most attractive" I went back and forth between 1 and 2 for a while, but I went with 2 because her difference from the rest of the group made her seem more attractive. She also has a nice energetic tomboyish look to her, although that's probably due to the clothes. For "least attractive" I went with 4 because her face looks fat and her smile looks (if you'll excuse me) "slutty." Her clothes don't help. As for the others, 3 looks like a pretty run-of-the-mill dressed-up girl, 5 looks intriguing but very cold, and 1 radiates an attractive sense of power and control which is, however, undermined by her childish Elmo shirt.

(Looking at the faces, I think 1 and 3 are the same person, as are 4 and 5.)

[ November 21, 2005, 02:50 PM: Message edited by: Omega M. ]
Posted by Dan_raven (Member # 3383) on :
Going L to R

1. Which one of these women looks least like the other four? 2
2. Which two look most different? 2,5
3. Which two look most simmilar?1,3
4. Which is most attractive?3
5. Which is least attractive?2
Posted by Tatiana (Member # 6776) on :
Okay, I'm ready for the answers now. What is this about? Are any of these pictures the same person as any of the others? Come on! Don't keep us in suspense forever! [Smile]
Posted by Corwin (Member # 5705) on :
Yeah, I think we're all ready. [Big Grin]
Posted by Dragon (Member # 3670) on :
I agree.
Posted by Bob_Scopatz (Member # 1227) on :
I think they're all new Jatraqueras and we're going to find out that we've mortally insulted at least 3 of the 5.
Posted by calaban (Member # 2516) on :
1. 5 strong mediterranian features.
2. 2 and 5
3. 1 and 2
4. 1
5. 5; not that she is unnatractive.
Posted by theamazeeaz (Member # 6970) on :
Posted by Treason (Member # 7587) on :
1. Which one of these women looks least like the other four? #5. her face is smaller, her skin tone is not as pink, dimple in her chin, looks more exotic.
2. Which two look most different? #1 and #5. Totally different bone structure and skin/hair.
3. Which two look most simmilar? #3 and #4. Smiles, eyes, cheekbones, chins look alike to me.
4. Which is most attractive? #5. Beautiful skin, shiny hair, small nose, cute dimple in her chin, exotic, playing a violin.
5. Which is least attractive? #2. Partly because her hair isn't cut right and she's wearing "schlumpy" clothes. Her skin looks a little ruddy and her chin is a bit wide. Still cute though, none of the girls are unatractive.

I didn't read any posts after your first one so I wouldn't be biased. I'll go read them now.

[ November 28, 2005, 02:05 AM: Message edited by: Treason ]
Posted by jennabean (Member # 8590) on :
1. 5
2. 2 and 5
3. 3 and 4
4. 5
5. 1
Posted by Sartorius (Member # 7696) on :
1. 2--Her face is rounder, her eyes are smaller. The others all have hair styles more off the face than she does. Her picture is also slightly out of focus.
2. 1 and 4--1's face is long and angular, 4's is short and round. They're coloring is completely different.
3. 1 and 3--they look like sisters.
4. 5--She has a violin.
5. 3--don't know why.

I tried not to think too hard. If the first question had been last I would have answered 5.
Posted by Omega M. (Member # 7924) on :
Maybe we could get an estimate of when we'll find out the point of this experiment?
Posted by JLM (Member # 7800) on :
1) 5
2) 2 & 5
3) 1 & 4
4) 4
5) 2
Posted by SenojRetep (Member # 8614) on :
1. 5 (not looking at the camera, different facial structure, cleft chin, nose, jawline)
2. 1 and 5
3. 3 and 4
4. 5
5. 2
Posted by Tatiana (Member # 6776) on :
AutumnFire, please edit the thread title when you tell us the answers. Until then I'm going to ignore this thread.
Posted by SenojRetep (Member # 8614) on :
I went back and tabulated results so far, for anyone interested (these are approximate, since I'm sure I misread some posts):

Least like others-
5=24 votes (59%)
2=15 votes (37%)
1=1 vote (2%)
3=1 vote (2%)
4=0 votes (0%)

Most different-
2&5 = 29 votes (69%)
1&5 = 5 votes (12%)
2&4 = 4 votes (10%)
2&1, 3&5, 2&3, 1&4 = 1 vote each (2%)

Most simmilar-
3&4 = 22 votes (52%)
1&3 = 11 votes (26%)
4&5 = 3 votes (7%)
1&2 = 3 votes (7%)
2&3 = 2 votes (5%)
1&4 = 1 vote (2%)

Most attractive-
5 = 16 votes (42%)
4 = 11 votes (29%)
1 = 6 votes (16%)
3 = 4 votes (11%)
2 = 1 vote (3%)

Least attractive-
2 = 23 votes (61%)
1 = 8 votes (21%)
3 = 3 votes (8%)
5 = 3 votes (8%)
4 = 1 vote (3%)

I think that 1-4 are the same girl at different life stages (at a guess, 2=10th grade, 1=11th, 3=12th, 4=college freshman) and number 5 is a friend.

[ November 28, 2005, 01:57 PM: Message edited by: SenojRetep ]
Posted by sarahdipity (Member # 3254) on :
I'm not so sure. 1 seems to have greenish hazel eyes while 3 and 4 have dark brown looking eyes. Although, it could be my computer, or color changing contacts.
Posted by Glenn Arnold (Member # 3192) on :
Does she have two eyes that are both the same size?

Sorry, been waiting for the Sesame Street references to fly.
Posted by punwit (Member # 6388) on :
I haven't read any responses in an effort to limit being influenced by others observations.

Question 1. This is tough. I'm gonna have to have several responses here. Physically, #2 has a broad face and that seperates her from the others but expression-wise #1 seems the least content or happy. #5 is the only one truly engaged in something (also has a prop) I'm gonna go with #1 because she doesn't seem as happy or content.

Question 2. I'm not certain as to your intent here. There are two interpretations of this. Do you mean which two are most different from each other, or which two deviate from the class as a whole. I'm going to answer which two seen different from the whole. I think numbers 1 and 5 are different because they are the two without big smiles.

Question 3. I'm going with numbers 3 and 4 because of the shape of the face and the quality of their smile.

Question 4. I'm torn between number 3 and number 5. The emotion and obvious enjoyment that # 5 exudes makes her very attractive, but I'm gonna have to say number 3, again becaue of the quality of her smile.

Question 5. I'm having a hard time deciding between numbers 1 and 2. Two is smilling but I'm not fond of her broad face and chin but number 1 seems almost angry and I don't find that attractive. That's the best I can do.
Posted by unicornwhisperer (Member # 294) on :
Autumnfire are you going to tell us the point of this quiz or rather if two women are the same? [Big Grin] I hope you got enough responses.
Posted by ElJay (Member # 6358) on :
Autumnfire hasn't posted at all since s/he started this thread on 11/20. So I'm not real hopeful of the answers showing up.

I, also, think the women are all the same, incidentally.
Posted by theamazeeaz (Member # 6970) on :
They can't all be the same person. 1 has green eyes. Most of the others have brown. You can't really tell 2's eye color.

Still waiting for the psychological fact.
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
The one thing that I see from the data is that people tend to think the most attractive and the most unattractive person look least like each other. Which isn't surprising.
Posted by Rappin' Ronnie Reagan (Member # 5626) on :
I don't have any hope of AutumnFire posting an answer either. Especially since s/he never posted an answer in his/her other thread like this.
Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
I, also, think the women are all the same, incidentally.
So do you think that #5 was photoshopped then? She looks to me like a different person, although I agree with you that the other four are all the same person.

I'll be pretty irritated if AutumnFire doesn't show back up and explain what this is all about. Used, and all that.
Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
You know, it occurs to me that part of the information we're wondering about could be in the thread's title.
Posted by AutumnFire (Member # 7320) on :
Okay folks, thank you all so much for your time and effort. I especially appreciate your explanations behind your answers. The intention of this experiment was to determine if

1. If these women conform to a particular physical "type."

2. If women 3 and 4 look distinctly simmilar even within the confines of this particular selection.

As far as the selection process goes, four are women that I personally have found attractive at one point, and one (number 2) is a control who I believe to be objectively attractive, and superficially similar to the others but who I have never been attracted to.

All five are different people (sorry to dissapoint) but the fact it was often assumed that they weren't is indicative of the answer to question 1 (and also of people's general scepticism of the stated purpose of a pyschological survey).

The results at last count from a tally of multipe sources are:
2 x21
3 x4
5 x33

1,2 x2
1,5 x7
2,3 x2
2,4 x5
2,5 x38
3,5 x2

1,2 x2
1,3 x13
2,3 x5
3,4 x33
4,5 x2

1 x11
2 x3
3 x8
4 x16
5 x16

1 x7
2 x33
3 x7
4 x3
5 x4

Thank you all again for your generosity.
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :

1. If these women conform to a particular physical "type."

2. If women 3 and 4 look distinctly simmilar even within the confines of this particular selection.

Can you explain why this is worthy of a survey?
Posted by Omega M. (Member # 7924) on :
Can you tell us more about how you thought the survey would work out, and why?

The difference in hair color alone was enough to make me rule out 3 and 4 as most similar; what made you think they might be?

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